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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 320x240, Bill Evans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2856294 No.2856294[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What does /lit/ do for a living?

>> No.2856295

Your mom.

>> No.2856300

credit card salesman

>> No.2856305

Translator in the private sector (reports, memos, and so on).

>> No.2856308
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>> No.2856318

IRS Assassin.

>> No.2856322

I'm actually a housewife, my husband is asleep. But my little one was crying and I had to feed him, now I can't sleep.

>> No.2856324

I'm a writer.

My father pays my apartment and bills

>> No.2856325

Describe your tits or get the fuck out.

>> No.2856326

dude, Bill Evans kicks ass

>> No.2856328

Are you the same housewife who revealed herself before?

>> No.2856333

Probably not great seeing as she has children and is a layabout.

>> No.2856338

work the door at venues


>> No.2856337

Big and pink.

No, there are lots of us.

>> No.2856367

journalist, writing a script for a dude right now

>> No.2856382

I'm a "bookseller" at Barnes&Noble.
I am also a college student.

>> No.2856383

Are they erect and lactating?

Describe them with certain allusions to the current state of the American economy.

>> No.2856384

How did you get that job? Id like to work there. The only thing I see the clerks doing is reading.

>> No.2856387

I applied and happened to get it.
We're not allowed to read while working. I didn't understand why until I read while working. You get too in to the book and don't notice any customers or anything. It can be problematic.
The only complaint I have, besides the majority of customers being idiots, is that, because the store I work at is one of the three smallest B&Ns in the country, we don't have a janitorial staff, and thus have to do all of their duties ourselves. It's not that big of a deal, though.
The thing I enjoy the most is the 30% discount on all books, and the bi-annually "employee appreciation week" 40% discount.

>> No.2856391


>> No.2856392


Srsly. I live in a 3rd world country and won a kind of prize that goverment gives to non published authors, in order to sustain their lives.

Prize will last for a year (March next year, i guess) and i'll be published by then. I'll see how it will be from there, but i'm guessing copywriter until another prize is won. Yeah

>> No.2856396
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Hey thats pretty cool man. Good for you man. What country do you live in?

>> No.2856400

I'm gonna go put on Bill Evans

>> No.2856406


Prize was like US$ 5000, and things are cheap here if you rent an ap. with a few friends and know where to buy your stuff.

>> No.2856410


>> No.2856424

I bet you're a BM. Fuck you.

>> No.2856428

Ensign at power school

>> No.2856433

I work as a professional parasite. In other words, I'm an attorney.

>> No.2856436

I was joking, hoo-fucking-yah motherfucker. Good luck at power school, sir. (I'm still joking, you are no more better than any enlisted man and you keep your fucking respect when you get out to fleet, those men have been in longer, make less, and are generally better people than you and don't fucking forget it.)

>> No.2856466

I work in a fast food restaurant.

>> No.2856475

I have severe social anxiety and can't work. That makes me depressed and shit. I know I can actually work so that makes me feel useless. I don't know.

Feels lazy cunt man

>> No.2856487

Become a prostitute, you don't have to talk, if you do you're doing it wrong.

>> No.2856492

I teach illiterate fucks and Aboriginals how to read and write, and occasionally Customs at the airport or shipyard calls me to translate over the phone if they ever get stuck in a room with a Russian.

Sometimes I work in Centrelink, again helping with illiterate or foreign people.

My students are fucking awful, not just stupid, but the worst dregs society's stomach didn't even bother to throw up and just let kind of dribble out of its asshole. I hate them all, every last retarded one of them.

But hey, money. And getting fired from the government is balls hard unless there are layoffs, and I won't because there aren't enough people doing what I do. Which is weird as hell, because most of the people in my line of work are just English teachers with English teaching qualifications.

tl;dr: Glorified high school english teacher with less holidays and slightly smarter students.

>> No.2856494


I'm a male.

>> No.2856504

I assume that in the fact you felt you needed to point that out, you really meant "I am unattractive," because there are indeed male prostitutes.

