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/lit/ - Literature

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2867149 No.2867149 [Reply] [Original]

>That feel when no literature gf

>> No.2867153


>> No.2867160


>> No.2867172

I'll be your lit gf if you have great taste in lit. Favorite authors?

>> No.2867174

go away /mu/

>> No.2867178

>tfw literature gf but shes into materialism not idealism
>ideas clash all the time

>> No.2867182

What? No intelligent man wants a girlfriend who reads! Stupid, playful and overwhelmingly optimistic girls are the way to go.

>> No.2867181

Ayn Rand

>> No.2867188

tfw no alice lyra matilda bella hermione or lolita

>> No.2867189
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You forgot your pic.

>> No.2867193
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Could've been this fellow, too. 'I don't like it when a woman is silent, I worry that she's thinking' or whatever he said to that effect.

>> No.2867211



>> No.2867215


>> No.2867230

I'm a /lit/ girl.. and I wish I had a /lit/ bf but they're too busy with their existential crises to bother with love.

>> No.2867231

The ones that consider "existential crisis" to be a legitimate concern are usually effeminate whimps mentally and skinnyfat weaklings physically.

That being said, they will probably treat you with more respect and admiration than more manly candidates... but we both know you don't want that.

>> No.2867233

>btw I'm a girl

>> No.2867235

I bet you reply to things like that more quickly than you reply to actual literature threads.

>> No.2867239

yeah because for lit threads I have more than 4 words to type.

>> No.2867241

Quicker as in you react quicker to seeing a girl on the internet than to seeing a book you like mentioned. I'm not going to reply anymore but I hope you can lose your virginity soon.

>> No.2867243

>I got owned so I'm gonna run away now and pretend this never happened.

>> No.2867246

/b/ pls go

>> No.2867249

Well, I want a guy who is smarter than me, and who would have a nice victorian relationship with me, including the crazy bdsm that originates from that time

>> No.2867251

>being this /b/wned

>> No.2867259

>superiority complex

/mu/, please go

>> No.2867271

>tfw literature gf
>tfw she asks me to read some of her original writing
Oh god WHY /lit/

>> No.2867280
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Hey OP I too feel that feel.

Am I too beta oh god is beta even acceptable to say does it reinforce gender roles or is it because I'm shy and if a girl smiles at me I can smile back but never talk to her because there I'd have to engineer a circumstance and is that manipulative or is it just because I'm scared because I don't want to impose myself on her if she doesn't want me, is she just smiling because she's a friendly person? If I misread romantic intentions into it then would I really value you this girl I know nothing about other than she does ancient history and knows about Egypt and why Tanis isn't Pi-Ramesses, or am I just judging her by her looks? Because I don't want to judge her by her looks I want to judge her by her personality and interests but I don't really know what her personality or interests are like because I don't know her, all I know is what I'm projecting onto her and her looks, she is good looking, but I want to love her for her (oh god did I just say love it's been so long since I've been in love) and at the moment I think I'm in like with her (in like with, you can't love someone who you don't know you can only like and sometimes I think I should go back to my ex even though we could never love each other again because it's been so long since I've had that intimacy, I get pangs of self-pity and sorrow when I see happy couples hugging, thinking of how I had that and how you can't cross the same river twice) but should I cross the Rubicon and ask this girl out and what if she says no? Then the smiles will turn to awkard glances and it will be hard to learn about Egypt without panic attacks.

I put my email in so if anyone wants to be my literature friend they can be. My favourite author is Ken Kesey. Please don't pretend to be interested in me and lead me on through email, I'd prefer to discuss friendship and books. I have enough romantic turmoil in my life at the moment.

>> No.2867282
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Oh, I've been there, my friend. It wasn't drama, was it? All the aspiring writers I've been with have written drama. (Drama is the lowest literary form)

>> No.2867283

>no superiority complex
pleb pls go

>> No.2867285


>> No.2867290

you have made it evidently clear how new you are
/b/ pleb pls go

>> No.2867292

>Drama is the lowest literary form

Yeah, nevermind the fact that Shakespeare is one of the most revered writers in the history of the world. Nevermind that Beckett and Brecht both drove the bus that led to post-modernism.

You're a pinhead. Seriously.

>> No.2867298

>Oh, I've been there, my friend. It wasn't drama, was it? All the aspiring writers I've been with have written drama. (Drama is the lowest literary form)
yes. And the prose was more purple than a ribina stain.

>> No.2867299


Alright, you've named one esteemed English writer and one literary era. That is not, in any way, a compelling argument for the superiority of drama over prose or poetry. I could retort, fallaciously, with Alexander Pope and Romanticism, or Stendhal and Sturm Und Drang. You are in no position to call other people pinhead.

