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/lit/ - Literature

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2847426 No.2847426 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/

representative from /fit/ here, do you fat neckbeards even lift? no, you just sit around all day masturbating over books. try geting some exercise maybe?

hell you are even worse than /v/, atleast they move when they play video games

>> No.2847428
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>> No.2847433

Why doesn`t OP post his own picture to try to validate his thread?

>> No.2847436

Backpacks heavy,
We're well fit, mate.

>> No.2847441

I lift books

>> No.2847447

Nobody does one thing all their life. I can read literature and keep fit and see people and play video games and watch movies. I don't have to do them all the time, or all at the same time. If all you do is /fit/ stuff then ... Well, that's just you having a boring empty life, OP.

>> No.2847449
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>> No.2847450


Jokes on you, I lift and I read good books. Exercise my mind and body.

>> No.2847451

>he doesn't read and lift at the same time


>> No.2847452
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u mad

u mirin?

>> No.2847455
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dem thighs brah

>> No.2847457
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yeah, this is me. . .

(Hint: If you don't post a timestamp, nobody believes you.)

>> No.2847459

OP couldn't lift the Great Gatsby, never mind bench Infinite Jest.

>> No.2847461


>child bearing hips

Say goodbye to your aesthetics.

>> No.2847462
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>> No.2847464

do you know what hips are?

>> No.2847465

the dick block seems pointless

>> No.2847466

Seriously, /fit/ scares the hell out of me. If you want evidence of how power structures in our society completely warp gender identity and body image, browse /fit/.

But the fact that they just buy into the shit without question. Makes me pity them so much.

>> No.2847468
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>implying you need to sage on a dead board such as /lit/

>> No.2847473

>If you want evidence of how power structures in our society completely warp gender identity and body image, browse /fit/.
Stop being such a buffoon, bro culture is just bro culture, nothing to do with the "power structurs in society completely warp"ing anything. and how do you mean they warp body image? It's a bad thing to want to have an athletic body?

>> No.2847475

You know them better than they know themselves.

>> No.2847479
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Why don't you bulk up, nerdlords?

>> No.2847481


>and how do you mean they warp body image? It's a bad thing to want to have an athletic body?

It is when you pick up smoking and cocaine to help you get there. And stop doing cardio because it kills dem gainz.

>> No.2847486

fair enough. I guess that is the predominant mindstate there.

>> No.2847488

I lift broski. And I read.
Taking a break between Moby Dick and going to the gym.

>> No.2847494
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>tfw backne

>> No.2847509
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>tfw when manly scars

>> No.2847512
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sure is scummy cis privilege in here

>> No.2847515
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who is this fat neckbeard u keep posting brah lol

>> No.2847522
File: 159 KB, 1280x908, 1295570479236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you even read

maybe if you read a book you'd know the answer

>> No.2847526

reading is for faggots

do you even lift?

>> No.2847528
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> mfw this thread

>> No.2847531
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>> No.2847535
File: 61 KB, 932x768, haroldbloomdisniggaserious1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

“I pick up a current Companion to Ibsen and I find articles on ‘Ibsen and the realistic problem drama’ and ‘Ibsen and feminism.’ Why not ‘Ibsen and orientalism’ or ‘Ibsen and Inuit lesbian studies?’ Why not ‘Ibsen and big media” ?

>> No.2847542


I, for one, would love to hear what an Inuit Lesbian studies PhD has to say about Ibsen.

>> No.2847551
File: 18 KB, 326x237, harold-bloom01 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Harold Bloom thread?
He is really getting thin.

>> No.2847557

Age has taken a toll on his plump physique. It's happening to my grandpa too :(

>> No.2847561
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>> No.2847564


It's kind of funny how he just poses these as rhetorical questions with the assumption that people will go "oh yeah you're right, that's absurd", but if pressed he couldn't actually give a valid answer to the questions.

I feel sad for Bloom, because on a certain level I agree with him, but he's way too wrapped up in his own ideas now. He needs to die and stop talking so we can salvage the stuff that's actually valuable and be done with the socially conservative caricature we're forced to deal with now.

>> No.2847565

T-rex mode unlocked.

>> No.2847573

I know that feel. My dad is 75 years old and is slowly losing his weight. It is awful.

>> No.2847577
File: 80 KB, 398x247, cfb_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is sweating profusely /fit/?

>> No.2847673

im a fat weak book-reading faggot and my cock is way bigger than yours

>> No.2847702
File: 98 KB, 180x232, 1342483877245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that /lit/ receives so much hate from other boards? Could it be that /sci/ and /fit/ are jealous of the fact that our preoccupation with our hobby doesn't stem from insecurity/vanity, but from actual interest, thus being a source of happiness rather than frustration?

>> No.2847726

>representative from /fit/ here

oh boy, here we go......

>do you fat neckbeards even lift?

>implying this is not a projection......

whatever, I play judo and BJJ.....

>no, you just sit around all day masturbating over books

heh, I can imagine......."OH NABOKOV, I'M CUMMING....", heh again......

>hell you are even worse than /v/, atleast they move when they play video games

double heh

conclusion: we had better trolls