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/lit/ - Literature

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2873663 No.2873663[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Most of us are men, correct? If I had to guess, I'd say about 80% of this board is male. Does that sound ridiculous to you?

My question: why do you always see women reading in public, but most of /lit/ is 18-32 year old males? Could it be that women spend more time actually reading than men do? Is this the internet's fault?

Do you think men are ashamed to read in public?

>> No.2873666

It's 4chan.

Also women read more but read worse.

>> No.2873671

Because bitches be reading Twilight and other pop fiction and 4chan as a whole is a cockfest.

>> No.2873674

You simply see more women in public doing EVERYTHING because women are passive receptors of the male gaze. They understand that if they want to be pursued, they have to be seen in public.

Men are expected to pursue women, and so many don't really see the point in coming out of their cave unless they want pussy explicitly.

>> No.2873675

its not that men are ashamed of being seen reading, it's that women want to be seen reading.

>> No.2873676

there are a bunch of vaginas on /lit/. you can easily tell which ones are girls from how catty and defensive they are.

>> No.2873680
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>> No.2873684


It's true. A day on /lit/ doesn't go by where I think I just witnessed some 17 year old girl's post.

>> No.2873695
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>> No.2873697

wow, 35% of 4channers are girls now. i remember when they were almost unseen. explains why shitposting is so rampant these days, i guess.

>> No.2873699

Is that not for the entire site?

>> No.2873701


only the lowest of the low would fill out an imageboard survery

>> No.2873708


you little boys are so sure of your misguided misoginistic bullshit. i cringe anytime anon starts a thread about reading and gender, i know loads of chicks who are more well-read than the lot of you.

>> No.2873713
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Hi, I'm the author of the post on women who generally enjoy being passive receptors of male attention. Can you explain my misogynism?

How many times have you been asked out by a girl?

>> No.2873717

Actually a lot.
Usually girls hit on me when I go out.

>> No.2873724


I'd say 6 or 7. It's not something I usually keep track off.

You're attributing ALL women with the behavior of shitty, shallow women.

>> No.2873729

>tfw tf guy looks handsome from the front

>> No.2873734

And how many times have you initiated first contact with a female?

This is a rhetorical comparison btw. I already know the answer.

This isn't the behaviour of shitty, shallow women. This is simply culturally engrained shit that you'll run into 99 percent of the time. Men are expected to initiate. Women do it as well, but they're frankly a little disappointed when the man doesn't initiate first.

>> No.2873738

Most of 4chan along with /lit/ is male, but 4chan as a whole is more female than /lit/ because of the big boards like /b/ and /soc/. Except for something like /cgl/ and /y/, the smaller 4chan boards are almost completely male, mainly because females are ridiculed and suppressed (tits or gtfo, grrrrl gamers, Twilight/50 Shades/Hunger Games sucks, "/r9k/ why are women such whores" and other women-hate are some examples of this phenomenon).

>> No.2873741

I never do.
I'm actually kind of shy. They are usually the one's pushing to go out with me. Most of the time I actively asked out the girl was because I already knew her and we were friends.

>> No.2873746

Don't be so quick to blame females why you're apparently unaware of the wave of shitposters from other sites. Or maybe cancerous feel faces and rage comics have become a part of this board to the point where no one pays much attention?

>> No.2873750

So saying Twilight/Fifty Shades of Grey/Hunger games sucks is misogyny now? LOL

>> No.2873753

girls only discovered the internet via facebook and reddit via facebook and 4chan via reddit. fact.

>> No.2873760

It's more along the lines of lol this is the only shit women read stupid bitches!!!!

4chan = unable to mention women or non-whites without the thread going to shit

>> No.2873757
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>feel faces are cancer

No, you are the cancer

>> No.2873766

Those three books get 10 times more hate than anything by, say, Jim Butcher. Men (and women, but men in particular on this site full of men) turn a blind eye to their own shortcomings of taste when they can highlight others', especially if those others are present to defend themselves.

Quit pretending you're blind.

>> No.2873768


Women do read more but they read complete garbage about vampires having sex or fantasies about getting raped. They don't read about how stuff works and how to get shit done.

>> No.2873779

That's the case with /soc/ and possibly /b/.
Annoying facebook girls you see are certainly not fujoshis, girl games nor zionists that reside other boards.

>> No.2873782

case in point: >>2873768

>> No.2873786
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>65% of books sold in the U.S. are purchased by women


but they're books like "ttyl" and "50 Shades of Grey"

>> No.2873788

>why are women seen reading in public more often then men?

because they have purses. they can carry books around everywhere. m

it's not complicated.

>> No.2873790

>feel faces

you should feel grateful to be culturally enriched by such vichan memes, 4kanker

>> No.2873793

>Jim Butcher

Never heard of him.

