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/lit/ - Literature

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2833211 No.2833211 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/

So I started reading this book right now and I am about 200 pages in. I actually have to say, that I really enjoy it. There were a few times when I actually laughed out loude cause of it.
At first I had a few problems at the 'slang' chapters, since I am not a native English speaker, but after the first one it was really easy to read them.

Well I have seen that there are often threads about this book on /lit/ and the opinions people have about it are really spread about loving it and totally hating it. So I wanted to ask, what you think about it and do / did you like it?

>> No.2833223

I love it. I'm also a bit of a minority on /lit/ since I love Wallace as well as Jonathan Franzen.

>I am not a native English speaker
I found this particularly interesting. David Foster Wallace himself said he couldn't really imagine what this novel must have been like and translation, and Franzen said he couldn't really imagine anyone outside of the U.S. really "getting it" - at least not without some difficulty.

What do you think, OP, about the American-ness of it (or lack thereof).

Also, I'm glad you enjoyed the first 200 pages. It only gets better from here on out!

>> No.2833228

I love it. It's one of my favorite books. I read it a few months before I heard of /lit/ and was pretty surprised to see how often it's brought here. Some of the scenes are incredibly hilarious but many of them are equally tragic. He has an honest and empathetic style that I really dig, I definitely need to read more of his stuff.

>> No.2833231
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rejoice /lit/ for the savior has shone holy light on the evil that is DFW'S The Pale King and its cancerous fans

everyone get in here and greentext, official thread

i fucking told you bitches that that god damn hack was going to get blown the fuck out until he was leaking out of his asshole.

Where are all the smug DFW fans now? fucking pethetic loser. the 1 straggling bandwagoner that's left can only parrot META-TEXT META-TEXT IRS METAPHORS through his cavity ridden teeth.

just imagine them sitting in their double wide trailers crying their eyes out. fucking pathetic disease scum. I would gladly pay to watch DFW fans get burned alive as their flesh cackles, agonizing screams as they roll on the ground desperately fighting brutal pain

Suck my dick you faggots. Burn in hell. Fucking owned. fucking told god damn it you whiny little bitches. embarrassed by the greatest literary critics of our age
i can't wait to collect the blood that will pour from your anuses when you watch better writers hold trophies over their heads. people will actually respect their accomplishment. the true best fans in literature will get what they deserve reading writers who are good enough to win Pulitzers and Nobels without pathetic Jew nepotism.

just admit your history is a fluke you methheads. just admit your penises are tiny. you god damn soulless pretentious douchebags deserve every bit of this. fuck you.

Get fucking owned kids. You are the bitch. Your book sucks ass
cry about it bitches

>> No.2833236
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This isn't worthy of being pasta

>> No.2833241


Well I gotta admit there is a lot of stuff about american institutions and stuff, that I don't really know much about. I googled some of it, but most of the time I have to say I am too lazy to find out what a certain institution really is / does. But as far as I remember most of them are explained at least partways.
I also have a bunch of american friends so I am somewhat used to american culture.

A very interesting thing are the footnotes. At first I thought they were damn annoying, cause I always had to go to the back of the novel, read a few lines and get back, but after the filmography of Hal's father I was happy to not have ignored them. There were a few movies, that literaly made me laugh out loud in while I was on the train.

Thanks, I am looking forward to the rest of the novel. Seriously I have read 1Q84 before that (or at least the first two books) and I actually dropped out, cause I didn't enjoy it. Now IJ is a completelly different story.

>> No.2833242
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>> No.2833252

>someone reposts copypasta I made*

Feels good, man.

*stole from /sp/ and changed the St. Louis Cardinals to DFW

>> No.2833973

it's a fantastic book, one of my favourites. at 200 pages you've really got a lot of great stuff to come, op. if i remember correctly you're barely even acquainted with the ennett house residents yet? a lot of very important stuff is concealed in the footnotes, btw, so yeah, don't skip over them. if you ever get confused about the subsidised years have a look at page 223--it lists them in chronological order.

>> No.2834050


Yeah I am just at the part were the ennett house and its residents are introduced. And I noticed that the footnotes are important.
To the subsidised years: I have to say at first I was rather confused what these stranges names were about until I noticed that these actually are the years. Thanks for mentioning the chronic.

>> No.2834721

I think it's horrible. I was very intrigued by the first chapter, it was great. From then on, it went pretty downhill, endless stuff about tennis and alcoholics, some parts were mildly amusing, but in no way enough to keep on bothering with all the rest. He should've transported his ideas in a different, SHORTER way. I'm pretty sure there are people out there going "OMG that's hilarious!", but it's not for me.
I dropped it after approximately the first third.

>> No.2834728

/lit/ should form a club of the works of art lauded here by the clearly teenaged.

This and Murakami would fall into it first. Writings for people with very little experience who'd like to be taken (above all else) seriously.

>> No.2834739

>dat "Reginald" chapter

DFW has a ghetto-pass for life.