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File: 40 KB, 468x393, e-ink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2801945 No.2801945 [Reply] [Original]

What's your excuse for still reading paper in 2012 when ereaders are cheap as fuck?

>> No.2801950

I don't need an excuse. I'm rich enough to have enough money and space for bookshelves and physical books.

>> No.2801954

I have an ereader. I still read on paper frequently because there are lots of books that aren't available as ebooks yet.

>> No.2801955

>paying a premium for inconvenience
oh wow

>> No.2801958

>displaying my social status

>> No.2801961

>using books to display 'social status'
could you be any more of a hipster fuck

>> No.2801962

>not thinking bookshelves are an indicator of social status

could you be any more pleb?

>> No.2801964

Because the batteries on a paperback don't run out in the middle of a chapter.

You don't have to fear getting electrocuted while reading on the toilet.

And book's and bookshelves are more impressive than shitty little ereaders.

>> No.2801966

>thinks of books more as social tools instead of reading for enjoyment or knowledge
I'd much rather be a plebeian than such a horrifying hipster

>> No.2801968


>Oh no need to be charged once a month

>Electrocuted from some shitty 5V battery
>You must have failed that class in highschool


>> No.2801969

>puts words in my mouth in order to win some petty argument he's invented

Have fun with that.

>> No.2801970

second hand bookstore down my way prices things at £1-£3.50 and often includes a buy one get one free offer. Are ereaders cheaper than that?

>> No.2801974

>puts words in my mouth
>has stated himself that he prefers social status over convenience, clearly showing he places more emphasis on bookshelves than actually reading
stay hipster

>> No.2801977

Get some $70 kindle, pirate everything, yes they're cheaper.

>> No.2801978
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>mfw people are still hopelessly trying to hold back the post-book revolution

>> No.2801980

Why would I go and buy something which makes reading more expensive than buying books

>> No.2801981

>thinks owning physical books is hipster
>doesn't really think this but feels badly about being poor
>dishonest with himself

stay retarded

>> No.2801982

Because not every book I want to read has an ebook.

>> No.2801984

>this thread again
reporting for spam

>> No.2801987

You do know that the memory and battery life on these things degrade and eventually they have to be replaced with the new version, right? No electronic is a one off purchase.

>> No.2801988

Just a question, as I don't know as much about ereaders.

How much radiation do they emit? Because having that shit in your lap (How most people read when travelling), wouldn't be too good.

>> No.2801992

>thinks owning physical books is hipster
>Implying I implied that and not that masturbating over your bookshelf's prettiness instead of actually reading/seeing the obvious convenience of an ereader is in fact the hipster crime you are committing

>> No.2801994



Oh wow, I bet you think mobile phones cause cancer too

>> No.2801996

logical positivist inspired illusion of technological progress everywhere!!

>> No.2801997
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>mfw I read both regular books and e-books.

What now OP?

>> No.2802000


>solid state memory

Maybe with a few hundred thousand total writes, longer than any paperback would normally last.

>battery life

A modern li-poly should last for 5+ years of usefullness. Buy a reader with a user replaceable battery if you're worried about this/too poor to upgrade twice a decade.

>> No.2802002

No but they do weaken your sperm

>> No.2802003
File: 262 KB, 584x706, charlesV2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As young as you read about four average books a year they're cheaper.

>mfw I pirated an academic work I've always wanted to read that cost over $100
>mfw my kindle paid for itself in a week

>> No.2802004


>> No.2802005

*as long

Life isn't easy in a pre-caffeine world

>> No.2802007

Because I don't want my reading consumption to get to the absurd levels my music consumption did after I was introduced to bearshare.

Because I enjoy browsing second hand bookstores

Because paperbacks are flexible and fit in pockets.

Because I love coming to /lit/ and justifying myself to emo faggots.

>> No.2802011

Creating autism offspring...

Oh Gawd!

>> No.2802012


If you're one of those cellphone paranoids, just turn off your readers wireless, if it even comes with it. Besides that it's a standard electronic device.

>> No.2802013

>>mfw I pirated an academic work I've always wanted to read that cost over $100
You can do that without an e-reader

>> No.2802014

>mfw you could have read that file without owning an ereader and it would have saved you money

>mfw I don't care enough for the topic to post a face

>> No.2802017

>twice a decade

>not once every 5 years

>having to alter your language to make it sound better than it is.

>not realising it's a sucky situation

>> No.2802019

>to date there is no evidence from studies of cells, animals, or humans that radiofrequency energy can cause cancer.

>> No.2802021

Can't take an ereader on a plane as well I think.

Paperback > Ereader's

>> No.2802023

>Can't take an ereader on a plane
Any airline that allows electronic devices on board, e.g. all of them, would have no reason not to allow ereaders.

>> No.2802024
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>putting yourself at the mercy of software writers

>> No.2802025

Perhaps I should have added "and read it comfortably in my sunny backyard reclined in a chair drinking a few beers as well as on the move in public transportation".

>> No.2802028

>"and read it comfortably in my sunny backyard reclined in a chair drinking a few beers as well as on the move in public transportation".

you can do that without an ereader as well.

>> No.2802032

e-readers are faggoty
I hate ipads and refuse to buy into that bullshit
books are a tactile experience
I spit on anything that tries to replace books

>> No.2802033


>> No.2802035

Wasn't there a fiasco where Amazon banned and deleted books from Kindle users a while back?