>> No.2856513

I collect debt for the local state-owned water retailer, so I see people at their most expedient.

>> No.2856519


I'm probably the only blue collar worker here.

>> No.2856536
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Math teacher at local community college and web developer.

Would like to be able to put those two professions in the opposite order nondisingenuously, but I've been too lazy to seek out prospective web design clients.

>> No.2856543

>implying I'm not underage
I applied for my local record store the other day. let's see how that goes

>> No.2856609

Underage bros are best bros. I'll probably try for an assistant position at a local bookstore about a 30-minute walk from where I live. I'm not sure if they need employment, and even if they do I can't imagine it's much money, but it sounds like an experience so I'll give it a whirl.

>> No.2856693


So I get to write fiction for a living!

>> No.2856701

Mechanical Engineer

>> No.2856705

Freelance editor (I don't even fucking know), and comic writer. I'm also a college student.

>> No.2856715

PhD-student in Bioinformatics.

>> No.2856719

Nothing. I got a degree but I have no clue what to do now. I can't get into graduate school because I did incredibly shitty (the worst you can possibly do, really I probably was dead last in my class) and I have no idea what I actually like doing. About to just get a shitty job that will allow myself to move into the city and phone the rest of my life in.

>> No.2856782

I ams psychology student.

>> No.2856803

Does anyone work in a museum? It's literally all I want to do at the moment but don't really know how to go about it.

>> No.2856807

>"I think I'd like to work in a library."
>2 year education program
>"I think I'd like to work in a museum."
>2,5 year education program

>> No.2856824

Change unless you really like it or have a super solid plan that's going to lead to employment. It's pointless.

>> No.2856830

When I can I work manual labour. When there isn't any work I'm on the dole.

Feels pretty good I guess. I have yet to met anyone with a career and life to be jealous of, except for those who have enough money to never work at all.

>> No.2856832


>> No.2856840

Telecom engineer

>> No.2856858

I'm a novelist.

>> No.2856865

Shipping clerk. It primarily consists of data entry and getting harassed by people needing information regarding orders. God I want to kill myself when I'm at work.

>> No.2856892

applied to 10 different places this summer
no call backs
called lazy useless leech by my family
want to run away

>> No.2856896

Trendy arts student. I'm thinking of getting a job in Waterstones (or trying to, at least).

>> No.2856899

...ten is not a lot at all.

>> No.2856925

Don't you know you have to work minimum wage all year besides school? And in the vacations full time.
For minimum wage.
It may well be more efficient to loan the money at that age and keep studying to repay that loan about 10 times faster than the time you would've spent working minimum wage.
Strange is that so many people above the age of 40 want to go back to school, but I'm not sure if they also had a 52 hour week where the work is mindnumbing.

>> No.2856959
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>Strange is that so many people above the age of 40 want to go back to school
Those people are horrible, trying to play at being a student feeling all sassy with their notebook and feigned critical frown, bunch of spoiled suburban housewives and faggots the lot of them. Paying for schooling as education because they're inable to read books themselves in a structural manner.

University should be forbidden for people over 30.

>> No.2856960

*as entertainment lel

>> No.2856978

I'm not above 30, but I know many people who are, and a few of them have returned to school.

I don't think you understand the position a lot of these adults are in. They began work at a time when a degree was a privilege that many of them did not think was cost-effective. They worked for 10-20 years, and worked diligently, thinking that their hard work would ultimately get recognized and pay off. Now, the world is completely different and the job market is super-saturated with younger generations who all have degrees, and are preferred for management.

I've seen qualified people who've been with a company for 20 years get looked over simply because they don't have degrees, and a graduate was invariably hired for the position: a graduate who knew (as of yet) nothing about the work, nor how the operation could best function.

Returning to school is basically their panicky, self-preservation mode. They don't want to work the same position for another 20 years without any upward mobility.

>> No.2856997

>Economics and Computer Science
I plan on doing some cross disciplinary work. Maybe datamining or maybe discover something new. I'm not sure, but I'll start on a project during the second year of college.

