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2864100 No.2864100 [Reply] [Original]

Is being sad infinitely better than feeling nothing, /lit/?

>> No.2864107


>> No.2864112

Sure. Suffering can be a form of pleasure, too.

>> No.2864114


>> No.2864117

there's no fate that cannot be surmounted by scorn?

>> No.2864122

Is this an obscure way of asking you suicide is acceptable of you're constantly depressed? If so, it's not. Start doing heroin

>> No.2864133

Yes. I know this feel, too. When I fell and love and lost her, I didn't want to stop being sad because it meant I'd stopped loving her. Feeling nothing is the worst suffering there is

>> No.2864135

Grow up.

>> No.2864136

>hierarchizing emotions
>803 A.U.C.
Sincere spero vos non facere.

>> No.2864140

>feeling nothing
>an emotion

pick one you dumbass pleb

>> No.2864141

at least he's referring to a relationship, which is 10x more mature than OP who is probably only lamenting a girl he never had (tfw no gf)

>> No.2864150

>implying you can't fall in love without being in a relationship

>> No.2864151
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I'm the fullest expression of anhedonia. I'm like a sociopath without the motivation.
>tfw I feel nothing

>> No.2864155
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>> No.2864158

>dat album

fucking masterpiece

>tfw I Don't Love

>> No.2864160

infatuation ---> relationship ---->30-50 years ----> love

>> No.2864161

Emotional states, then, you kvetching pedant.

>> No.2864163

>tfw cried for the first time all year a couple days ago
>dat catharis
>tfw crying felt good as fuck

Hits the spot.
But no, after having felt nothing for multiple months I can tell you it's better than being sad. You don't feel nothing all the time, you still laugh and shit. Just rarely. And it's not like you lose your capacity to like things.

>> No.2864162

>being this retarded

>> No.2864164

You're really unintelligent. Drop your trip to prevent further embarrassment, summerfag

>> No.2864165

>not giving the name of the album

why trying to be so esoteric. fucking hipster

>> No.2864166

>and it's not like you lose your capacity to like things

yes it is. that's whole point

>> No.2864167
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>30 years

>> No.2864168

>not knowing about DC


>> No.2864174

>not posting the scaruffi review


>> No.2864177

how should i have known?

point out the moment of my life in which I should have discovered them prior to this moment

>> No.2864183

what's your problem?

>> No.2864182

>implying I live in your shitty hemisphere

>> No.2864185


>> No.2864186

I love in the Southern you dipshit

>> No.2864188

2007 is when I graduated high school. That's much too young. try again.

>> No.2864189


the only good thing about him is that he recognized how fucking awful the Beatles were

>> No.2864190

>too young
>to listen to an album


>> No.2864192

too young to know about an album.

none of my friends new about that kind of music and i didn't know about scaruffi, 4chan, most music review websites at that time.

>> No.2864196

they're not awful. it's just mccartney's song writing.

>> No.2864200

no, they're really fucking bad. read this essay nigga


>> No.2864206

at no point does he actually make an argument. he just states things we're supposed to assume are facts

>> No.2864207

Perfect for /lit/, then.

>> No.2864210

it's not on /lit/

>> No.2864211
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no way in hell you read that in 3 minutes. furthermore, there are arguments made in the first two paragraphs. further, furthermore, there a no decent contemporary critics who don't acknowledge how retardedly bad the Beatles were. stay pleb if you wish, faggot

>> No.2864213

>tfw when your depression is rooted more in accomplishments/getting older than in anything romantic.

>> No.2864216

that sucks man. romantic depression is the strongest feel ever

>> No.2864223

Okay Werther.

>> No.2864226

oh sorry his main argument isn't that the beatles are bad but that the beatles didn't do what everyone else was doing and that equates with bad. also he criticises everyone except lennon. is that an indication lennon is faultless?

your pic screams hipster -'beatles and queen are popular? ew me no like'

>> No.2864230

Yes it is. I'm suffering from terrible Romantic Depression and I can't stop thinking about her, and yet I feel more alive than I have in years. It's weird.

>> No.2864235

yes. being alive is awful but being dead is worse.

>> No.2864239
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fuck you're dumb/ a mildly skilled troll

>> No.2864242
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pic fucking related

>> No.2864243

>that feel

>> No.2864245

Beatles was never marketed at teenage boys broheim.

>> No.2864246

It was marketed at teenage girls.

>> No.2864247

what the fuck? why are you so upset? I don't even like the beatles. I was actually looking forward to th prospect of that critique but it let me down.

>> No.2864251

And boys are different to girls. At least in marketing terms.

>> No.2864252


>> No.2864255
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Yes it was. You're a fucking idiot

>> No.2864257

You're both fucking idiots. Take this autistic shit to /mu/.

