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/lit/ - Literature

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2804347 No.2804347 [Reply] [Original]

I don't get it

>> No.2804358
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>12873 posts and 4672 image replies omitted. Click reply to view.

>> No.2804362

I'm on chapter 9 right now. I'm reading it because my girlfriend asked me to. It's pretty bad but it gives me something to talk about with her. When she is pissed off at me all I have to do is joke about this book and she'll break out in laughter and forget that she's angry.

>> No.2804367

No seriously I don't get why people liked this pile of crap.

>> No.2804368
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Just stop this bullshit already

>> No.2804371
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>> No.2804372

Tell her she has to workout with a personal fitness trainer 4 hours every 2 days.

>> No.2804373


It's obviously a post-marxist feminist portrait of the dialectical mechanisms of a working class woman being exploited by the inherently chauvinistic capitalist environment.

>> No.2804376


Lurk here for more than a day and you'll see several threads explaining why. Please, delete this shitty thread, if you would.

>> No.2804379

It's funny....
I read the twilight fanfiction this is based off of long before anybody had ever heard of it
I reviewed several chapters positively, jacked on multiple occasions, and paid attention to the plot

Please kill me.

>> No.2804377

Face it you just don't have want women want. Women want to be taken off their feet by the 1% and to be the object of that 1%.

Your probably going to respond "bitches and whores". But that just excuse the virgins use.

>> No.2804380

If you wanted me to delete the thread you should give me a solid answer.

>> No.2804381
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>> No.2804383

that would have worked so much better if you were actually clever

>> No.2804384
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>> No.2804385

Never read it. Plz delete.

>> No.2804386
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>> No.2804392

So women are destroying literature?

>> No.2804394

It's a sad day when our own "WHAT ARE WE GOING TO DO ON THE BED?" is better writing then what's on the times best sellers list.

>> No.2804395

No. A single woman wrote a terrible popular book.
Like Twilight. And Hunger Games....
Holy mother of god you might be on to something.

>> No.2804397


>women writers

>> No.2804407

women make shit artists in general, but they're not numerous enough on any medium to destroy it

>> No.2804409




>> No.2804410

You mustn't forget, there have been MEN!
Like J.K. Rowling...

Well, there was Dan Brown....

>> No.2804411

I'm reading a woman author currently and am enjoying her works.
It's Marina Tsvetaeva.

>> No.2804434

where did she post up her twilight fanfiction?

>> No.2804441


Plath? Austen? Bronte sisters? Mary Shelly? Dickinson? Atwood? Le Guin?

I'll admit that my bookcase is mostly male, but don't discount female authors.

>> No.2804459

So you have to pick random ones? How about recent ones?

>> No.2804476

Try it... You'll like it... Please, I can't be alone....
It's actually very well written if you're at all into erotic fiction. So is it's pairing, "The Dominant"The sequel, "The Training," was so-so

>> No.2804519


>> No.2804520

Mary's dad is where it's at.

>> No.2804536

You fell for it.

>> No.2804548

So no one checked the wikia?

>> No.2804688


>> No.2804689

Checked it for what?

>> No.2804726

JK Rowling.

How recent do you want? There're a lot of shitty male authors that churn out books as well.