>> No.2873794

if only men on the internet didn't download all their books. YOU are the one killing the industry, anon.

>> No.2873796

what the hell is "ttyl"? is that going to be the next big thing that gets spammed on /lit/ for months?

>> No.2873797


you mean krautchan?

>> No.2873801

it's old news


hold onto your rage

>> No.2873804

maybe that's because it's not posted ten times daily on /lit/

>> No.2873810

Aren't we just at the beginning (human wise) of a new kind of women emancipation (I know this term has lost most of its meaning in the last 20 years).

What I'm thinking is simply that this is experimenting, there is not enough social value and norm for women to know what they are supposed to read outside of the classics. Some crappy recent authors (mostly women newly authors actually ... although women wrote good things since some times, a new generation went awry), they produced a lot of garbage about ponies, light existentialism, ... dedicated to women so they read it.

Maybe the cause/effect relation is not that they liked it therefore it was their kind of literature, but more : it was made for them and they developed a social bond to like it.

But, in a way, isn't it fortunate to be able to read everything, crap and great, and being able to judge everything in the end ?

>> No.2873814


Jim Butcher is Twilight for boys

>> No.2873816
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it's the easiest way for stupid people to imitate intelligent behavior.
most stupid people are women.

>> No.2873817
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Don't insult the feel.

>> No.2873819

or because it's not a huge cultural phenomenon like twilight and fifty shades of grey

>> No.2873841

let me put it this way. If /lit/ were majority women instead of majority men, we'd be complaining about how Jim Butcher and Patrick Rothfuss were utter fucking hacks who should both die in a fire for their completely retarded portrayals of human beings.

>> No.2873852

>reading in public

Maybe I'm just autistic but I don't feel like I need to be "seen" reading. Also I have a hard time concentrating if there's other around making noise and shit. I've brought books with me when I go to get coffee or when I'm on campus between classes and I can't seem to read for more than a few pages without getting distracted by some dumb bitch complaining about her roommate or something.

>> No.2873854

we frequently shit on rothfuss. he still hasn't even half the sales or profile of suzanne collins, though.

martin may be comparable (who we also hate), but i think girls like him, too.

>> No.2873856

Same, and I get anxious that people are judging me.

>> No.2873857


it's not like anyone here enjoys those guys though

>> No.2873858

>martin may be comparable (who we also hate), but i think girls like him, too.

and he's also better than collins and co.

>> No.2873861
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Speak for yourself. I love Martin.

>> No.2873869
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>> No.2873883

I only did it once in a bus cause I needed to finish the book. It was terrible, 0/10 wouldn't experience again.

>> No.2873895

Screw you guys, Dresden Files are pulp, but they are no where near as bad as Twilight, 50 Grey Shades, Zombie Lovers, etc.

>> No.2873897

Same here bro. The only time I read in public is between classes at school. One time this chick I knew came up to me when I didn't have a book with me and said she would've talked to me the other days but she didn't want to bother me. For the rest of the semester I felt like it would be a dick move to read before that class.

I make sure to carry a book with me from now on.

>> No.2873902

>knee-jerk defending his shitty genre just like a woman would defend Hunger Games

just as planned!

>> No.2873909

Oh I completely forgot about people coming up to you too. I've been reading Underworld lately and when I was reading it on my break at work one of my co-workers asked me if it was about vampires. I said no and then when he asked me what it was about I told him it wasn't really "about" anything and I just felt really stupid.

>> No.2873916

I can confirm this. My girlfriend is reading Game of Thrones right now and loving the shit out of it.

But so did I so I can't hate.

>> No.2873926

No, The Dresden Files are really bad.

Really, really bad.

>> No.2873939

I would say more women do read than men, yeah. I think both genders have a subset of active readers (from serious literary types to fans of genre fiction etc), but beyond this, I think women have a bigger group of casual readers. That's women who aren't bookish and wouldn't say they're really into reading, but will nonetheless pick up light reads or stuff to read on holiday or whatever. In men, I think you've got a lot more "average guys" who just don't read at all.

>> No.2873949
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The great thing about reading books isn't finishing them so I can move onto the next one, it's showing everyone on the bus that I did.

>> No.2873955

When I was 15 I was reading Meyrink, Hesse and Nietszche.

Last week, I asked a girl that same age for a book to read, she recommended P.S. I love you, and then when I said it was shit, she recommended The Secret

not even joking

women are dumb

>> No.2873959



Plus women are more likely to be avid readers, but probably not bibliophiles in the same way that /lit/ is. Plus men read for status and women read for fun. Why would you want to show off your intellectualism on a crowded bus filled with people who might hit you for what you're reading. Whilst if you're a woman reading the latest trashy novel by whoever then no one really gives a shit.