>> No.2856999

Perhaps I should have said 40. My problem is with the hobbyists shitting up the humanities.

>> No.2857020

I'm currently unemployed but I'd like to get into some kind of hustle to supplement my income.

Any advice, /lit/?

>> No.2857054


>> No.2857129

Manual Labourer

>> No.2857131

I leech off my parents and welfare

>> No.2857173

Retail Manager. Currently have a gig where I only work 6 months of the year. I usually spend the other 6 months taking various university courses while trying to work up the gusto to actually start writing something.

>> No.2857179

>taking Humanities seriously

>> No.2857184

Steal stuff from unlocked cars.
Write porn for Amazon's Kindle store.
Shoplift from grocery stores by pretending to go through the self-checkouts.

Is this the kind of stuff you're looking for?

>> No.2857185

Owner of an ice cream factory.

>> No.2857187


yeah god forbid people actually had fun wouldn't that just be horrible

>> No.2857236

Freelance writer for this blog:

>> No.2857262

Wow it's like a shower of faggots ITT

>first post

>> No.2857307

I post on 4chan.

>> No.2857314

University student, majoring in History, minoring in math. Debating on whether or not to get my Master's after next year or just go straight to Teacher's College.

>> No.2857346

>Those people are horrible, trying to play at being a student feeling all sassy with their notebook and feigned critical frown, bunch of spoiled suburban housewives and faggots the lot of them. Paying for schooling as education because they're inable to read books themselves in a structural manner.

What you just described is basically every liberal arts major regardless of age.

>> No.2857365
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I work with old manuscripts and rare books.

>> No.2857371

Unemployed. Last job I worked was in a music store.

>> No.2857388

I'm a computer programmer.

>> No.2857393
File: 41 KB, 480x360, 1341673555221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finished high school for a marine engineering technician, continued college for the same thing, dropped out, was a NEET for 2-3 years, now I'm back in college, went with IT.

>> No.2857395

You pressure people to pay for the water they consumed?

>> No.2857454

I'm a teacher for severely autistic children. I was just hired for the summer, so I'm done in two weeks, but it has been really interesting. Every kid has a teacher each (two, in a few cases), so I'm really happy that I, after a while, became the teacher for a fairly well-mannered, clever mute boy, rather than an extremely noisy prick.

>> No.2857509

I work 70 hours a week on a migrant farm for a $75 and room/board

>> No.2857966

I am a copyeditor. Shit is so cash.

>> No.2857997
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Do I have the book for you!

>> No.2858278
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I was thinking about becoming a teacher but I don't want to put up with kids or teens.

>> No.2858300

Do it for an honors senior/junior class. They tend to actually give a shit about doing well in school.

>> No.2858301

I'm a landlord

>> No.2858305

Awww I love when moms call kids little ones.

>> No.2858440

Their self importance bothered me when I was in high school

>> No.2859088

Yes. More please.

>> No.2859108

I was a "Professional student" until recently.

I have a BA in English and a Masters in English Education.

I have an interview with Pinkberry later this week.

>> No.2859128
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- Unemployed
- Art student, failed painter, about to be expelled
- Impotent
- Depressed

>> No.2859152

Just graduated high school. Scared for my future after reading this thread.

>> No.2859158

If you are depressed, fix it now. Don't wait. That shit ruined me. Of course I had no idea I was depressed when I was a freshman... I mean I knew something was wrong but I thought everyone was sad often. I wasn't suicidal or really even typically sad. Anyway, it ended up ruining my entire college career.

Also only spend 1 hour on the internet per day.

>> No.2859175
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quality assurance.

>> No.2859261
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studying philosophy and linguistics at a state university, currently I work at a grocery store bakery, in the fall I'll be doing driving for my school's catering service. last summer I worked in a warehouse for a children's books publisher.

so basically I'm living off student loans, meager scholarships, and whatever odd jobs I can find. i get by, i don't mind.

>> No.2859319

Career server, relatively high-end. Feel free to tell me how you never tip and that I should get a real job.

