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2829745 No.2829745 [Reply] [Original]

>“I’m doing this for my book so it is not pirated anymore anywhere in the world,” Oliveira explained, attracting the attention of the police.

>“A country is made with culture, with books. When people pirate books culture is in danger.



>> No.2829751
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my sides

>> No.2829754

If piracy causes more women to get naked then I'm all for it

>> No.2829758

>/lit/, a SFW board
>people posting NSFW every day

>> No.2829756


>> No.2829763

>browsing 4chan in public

You should never do this. Hide your power level better.

>> No.2829767
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>She admitted that the books had been written from her personal experience working as garota de compañía (a girl of company) in which she had sex with 5,000 men...

>> No.2829769

I don't, I'm sitting at home.
It's the principal of the matter, though.
>inb4 principle

>> No.2829770

It's censored.

>> No.2831232

I bet no one cared about her book anyway, that's why it sold poorly.

>> No.2831240

1. She`s a woman
2. She`s fat
3. She didn`t write pre-1950

Why should anyone take this person seriously?

>> No.2831243

lol the cops swarmed instantly

>> No.2831254

She wants to stop pirates because she knows that soon enough, we will be able to pirate sex and her trade will go bankrupt.

>> No.2831262

Who the fuck would pirate her shitty book, anyway? Shouldn't it be like Stephen King or Tom Clancy getting naked in the street?

>not even going to touch the idea that pirating books endangers culture

>> No.2831306

lol she's from my country and I've literally never heard of her.

>> No.2831342

Free access to books endangers culture.

Looks like it's time to firebomb the libraries.

>> No.2831356

Many of the greatest works in history were written in times/places where books weren't protected by any kind of copyright law.

When art can move freely, culture flourishes.

>> No.2831357

It's a publicity stunt.

>> No.2831618

1) She's not fat.
2) You're a fuckass.

>> No.2831624

shes not fat but she does look like a trap

>> No.2831635

meh the threads about the hipster feminist blogger fingering herself were better

>> No.2831705

>"When people pirate books culture is in danger."
>When culture is allowed to disemminated to all, culture is in danger
Seems legit

>> No.2831710

Culture should only disseminate to people who can afford it. Plebs should just go to church and do what they're told.

>> No.2831712

Butthurt middle class detected. Culture should be mass produced in daddy's factories so that it can be freely disseminated to all for a small fee.

>> No.2831717

She's pretty hot, IMO. But her ideology and complaints are ridiculous.

>> No.2831720


The average human doesn't know how/where to pirate books, and doesn't care enough to learn. The average book pirate probably doesn't even read most of the shit they d/l. Culture is still predominantly spread at Universities, either from professors down to students or among students.

>> No.2831729

Culture is predominantly spread by Oprah, the New York Times and advertising, in that order.

>> No.2831767

She's fat and you should feel fat.

>> No.2831783
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>> No.2831787
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Why is it always fat, greedy, third world women that come up with this kind of bullshit?

>When people pirate books culture is in danger.
lel. Mp3 killed music. Karagarga killed films.

>> No.2831792

the slut knows that gimmicks sell books

she's getting all the free publicity she wants

>> No.2831800
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Why can't all these protesters look like Natalie Morales?

This is frankly disappointing.

>> No.2831801

>write brainless chick lit
>claim that other people are endangering culture

>> No.2831802

funny video, thanks for posting

>> No.2831817

Why would someone want to pirate her shitty book?

>> No.2831825

a lot of white middle class teens in this thread

when you pirate a book from a living author in the third world, you're actively depriving that author (and therefore that author's nation) of the capital it would otherwise acquire from the sale. You're literally stealing from the poor.

>> No.2831828


And why should I care? If you focus on one person or another, capitalism is always exploitation of the poor. Boo hoo.

>> No.2831833

if you believe the world is better off with capitalism, then it's no problem to you. If you believe it's worse off, then it should be a problem.

But it would be ignorant to think that third worlders are "wrong" or "entitled" to complain about exploitation by people like you, and you shouldn't be surprised when drugs, terrorism, and immigrants are exported to your shores.

>> No.2831837

I'm also basically stealing from the poor when I drink my fancy coffee and cheap bananas that were picked by little children for a pittance.

I don't feel especially guilty about that and I certainly don't feel that guilty about pirating books.

There's no sense in both of us being poor, is there?

>> No.2831845

You're confusing the issue if you think being wealthy or poor isn't a matter of spectrum, rather than having or not having. For an extra dollar on your bananas or coffee, you could literally double the quality of life of coffee growers and banana pickers. Ergo, fair-trade coffee, where the extra dollar is realized.

>> No.2831857

Fairtrade coffee has actually fucked up coffee farmers worldwide.


>> No.2831860


> If you believe it's worse off, then it should be a problem.

It is a problem. That's why I do my best to not participate in it. Piracy is part of that.

>> No.2831861

You believe this Rightist shit?