>> No.2873968

When I was 15 I was raped

Last week, I asked a guy that same age what he thought about rape and he didn't have an issue with it

not even joking

men are rapists

>> No.2873977

Rape is a social construct, bitch.

>> No.2873979

so are good books

>> No.2873986


And if you asked most fifteen year old boys for reading recommendations, they would laugh and tell you that reading is gay. Don't be so autistic as to think that because you were fifteen and male and liked really big intellectual books, all fifteen year old males enjoy reading really big intellectual books.

>> No.2874020

men are highly individual while it takes a freak mutation or traumatic experience to make a woman somewhat different from the average

>> No.2874053

Why are there more girls on tumblr, half on reddit, and more boys on 4chan?

Why do girls ask out guys less than guys ask out girls?

>> No.2874064

Also why do boards like /b/, /soc/ and /adv/ and /r9k/ have more females than the rest of the boards?

>> No.2874067

are /b/, /soc/, /adv/ and /r9k/ shit because of all the girls there, or are all the girls there because they're shit? why aren't girls funny or interesting?

>> No.2874072

Maybe women read because they actually enjoy reading, rather than studying a few books at college, then going onto a glorious career of regurgitation second hand opinions for years to come as a bizarre attempt at ego masturbation that no one else really cares about while spending all their spare time posting crap on the net.

Or maybe they just like resting those pages on those glorious titties.

>> No.2874076


why aren't you funny or interesting? why are you such a pedantic bore?

>> No.2874077

Because the nature of those community. tumblr/reddit promote social agendas. 4chan is a free community, the only rule is cp because cp is the most direct threat to 4chan.

social norms
more "social"/"relation"/"i want to fit in" boards attract females

>> No.2874083

anyone who actually enjoys shit like hunger games and fifty shades of grey is a moron.

>> No.2874085

why can't you answer any of my questions, wench?

>> No.2874088

>Maybe women read because they actually enjoy reading

I doubt that, I'm a follower of the theory that they read in public cause it makes them look intelligent. I don't see any other reason.

>Or maybe they just like resting those pages on those glorious titties.

mhmm titties

>> No.2874092

So society makes females worse people than boys?

>> No.2874097


jesus christ. shut up.

>> No.2874098

Males Floundering: The Thread

>> No.2874099
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>I'm a follower of the theory that they read in public cause it makes them look intelligent.

I'm certain that accounts for a large part of female readers, but I feel that the majority of women read books just because of herd mentality.

>Oh noez! Every girl in high school is reading Twilight and I don't want to be left out! I better read it too!
>Oh noez! I don't really like this book at all but I don't want to be left out! Team Jacob foreverz! I <4 this book!

>> No.2874100

Get over this sort of shit, and quick.

>> No.2874101
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I want to be forgotten,
and I don't want to be reminded.
You say "please don't make this harder."
No, I won't yet.

I wanna be beside her.
She wanna be admired.
You say "please don't make this harder."
No, I won't yet.

>> No.2874110
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>> No.2874111

can't answer the qeustiions? >>2874053

>> No.2874112

>they read in public cause it makes them look intelligent.

to think this way about anyone before you even know them is the height of insecurity. I say that because you probably would never read in public because you'd think people were assuming the same thing about you. Or you do read in public for that very reason, and are therefore a phoney. Classic projection, either way.

Grow up, buttercup.

>> No.2874115

>Why are there more girls on boards like /b/, /soc/, /adv/ and /r9k/ than the rest of the boards?
I can answer this.

All the boards you mentioned aren't dedicated to special areas of interest such as video games, television, music, the paranormal, etc. Most women don't have real opinions on those things. They only like them for the sake of their social lives, e.g. to fit into a certain subculture (hipster, goth, whatever). So girls browse /b/, /soc/, /r9k/, and /adv/ because those boards are about nothing, and girls are nothing.

>> No.2874117


Each to their own. Personally I just think it's lack of ego, a lack of the metaphorical penis waving with the heavy impressive titles.

Why screw about with literature you can't concentrate on in a doctors surgery, when you can scan some escapist that's actually mildly better when you don't look at it too closely.

Excuse me while I dig out a Warhammer 40k novel.

>> No.2874118

>still using Freudian terminology

read more, slut.

>> No.2874121


But why you so mad?

If you could read, someone already answered your question:
>females are ridiculed and suppressed (tits or gtfo, grrrrl gamers, Twilight/50 Shades/Hunger Games sucks, "/r9k/ why are women such whores" and other women-hate are some examples of this phenomenon)

There are more on reddit because reddit is more tolerant of them and allows for greater self-expression. There are even more on tumblr because tumblr allows for even greater tolerance and self-expression.

