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/lit/ - Literature

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2875971 No.2875971 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2875980

knut looks like james joyce

>> No.2875986



>> No.2875993

I'm okay with this list, aside from Murakami

>> No.2875989

Good luck killing Rand - she has 1000 horcruxes from all the starving children she killed

>> No.2876003
File: 26 KB, 266x452, Question Girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why all that hate about Rand?

>> No.2876006

Rand raped my mother with a big strapon dildo.

>> No.2876008

because filthy socialists.

>> No.2876013

Murakami belongs at the most in pleb tier.

>> No.2876016



Are you retarded?

>> No.2876017

Because her ideas are terrible and she's a terrible writer.

>> No.2876019

/lit/ is full of dirty liberals, plus most of her books are pretty boring.

>> No.2876024

individualism is liberal.

>> No.2876041

it's a measure of the frequency and zeal with which they are discussed on /lit/.

murakami has a bunch of fans on here.

>> No.2876052

you fucking faggot you forgot walt whitman

fuck you you cocksucker

>> No.2876066


I don't think he included any poetry at all. Too deep for him I guess.

>> No.2876095

too deep for /lit/, you mean. poetry is almost never discussed here.

i was actually thinking of making a small poetry chart with /lit/'s eight (or so) favourite poets, but i just can't think of any that /lit/ as a whole really likes or even cares about. john berryman and wallace stevens have a few fans, i think, but besides that i don't know.

>> No.2876277

Poetry is dying on its arse everywhere.

>> No.2876291

Suprisingly I find this list very agreeable indeed. Except that I would eliminate "Titan Tier" altogether (sensing rage from /lit/zens) but that's just my bias against their styles. I agree with your God Tier and perhaps also with your Gaia tier, but some of the demi-gods could easily be promoted up...

>> No.2876329

srsly. Why the fuck a pleb tier?

>> No.2876390

Oh I see. I'm supposed to get angry and write paragraphs about who is misplaced, and who is missing, and conclude with pejorative remarks about the person who made list.

Well it won't work!

>> No.2876407

>too deep for /lit/, you mean. poetry is almost never discussed here.

Yeah that's kind of strange, come to think of it. I mean, people post ABOUT poetry with some frequency, but they never really discuss poetry - poetry discussion on /lit/ is nearly always "post yr favorite poems" or whatever.

>i was actually thinking of making a small poetry chart with /lit/'s eight (or so) favourite poets, but i just can't think of any that /lit/ as a whole really likes or even cares about. john berryman and wallace stevens have a few fans, i think, but besides that i don't know.

Wallace Stevens, definitely. And I see people liking Whitman with a good deal of frequency. Outside of those two, I don't see many poets with a broad base of support.

>> No.2876433

Change Borges' titles to English. It looks terrible with only one of the authors in translation with his original titles.

>> No.2876464

OP has literally now knowledge of what constitutes great literature. Sage for tier-list and /mu/ ripped expressions.

God I hate this thread.

>> No.2878057


I now!

>> No.2878061
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>> No.2878065

not among poets, of which there are quite a few

>> No.2878071

No Anon, you are the roaches.

>> No.2878082

OP is tao lin


>> No.2878086
File: 1.70 MB, 1432x1542, Essential_poetry_guide.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking newfags and summerfags everywhere. How have you guys not seen this, like, 1000 times? Plus /lit/ already has a fucking poetry essentials to, and yes, fucking walt whitman is there goddammit.

>> No.2878087

>gaia tier

I puked in my mouth a little.

>> No.2878097



>> No.2878104


>> No.2878108


I didn't make the list derp derp. Its from the wiki.

>> No.2878118

Heese and Camus aren't God-Tier.
Replace them with Kafka and Faulkner.

>> No.2878124

It's a stupid old list from the wiki. It's not as if anyone except the newlads pay attention to it.

>> No.2878127

>derp derp
>unrelated response
Are you clinically retarded?

>> No.2878144

It's not dying, it's just taken on a new form in music lyrics (good music, no baby baby yeah yeah yeah).

>> No.2878148

demigod goes above god tier

>> No.2878191

>it's a measure of the frequency and zeal with which they are discussed on /lit/.

OP shouldve probably said that when he started the thread to prevent brief but multiple mad's.