>> No.2859333

I work as an accountant.

I hate my job, work very long hours (12 a day is standard, and often considered a 'short day'), and work with some of the most detestable people I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.

The best bit of my day is generally the commute in, when I get to lose myself in a book for an hour.

Did not think life would turn out like this...

>> No.2859336

How did you get the community college gig? Is it a permanent position?

>> No.2859346


>Also only spend 1 hour on the internet per day.

Not the guy you're replaying to, but we all know this is impossible.

>> No.2859355
File: 455 KB, 1044x765, knights_of_saint_john_by_james_b_roger-d30dunl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Film Production major with a literature minor with a focus in critical theory.

Work as assistantnight crew manager at Stop&Shop. Makes for interesting material. Currently applying to become a Knight Hospitaller

>> No.2859360
File: 17 KB, 300x300, 51ptN2CBHjL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-52,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>while trying to work up the gusto to actually start writing something.

Don't worry bro, just write shitty guides and publish it; you get better as you write more.

>picture related, I'm publishing my 3rd book

>> No.2859364

>I work as an accountant.

I met a 28 years old accountant who got his BA and master; he worked his way up to middle management and all he does his go on facebook; he got bored and quick his job to travel the world.

>> No.2859377
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 41jxIqPxfbL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA278_PIkin4,BottomRight,-52,22_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retail Manager. Currently have a gig where I only work 6 months of the year. I usually spend the other 6 months taking various university courses while trying to work up the gusto to actually start writing something.

Don't forget:

>write shitty erotic twlight fan fiction
>rename it 50 shades of gray
>national best seller

Don't be afraid to publish yo work.

>> No.2859383


Do you seriously make money off of putting shitty guide books on amazon?

>> No.2859424

>Ron Mcballs


>> No.2859426


God that sounds pathetic. I'm in the NEET process, don't want to end up like you though

>> No.2859436

sucks that you won't be able to after you graduate though

>> No.2859455


Probably made around $40 so far.

>tfw I tell girls I'm a published author.
>oh wow, tell me more

>> No.2859482

You think if I actually sat and wrote a shitty erotic fiction, like maybe 150 pages or so, and put it up for like a dollar, somebody will actually buy it? Like those shitty paperbacks you find in Target?

>> No.2859495

technical analyst for a healthcare software company

>> No.2859498

break bad

>> No.2859503

>tell me more
What the fuck do you do then?

>> No.2859516

Aren't your from /trv/? I think I saw your thread the other day.

>> No.2859518

Sure bro, go for it.

As long as the cover is decent and the description is good, you'll get buyers.

Good luck! :)

>> No.2859520

Why yes, yes I am.

>Ron Mcballs

>> No.2859526

I teach English 101.

Yes, it's as bad as you're imagining.

>> No.2859529


now I have the urge to shit out absurd vaguely erotic imagistic stream of conscious and market it as a shitty erotic fiction on amazon

>> No.2859532

Physics student looking at going into education.

>> No.2859542

Leech on my parent's income.

>> No.2859545

If I major in chemistry will I get a job or will I have to give handjobs for money?

>> No.2859547

I work for an actuarial firm.

The work is a little tedious, but varies from day to day. Pay is fantastic and I'm hoping to rise through the ranks as the years pile on.

>> No.2859559

I dance

>> No.2859560

Thinking about actuarial work myself. Any tips? Still an undergrad, admittedly lacking in math credentials but am willing to work at it.

>> No.2859562


lol omg me too

>> No.2859573

Hahaha, oh wow, me as a third person

>> No.2859595

KKK Grand Wizard

>> No.2859626


About the older people on the college: man, i'm getting a BS in math, even after i'm already 40+ just because i love math. Is that really a problem to you guys?

>> No.2859654

merchant navy

feels kind of weird. I make a lot of money but I can't help but feel people look at me like some uneducated working class pleb for some reason.

>> No.2859657


what do you do in the merchant navy? is the work relatively stable? do you have time to read?