Quit being butthurt, nigger.

>> No.2874122

What are some other reasons to read in public?

>to think this way about anyone before you even know them is the height of insecurity
>you probably

You are not different pal.

>> No.2874123

> the paranormal

Dude, /x/ is 90% female. Bunch of weirdo goth girls pretending to be psychic and telling campfire stories to each other.

>> No.2874124

Projection isn't even strictly Freudian. And I'm no chick. Goddamn you summerplebs are pathetic.

>> No.2874129
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Just because I can understand pathetically insecure people doesn't mean I am one. Why you mad?

>> No.2874130

holy shit I've never seen a thread as full of dumbasses as this one

I can't believe there are people like this who exist

>> No.2874132
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Why do you ignore the question?

>> No.2874133

Implying they're not reading 50 Shades of Grey or Jane Austen.

>> No.2874136

That doesn't really make sense. Females would stop posting on a board simply because the board makes fun of stereotypes of females? Why would that stop them from coming to no-bullshit and pandering forums like this that are pretty rare online?

>There are more on reddit because reddit is more tolerant of them and allows for greater self-expression.
There's more to self expression than "btw i'm a girl" and you're fucking crazy if you think reddit is a more tolerable community than here. Allowing criticism instead of enforcing positivity is NOT being intolerant.

>Quit being butthurt, nigger.
Get back to tumblr or reddit or /b/ then racist cunt.

>> No.2874137

hahaha. So you were serious? Cute.
There's a simple answer: you don't need a reason.
The fact you NEED a reason at all just reinforces your own bias about the whole topic. Can you see that?

>> No.2874138




>> No.2874141

>Why are there more girls on tumblr, half on reddit, and more boys on 4chan?
The more "boy's club" a place, the higher intellectual quality it'll be.

>> No.2874142

There's a shit load of girls on here, most of them are ugly though. There are a few hot ones, I know one of them in real life and she's a real bitch and a whore. Although she's still a "virgin" (only been fingered)

>> No.2874144

Hey fuck you I am that girl and I hate you now

>> No.2874146

>indie girls loving a shitty post rock revival band singer
fuck off back to tumblr

Every single post I see from women on the internet always has the world boyfriend in it

>lol but my boyfriend loves when I do that so you need to stop being a beta

>> No.2874148
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>forgetting that gays exist

>> No.2874149

>she's a real ... whore
>only been fingered

return to the victorian era, my friend

>> No.2874152

Are you dense or something? How would you like it if 3 out of 4 people on an internet forum insulted your gender? Fucking look at yourself, you thick piece of shit. Do you browse feminist forums just because they all hate men? Of fucking course not, if you posted something on there and whooped about being male, they'd shout you down and tell you to get the fuck out. That's exactly the same what happens on 4chan. I can't believe I have to inform you of this shit.

>not more tolerant

>"tits or gtfo"

try harder, bitch. You're pond scum to me.

>> No.2874153

Every single post I see from men on the internet always has the word girlfriend in it

>why can't i get gf tfw

>intellectual quality

Half of the users are actively anti-intellectual and a fuckload of those who aren't are pseudo-intellectuals.

>> No.2874159

>thinking that being a mental fuckup with a female brain in a male body and relating to "gay culture" is the same as being a homosexual
I'll love to crack your skull off a kerb, fag.

>> No.2874162

ITT angry little boys with no life experience

>> No.2874164

He probably meant intelligent. 4chan's average intelligence is higher than most of the internet, but I think that's more of a statement on the internet than 4chan. And average post quality is higher on /lit/. Still shit of course.

>> No.2874165

I'm black and I'm not turned off from these discussion boards that prioritise freedom of speech just because there's racism. You're making bullshit arguments to dismiss the fact that the less bullshit and attention whoring the board/website, the less females there are.

Reddit is way less tolerant in the ways I said. Fucking dumbass.

>> No.2874169
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You don't need a reason to go out and read in a public place where you get distracted every minute. Wow for someone who says that he understand something that's just.... nothing. Get back to reality.

>> No.2874170

>Why are there more girls on tumblr, half on reddit, and more boys on 4chan?
4chan = free speech, aggressive, kind of environment women don't like.
Tumblr/reddit = no free speech, everyone has to talk nice, kind of environment men don't like.
>Why do girls ask out guys less than guys ask out girls?
Because society says so.
>Why are there more girls on boards like /b/, /soc/, /adv/ and /r9k/ than the rest of the boards?
The other boards are focused on interests and hobbies, which are generally male things, while the boards you mentioned are more focused on socializing and talking about people, which are generally female things.

>> No.2874171
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>4chan's average intelligence is higher than most of the internet

>> No.2874174

well that being said.

