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/lit/ - Literature

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2890550 No.2890550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

aware me, /lit/

why do SO many people read ONLY fictional literature and novels? doesn't fucking matter if it's a world known author. what's the point?

brb reading Hemingway, Remarque or Salinger
brb learning absolutely nothing, doesn't change me as a person

why not read books on self development, meditation, psychology, philosophy, nutrition, strength training etc.? apply said exercises and become a stronger version of yourself, let it be physically or mentally?

>> No.2890561

>become a stronger version of yourself, let it be physically or mentally?

>valuing strength
>presuming strength comes from knowledge
>presuming knowledge comes solely from nonfiction

a real hat trick, zowzers

>> No.2890560
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>> No.2890564

>aware me
You could do with some basic English textbook yourself.

>> No.2890567


>> No.2890570

never change, /lit/

stay autistic

>> No.2890574

>aware me


>> No.2890575
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>ad hominem

>> No.2890581

>nothing to reply with
>better call them autistic

>> No.2890583


in fact, i do

>> No.2890582

Do you really think you can't learn any of those from reading fiction?

I feel pity for you.

>> No.2890578
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Because it's fun

>> No.2890586

Why do you think these authors are renowned world-wide?

>> No.2890592

no you humongous faggot.

the average guy will put the book down and go onto the next one

in order to truly learn something you need to do it/read it multiple times until it sinks in, jesus christ do you even neuro-psychology?

>> No.2890595

I'm sorry, OP, but that is the most stupid point I have ever heard anyone make ever.

>> No.2890594

just an example

>> No.2890600

you must be 12

>> No.2890599

maybe you're too stupid to "get" literary fiction. no, you probably haven't considered this option. i don't blame you. no one wants to think they're stupid.

>> No.2890596


>I can't come up with real argument, better call the other person a faggot.

>> No.2890597
File: 48 KB, 500x750, neat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apply your critical thinking skills, op. i'm sure you can figure out how reading fiction could teach you about the world around you.

>> No.2890606


you must be 16

>> No.2890607

no fuck off

>> No.2890608
File: 39 KB, 562x437, Ohwow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apply your critical thinking skills, op. i'm sure you can figure out how reading fiction could teach you about the world around you.

brb reading LOTR series


>> No.2890616


>> No.2890618


I bet you thought you could actually troll someone

>> No.2890630

>>>not learning shit from fiction

Shiggy ma diggy doo dah.

>> No.2890638

come at me LOTR hardcore fan boys

wow i actually thought you geeks would be more interesting and challenging

>> No.2890641

Come on OP, you can do better than this. It's not trolling unless someone actually gets mad.

>> No.2890647


I find it overwhelmingly ironic that a guy comes on here and denigrades the value of literature whilst spouting bodybuilding memes.

>> No.2890650

spending your time reading lotr is more productive than making these kind of threads on 4chan.

>> No.2890648
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"I was born perfect, been that way ever since"

>> No.2890652

marry me


y-you too

>> No.2890657

>implying it's not just stating the obvious in erudite language

>> No.2890658

People like to be entertained. And most people don't think they need to become a better person. Also, you'd be better off doing the things you listed instead of reading about them. Except for a few, which people would likely only read about to entertain themselves.

>> No.2890683
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Things don't need to have an immediate use. Books are not merely means to a goal, but a goal on themselves. It's not about settling down or anything like that, but about living life as it is, without the need to post-pone and dream about some gain coming from it. People will live life in a variety of ways.

A waste of time has nothing to do with activities themselves, but on how they diverge from what you really want to do, falling for vices, anxieties and bad habits. You think it's a waste of time, because it's not what you really want to do, but you are missing that others will have different needs, desires and interests, that need no justification to make sense, as they are part of the core of that person.

And as a secondary argument, self-improvement comes from fiction as well. It comes from anything, really, you are always changing, thinking, having insights. "Art is a lie that makes us realize the truth".

Self-improvement is only relative to who we are. If deep inside you see yourself as a martial artist, you might not want to "waste time" studying a chemistry textbook in depth, if you ought to become a doctor, you might not want to "waste time" training a kick for hours. Who are we to say what others are made of underneath their skin?

One thing fiction can teach you is to enter other contexts and frames of mind, so to understand them. This is one thing that is lacking in you, OP and that should make you a much more stronger person.

>> No.2890697

>Implying you could explain it in any type of language

No no no, youre right you totally are smarter than a whole branch of human thought, you just aren't trying right?

>> No.2890715

a sane post, finally

>> No.2890717

Because I suffer from a severe compulsion to disassociate from reality and I don't want to be reminded of it.