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/lit/ - Literature

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2886827 No.2886827[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>read Blade Runner
>Book is not about ice-skating

Man, what a scam!

>> No.2886831

>read War and Peace
>there is no peace

I want my money back!

>> No.2886836

don't you mean it isn't about electric sheep?

>> No.2886838

>read Goethes Faust
>there is no martial arts in it at all

What a shitty book!

>> No.2886842

>Read 50 Shades of Grey
>Book is not about how to control shading while painting

What the fuck is this shit.

>> No.2886843

Yeah! That too!
They didn't even answer that question!

Man, that author... what a Dick

>> No.2886854

>read Homers Odyssee
>it's actually Odysseus going on an Odyssee
>Homer is not even in it

What a disappointing read.

>> No.2886856

>read Fight Club
>Chuck Palnfuck is a shit writer

>> No.2886857

>read Moby-Dick
>book is not gay erotica

I always thought the "white whale" was a euphemism... turns out it was just a symbol.

>> No.2886866
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>reading the movie titled version
what a fag.

>read SFAA
it's not about shoplifting from American Apparel.

>> No.2886871

>read Call of Cthulhu
>they don't even have a telephone on that ship

Lovecraft you hack!

>> No.2886884


But... it is.

>> No.2886905

>read nausea
>the guy never pukes

>get mahself a copy of "the picture of Dorian Gray"
>only text, no pics

fucking dropped

>> No.2886911

>Read "The Autobiography of a Flea"
>it's not about entomology

>> No.2886926

>read 1984
>1984 was nothing like it

>> No.2886934

>Read The Story of O
>is not about the historical development of the latin script, it's about some people doing silly things to each other all the time.

>> No.2886942

>read 50 shades of grey
>it's not about black/white tonality

>> No.2886947


Worst history book ever, right?

>> No.2886949

>Read Delta of Venus
> it is not Sci-Fi

Fuck you stupid feminist hpyersexual cunts, you and all your 50 shades of gayness can go fuck your jew editors in the ass

>> No.2886955

>read Look at the Birdie
>not about birdwatchers or birdwatching

>> No.2886961

>read a raisin in the sun
>stuff actually happens

Thank god...

>> No.2886969

Read Notes From Underground
>He is not and was never underground

Read One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest
>There is no cuckoos nest

>> No.2886968
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Dude! The same happened to me when I was reading "Little Birds".

Those are quite different "great tits" from the ones I expected...


>> No.2886977

>Read about Global Warming
>Mostly a theory

Wow, I never knew the standards for truth in science was just everyone saying it's right.

>> No.2886980

Welcome to postmodernity, man.

PROTIP: it's quite late, it is already finishing, so see you on the next gig!

>> No.2886986

>Read A Short History of Tractors in Ukrainian
It is not a history of tractors
It's in English

>> No.2886989

>Read Generation X
>No one had super powers

>> No.2886998

>read Norwegian Wood
>It's not about some whore getting dicked by a procession of Scandinavian natives

>> No.2887003

>end to postmodernity

Goodluck with that.


Read some George Monbiot

>> No.2887004

>Read Picatrix
> it is not a BSDM fanfic about a femeninized Pikachu Dominatrix

>> No.2887011

I blame those fucking arabs

>> No.2887019

>science was just everyone saying it's right.

That's actually how it works. That's how it's always worked, actually.
Sometimes it's supported by something concrete, sometimes it's not, but that's how it do.

>> No.2887023
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>Read about Evolution
>Mostly a theory

Wow, I never knew the standards for truth in science was just everyone saying it's right.

>> No.2887028

>Read Grapes of Wrath
>Lots of peaches but no grapes


>> No.2887035


There's a fuckton of evidence for it now though, like those moths in Britain that entirely changed colour in two generations to camouflage themselves in smoggier conditions.

>> No.2887039


Do not start a discussion. DO NOT

>> No.2887051

I don't think Adaptation and Evolution are exactly the same thing, though. They lean heavily on each other, but I mean, two generations is fucking fast.

>> No.2887053

Both of you. To /sci/. NOW!

>> No.2887054

That was a proven fraud.

Plus: adaptation =/= evolution.

>> No.2887055

it was all a hoax by the government, this has been disproved, please do your research before posting here

>> No.2887056
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>Didn't get the memo for: Altermodernism, Metamodernism, New-Sincerity, Neomodernism, Transmodernism, etc...

Postmodernity is dying for sure, at least in "contemporary" culture, but if you still live in the delay it could seems pretty alive. So better culture yourself, old sport.

>> No.2887074

>Read Of Mice and Men
>no human-rodent adventures

>> No.2887078

>tfw you post a classically outlandish argument just to get people mad

>tfw someone does the exact same thing a minute before you

trolling ain't what it used to be

>> No.2887077

>read We
>book is not about me, nor anyone else I know
You can never trust Russians.