Can we admit 1. that females are different than males? 2. that their internet habits show them to be more shallow? 3. that shy girls have an easier time than shy boys?

>> No.2874175

>no actual criticism so you post a reaction image
You're bringing the tone down, breh.

>> No.2874177

>4chan's average intelligence is higher than most of the internet
More than half of 4chan's users come from /b/ and /v/.

Only one of these statements can be true.

>> No.2874180


>4chan = immature, misinformed, sheltered, conservative kind of environment women don't like.


>Tumblr/reddit = no free speech, everyone has to talk nice, kind of environment men don't like

lol are you implying that you're a man? reddit has adults, 4chan has adolescents, it's really as simple as that.

>> No.2874182

>I'm black

ooooh shit, bitch just got minority one-upped, dawg. now all we need is a tranny in dis bitch and shit will get really interesting

>> No.2874184

Right so the female defenders in this thread have been trolling all along.

/thread idiots, stop feeding.

>> No.2874185


>Implying the tone could be any more retarded than your posts

What you're spewing doesn't deserve discourse.

>> No.2874186

Whether you're black is irrelevant. This isn't a race "discussion", this is about gender, if you hadn't noticed. The proof is in the pudding: Reddit is far more tolerant than 4chan, even if you allege that tolerance is "fake" (whatever the fuck that means).

Nice red herrings, but you're still a retarded motherfucker, and I'm not saying that because you're black. I'm saying it because you're you.

>> No.2874189

Yeah, I haven't used those boards in years. I take it back. Having just gone to have a look, I take back my statement. Excluding a board that is effectively a porn dump and rage general, 4chan is more intelligent than most places for discussion on the internet. It's late, show lenience.
>no criticism
>"it doesn't deserve discourse"
You sound like a feminist, breh.

>> No.2874190


One day you'll grow up and flinch at the shit you used to post on the internet. Lucky for you, it's anonymous.

>> No.2874194

I'm going to go off what this guy said >>2874184

You must be trolling if you can't see how race is relevant here. 4chan can be as racist as it is misogynist. So therefore it only seems to be girls that would stop browsing just because their gender is insulted.

If you relate to the majority of people in your race/gender/country anyway you must be an idiot.

>> No.2874195

The argument, to me at least, seems to be that through universal intolerance, 4chan is more tolerant. Which in a sense is true.
>arguing from maturity
People would believe you're not trolling if you actually tried to construct an argument.

>> No.2874197

check your privilege, bitch, you don't know shit about oppression.

>> No.2874198

>skewing wildly male 18-24

>biased towards 19-24, but significant number of 25-34s

4chan is a site for children, that's a fact.

>> No.2874199

>2. that their internet habits show them to be more shallow?

Let me remind that this is a board where themes and symbols get far less discussion than 'hardcover v softcover, do you like e-readers, etc.'.

So, I'll say that you'd need to submit some proper evidence to prove that.

>3. that shy girls have an easier time than shy boys?

I have no idea, like most of 4chan, I'm socially inept and I haven't seen any argument for that other than /r9k/ bitches and whoores shite.

>> No.2874200


I'm going to stop posting now. Not because you won and women do indeed suck, but simply because I can feel my IQ draining away from interacting with you.

I wish you good luck getting to know good women in your future. I'm sorry you've had such bad life experiences thus far.

>> No.2874201
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your trolling is shit tier too.

>> No.2874202


>> No.2874203

You really are an idiot.

>> No.2874205

>I haven't seen any argument for that other than /r9k/ bitches and whoores shite.
But you already admitted more boys ask out girls than girls ask out boys.

Therefore shy males are the disadvantaged.

>> No.2874206

>excluding pretty much all of 4chan's users, we're more intelligent than most of the internet

What the fuck are you even trying to do at this point? Go to bed, man.

>> No.2874210

>But you already admitted more boys ask out girls than girls ask out boys.

I'm not that guy. Where I live, Bumfuck, Virginia, more girls ask guys out than the other way around.

>> No.2874211

Some people like being outside, whether that is around other people or not. Maybe their concentration isn't as fragile as yours.
You don't know them, you don't know their motivations, and you probably spend too much time on the internet surrounded by equally judgmental cave dwellers who assume everyone else in the world is up to some sneaky egoistic hijinks to make themselves seem greater than they really are. I too am a cave dwelling type, but I'm also socially aware enough to know that not everyone is a huge fucking phoney. Plenty of them are, but to assume...therein lies the problem. So is perpetuating this belief and spreading it, and before you know it everyone is so goddamn worried about the motivations of everyone else and the very image they are projecting towards others that society becomes increasingly neurotic and begins to rot and wither from the inside out--OH WAIT, that's already happening. Sorry nvm forgot I was on 4chan not supposed to be so serious laaaawl

>> No.2874212

This is how racism on 4chan works

>mention your race
>fuck you nigger
>puh-leaze whitey, your wife loves my black cock

>mention your gender
>tits or gtfo
>aren't we past that guys?

