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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.28439[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you like him? He's obviously well-read and he's built (/fitlit/). Before you say he's fat, is it too farfetched to think that soon enough he's going to look like Laocoon after he cuts, bulks, and cuts again? Before you chalk up his ability to dumb anti-humor, or adolescent garbage, can you truly say you understand what he's going for?

>> No.28531

He's got step-dad strength
And yeah he's funny, just remember to not take him very seriously and you can get a lot off laughs
Sam's laugh cures cancer

>> No.28572

What's next for Sam? Is he gonna livestream his ritual suicide in an 'ironic' homage to Yukio Mishima

>> No.28618

This pony dating sim trailer is among the most harrowing artistic expressions of the hell that is modernity ever created by anyone.

>> No.28635

>He's obviously well read
What makes you say that?

>> No.28656

That tedtalk thing was fun but most of his content is crap. I also like ideas man and some of college cunts.

>> No.28689

>Why don't you like him?
Because he's just plain not funny.

>> No.28728
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He mentions books here and then: mostly in the Kickstarter TV videos. He has mentioned Tolstoy, The Bible, Yeats, Robert Frost, and Aristotle. This alone is hardly enough to justify him being well-read, but he also throws out the phrase "Western Canon." Again, not enough to claim him as well-read, but from this we know he is at least familiar with literature.

He has talked about King, Magician, Warrior, Lover (based off Jungian archetypes [Sam mentioned this too]), Keynesian Economics, and Zizek.

What brings it together for me is the end of "Ideas Man" -- the beautifully crafted montage. He's letting us know that without a deep respect and understanding of the past, we're lost.

>All philosophers share this common error: they proceed from contemporary man and think they can reach their goal through an analysis of this man. Automatically they think of "man" as an eternal verity, as something abiding in the whirlpool, as a sure measure of things. Everything that the philosopher says about man, however, is at the bottom no more than a testimony about the man of a very limited period. Lack of a historical sense is the original error of all philosophers. Nietzsche - Human, All-Too-Human [2]

I'm working on a paper all about it, all about Sam, really, that I hope will help with his awareness, if I nail it.

Probably become a citizen of the world, roam college campuses, gather a following, and eventually drink the poison before the academia to solidify himself as a legend.

So that is Sam in the lobster suit, then, right? Kickstarter TV is fucking top level in every way. Self Help for sure.