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2809974 No.2809974[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>that feel when you want to read, but listen to music instead
>that feel when becoming a /mu/tant

>> No.2809990

The great thing about music is you can do other things at the same time.

>> No.2809989

Listening to music and reading strike me as totally different activities. If I wanted to do one, the other certainly wouldn't be a substitute.

>> No.2809993

I feel you OP. I used to read. And then I used to listen to albums while reading. And now I just listen to albums while browsing the net or doing other things. Gradually my attention span is deteriorating and it's hard for me to actually finish a book these days.
That fucking feel.

>> No.2809992

Then go to fucking /mu/. Why are you posting this? What the hell is the point?

>> No.2810008


>> No.2810012

This is why you get instrumental music!
Movie scores and classical are the best. I find anything with lyrics distracts me from my reading, and movie scores are great because they were produced to go with action!

Otherwise I stick with Debussy or Chopin or the like, for ultimate relaxation. Both of them are great for beginning pandora stations to read to.

>> No.2810028

Classical music/film scores are pretty sweet to have in the background whilst reading.

My favorite film score for reading is Koyaanisqatsi by Philip Glass:

>> No.2810052


wow OP, i was planning to read but then found this


and i've been listening to all sorts of shit for the last hour...

like this guy lol,

How long does it take to learn guitar to be at their level?

>> No.2810056

>dat feel when you want to read books
>dat feel when you end playing video games
>dat feel when you end tired and go to sleep
>"I don't have time to read, I will try it tomorrow"

every fucking time

>> No.2810600

Oh god that fucking feel. I'm too tired to read but I have no problem playing a stupid game until 2 in the morning

>> No.2810611

if you mutate, please never come back.

>> No.2810738

I burst into feels

>> No.2810764

>That feel when broken heart
>That feel when you wake up at 8 in the morning and think about texting her
>That feel when no motivation to wake up
>That feel when go back to sleep
>That feel when you wake up 8 hours later and don't want to be awake
>That feel when you stay in bed all day
>That feel when you go to sleep again after 8 hours of lying in bed weeping silently
>That feel when rinse and repeat
None of you know this feel. It is a terrible feel.

>> No.2810770

Grow up.

>> No.2810771

>dat feel when you realize that you've become a grownup and dont enjoy playing video games anymore
>dat feel when you read as much as you like to read

>> No.2810774

Not right now.

>> No.2810777

Try reading with either classical or ambient.

>> No.2810782



seriously? he's going to read with the most complex form of music playing? what the hell sense does that make?

>> No.2810783

I'm only speaking from personal experience. I prefer ambient though.

>> No.2810803

>classical is the most complex form of music
Pleb detected.

>> No.2810808

>tfw op's conversion seems to be in opposition of the recent trend

>> No.2810811

>listening to music while browsing the internet

Pleb as fuck. You aren't even really "listening" to the music, it's just background noise. The only way to listen to music is lying down with a pair of high quality headphones, preferably while high or on some sort of psychedelic. Or a concert.

>> No.2810815


>preferably while high or on some sort of psychedelic

and you're calling other people plebs? back to watching bill hicks, faggot.

>> No.2810834
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Complexity is relative to the piece, of course your not going to read AND listen to one of Beethoven's symphonies.


>a nocturne is perfectly fine, i find Debussy's clair de lune to be fine reading background, if not entirely soothing.

>> No.2810845

A piece simply being classical, though, doesn't make it more complex than jazz, folk or pop. That's all I wanted to say. And yeah, it's relative,

>> No.2810848


oh, i'm not the guy you responded to earlier, just giving a nudge in the "right" direction.

>> No.2810861


Name one pop song that is as "complex" as any classical composition. And why are you associating complexity with quality like a Bloomian buffoon?

>> No.2810867

>tfw listening to deathconsciousness whenever reading something

>> No.2810896

'Call Me Maybe' by Carly Rae Jensen incorporates complex rhyming schemes with a beautiful instrumental that has obvious classical elements.

>> No.2810904
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I'm not sure if you're joking or not, but I found that post hilarious.

>> No.2810919
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>go to /mu/ for the music
>come out for the feels

>> No.2810924

>The great thing about music is you can do other things at the same time.
No, no you can't you fucking pleb piece of shit scum. Hey let's go watch a film and read a book at the same time. Just because it doesn't involve visual activity music is still a hobby to be done on it's on. Preferably with headphones. Let the music go into you ears take it in fully. Either you listen to Enya or worse, some shitty metal that your brain has to get you to do other activities so you don't come to the realisation your taste in music sucks.

Fuck you!

>> No.2810928



>> No.2810951

Exactly. Quit it.

>> No.2810955

Jesus Christ, take this shit back to /mu/, all I see on that board is shitty "tfw" threads.

>> No.2810982
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>not knowing the joy of cooking spaghetti to Rossini's La Gazza Ladra

>> No.2810995

>preferably while high or on some sort of psychedelic
I agreed till this. Go back to Kottonmouth kings you fucking hippy.

>> No.2810998

All you need is Love by the Beatles.

Also, on the other hand, classical pieces include such complexity as "Variations on Twinkle Twinkle Litte Star" by Mozart, and 4:33 by John Cage. Both, musically speaking, you can believe are more complex than everything in another genre, but that would indicate you have some fucked up understanding of musicality.

>> No.2811013
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>> No.2811019

I know those feels, except for the texting part.