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File: 288 KB, 432x648, Multiverse1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2844686 No.2844686 [Reply] [Original]

So I'm haunted by the idea of that the world we live in now(let's call it a plane) is the first plane and when we die we continue to the next one with all of our knowledge and memories. We are born normally but we grow up knowing the mistakes and fall-pits of life, and so does everybody else. Eventually after we die and reincarnate enough, we will become gods/demi-gods or perfection of human beings, able to the see the past and future(though not altering the past).

tl;dr: what if we reincarnate but keep our memories from past life?

There are some problems though...
-How many planes could there be? I mean... Eventually life expectancy will rocket as humans develop, and many will eventually reside to one plane, but some will want to continue reincarnating, searching for something finite.
-How would previous plane inhibitors be accepted into new ones(e.g. Adolf Hitler, John F. Kennedy).. will they try to hide or continue with their path, and how will people cope with being granted new chances, new parents and a new altered timelines?
-If people stopped getting pregnant/giving birth, then would that plane be the last one to carry humanity or would people "jump" past that plane?
-When during pregnancy will a fetus become aware of being able to remember?

And lastly: are there already any books on this subject?

>> No.2844703

Is your idea even based on any valid theories or scientific claims/facts? If not it's shit.


>> No.2844723


So if "the interwebz and dem scientist seid so", it's more valid?
go suck a mule

>> No.2844725

You're positing things about the universe that have no basis in anything other than your imagination.

>> No.2844728
File: 56 KB, 359x589, bion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>believing life functions as a videogame with your little self floating around to new levels if you play in a certain way
>believing in the self at all

Such vanity.

>> No.2844740

Problem? Though i believe reincarnation vaguely resembles the belief of many religions, right? The realistic twist to it let's the idea tingle the minds of nonreligious people.
Oh, and I'm atheist and don't believe in this crap anyways... I'm just looking for an good idea for a book.

>> No.2845392

Because religion has so often been proven to be accurate... Just get the fuck out you dumbfuck.

>> No.2847331

>not believing in a self


>> No.2847342
File: 67 KB, 247x248, 1318713876069.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suck a mule

OP, this is your own little imaginary world. You can decide the rules. Isn't that wonderful?

>> No.2847485

Cite examples

>> No.2847700

religion is very important in regards to keep a society moral and homogenous

>> No.2847741

Stay mad empiricist. Shouldn't you be on le reddit now?

>> No.2847745

>self inbuilt with language
>self is necessary
>self is real

oh, wow.

>> No.2847762

stoner science belongs in >>>/x/