>> No.2859672

I think it's cool.

>> No.2859693


I'm an engineer. Work is pretty stable, yeah, and as long as you manage to get and finish a cadetship (three years) you're pretty much guaranteed a job for life, though I personally don't really intend on doing this for more than ten years.

It varies from company to company, but you generally get long holidays (possible to go away for six months on a boat, and have the next six months to do what the fuck you want, for example). It's both a curse and a blessing obviously- there's a lot of pros and cons to this and imo you couldn't really compare a life like this to one where you're nice and comfortable at home with a 9-5. Not to say it's anymore exciting at all, just radically different.

But yeah, lots of time to read. Hours can be long and sometimes unpredictable but there's still definitely enough downtime.


>> No.2859698

CC or 4-year college? Gots a PhD?

Also, stories.

>> No.2859699


I'm an engineer. Work is pretty stable, yeah, and as long as you manage to get and finish a cadetship (three years) you're pretty much guaranteed a job for life, though I personally don't really intend on doing this for more than ten years.

It varies from company to company, but you generally get long holidays (possible to go away for six months on a boat, and have the next six months to do what the fuck you want, for example). It's both a curse and a blessing obviously- there's a lot of pros and cons to this and imo you couldn't really compare a life like this to one where you're nice and comfortable at home with a 9-5. Not to say it's anymore exciting at all, just radically different.

But yeah, lots of time to read. Hours can be long and sometimes unpredictable but there's still definitely enough downtime.

Captcha-laborers uesaioh

what the hell even my captcha is calling me a pleb.

>> No.2859705

Creative writing student at a mediocre university in Australia.


But I am published

>> No.2859713

I move boxes of produce.

>> No.2859719

Current English major. Planning to enter law.

>> No.2859981

I have two questions for you:

1. What do you plan to do with that philosophy degree?

2. Do you really feel feelings anymore?

>> No.2860023
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Graduated from from UCF with a degree in Anthropology.

Moved across the country on a whim and now I work at a ski resort in the Rocky Mountains.

During the summer I do property management, which means I hide in a stairwell all day long and read books.

During my days off I climb mountains and fish.

>> No.2860037

studying english at uni, had an affair with my married prof now i blackmail her into keep quite earns me $350 a week plus a pass mark

>> No.2860058

Chemistry student and just put in my two weeks' notice at my shitty retail job to head into work-study as a tutor.

>> No.2860092

Tell me your story anon

>> No.2860123

That's mean...

I'm seeing my art history teacher from last semester. She's 44 and I'm 21. We get along very good and we have sex maybe 4-5 times a month. She's single though.

>> No.2860162

summer job at library
going to go back to dispatch for the family trucking company when school starts. YAY 4am morning shift.

>> No.2860179

Im an English student, trying to become a professor. Or if i can get my shit together, a writer.

>> No.2860189

>have an /ss/ female professor

>blackmail her

You're a dick

>> No.2860196

How? Cause I've always been interested in doing that with a professor but haven't gotten the nerve to.

>> No.2860205

>Im an English student, trying to become a professor. Or if i can get my shit together, a writer.

Great, so if you fail as a writer you'll be another disappointed, washed-up idiot in a position to educate bright young people.
Why don't you just not bother.

>> No.2860208
File: 634 KB, 1083x1558, 02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>female professor

is this some kind of word association game?

>> No.2860216

Your life sounds pretty satisfying.

>> No.2860247

Nah being a professor would be cool too. The most epic thing to be both, like Tolkien but thats pretty near impossible. Though being a professor is why Lotr turned out so well.

>> No.2860248

College student in Computer Science. I'm just doing it for the money. Hopefully I'll be able to afford a nice library.

>> No.2860252

Journalist. I'm a reporter for my local paper and I do a little freelance shit on the side. I went to Liberia once on an international assignment, but otherwise it's very unexciting (Liberia was scary as shit).

>> No.2860259

Jesus, how do they make people go there? Do you get some sort of bonus?

>> No.2860326


>> No.2860333

Do you have any friends?