>The first problem is that of quality and price. Fair Trade coffee, in order to provide higher-than-market-value wages, charges significantly more for its coffee. However, its concern for the actual quality and taste is secondary to its concern for "ethical" practices. Few, if any, drink Fair Trade coffee for the taste, and in fact, a great number of Fair Trade products have a reputation for being quite poor-tasting. In consequence, the consumer is being pressed to purchase a poorer-than-usual product for a higher-than-usual price. Although the selling point of a product being "ethical" may work in the short term, in the long term, it is not sustainable due to ethical fatigue amongst consumers, who will eventually turn back to the coffee they actually want to drink.

>This leads to the second problem -- the damage Fair Trade does to non-Fair Trade brands. The aggressive approach that the organization and its supporters take towards other brands of coffee means that it is common to see strong advertising slogans from Fair Trade, such as "How ethical is your shopping basket?" By doing this, they are implying that non-Fair Trade coffee is bad, exploitative, and unethical. This is made worse by various Fair Trade advocates often condemning non-Fair Trade brands explicitly. We all have a friend or colleague who gets angry when one gets coffee from a politically incorrect business.

>> No.2831862

This. Another reason why trying to promote anti-capitalism within the framework of capitalism is such a terrible idea.

>> No.2831863


>calls fair trade "anti-capitalist"
>cites the Cato Institute
>cites Milton Friedman
>there's an ebook for sale called "The Cure for Poverty: The Free Market

Seems like a legit source.

>> No.2831865

The automobile fucked up horse and buggies worldwide

>> No.2831867

>he thinks that helping a few coffee farmers and screwing over the rest of them even harder is moral

>> No.2831871
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no, no, it's called "The Cure for Poverty: It's the Free Market: History's Greatest Invention"

>> No.2831873

>not completely backwards

this is the 21st century we're living in

>> No.2831882


>when you pirate a book from a living author in the third world, you're actively depriving that author (and therefore that author's nation) of the capital it would otherwise acquire from the sale

Only if I had bothered to buy the book if pirating wasn't an option. Which is rarely the case with pirates.

>> No.2831893

I hate to do this but piracy is embedded into the New Testament. Jesus made more loaves and fish out of one loaf and one fish, thus depriving fishermen and bakers of potential sales. Jesus was a pirate. If only there were a Gabe in the New Testament to offer Food streamed to your house, and summer sales.

>> No.2831903

But to actually address two of the most important arguments:

Increased prices on the consumer side (fair trade coffee costing more) doesn't make it a "subsidy". The money is traveling not via an external entity (the government) but via a market party (the consumer). It's the same as buying Glade plug-ins instead of NiceScents. You're paying extra for the ethical brand, not the product itself.

The second argument is more tough and more realistic: fair trade coffee creates a glut of coffee that drives down prices all around, hurting all coffee growers. But that's a market future we have to be prepared to deal with. The Internet drives down ad revenue in newspapers. The horse and buggy went away because of cars. We have to acknowledge that many industries hurt one another because there's only so much demand (money) to go around.

>> No.2831910

I'm pretty sure only Americans are guilted by their media and academies into buying ethically. The rest of the world enjoys free market principles.

>> No.2831912

Jesus was the free market. He found a way to produce a lot of food at little cost, and so people worshipped him instead of the moneylenders in the temple.

QED liberals!

>> No.2831915

the rest of the world fucking sucks. Especially Yurop.

Or should I say The Bankrupt States of Islamistan

>> No.2831937

Also don't mention Jesus in the market place, in John 2:10-2:22

you too >>2831912

>> No.2831956

Yeah especially Spain, Italy, Portugal, Greece, Ireland, Iceland, Argentina (back when the junta forced the free market in), I could go on...

>> No.2832219

a lot of butthurt free-marketeers here. U mad just because your system's gone belly up?

>> No.2832233

>wanting to create culture
>charge for it
>wonder why the poor feel disenfranchised from the cultural society.

In reality this broad cares not about protesting anti-piracy. She's just doing this to get attention to sell more books.

>> No.2832243
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>incharge of anything but shitty DRM and scummy policies.

>> No.2832269

the local consumer isn't important in creating culture, because with the internet, the audience is only limited by language and money. The consumer overall is what matters.

If some Honduran writes a nice novel, it doesn't matter whether the destitute plebs in Honduras buy the thing. It matters whether Americans, Mexicans, Spaniards buy it, because they're bigger markets and can better contribute to the spreading of this or that cultural object.

>> No.2832302
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>> No.2832350
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>not liking Gabe
>posting zizek

>> No.2833068

frankly, she'd get a lot more people buying her book if she included a lottery ticket in each one for a 1:100,000 chance of boning her.

>> No.2833081

Why don't established authors do this, or the nonsexual equivalent? With every book sold, offer a 1/10000 chance of having 5 pages written about any subject you choose. Or a week-long sleepover with your favorite author, talking about their work, they'll take you out to dinner, etc.

>> No.2833093

I bet Tao Lin does shit like this.

>> No.2833117
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>> No.2833126

The only people that get mad about piracy are the ones who aren't affected by it and are only using it as a stunt.

>> No.2833132

>A country is made with culture, with books
>protest to make books less accessible

This woman is truly an intellectual powerhouse.

>> No.2834768

I feel like I've heard of this woman before...

>adding that her latest publication is based on her experiences bedding nearly 5,000 men.

That might be why.

I forgot all about her, I think I might have her page bookmarked somewhere...