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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 16 KB, 368x560, zizshits.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2820694 No.2820694[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This man is your friend.
He fights for freedom.

>> No.2820702

He reminds me of a presocratic philosopher, always spouting kitschy, interesting, brain teaser type aphorisms, but I have no idea what he is actually "about"

>> No.2820707

>in favour of freedom

>> No.2820709
File: 106 KB, 460x271, zizek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote zizek, every year ever election.

>> No.2820708

Who is he fighting? He doesn't look like he would win very many fights. Is this why I don't feel very free?

>> No.2820713
File: 118 KB, 478x494, noam chomsky.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Troll harder next time.

>> No.2820714

>Fighting for Freedom
Pick one, you naive little euro.

>> No.2820717
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Do you even live in this world?

>> No.2820724
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This is the final stage of socialism. Coherent arguments get destroyed, so only people like Zizek and dedicated postmodernists are able to survive.

>> No.2820726

Free to be a wage slave, at least.

>> No.2820732

Sorry, being overweight instantly disqualifies both him and his ideas.

>> No.2820740

By that logic, 90% of /lit/'s ideas should be instantly disqualified. Including yours.

>> No.2820742

He fights against globalization, totalitarianism and slavery.
>He doesn't look like he would win very many fights.
Zizek has the physical strength of six Russian oxen and an electrifying mental physique. He'll knock you the fuck out.
Did I also mention that he's married to a sexy European model? Does that make you feel more free, hm?

>> No.2820743

Go spend some time in Hoeryong concentration camp and then tell us how well their level of freedom compares to ours.

>> No.2820761

Well, most of /lit/'s ideas should be completely disregarded anyway, even without factoring in the (lack of) physical fitness of the average poster.

I am in excellent shape, for the record.

>If you're havin' weight problems I feel bad for you, son
>I got 99 problems but benching 220 ain't one

>> No.2820771
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>Not relentlessly capitalist

Are you literally serious.

>> No.2820776

Sorry, North Korea. Still relentlessly capitalist.

>> No.2820782

I tried listening to this guy in an interview but he came across as just another blowhard knowitall. I want to give him another shot, but he annoys me even from this distance.

>> No.2820784

Maybe they should have a socialist revolution to fix that.

>> No.2820785

>Not understand facts
Are you seriously going to have me believe that China is capitalist? Yes, Hong Kong is capitalist, but everything else in China is a barren shithole with the lucky one percent ruling over the rest.

>> No.2820794

Heh, get a load of this sperglord.

>> No.2820798

Socialists pull out a No True Scotsman whenever the real-world failures of socialism are ever put on display.

>> No.2820803

Communist Leader Official Rankings:

God Tier:
Ho Chi Minh

High Tier:
Mao Tse-Tung
Josip Tito

Mid Tier:
Most of the smaller countries' leaders

Shit Tier:
China Post-Mao
USSR Post-Lenin
Anyone in North Korea
Pol Pot

>> No.2820809

>everything else in China is a barren shithole with the lucky one percent ruling over the rest.

It's like you make my arguments for me.

>> No.2820813
File: 75 KB, 443x590, Ho Chi Minh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like you.

>> No.2820811

Read up on state capitalism, dipshit.

>> No.2820824

Glorious Eternal Leader Tier:
Kim Jong-nam

>> No.2820825

I agree with Zizek. False consciousness like environmentalism and civil rights for homosexuals need to be violently suppressed for the sake of the class struggle.

>> No.2820826

China, like Russia, was a socialist revolution that failed, ultimately devolving into capitalism. There was genuine socialism for a while (though pretty shitty socialism), but to say that China is still a "socialist country" is absurd.

As another example, I would still say the USSR was socialist under Stalin, but gradually became more capitalist under Khrushchev, even though Krushschev's reign was SIGNIFICANTLY better than Stalin's.

>> No.2820831

he's a slightly less entertaining copy of george carlin
probably not as bitter too

>> No.2820833

That is exactly what Zizek says, you are clearly well-read in Zizekian literature. Please, tell me more!

>> No.2820835

I see you are well versed in sound bites.

>> No.2820834

George Carlin was a capitalist pig. 0/10

>> No.2820838

Chinese state capitalism is infinitely preferable to doctors and teachers being forced to farm and smelt iron. These revolutions failed because socialism cannot succeed. Once the revolution's leaders are faced with practical matters, they revert to what works.

>> No.2820840
File: 66 KB, 474x599, 474px-SubMarcosHorseFromAfar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not talking about the best dressed, coolest and most enigmatic socialist on the front.

>> No.2820844

>reading socialist propaganda
Must be middle class white kids who know their parents wont support them forever.

>> No.2820845

they basically bitch about the same stuff assface

>> No.2820847

>Socialism failed in a backwards, uneducated country in the 1940s with little infrastructure that was recovering from a war
>Socialism cannot succeed.

Nice jump in logic bro.

>> No.2820851

>Liking capitalism

Must be middle class white kids who think that because college life is so great, the system that allows for it to exist is just.

Also are you retarded? Socialism has historically been popular among the lowest classes of society, those who are excluded from the benefits of global capitalism, not "middle class white kids".

>> No.2820859

> Socialism has historically been popular among the lowest classes of society
Nope. It's white people who think they speak for everyone else.

Poor people follow capitalism because they think it means they will have mad stacks and gold rims in the future.

>> No.2820866

Marx was pro-tier socialist. He lived off of his family for entire life, doing no work at all. He went to a degree mill for his education and used that as a way to legitimize his philosophy. And he treated his unpaid maid as a child sex slave, and had his fellow socialists help him cover it up when he got her pregnant.

