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/lit/ - Literature

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2856443 No.2856443[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

You guys ever steal a book? Digital doesn't count, a real book, made with paper). I stole Moby Dick from my english teacher in high school, I borrowed it without her knowing with the intent to return it but it was so good I just never gave it back. A nice hardback copy too. Pic related.

>> No.2856449
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shit chyeah niggu word up gotta make a livin on the mean streets

>> No.2856460

You are such a badass.

>> No.2856469

I stole the Outsiders from my local library when I was 9. Children couldn't take out YA books, and I hadn't seen greasers before so the cover looked curious to me. It wasn't great, but I ironically used "stay gold" as goodbye for several years afterwards.

>> No.2856470

I accidentally stole a graphic novel from the library once. I paid them the money needed for them to purchase another copy, and when I found it, gave it back.

I also stole a book from a middle school teacher, but I lost that forever, and I decided to 'lose' two other books I had finished reading.

I can steal a few things, but books aren't one of them.

>> No.2856474

>I decided to 'lose' two other books I had finished reading.

Lose them in her classroom, of course.

>> No.2856476

Yes, many times from many local stores. I once rented a copy of IJ from my library and never returned it.

>> No.2856518

No. I virtually only get books at secondhand bookshops, and I think the people who run those are having a tough enough time already these days without people stealing from them as well.

>> No.2856522

Too big of a pussy. Can't remember if this was at B&N or Borders or both, but there's always a little vestibule area that is separated from the main store by a set of doors, and sometimes I see books that I want in there. You're already past the sensors, and it's always so tempting to just pick up something and casually walk back to my car (can see that none of those fuckers are paying any attention), but I just KNOW that since I have no experience stealing, I'll make some rookie mistake, have to hire a lawyer who will whittle my sentencing down from jailtime to heavy fines plus 100+ hours community service, etc.

>> No.2856527

For stealing a book? You're very paranoid, aren't you.

>> No.2856532

I have stolen so many books from my high school's library without meaning to. I would just leave the library and forget to check the book out, and I would read it, and forget to bring it back.

>> No.2856552


Then, once an angry B&N employee is chasing me through the parking lot, I'd probably make some retarded mistake and go to my car (now they can ID me based on my tag, brilliant), rather than simply run away—across busy streets, into woods, or whatever.

>> No.2856587

Never... intentionally.

>> No.2859420

the outsiders, from my shit tier 7th grade language teachers.
It, from some faggot in 9th. burnt that one.
it had been dipped in piss, was in awful condition, and was a shitty paperback anyway. under normal circumstances, i wouldn't even consider it.

>> No.2859460

"dear anons, this is OP. I'm an edgy and cool guy. In fact I'm still on high school, and yesterday I stole a book. Am I cool, guys, am I popular yet?"

"p-p-please r-r-respond"

(yep boy, I stole at least 40 books)

>> No.2859464

I stole The Watchmen from my job, randomly for no reason as I was not interested in it at all, and I never read it. I don't even know where it went honestly.

>> No.2859466

What the fuck OP

>> No.2859474

I'm sure your teacher would honestly give less than two shits. She's probably happy that you enjoyed it.

>> No.2859489

Stole the Prince, the Iliad & the Odyssey from the high school library about ten years ago,.

>> No.2859505

The sensors are just a prevention tactic and rarely do anything. The only thing that they can trigger are little magnetic stickers they put in the pages of some books. All you need to do is flip through the pages and see if there's a sticker. Take the sticker and throw it somewhere. Then you can just walk out the door.

That said, never steal from second hand bookstores.

>> No.2859551

I stole a load of books from my school library during sixth form.
>Start sixth form
>Go into library for the first time
>No good books
>Go into one corner
>Entirety of the Random House Everyman's Library
>Every piece of literature I have ever wanted to read ever is there
>Plan to get a few out of the library
>Check first page of a random book on the shelf
>"Last checked out June 2004"
>Check another one
>Never checked out
>Continue with about five other books
>Most of them never checked out, the rest not checked out in years
>Think "fuck it"
>Pack a load of Joyce, some Umberto Eco, some Woolf and Tolstoy into my bag
>Leave library
>Nobody ever noticed
They're now sitting on my book case. They are lovely books, and I'm almost completely regret free. Did I do bad, /lit/?

>> No.2859567


During the last two years of my high school education, I stole roughly 80 books from my school (textbooks that had never been mine, library books... etc)

>> No.2859571

If another guy would have stolen them, say a year before you, you'd never get to read them for free.
You ruined the future of someone that might have wanted to read those books.

One who steals from a library, is not one of us.
-Charles Bukowski

>> No.2859592

But nobody was reading them, and nobody had read them. They were pointless.

"The unread story is not a story; it is little black marks on wood pulp. The reader, reading it, makes it live: a live thing, a story."
-Ursula Le Guin

>> No.2859694


I have stolen literally hundreds of books, but only from big. I worked in one, and I used to take 4-5 books a week

>> No.2859706

I stole from a library before too. It was 2004 or 2005 and the book was taken out for the last time in 1974. I took it for myself and ended up showing friends and actually gave it to one of them. I made the wheel spin faster, I'm proud of it. Stealing a book is not just to keep on one's own shelf forever. It's important to give them away as well.

I also move books I like to places people can see them in bookstores

>> No.2861953

I've palmed a couple. The Selfish Gene and Anna Karenina.

>> No.2861996

That's pretty cool anon, just please don't steal from libraries, they are public resources for everybody to use. That's just greasy.

>> No.2862005

I've stolen books from my 2nd grade teacher, my 6th grade homeroom teacher and my 7th and 8th grade homeroom teacher.

>> No.2862010

yeah i stole a couple. steals good man

>> No.2862015

Alright. You have no business stealing books. Run along now, Anon.

>> No.2862016

I stole J.G Ballard's Empire of the Sun, William Golding's Lord of the Flies, A Short Introduction to Economics, A short Introduction to Nietzsche, The Prime of Ms Jean Brodie, three copies of A Taste of Honey, two books of collected Scottish plays, Kes, two Philip K Dicks, The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men, Tortilla Flat and the entire works of Douglas Adams from my schools English and Drama departments. I feel pretty bad about it tbh. I also once stole two books of parliamentary records (1996-1997 May 7 - May 22 and 1995-1996 Jun 24 - Jul 4) worth around £100 from my local MP's office. I didn't feel very bad about that because he was retiring anyway and I found out later he was giving them away.

>> No.2862042

>Now that I'm missing these two books of parliamentary records, there's no pointing in keeping the rest. I guess I'll just give them all away.