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/lit/ - Literature

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2802550 No.2802550[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Good? Bad? Indifferent?

>tfw you have written 5 novels, and they are all bad, even the latest one, and you can't get them published

>> No.2802558

Don't know that feel, faggot. Novel writing is for the shitters.

Poet/Playwright confirmed for master race

>> No.2802560

great tits, sunhawk

>> No.2802573

Is the fact that you can't get them published the reason that you consider them to be shit novels?

>> No.2802582
File: 16 KB, 434x513, bdm15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh god them tittays

>> No.2802583


I suppose these days, the shit novels get published, and the good novels stay in drawers, don't they?


Poetry is dreadful. Haven't decided on plays yet.

>> No.2802587

>tfw you have created 500 threads, and they are all bad, even the latest one, and you can't get them liked, let alone yourself..

Here's to your next 500 bad threads.

>> No.2802591

>continually reusing the same material
Is that good or bad?


>> No.2802592

>poetry is dreadful

welp. that's my last straw with ol' sunhawk. filtered like the internet through china, cunt

>> No.2802594


500 threads? I didn't even know! What a milestone. Should I buy shampagne?

>> No.2802596

Sunhawk, you can't even manage replying to the correct post.

>> No.2802599


My mistake. Are you going to hate me for that, or all the other stuff?

>> No.2802605

No, just dislike you for the general reasons that come with being a tripfag. Also, not the person who you are think you are replying to.

>> No.2802610

I need more opinions.

It's important that I get my daily quota of attention.

>> No.2802890

You could always fuck the system and self publish.

Or make 3 of them .99 cent ebooks on amazon and then reserve the next two for when your demand is increased.

>> No.2802905

Sunhawkers, if your novels were half as interesting as the horrible persona you've created on 4chan, I'd read them

>> No.2802910

I'd like to grab that slut by the neck, and then rape her face.

>> No.2802919
File: 62 KB, 700x525, ilikewherethisthread.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of wanted to eat her upper arms. They look tender and I think that slow roasting would make the meat just fall right off the bone. Not the tits, though, because I wouldn't know what to do with the nipples.

>> No.2802935


>> No.2802948

Pastebin an extract?

>> No.2803123

>Should I buy shampagne?

Try shamepagne.

>> No.2803130

>eating the arms but not the tits
M-me too, I hate fat. It's bad enough I have to cut away so much every time I slaughter a girl, you only get pathetic amounts of lean meat, but the tits are completely, totally out of question.
P.S.: Please don't suggest I should go for men instead, since they have lower body fat - I'm not gay!

>> No.2803132

>tfw a friend actually got his book published and it's terrible
I never knew what to say to him. I've been telling him I haven't got around to reading it for like a year.

>> No.2803135


That was pretty good. I've only ever drunk shampagne once though.

>> No.2803177

If they are bad, why do you care? Do you want your first novel to be a bad book? I remember when I finished my first novel a few years ago and immediately sent it out to a few publishers (big names, of course), in retrospective I'm glad they were turned down. Just keep growing as a writer, re-work them or take some slices out of them to be used in new projects. They are not necessarily burned, if you hit it big, chances are they gonna be picked up by the publisher as well.

Apart from that, if you want to get published, you need to have a clear understanding of your target audience. Also, it needs to fit the publishers program, of course, and if they only have few slots for your genre each season, you need to be pretty good to secure a spot against all the competition of established authors that have already proven they sell.

>> No.2803193
File: 34 KB, 555x351, iknowthatfeelbro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Negro, I'm the last one who would suggest you try dudes! If you do, just make sure not to eat the dick, balls, taint, asshole or ass cheeks, otherwise you take what could have been a fine meal and turned it into something gay.

Anyway, the tits look soft and delicious and everything, but I know they're basically pure girlfat. The upper legs are probably pretty tasty, as well as the area right above the kidneys.

>> No.2803213

Tell him why you think it's terrible.

>> No.2803261

post an excerpt sunhog