>> No.2867300
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>tfw intelligent and handsome
>tfw many girls like you except the one's that are actually interesting

>> No.2867302


You're not actually intelligent or handsome. The uninteresting girls will take whatever they can get.

>> No.2867305


>implying there's some kind of hierarchy between the different forms of literature
>actually being serious about it


>> No.2867306

Look, you are ranking mediums. I am not arguing for "the superiority of drama over prose and poetry," and I'd never do that. That is sheer idiocy. You've earned your pinhead status.

>> No.2867307

>hierarchising media


>> No.2867309


>implying you're not jelly

>> No.2867314

Girls only do things to cultivate a self-image that will get them male supplicants. The ones whose self-images include intellectual pursuits are the equivalent of male narcissists 99% of the time. They're typically huge dilettantish hipsters and completely self-obsessed.

Go for an unpretentious happy-go-lucky half-retarded chick and you'll be happy forever. That's woman in the peak of her natural state. She'll cheer you up just by being around you, and she won't want you to acknowledge that her interest in /mu/ bands, or her assemblage of "quirky hobbies", is as intellectually respectable as your MA.

>Let woman be a plaything, pure and fine like a precious stone illumined by the virtues of a world that does not yet exist.
>Let the flash of a star glitter in your love! Let your hope be: 'May I bear the Superman!'

>> No.2867322


Go back to /r9k/ you're not even funny.

>> No.2867324

Thats such an old fashioned idea. Why dont you look for a girl who will read a book with you and talk about it before having crazy sex?

>> No.2867325


Wearing pants is also an old-fashioned idea.

>> No.2867352

hi misogyny

the female members of your family hate you too

>> No.2867353

>the only card they can play

>> No.2867356

>Go for an unpretentious good-looking happy-go-lucky half-retarded chick and you'll be happy forever

>> No.2867357

>point: women aren't perfect
>counterpoint: lol you won't get laid with that attitude, virgin nerd loser. i bet u have unkempt beard. did any women hear me? i defended you're honor. anyone? women? does anyone need a toady? please have sex with me

>> No.2867358

>make wildly inaccurate generalisation

>expect an argument

why do you bother?

>> No.2867359

I don't know why Anon rages so much against this, it is actually true. Maybe you people have gone through strong liberal indoctrination and/or don't have a lot of experience with women, but this post is pretty much correct.

>> No.2867360
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>> No.2867365
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>defend women from all slights on an anonymous forum
>have nothing better to do than attack random wildly inaccurate generalizations on the internet in the middle of a weekday
>get legitimately asspained about random wildly inaccurate generalizations on the internet
>can only respond with ad hominem because "YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING BETTER!"

your life must rule

>> No.2867371


Funny thing, i want a girl that is smarter than me... Who would explain all the questions i have and still "love" me...

>> No.2867377

Were you by any chance raised by a single mother?

>> No.2867379

Just find the right girl and open your heart to her and you'll be so blissful

>> No.2867381

this is the worst possible advice

>> No.2867382

realtalk protip, faggot: 99.99999999% of women absolutely hate any sign of submissiveness or meekness or even just a general lack of authoritativeness in a man. like it actively disgusts them in the same way physical ugliness disgusts you.

just a heads up

>> No.2867389

Not really, but i have a dad that left my mom, and was workaholic (But its absurdly intelligent). But then again, after age eight i she too was an workaholic so dunno.. Spent most of my childhood after eight alone.

>> No.2867392

Every girl i have been together with i have been the dominating one. The one that "rule" the relationship and decide things... But that have come naturally, but still i want a girl that is a challenge for once.

>> implying a am alpha...
>> beta as fuck

>> No.2867396

What questions do you have?
Not really we just want to be wanted and a guy who knows what he wants. Lots of girls love it when a guy opens up. Just not too soon cause that would be awk.

>> No.2867399

There a different types of girls who want different things though

>> No.2867419

I met a girl who read Bolano this summer. I met another girl who read Sade. Ahh, the future...

>> No.2867423

hmm i dunno, hard to say right away.
But everything from why are mankind so divine and so ruinous at the same time? (Pretty much a faggot question but you know.)
Or why the most brilliant people i know, or know are the person who destroy them self the most?

Hard to say right away when i am preparing myself, to find my brightest star in most darkest bar..

>> No.2867426

What about building up something like companionship with a damn intelligent woman (I know one) and have her as a fuckbuddy?
The thing is, that she was married for a few years and told me, that she is not in the mood of starting anything with a guy again in the near futur. On the other hand she told me, that sex is just sex.

>> No.2867428
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>mfw how many women are in the higher tiers of your field is an almost perfect metric of how shitty it is
>mfw female english/lit majors in the billions

>> No.2867432


Lies. No girl reads Bolano. Their pygmy brains can't cope with it.

