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/lit/ - Literature

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2879997 No.2879997 [Reply] [Original]

What's the difference between continental and analytic philosophy?

>> No.2880023


>> No.2880027


check it

>> No.2880029

Listen to this: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b016x2jp

'Continental' was a term that started as derogatory, used to describe those philosophers' works which didn't fall under, or disagreed with, 'Analytical' philosophy.

>> No.2880034

One is shit, the other isn't

>> No.2880043

Analytical philosophy at least attempts to be legitimate philosophy. Continental philosophy is just epistemological goal post moving for the sake of a D.O.A. political ideology.

>> No.2880083

bullshit both continental and analytical have their individual strengths and weaknesses.
>Dismissing whole intellectual approach with a sentence

>> No.2880149

all the most prominent works of "continental philosophy" were, in fact, analytic.

Get fucked Derridafags.

>> No.2880157

>The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of On Grammatology...

>> No.2880291
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>The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of On Grammatology. He stormed out of the room crying those ironic post-modern crocodile tears. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, Michel Foucault, wished he had pulled himself up by his bootstraps and become more than an AIDS ridden sadomasochist interested in fisting. He wished so much that he had some kind of truth to hold on to, but he himself had written to disprove it!
>The students applauded and all rolled into American universities that day and accepted Wittgenstein as the end of philosophy. An eagle named “Formal logic” flew into the room and perched atop the copy of "Principa Mathematica" and shed a tear on the hardcover. The last sentence of "Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus" was read several times, and Karl Popper himself showed up and demonstrated how dialectics is nothing but a means of justifying contradictions.
>The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and his "books" were disregarded for all eternity.

In answer to your question OP, analytical philosophy is the boring one.

>> No.2880301
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Continental philosophy is for people too stupid to do STEM or real philosophy who still want to feel smarter than other people.

>> No.2880307

Math is for people too stupid to be able to work without objective truth to make themselves feel important.

>> No.2880309

Too autistic, you mean.

>> No.2880310
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Analytic philosophy thinks it can actually come to conclusive answers

>> No.2880334

Certified /lit/ genius posters right here.

No kidding. Keep up the good work, folks

>> No.2880389


>> No.2880396

I'm better at math than you could ever imagine. That's where my hatred comes from.

>> No.2880400
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Continental philosophers are proud that they can't.

>> No.2880401

Likewise. I'm great at it, but it's tedious as fuck.

>> No.2880403
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>> No.2880423

>doing a putnam problem to prove a silly point on the internet
no thank you, I come to /lit/ to shitpost and let off steam.

>> No.2880427

>I can't quickly solve undergrad stuff

>> No.2880431

quite the opposite. humanities are for people too stupid too stupid to work in a field where you aren't always right simply by having an opinion.

>> No.2880436
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>hatin' on the humanities
>on /lit/

>> No.2880437

Is that the sum of squares one on the site now?

>> No.2880454

why are people on /lit/ so damn close minded. If anything I thought you guys would be the most open minded when i came here, i was quite wrong. I like literature, doesn't mean i have to be a pretentious dick about it or that i have to comfort myself by saying my interest are the most important in subject in the world. They're not difficult or even that important, get the fuck over it.

>> No.2880455
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You're mistaken. /lit/ hates those hipsters who believe they're "entitled to their opinion."

>> No.2880456

most import subject*

>> No.2880460

>implying I ever browse /lit/ for literature
Bitch, I don't want to be flamed to death because some pretentious little shits don't like what I read. Do you also browse /mu/ for music?

>> No.2880461
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>for people too stupid too stupid

>> No.2880463


That's the stupidest picture I've ever seen

>> No.2880467
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I wish the old trolls of yore were back.

>> No.2880473

are you really that sensitive? who cares if some of the users are pretentious and tell you that your taste are shit. learn to ignore them or how to argue. Do you only enjoy places were everyone has the same opinion and circlejerk to them?

>> No.2880476

Sub it into Heron's formula.

>> No.2880481

>Do you only enjoy places were everyone has the same opinion and circlejerk to them?
I don't post my opinions on opinion-oriented boards (/v/, /lit/, /mu/, /tv/) unless these boards are annoying and I feel like trolling the shit out of everyone.

>> No.2880483

0 point.

>> No.2880488

100% point. I've won, bro.

>> No.2880491

so what do you browse /lit/ for then? also, i don't see why it being an opinion board has anything to do with it. learn to support your opinions.

>> No.2880496

philosophy students i have talked to have said no one really takes the "continental/analytical divide" seriously, that people just work on different philosophical problems they find interesting

anything that connects to the world outside language and logic can be called "continental"

>> No.2880497

The subtle art of trolling.

>> No.2880507

well then. I guess the most useless members of society can always serve to at least piss everyone else off.

>> No.2880523

It does feel like a hollow victory though.

>> No.2880540

They don't take it seriously because both "sides" often borrow or converse with each other in relation to problems.
Bioethics comes to mind first and foremost, it's a subject where you can practically pick a paper, any paper, and see this happening.

>> No.2880592

>I'm scared other people will notice that I'm not really that smart
Come on, dude. EVEN on 4chan?

>> No.2880625

I don't believe tastes are an accurate reflector of one's personality or smartness.