This thread is an example of the latter.

>> No.2874214

learn to think.

>> No.2874216

Your state isn't the rest of the USA or Europe.

>> No.2874220
File: 32 KB, 500x356, girl photos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you'd need to submit some proper evidence to prove that.

>> No.2874223


If you're a sheltered redneck who lives deep in a rural area, why are you spouting off on gender issues? You know dick about the subject beyond your little fishbowl of existence.

>> No.2874225

>most teens are absolutely just as mature and intelligent as most 30 years olds

are you also a pedophile? It would gibe perfectly.

>> No.2874228

>imago macros

whoops. You messed up.

>> No.2874229

Are you a teenager or still in college? It seems like you don't know any 30 year olds. Maturity is an emotional appeal. It's not difficult to understand.

>> No.2874231

No anon, you don't understand. All women are the same.

>> No.2874233

Empirical evidence counters empirical evidence.

What I'm saying is that without some proper numbers or something, we're not going anywhere. Maybe most of the world is like my state, maybe it's like that dude's state, we don't know. Sure it's easy to assume that place located in the middle of nowhere is backwards in terms of how people deal with social situations.

>> No.2874238

>4chan is definitely more mature than the rest of the internet!
>cite proof that it isn't
>Maturity is an emotional appeal!

No, I know you're not retarded, you're just pretending.

>> No.2874241

"»bio truths
»this is what /lit/ actually believes

>> No.2874243

That's absolutely, positively not how empirical evidence works. You might as well say God definitely exists because you know so.

>> No.2874250

>parallel "maturity" with intelligence
>be told maturity is irrelevant because that's wrong
Also, your likening of "18-24" (useless generalised stat by the way) to children is ridiculous.

>> No.2874252

I'm sorry, perhaps I should have posted every photo ever uploaded to facebook instead. How stupid of me.

>> No.2874253

>/lit/ when the Americans are awake

fucking disgraceful.

>> No.2874254

So you're saying 4chan is less mature, but more intelligent?

Uh huh.

>> No.2874260

Not sure what kind of joke you were trying to make, it got lost in translation from autist to functioning human being

>> No.2874261

How do we know that females on your facebook are similar enough to all females to use them as evidence?

You can't just post an image macro, and then when someone tells you that it doesn't work as evidence, go 'But we all know it's like that!'.

>> No.2874262

Let's talk about two hypothetical sites to show why your inference is total bullshit.

Which has the most intelligent population? Now, this is an extreme example, so don't go all strawman on me.

>> No.2874274

>women get called out on their bullshit

just another day on the internet.

>> No.2874277

Let's talk about two REAL sites.


Which is more intelligent? Which is more mature?

Trick question. Reddit has 8 times the userbase of 4chan, so it is capable of being both more intelligent and more mature, along with being less intelligent and less mature.

But if you want a real answer, just like with men and women, 4chan has on average less intelligence than Reddit because males have a greater distribution of intelligence but overall less of it on average, while women have a more centralized distribution of intelligence, but more of it on average.

>> No.2874280

this person >>2874261 understood the point he was making.

maybe you're the autist, Samantha.

>> No.2874285

>no women actually posted in this thread

You'd be surprised how many egalitarians there are on /lit/, anon, and good for them.

>> No.2874286

>an interesting discussion of gender on the internet with an interesting amount of back and forth between a few positions
>some wily virgin jumps in and oversimplifies the issue to justify his lack of fuck and self-pity

Just another day on the internet

>> No.2874287

>the point
>the joke

The devil's in the details, my friend. You may be surprised to learn they're not the same thing.

>> No.2874297
File: 105 KB, 1024x768, GIRL GAMER MANJA CLUB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welp, this thread has gone to shit.

Time to spruce up the place with some chick lit.

>> No.2874300
File: 90 KB, 768x576, GIRL GAMER KILL YOURSELF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2874302
File: 140 KB, 1024x768, girl gamer black raven.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2874304


I don't see why people feel the need to compare 4chan to reddit. Reddit is basically made up of tons of different communities, many totally unrelated to eachother, whereas 4chan is just made up of a few connected boards which share a common culture.

>> No.2874305

See, your problem is that you assume that the posters on each site are average people. Which is of course complete bogus. This point is now moot:
males have a greater distribution of intelligence but overall less of it on average, while women have a more centralized distribution of intelligence, but more of it on average.

