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2839994 No.2839994 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you're going through your old notes but there's stuff there that you've long since moved past and came up with new and different ideas that are better and you feel like you're contaminating your ideas with these old and dated ones and you wonder if you expressed the new ideas clearly ahead in the notes or if they're going to be damaged by these old ones now and you're walking in circles

>> No.2839995

You're clearly not all that great at writing your ideas.

>> No.2840003

>not a disorganised genius

>> No.2840004

OP's clearly a moron.

>> No.2840009

Call me influenced by TV, but I far more expect someone who's going to succeed in the arts to be a bit disorganized than someone who has everything perfectly expressed and neatly sorted in different-colored folders.

>> No.2840013
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>> No.2840015

>not annually ridding yourself of all your non-essential possessions, including data

Feels good to have less of a past.

>> No.2840016

>not weekly
Get on my level.

>> No.2840029
File: 67 KB, 526x640, wittgensteinroom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yearly is rather beginners mode, I agree. I've gotten into the habit of near instantaneously ridding myself of the superfluous.

>no e-mails
>no chat-logs
>no music
>no film
>no stuff
>nothing except some referential works, tech and basic living necessities

Feels neattgenstein.

>> No.2840033

Yet you're on 4chan.


>> No.2840036

I don't have anything against fucking around pointlessly. I just like it without residue.

>> No.2840039
File: 21 KB, 380x300, what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no chat-logs

>> No.2840044

When I really sit down and need to get something done in writing, I have to clean my room completely and get rid of anything superfluous. I've scribbled with a knife on my desk and its incredibly distracting.

>> No.2840049
File: 175 KB, 450x386, lamarisdeeeead.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here.

I just came up with something brilliant.

I'll transcribe my notes... BACKWARDS!


>> No.2840058
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Keeping logs of everything will fuck you up. Our brains usually forget or store away what doesn't really matter anymore. Keeping it alive artificially creates all kind of reminders (notes from the past, pictures, home video's, chat-logs, e-mails, letters, all that kind of life recording) that fuck with us. We redirect our attention to events that are not relevant any more and thereby lose our sense of flow, of living on. It creates a stunted sense of self. You overly identify with someone that isn't you, namely your past self. This in turn can have all kinds of negative effects on people, be it in the sense of lingering shame and trauma or nostalgic escapism.

Besides that, this very grasping for life in the sense of trying to capture it fucks up our behaviour itself. A proportion of time at parties and on holidays is spend recording and making sure it's all there for the future, distracting from the present moment. Another part of it involves the constant posing for posterity and the insincerity that comes along with it. We become split personalities. People feverishly try to become both the actors and the historians of their own lives, thereby forgoing their lives themselves.

Cutting yourself lose from this whole thing is a tremendous relief. The same goes for stopping to be a curator of a collection of objects with sentimental and monetary value.

>> No.2840070
File: 16 KB, 402x280, thatsadorable.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What I'm really asking is just why in the world you ever saved your chat logs to begin with. Why would you do that?

>> No.2840077

>deleting your memory
>choose bliss instead of consciousness and responsibility

sure is taliban in here

>> No.2840080

ladies and gentlemen: autism

>> No.2840101

I basically removed absolutely everything from my room. The thing that annoys me now are the wires. Disorganized wires just leading everythere. Damn you, wireless mouse for not functioning properly!