>> No.2864259

>cannot into the difference between boys and girls
I'm kinda pleased with your blindness to the male female binary.

>> No.2864260

This thread started out bad but the /mu/ invasion actually made it worse. Incredible.

>> No.2864265

>seeing the value in good music over bad music
>any form of retardation

enjoy your skrillex you top40 faggot. and if this beatlesfag took this shit to /mu/ he'd get fucked in the ass by superior humans with superior taste

>> No.2864267

if you chastise people for their elementary tastes without educating them then you are a hipster and probably also a sadist.

>> No.2864269

The fact you're even talking of "The Beatles" as a monolithic entity, and not in terms of pre/post revolver shows you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.2864270

>thinking there is inherent value in anything.

>> No.2864271

>two /mu/tants flinging their monkey poo at one another

Suprise, surprise.

>> No.2864276

loling hard at this post. the beatles were horrible at any point in their career you filthy pleb

>> No.2864277

All of my shit hit some point inside me recently and I broke down crying while driving home. I cried and cried and cried for about twenty minutes thinking, what the fuck am I doing, I need to pull my shit together (I pulled over to do so). I feel much better.

I was high and listening to 'The Ship Song' by Nick Cave.

>> No.2864280

>thinking there is subjective value in anything besides Bach

>> No.2864285

I came from /mu/ just to see you humiliate yourself. You are almost everything wrong with music today, you are autistic, and you are an embarrassment to anyone who enjoys music of any kind. On behalf of /mu/, go fuck yourself.

>> No.2864286

>not recognising the beatles' extraordinary consistency composing perfectly melodious, if simple, pop songs.

>> No.2864292

I had a similar thing. I woke up, had a shower, went downstairs, got half way down the stairs, and just say down and started crying. Christ, I miss her.

>> No.2864295

>entry level classical

>> No.2864299

>being male

pick one

this wouldn't have happened in the 50s

>> No.2864296

Not a criticism.

>> No.2864300

>speaking for /mu/ as an entity


good work beatles-hater, educate these plebs for the good of /mu/

>> No.2864305
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>> No.2864304

I suffer from manic depression, so I'm prone to inexplicable bouts of sadness.

>> No.2864302


mine was partly about a girl too :(

>> No.2864303

it means you're way to inexperienced to lecture anyone on musical taste

>> No.2864306

>doesn't get the literary reference

what are you doing on this board, you colossal retard?

>> No.2864307
File: 101 KB, 200x129, feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Romantic depression is a terrible fucking thing.

>> No.2864309

When did /lit/ become /mu/ and /r9k/?

>> No.2864311

We all have to feel some time, anon.

>> No.2864313

>implying jack kerouac didn't cry during his gay4roadtrip pseudo-zen lifestyle.

>> No.2864317

okay sorry. I'm off.

>> No.2864319

how many other bands span 50 different genres and draw influence directly from classical works?

>> No.2864320


>> No.2864323

>the beats

>stoic silent grandfather types who never indulgence you but you can always depend on.

pick one.

the beats were faggots. enough said.

>> No.2864324

you're being too obvious now. dial it back a bit, friend :)


>> No.2864326

confirmed for just spouting any old garbage

>> No.2864330

>trying too hard to pretend you're not mad

pick two

>> No.2864340

>Is being sad infinitely better than feeling nothing, /lit/?
>The Beatles

Thread status:

>> No.2864342

Not that guy but you can grow to find comfort in things that constitute the norm for you. If you're consistently sad, then when you're finally happy and experiencing real pleasure, you might become nervous, paranoid, and excessively worried that you shouldn't be feeling happy and that the feeling won't last long.

I spent pretty much the last 8 years mentally feeling like shit. I've had a great life and I had no reason to feel shitty, but I did. Several doctors told me I had depression and they put me on several different meds. None of them worked but a while after I stopped taking them, I definitely changed.

For a while now, I haven't really been in that same state of mind, but I've never really felt happy either. I had brief moments where I felt like I used to feel when I was a kid, but nothing that lasted more than a day. I actually miss feeling like absolute shit now. I think that it's sometimes better to feel something than to be completely stoic, just as long as it's not unbearable pain or trauma over an extended time. Maybe I'm still the same even if I do feel a little different. I'm definitely not claiming to be like one of those fags on /b/ who just hit puberty and claims to have no emotion, it's not like that.

>> No.2864346

you seem mad dude :) you ok :)?

>> No.2864359

Nice try

>> No.2864372

I don't understand, are you not mad? I am glad

>> No.2864376

Are you a poet?

>> No.2864380

I'm a poet in the same way the Beatles are musicians

>> No.2864383

wow you must be really good

>> No.2864389


>> No.2864396


>> No.2864399


>> No.2864403