>has more people
>site itself on average is therefore automatically more intelligent
And that's the important word: average. Don't pretend you were using some other form of synecdoche. There are lots of retards to balance things out. This point is now moot:
>Reddit has 8 times the userbase of 4chan, so it is capable of being both more intelligent and more mature, along with being less intelligent and less mature.

This is just a general shout-out to the thread. Hobby boards like /lit/ are generally filled with people who like the hobby in question talking about things with little to do with the hobby. This is why the actual related OPs are often such retarded bullshit, because they're posted by people from other boards with little to no knowledge of the hobby. I have no proof. I'm just a plausibility-monger.

>> No.2874306
File: 91 KB, 768x1024, gamer girl ending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2874309
File: 160 KB, 635x1239, girl gamer is popular.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2874315
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>everyone is so goddamn worried about the motivations of everyone else

Thread is about reading in public, I post in it and tell my opinion why people read in public, I'm worried about their motivations. Why are you worried about my motivations? If you are better than me like you say you wouldn't give a fuck about my post in the first place. You are pathetic, you only wanted to act like you are in some way superior.You act like you know something about me, but yet the only thing that comes out of you is some half intellectual non sense (hurr the society is rotting from the inside). Get your shit together. Do you think that I give a fuck when I see someone with a book? Do you think that I don't know how people look when you do something "different" in public? Do you think that I think about such things if it wasn't for this thread? What do you study for fuck sake. (the last one isn't a question just fuck)

>> No.2874325

You're right. I'd guess the males of 4chan are even less intelligent than the more even gender distribution of Reddit, because the males of 4chan are so young and uneducated. Again, you can greentext "young" and "uneducated" and claim those things are irrelevant, but I'll be laughing right along with you (at you).

As for the population of Reddit vs 4chan, the fact is there are more intelligent posts on Reddit than there are on 4chan, just as there are more inferior posts. However, because there are more women on Reddit, those posts, taken as a whole, are likely to be more intelligent.

As for hobby boards, Reddit also has those, so I don't see why 4chan can't handle its userbase well enough to keep shitposting minimized. Good posters suffer because there's no downvote system to get rid of threads like these.

>> No.2874327

I think its because none of us notice men. You see women reading because you are always on the lookout for women and couldn't care less what men do in public.

>> No.2874331

This thread is now a Hypocrisy General

>> No.2874333
File: 1.21 MB, 3456x2304, calle borjesson headshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calle Borjesson says: "women are stupid and when you see one reading in public she's only pretending to read. In fact, she's keeping track of how long it takes for a greased up steroid abuser to come up and talk to her. That, or she's reading porn."

>> No.2874335

you're wrong.

>> No.2874336

inb4 the male gaze doesn't exist

>> No.2874339

if you love reddit so much, why don't you marry it?

>> No.2874341

>because there are more women on Reddit, those posts, taken as a whole, are likely to be more intelligent.
>women are more intelligent than men

>> No.2874342

>the males of 4chan are so young and uneducated.
From your anus. The young part is still bullshit by the way.

>because there are more women on Reddit, those posts, taken as a whole, are likely to be more intelligent.
Which assumes that 4chan and reddit are both populated by average people, which is untrue. I pointed that out, and you just said it again, which says more about your intelligence than 4chan's.

>Good posters
>doesn't even define good
>doesn't define shitposting either so his statement becomes meaningless

>> No.2874344

>What are some other reasons to read in public?

Some people can't wait to find out what happens next in the book. I've even taken out books on mathematics that I've been enjoying too much to put down (I hope I did so in front of somebody who got frustrated at the pseudo-intellectual pretending to enjoy mathematics). Other people just take it out for when they have nothing else to do while commuting or waiting for a friend. I know women who read things like Hunger Games in public who have STEM degrees so if they wanted to look intelligent they could just take out a book on their subject.

I don't see what the problem is with people trying to look intelligent anyway. It's flattering to think that people find it important to be seen to have a trait you possess.

>> No.2874353
File: 194 KB, 746x609, Jennifer Hepler feels bad man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arguing over which is better, reddit and 4chan is pointless.

First of all, look where you fucking are.

Second of all, if you're looking for an intelligent conversation anyplace on the internet is the wrong place. Even the Mensa forums are full of retards.

>> No.2874354


Not the best source, but it's true. If you were to add up all the iq points of women and all the iq points of men and average them out, the women would have more. More are more likely to be geniuses or complete retards, as this thread demonstrates.

>> No.2874358

excuse me-
>men are more likely

>> No.2874361

what about
do you not understand?

>> No.2874362

Different subreddits share nothing with each other. Some respect everyones opinion, some call everyone a fag. All boards on 4chan tend to be immature on that front, but you get more honest discussion because no one cares about fucking karma or reputation.