>> No.2820865
File: 6 KB, 242x200, BAHAHAHAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect, actually.
>grew up in low-income housing in a struggling metropolitan area.
>entire family is made up of blue-collar factory workers.
I currently live by myself in a rundown, cockroach-infested apartment complex. I took out college loans on my own and I'm going through school on my own time, on my own coin.
To be fair, I knew a lot of privileged, upper-class kids who were self-proclaimed Marxists; they used to sit in the back of my political science lectures and talk about how awesome the professor was, blindly following his liberal agenda.

>> No.2820871

You'll be a lot better off once the economic circumstances that allow for your meager lifestyle are forcefully destroyed, I'm sure.

>> No.2820872


>Waving the photographer off, he points in the distance across the Slovenian capital. "Over there, that's a kind of counter-culture establishment – they hate me, I hate them. This is the type of leftists that I hate. Radical leftists whose fathers are all very rich." Most of the other buildings, he adds, are government ministries. "I hate it." Now he's back in the living room, a clinically tidy little sliver of functional space lacking any discernible aesthetic, the only concessions being a poster for the video game Call Of Duty: Black Ops, and a print of Joseph Stalin. Žižek pours Coke Zero into plastic McDonald's cups decorated in Disney merchandising, but when he opens a kitchen cupboard I see that it's full of clothes.

>> No.2820883

That man is a pedophile.
He fights for kids to introduce their hands in your pants.

>> No.2820888
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One can hope.

>> No.2820899

He was also a racist scumbag that thought blacks were sub-human.

And you know what? I don't give a fuck. He's a philosopher, not a role model. I don't care if he rapes little boys and tortures people for fun, I care whether or not his philosophy is interesting and intelligent.

>> No.2820909

>implying the personal is not political

>> No.2820920

This. Even Zizek admits that Marx was a pretty big douchebag and that he doesn't worship him.

>> No.2820922

If he was running for office or something, sure, that might be important. But he isn't, he is a philosopher. Philosophers can be interesting people whose lifestyle is worth studying and learning from (eg Diogenes, Buddha), or they can be scumbags with emotional issues. If they are the former, then look at their personal life and learn from it. If it is the latter, discard it and just look at their work.

Someone's personal life should NEVER be a reason to discount what they have to say about philosophy.

>> No.2820932

Sounds just as autistic as the rest of us.
I like this man.

>> No.2820966

Except that Michel Foucault gave people AIDS in gay s&m dungeons.

Talk about "power."

>> No.2821619
File: 12 KB, 480x360, zizekofthelambs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2821662


Karl Marx was also homophobic. He used the allegation that Mikhail bakunin was a faggot to discredit him because supposedly Mikhail bakunin had this intimate friend, Sergey Nechayev whom he fucked up the ass.


>> No.2821673

This was a common accusation made against numerous public homosexuals. It's homophobic bullshit.

>> No.2821679

In all fairness, homosexuality and the tolerance of it really is part of bourgeois morality, and would need to be eliminated in the process of forming a socialist society.

>> No.2821691


Man, fuck you

no wonder people hate socialism and i myself am one.

>> No.2821692

he never advocates for anything... all he does is act sceptical.

>> No.2821709
File: 52 KB, 301x320, marcos facepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This anon has it

>Not respecting a man who abandoned everything to carve out even the most modest of self-determining lifestyle for natives who've been shit on for ages
>He freaking writes children's stories

>> No.2821719

Zizy's mah nigga. I bet he browses /lit/

>> No.2821731
File: 84 KB, 507x551, zhizhekhs shay the darndesht shthingsh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2821747

Why hasn't Zizek written about 4chan?

I'm sure he could do some clever Lacanian readnig of deconstruction and 4chan.

Put Derrida and Stirner in there place.

>> No.2821754

Early Mussolini is also god tier.

>> No.2821762
File: 53 KB, 580x790, 786il,.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every time

>> No.2821858

There is always a disciple ready to excuse an idol from being a person, but philosophy students seem to have the disease worst of all, if you don't count psychopaths.

>> No.2821870

obvious troll is obvious
>thinking that post represents socialist opinion on homosexuality

>> No.2821873
File: 138 KB, 458x357, 1332573771228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>manage not to crack a smile
get to
>Ha ha. HA HA

oh god my sides

>> No.2821892


Just went to his twitter. God damn this shit it lolworthy.

>> No.2821894

zizek ebooks isn't his actual twitter though...?

>> No.2821896

I meant to write "this" but for some reason I forgot the t. Sorry.

>> No.2821902
File: 425 KB, 611x657, kobe is sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>attach a correction that actually makes your sentence gibberish

>> No.2821903


Then you can choose to disregard it at your own will.

>> No.2821904

but his correction does make sense

>> No.2821906

today I learned that Zizek has trouble coming in a woman's mouth

>> No.2821909

oh I see, you think >>2821894 and >>2821896 are the same person

you're probably drunk

>> No.2821923


... Why wouldn't they be?

Are YOU drunk?

Not the person you are responding to.

>> No.2821939

Because I am >>2821894, and I know I didn't post >>2821896. I was talking to the post immediately above mine, but didn't quote link it. The person immediately above me then responded to me, correcting his post. His correction wouldn't make any sense if it were me correcting my post. It's obviously two different people.

>> No.2821951

Not just women's mouths, all mouths.

>> No.2822075

watch this video with julian assange he debates with some stupid asshole. both supposed to be intelectuals they suck ass. they talk like kids saying stupid nonsense rage

>> No.2822103

I don't think Julien Assange is even supposed to be an intellectual. Zizek at least writes books and shit

>> No.2822104

julian assflange