>> No.2887087

>Moby Dick isn't gay erotica
>clearly doesn't know about that Queequeg bed scene

>> No.2887130

>read No Country for Old Men
>not about culling the elderly from the population

>> No.2887127

only one that made me laugh

>> No.2887149

>read Leviathan
>it's some boring politycs bullshit

wtf guys I wanted epic sea monsters

>> No.2887156

>Read Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
>It had a girl with a dragon tattoo

No complaints.

>> No.2887184

>Read This is a Book

Got exactly what I came for.

>> No.2887186

>Read /lit/
>Nobody actually discussing literature

>> No.2887223

>read /lit/
>board has finally succumbed to "LE /LIT/ CULTURR xDDD"

>> No.2887233

Remember this is a board on 4chan, not a fucking Oxford literature seminar.

>> No.2887241

"This is 4chan, so we've got to sprinkle the place with buttons of dogshit."

Nah, I reject that notion. The fact that /lit/ is on 4chan has nothing to do with /lit/ itself. There's no reason why this place can't be above banal /b/ bullshit.

>> No.2887252


Just have fun why doncha?

>> No.2887256

there is a level between "all things must be serious" and, you know, dumb /b/ shit. dumb joking around and funny shitposting is at the heart of /lit/ but at the same time, we can probably do without dumb boring memetic crap. i guess what i'm trying to say here is ~~~the truth is somewhere in the middle~~~

>> No.2887261

One person's fun is another's misery. Some people have a terrible time at amusement parks, others have a horrible time at Oxford literature seminars.

Maybe I am having fun, arguing these differences and not having fun reading these Amelia Bedeliaish posts. Ever think of that?

>> No.2887271


You're silly.

>> No.2887274

>read the metamorphosis
>It's about a transformation

Fucking translators....

>> No.2887276

take a chill pill dude, if you try to approach /lit/ that seriously you're just going to be disappointed and bitter and angry. and while, yes, being angry and bitter is certainly an integral part of the /lit/ experience, you have to relax a little bit.

>> No.2887282

/lit/ is the cool place to hang out. You can find most of the cool people there. In ./lit/ you can just chill and do whatever and totally relax. "Take it easy" is the /lit/ motto, for example, that's how laid back it is there. Show up if you want to have a good time. Another good reason to show up is if you want to hang out with friends.

>> No.2887341
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>read To Kill a Mocking Bird
>not a word about killing fucking mocking birds

feels bad man

>> No.2887345

>read Catch-22
>It's not about capturing a number


>> No.2887362

>Read Grapes of Wrath
>Not about evil, vengeful fruit killing niggers for no raisin

>> No.2887366

>Read Moby Dick
>Is actually approaching erotic at times

Not bad.

>> No.2887370

>Read The Pale King
>Nothing to do with an albino sovereign

>> No.2887375

>read A Song of Ice and Fire
>series is not about ice-skating

Man, what a scam!

>> No.2887377
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>read the Fountainhead
>book is not about Pete Fountain getting a blowjob


>> No.2887382
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>"I found Queequeg's arm thrown over me in the most loving and affectionate manner."

This is getting hot.

>> No.2887396
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oh god tell us where he stowed his harpoon that night

we're waiting!

>> No.2887409

>Read "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court"
>It's about a Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court.
Good title, good job.

>Read "The Richest Man in Babylon"
>It's about a bunch of poor people in Babylon saving their pennies and paying off debts.
Fuck you Babylon, and fuck your parables.

>> No.2887420

>"'Remember it's a sin to kill a mockingbird.' That was the only time I ever heard Atticus say it was a sin to do something, and I asked Miss Maudie about it."

>> No.2887440
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>read Cat's Cradle
>puss still sleeps on pillow next to my head


>> No.2887483

Fuck cats. Buy them a 200 dollar cat tree, and all they want is the goddamn box.

>> No.2887502

>read A clockwork orange
>Book is not about a citric working like a clock

>> No.2887503

>Read The Idiot
>Lead character is most decent, thought-filled character in the book

Oh wait, I get it.

>> No.2887511

>Read Cat's Cradle
>No damn cat, and no damn cradle.

>> No.2887512

>implying any of those concepts have any force behind them

>> No.2887519

I didn't know there was a book called blade runner.

>> No.2887541

>hurr durr I'm so postmodern nothing means anything now derp, how do I articulate my thoughts?
>implying (out of ignorance) that those concepts aren't the actual names of current cultural trends that many contemporary authors feel they belong to, in counterposition of postmodernism.

Consider the following in respect to how "Romanticism" died: As if the variegated modernist "isms" of the 1890-1920 weren't the proof of its demise, even before all of them were labelled under the umbrella concept of "modern", while mainstream culture still were consuming the undead spawns of romanticism.

Again, my point stands stills, culture yourselves postmodern clowns.(or not, so we can still laugh at you, LOL)

inb4 crying: Extrapolation / strawman

>> No.2887544

>Read The Fox
>There's a fox in it
Wow, how original.

>> No.2887565

>Read the New Testament
>It's almost 2000 years old