>> No.2867434

That's perfectly fine.

>> No.2867436

Says the tripfag with the brain of a squirrel.

>> No.2867438

You're a really dull person, Sunhawk, even when you try to be flippant.

>> No.2867440

Those are the 'big' questions tho. Things that no body answers. What I don't get about /lit/ guys is why they're so obsessed with finding answers to unanswerable questions.
There are different kinds of intelligences. Just because she is book smart doesn't mean that shes relationship smart and she might not wanna deal with that.
If you just want to manipulate her into becoming her fb you'll have to see if she feels like anything is lacking in her marriage, and take advantage of it.

>> No.2867459


I actually think she is very intelligent. She is a teacher in a school for gifted children. Has read tons of 'good literature' and in her free time she is very interested in higher mathmatics and quantum physics.
She is not married anymore. I think she is divorced for about a year or a year and a half right now, so I think it is rather understandable that she doesn't want to get into a 'real relationship' again.
She is a very interested person to talk to, shares a lot of ideas / opinions with me and is rather attractive.

But well I am gonna see.

>> No.2867463

you're gonna blow it and she is going to fall for a real man instead

>> No.2867466

She sounds like a catch. Just make her feel wanted and cherished.

>> No.2867469


But it's those question that are so hard to answer is the ones who intrigues you the most. Might be why we search them in the literature and/or in philosophy. I'm talking of course why i might search them in there, and in relationship, or in my writing or in life in general...

Go for it, might be the best? who knows? I wish you good luck!

>> No.2867471


>she is very interested in higher mathmatics and quantum physics

that sounds horrible.

>> No.2867472

Dont turn into this:

The Dover Bitch

by Anthony Hecht

A Criticism of Life: for Andrews Wanning

So there stood Matthew Arnold and this girl
With the cliffs of England crumbling away behind them,
And he said to her, 'Try to be true to me,
And I'll do the same for you, for things are bad
All over, etc., etc.'
Well now, I knew this girl. It's true she had read
Sophocles in a fairly good translation
And caught that bitter allusion to the sea,
But all the time he was talking she had in mind
The notion of what his whiskers would feel like
On the back of her neck. She told me later on
That after a while she got to looking out
At the lights across the channel, and really felt sad,
Thinking of all the wine and enormous beds
And blandishments in French and the perfumes.
And then she got really angry. To have been brought
All the way down from London, and then be addressed
As a sort of mournful cosmic last resort
Is really tough on a girl, and she was pretty.
Anyway, she watched him pace the room
And finger his watch-chain and seem to sweat a bit,
And then she said one or two unprintable things.
But you mustn't judge her by that. What I mean to say is,
She's really all right. I still see her once in a while
And she always treats me right. We have a drink
And I give her a good time, and perhaps it's a year
Before I see her again, but there she is,
Running to fat, but dependable as they come.
And sometimes I bring her a bottle of Nuit d' Amour.

>> No.2867479

If she does, bad luck for me, but thats life.

I will see. I take it slow and build up some trust or whatever first and see how things go.

>> No.2867481
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>loan girlfriend my copy of Gravity's Rainbow
>just finished it myself, really excited and want to talk to someone about it
>she's never read any pynchon before
>she reads first few pages
>gives it back a few days later
>"it's just not my thing, sorry"

>> No.2867483

Just thought I should point out, this link is pretty good.

>> No.2867484

>gravity's rainbow
>"it's just not my thing, sorry"

Shit book, she's right and only being nice about it.

>> No.2867487

>girl tells me she'll start reading for me
>she never does

At least she was nice enough to lie.

>> No.2867499

Maybe start her out with some actual literature before giving her the full hipster treatment, douche.

>> No.2867504

it's not like she was completely illiterate herself, and I had loaned her some more conventional stuff. I get your point, though. I just wanted to share some stuff I liked, is all.

>> No.2867506

I think the reason the idea that women only do things to impress men is such a popular idea is because it's true. It's just that the people who like to point it out so much "forget" entirely that everything men do is to impress women. Okay, a bit of an oversimplification on both sides there, but the core is true. Everything people do is intended to advance their own genes, be that by helping themselves, or their family too or their society at large. Nothing wrong with it.

>> No.2867512
File: 19 KB, 298x367, diogenes5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A young man contemplating marriage sought advice from Diogenes. "Should I marry?"

"Marriage is too soon for a young man"

"Would you have me wait then until I am old."

"Oh no, Marriage is far too late for an old man."

"What am I to do then? I love the girl."

"Love is a luxury no one can afford. It is for those who have nothing better to do."

"What should we be doing then?"

