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2861154 No.2861154[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi /lit/, european fag here. Just wanted to get into Eastern philosophy, such as Taoism, Zen, Tantra, Osho, Confucianism or similar stuff.

I was wondering if you could recommend me some lectures. Where should I start?

>> No.2861159

Asian here.

Please fuck off, whitey.

>> No.2861207

huh, strange language you're using there, chank.

>> No.2861216
File: 344 KB, 1055x979, Platocave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're European, read Western Philosophy.
Start with The Republic.

>> No.2861229

>being this retarded

>> No.2861235

>saging your own thread

>> No.2861239

>implying western philosophy won't be more useful

>> No.2861240
File: 52 KB, 500x608, monk-temptation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Alan Watts.

>> No.2861244

haha so edgy! XD

>> No.2861245

Read the Way of Zen by Alan Watts to get a nice introduction into the history of Taoism, Buddhism and specifically Zen.

I'm sure there are works on Tantra, but Tantra in general is obscure and esoteric as fuck and isn't really meant to be read about. It's weird and dangerous shit that you do with your guru that has the potential of ruining you but also leading to enlightenment quickly. Or so they tell us.

Osho is a funny dude but a hack in a lot of ways as far as I know. I don't know much about Confucianism but that's because it seems quite uninteresting to me.

I think you should read more wiki and be more specific about your interests.

As far as lectures go, I think the TPB torrent with Watts' Out of your Mind collected audio stuff is a nice way to gather some insight and entertainment.

>> No.2861251
File: 51 KB, 361x598, grecobuddhism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>east-west dichotomy
>not aware of the mutual influences since ancient times

Pic related, Greek statue of an Asian guru in the Greater Middle East.

>> No.2861254

How's that Western logic working out for you? That clearly wasn't OP.
>evaluating philosophy based on usefulness
I don't think this subject is for you.

>> No.2861258

But all that happened after Alexander, who was a student of Aristotle. The Greeks brought their philosophy to the people they conquered.

>> No.2861261

And took a bunch of it back with them. See Pyrrho, for example.

>> No.2861266

Read "No water, no moon"

Also read "I am"

>> No.2861268

Oh look, this thread again

>> No.2861271
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>How's that Western logic working out for you?

>> No.2861272


>> No.2861279


oh yeah I forgot philosophy doesn't actually have anything to do with real life

>> No.2861533

That maybe, but greeks have always viewed India as a great SOURCE of philosophy. This is why greeks regarded India as a good place to learn philosophy from. This is why many greek philosophers/intellects went to learn philosophy from. The scope of Indian influence on Greeks are MUCH higher than you believe. Its not from rational reasoning that there isnt much studies done on the source of these two. Its merely old eurocentrism deeply rooted in our mentality.