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2814954 No.2814954[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How did you feel after reading The Stranger?

>> No.2814960


>> No.2814966


>> No.2814968

I felt pretty good.

>> No.2814970



>> No.2814982

What book's that?

>> No.2814984

I was happy knowing the protagonist's lifestyle and his attitude toward it, despite what happened to him, was not lived in vain. I guess it felt good to feel happy for him.

>> No.2815066

All those feelings he had, all those stupid people who wanted to see those feelings. Good book, it had me feeling feelings.

>> No.2815076

there are no words

>> No.2815073
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>> No.2815083
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>> No.2815095

I realised that I'd been happy, and was happy still.

does he died?

>> No.2815099

>feel no remorse
damn bitch, read the book

>> No.2815102

I'm trying to read it in french, but my french right now is only mediocre.

Its interesting to say the least.

>> No.2815105

mildly hungry

>> No.2815155

Warm and sleepy.

>> No.2815166

The Stranger is the book that made me the emotinally detached cynic person I'm today

>> No.2815174

I felt sad because all he did was try to help people and they ended up killing him for not spending enough time with his mother.
I found him to be very relatable and a character i could sympathize with, same with Raskolnikov in Crime and Punishment.

>> No.2815178


>> No.2815188

How did you feel after reading The Strangler?

>> No.2815197

How was his life useful or had any meaning? He went above everything; just like he had never existed.

>> No.2815208

I could say the same about you.
How are YOU useful?
How does YOUR life have any meaning?
You exist and that is all, what you chose to do with that information is up to you.

>> No.2815211
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>> No.2815214

I felt empty. He really didn't want to die, despite his life being just waking up, going to work and survive another day.

>> No.2815260

You are entitled to your opinion but I disagree with it.
He did much more than that, although you wouldn't know it from how quickly everyone tried to forget about him.
they did that because he reminded them of themselves but when they saw all the death surrounding a man they saw their reflection in, they were reminded of their own mortality and the impermanence of everything so they quickly killed him and put him out of their minds.
Just like in the Myth of Sisyphus at the height of their self-consciousness they destroy everything and start back at the bottom.

>> No.2815275

I read it during a transitory period of my life under the assumption that I would find something within the story to help me deal with the changes. I didn't find anything like that, or atleast nothing tight and concrete, but I did feel slightly better about my situation after finishing it.

There were parts of that book I don't think I understood fully. I should read it again some day, maybe during another one of those changes.

>> No.2815277

Well I have experiences with spirits and precognitive dreams so fuck that western version of eastern thought.

>> No.2815282

The point is he didn't do anything per se. He lived apart from everything and everyone, entitled to his own believes and moral, and I think that's why they felt the urge to kill him. He was sent to his death just because he didn't give a fuck about anything.

>> No.2815280
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Obligatory image dump


>> No.2815285
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>> No.2815288

I felt glad I'm not an Americlap unable to read in other languages.

>> No.2815292
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>> No.2815293
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>> No.2815296
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>mfw Silver Age Superman was actually worse

>> No.2815302

It was supposed to do the opposite.

>> No.2815303

Can you please stop posting that in every thread

>> No.2815323

That occurred to me as well, and I'm not saying "I'm right and your wrong" but rather "There's probably more than one way to interpret this book, let's talk about them all".
Now going with yours, I was under the impression that they envied Meursault's care-free lifestyle and thats why they killed him.

>> No.2815358

And just when the discussion pick up, everyone finds new threads to waste their 47-second attention span on.
I would say everyone went out side to play with their friends and go on adventures but we all know that would be a lie.

>> No.2815367

>discussion picked up

which thread are you reading, exactly?

>> No.2815386

>It's too hot, I don't want to climb these stairs.
>It's too hot, I don't want to not kill this Arab.

>> No.2815388

I knew a snide, cynical statement would lure people back.
Want to discuss the book?

>> No.2815583
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I do. I felt a little nihilistic after reading it but Ill read the Spanish translation to have a comparison to the English translation. Did anyone else have this feeling too?

>> No.2815646

>People speculating why events happen in the Stranger

Shit just happens in the book and Meursault deals with it the way he does. Then he realizes that.

>> No.2815718

Sort of indifferent.
Interesting, I supposed, but I didn't really see it as all that revolutionary or significant for some reason.
By no means did it affect me emotionally or cause any shift in my worldview or anything like that.

I'm always surprised when people talk about how this book impacted them, since for me it had the same literary weight as perhaps 1984, just with a focus on nihilism and the absurd as opposed to dystopia.
> Please tell me if I'm missing something: haven't read this book in years, should I try again?

>> No.2816052
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I always found that Meursault lived the bosses life until he started fucking shit up with being all honest to the point of getting himself in trouble. That was like watching a slow motion trainwreck.

I quite like the description of his life before that. People often don't, but it seems like a very agreeable life. He should have went on being a happy little Cyrenaic.

>> No.2816055

>I'm always surprised when people talk about how this book impacted them
>this book impacted them

Mooriclap detected.

>> No.2816090

christ how do mooclaps not understand the difference between "affect" and "effect? it always boggles my mind.

>> No.2816095

I first read it when I was about fourteen, as my older sister had just read it in high school and recommended I read it.
It really fucked me. I feel as though it was an integral part in shaping me into the person I am today, which may not have been a good thing.

>> No.2816100

Just be glad it wasn't 4chan.

>> No.2816108

Yes, luckily I didn't discover 4chan until I was about 16. Unfortunately, I discovered /b/. And only /b/.
I didn't venture off of /b/ until I was about 18. Awful.

>> No.2816124


Murikan here, and those are my sentiments exactly.

By the time I was a Senior in high school, I only knew three or four people that could use "affect" and "effect" correctly. Don't even get me started on "preform" and "perform."

Sucks, man.

>> No.2816418

Facepalmed so hard it hurt.

>> No.2816534
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>> No.2816548

I felt great about not being a worthless faggot like the protagonist in the Stranger. That's the whole purpose of the story, right?

>> No.2816557

lol america