"To seek freedom. But it is not possible to be free if you have a wife and children."

"But having a wife and family is so agreeable."

"Then you see the problem, young man. Freedom would not be so difficult to attain were prison not so sweet."

"You mean to be free is to be alone?"

"We come into the world alone and we die alone. Why, in life, should we be any less alone?"

"To live, then, is terrible."

"No, not to live, but to live in chains."

>> No.2867515

Things would be so much better if we all just accepted that we want each other. These gender politics make no one happy.

I would love do date a literary guy if he would just get off his high horse and assume that I wont understand anything.

>> No.2867516

I started seeing this girl a while ago. She was clever; we would talk for hours and hours.
Went to her house, to her bedroom. I look at the bookcase. She has lots of Kafka. I think, oh thank fuck for that.
Then I see them... the Twilight books...
Needless to say, the relationship didn't go anywhere.

>> No.2867520

Its your stupidity that you let a good connection go about something so small. Maybe they were gifts? Maybe they were just a small pleasure she had. Doesn't mean she twilight obsessed

>> No.2867524

It's probably for the best. She would've fucked your best friend after she came to realize you weren't a teenage vampire with chiselled facial aesthetics.

>> No.2867526

That whole gene thing doesn't work beyond direct family.

Interesting to know that I just drank this beer to advance my genes though. Evolutionary reductionism is sort of uncalled for and inadequate. Psychological hedonism sounds much more reasonable.

>> No.2867528
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So much mad in here. Or is this all people posting the feel of not having lit gf?

That seems to feel pretty mad.

I get mad when they want me to, "finish something."

pic related, I sure hope we get to an equality relationship soon. Education is about equal, some social status. I sort of feel like the Indian father in W.C.Fields Forever by the Firesign Theater, man.

>> No.2867539

Actually, it's my complete inability to commit which meant that the whole thing went astray.
I'm a naive romantic. Whenever I'm with someone I have the aching feeling that somewhere out there is someone else ("the one"), whom I will love so unconditionally that nothing else matters (including Twilight books)
I'm doomed to walk this earth like a lost soul, grasping for things that I can't comprehend, or don't exist.

>> No.2867545

I don't know if that is true, but it's a depressing thought. The flip side of "acting authoritative" is being arrogant and ignorant.

I'd rather let my man-market value slide than stop being a thoughtful person.

>> No.2867550

I know the feels. :\ doomed to be discontent forever

>> No.2867743
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>tfw you give her Kafka
>"it's too dry"
>tfw you give her Hemingway
>"it's too bland"
>tfw you give her Thomas Bernhard
>"it's too dark"


>> No.2867747


Give her Faulkner or Pynchon

>> No.2867758

Give her Vonnegut


>> No.2867762
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>> No.2867768
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>> No.2867780
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>> No.2867787


>> No.2867796

I'm dating a /lit/girl. I wish we'd break up. We're miserable but since we live together we wont do it. It's been over a year and neither of us is happy. We fight a lot and even when we talk ideas we try to boost our own egos moreso than making valid points. It's like a philosophical/spelling/trivial pursuit facts/lingusitic pissing contest. All. The. Fucking. Time.

We're both writers too and that only leads to drama and jealousy. I hate having her read my work and she always insists that I read hers. Only she doesn't understand my desire for privacy and doesn't like my style of critique. Of course we're both batshit crazy, which certainly doesn't help.

My advice: Don't date other poets. It wont work out. I want a girl who doesn't read at all. A science nerd or a musician. Someone who can teach me something about the world that I'm not trying to learn for myself. Please and thank you.

>MFA student. Fairly attractive 6-7/10. Poor. Living a shit life.

>> No.2867804

Damn. Damn. That sounds so much fun.

You're arguing all the time? DAMN. What I wouldn't give.

>> No.2867809


Oh, I forgot to add. The sex is wild. She gives incredible head.

If that's what you're into and you're willing to put up with the other shit, then by all means find a bookish girl to date.

>drama queens

>> No.2867810


Rich girls dig poor, "bohemian", intelligent guys. As long as you're good looking (and into drugs)

>> No.2867831


>> No.2867835


Check and check.

Next fall I hope to get into one of the Ivy Leagues for a PhD. I'm desperate to find a rich girl who'll fall in love with my writing and become my benefactor for the rest of time.

>step 1: Ivy league school
>step 2: Find Senator/Congressman's daughter
>step 3: Write that bitch some poems. Bitches love poems.
>step 4: Get married. Live the rest of my life in relative comfort.
>step 5: Strike it big as a writer just as she divorces me and I'm left penniless from child support payments. Die in relative obscurity unloved and modestly successful.

What could go wrong?

>> No.2867994
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