>> No.2874364

>equates iq to intelligence
You do realise that iq tests generally only cover fluid intelligence, right?

>> No.2874369

The maturity part is irrelevant. There is almost no information on education given.

>> No.2874370

>search 4chan and Reddit by reading level
>I can't hold all these tolds

>> No.2874376

What the fuck measure do you want, cunt? Men are the ones claiming women are stupid. You're just moving the goalposts.

>> No.2874378

>one site uses more casual language
>proof of anything

>> No.2874380

Way to generalise men.

>> No.2874383

I personally am willing to assume that younger, less educated people are less mature.

If you're not willing to assume that, I guess I can assume you're a moron and call it a day.

>> No.2874391

I'm willing to generalize on this one.

stop trying to be funny, it's not working

>> No.2874394

let me laugh even harder

>> No.2874396

>4chan using any more or less casual language than Reddit

Doubt it. Doubt it.

>> No.2874398

>just because I got an 80 IQ doesn't mean I'm dumb

your dumb is showing, anon.

>> No.2874402

Are people actually arguing that 4chan has less sentience than reddit does? Oh wow.

>> No.2874403

reddit vs 4chan

I don't know which one is smarter. But I do know which one makes the memes and which one runs them into the ground until they're groan-inducingly unfunny.

>> No.2874406

Maturity is irrelevant.

>> No.2874412

America vs England

I don't know which one is better. But I do know which one made capitalism and which one ran it into the ground until it was groan-inducingly unfunny.

>> No.2874415

Irrelevant to what?

>> No.2874420

America vs England

I don't know which one is better. But I do know which one secretly spies on their citizens and which one openly spies on their citizens.

this is a fun game.

>> No.2874422


I know, I know, you were trying to find the perfect word.

But this isn't it.

>> No.2874424

Are you implying that 4chan doesn't run memes into the ground until they're groan-inducingly unfunny?

Go look at /b/, /v/, and /sp/. Memes aren't even that funny to begin with. Reference humor almost always reeks of tryhard.

>> No.2874426

>Plus men read for status
Speak for yourself
>Why would you want to show off your intellectualism on a crowded bus filled with people who might hit you for what you're reading.
That never happens, I just read in public transports because it's better than doing nothing.

>> No.2874428

self awareness?

>> No.2874429

/lit/ is the least bro board on 4chan. I'd rather hang with the /jp/ freaks than you Negative Nancies.

>> No.2874434

Women and men alike read in public to appear intelligent. I once started dating a girl because she always read intelligent books at the university's cafeteria and then realized that the hour or so she spent reading there for everyone to see were the only time in the day she ever touched a book. She was a dumb bitch too and was drunk most of the time.

>> No.2874436

it's hard to be bros with people who keep asking you to do their homework or run a Google search for them

>> No.2874438

/jp/'s actually surprisingly bro as long as you're a fan of touhou and suicide. I guess they get a bad rep because it's cool to hate weebs.

>> No.2874449

I hang out here precisely because it's so easy to troll.

Also I like writing and critiquing, but there's hardly ever any writing threads, so trolling it is!

>> No.2874452

i don't often read in public because i don't see the point. im not the sort of person who gets pleasure from sitting on a nice grassy hill or feeling a nice breeze or whatever, i just do my reading at home in my own comfort.

>> No.2874458

>there's hardly ever any writing threads

are you kidding?

There's a new one every god damn hour.

>> No.2874495


>> No.2874499

OP and this thread proves that /lit/ is full of American teenagers.

Answer these questions: why would anyone give any fucks about someone reading in public? Why would someone (once they got over the arrogance of the other flaunting their reading) give a fuck about what they read?

>> No.2874500

This. I'd rather recline on a couch when I read than be anywhere else.

>> No.2874593

nigger, you don't even know why you're arguing anymore. or you're just fucking crazy.

>> No.2874618


also because for all of the hobbies someone can have, reading is the one mostly accepted by society, and you know women do everything to fit in

>> No.2874628
File: 62 KB, 1501x1200, AreYouFuckingKiddingMe_1200px_by_CrusierPL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>responding to a four hour old post

>> No.2874630

Man people already left this shit thread.

>> No.2874657
File: 18 KB, 224x282, 1288285321084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bothering to respond to people responding to a post about their responding

>> No.2874724
File: 38 KB, 460x276, 50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2874727
File: 490 KB, 1280x1920, tumblr_m36emm3I7k1rsqdnzo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting a fat ugly guy instead of smoking hot wench with perky nipples

>> No.2874734
File: 189 KB, 600x399, woman-reading-lotion-label.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2874783

To be honest, I don't really see people reading in public in general. At all. Also, maybe people, even girls read because they like reading

>> No.2874786

>going outside
>shiggidy diggity