Yeah, enjoy having your books decided for you. You guys seem to love that here on /lit so why not.

>> No.2802042


That happened once, with the first gen kindles, when it turned out the publishers for the ebooks on amazons store didn't hold the rights.

Everyone got mad and amazon promised never to do it again. Funnily enough the book was 1984.

Also, you could always buy something other than a kindle. Sony's readers are nice, and the PRS-T1 is stupidly cheap right now since it's being dumped I think.

>> No.2802044


>> No.2802048


>> No.2802049

None of these ereader supremacists ever address the actually valid reason some people continue to read physical books - there just aren't ebooks for all the great books in existence that people want to read. Sometimes you do have to deign to touch a regular paperback in order to read those books.

>> No.2802052

OP is troll, sage, ignore, let thread die

>> No.2802054

>mfw /lit/ can't have a civilised discussion and understand that there is such a thing as personal preference which doesn't necessarily conform to logic.

We r smrtst bored on 4chan.

>> No.2802055


and sometimes the work you want or need to read just isn't suited to an ereader.

i have an ereader btw and i love it and think it's very useful but i don't expect it to completely replace physical books. i don't think anyone does, realistically.

>> No.2802057

Most people don't name actual reasons here though, it's mostly paper fetishism. But I agree, hybrid master race.

>> No.2802087
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>prefering to go to bookstores instead of download a file
>needing to talk to people
is this really 4chan?
i'm on ereader team

>> No.2802102

>tfw you're not even compelled to respond to threads like these

>not sure if grown up or dead inside

>> No.2802107

false dichotomy between equivalents

>> No.2802137

interesting response

>> No.2802162

Because every hipster faggot seems to go around with their kindles/iPads/other ereaders, and I just generally enjoy the feeling of having a hardcover novel in my hands as I read.

P.s.: Five years with an ereader battery? Books, with proper care, can last over a hundred years you fucking plebs.

>> No.2802168

>> 2802087
i agree

it's not like you can, oh, i don't know, buy actual books online

>> No.2802170


>> No.2802200

nothing like reading a well conserved old book in a nice edition

i like to underline the text and note the references

i cant steal them; you cant find everything as an ebook (and i like to steal at the local big bookstore)

>> No.2802229

Have you bastards never heard of a state or national library?

>> No.2802239


>> No.2802242

Bookshelves are badass. That's the only reason.

>> No.2802254

Physical books feel nicer, have that book-smell and are better for memory.

>> No.2802259

I don't buy cheap fad gadgets because late capitalism wants to market me like a sheep.

Enjoy your pseudo-individualism and planned obsolescence.

Americans will buy anything.

>> No.2802270

I can lend a physical book to a friend, but I can't lend an ebook to a friend.

>> No.2802283

E-readers only last 2 years at the most while paper obviously lasts longer.

Paper strong

>> No.2802329


With an ereader you can 'steal' every literary work known to man without risk of getting caught in a matter of hours

>> No.2802338
File: 44 KB, 383x469, magic.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can, but at the same time you can keep it yourself as well so you will never have to ask for it back. It's actually a gift that benefits him without depriving you of anything.

Pic related.

>> No.2802342

e-books last indefinately while most paper decays

>> No.2802343

No, you cannot steal "every literary work known to man." You can steal popular works and relatively well-known classics. Most things somewhat obscure don't exist as ebooks, and so you can't pirate them.

>> No.2802349

Plenty of books I want to read don't have an ebook version, or they aren't on the usual sites.

>> No.2802355

>can't into deepweb

I've found shit so obscure I'm physically incapable of sharing the titles with anyone at all

>> No.2802357


>> No.2802359

Why would that be shallow?

>> No.2802361

Oh, you sound so hateful.

>> No.2802368

But, but... God, you're fucking stupid.

>> No.2802373

it's not as if the OP deserves civility in such a dumb thread.

>> No.2802859

I have an ereader, but I got fed up with all the epubs and mobis with shitty formatting.
Hell, even some of the ones you pay for have shitty formatting.
I still like my Kindle DX for reading sweet PDF nonfiction, though.

>> No.2802880

My Nook simple touch is coming in the mail today or tomorrow. I've already got 20 books lined up. I am excite.

>> No.2802897

>20 books


>> No.2802901

spam again

this board haven´t a fucking retard mongoloid child molestor dog rapist moderator?

>> No.2802902

How many books do you generally have queued up for yourself? I never go over 10 generally. Otherwise I stop remembering why I wanted to read it in the first place

>> No.2802908
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>You don't have to fear getting electrocuted while reading on the toilet.

>> No.2802909

Where is that chart which shows all the slave labor and rare resources needed to make one more e-reader verses one more book?

Thanks but I'll just stick to paper.

>> No.2802912

Being surrounded by hundreds of books is the fucking best feeling ever.

>> No.2802915

>slave labor
You mean the only place hiring for miles around in the shitwater countries they operate in?

Compared to everything else around, they pay a fair wage. Unless its a particularly unscrupulous company, and those tend to get called out on their shit.

>> No.2802924

>be a child and wish someone would invent a mechanical book that could change to be any book you want
>as an adult people actually make one, now possible to have nearly any book for free instantly
>children today see this as 'hipster', say physical books are superior as if the presence of ereaders will destroy them
Goddamn I have never felt this old.

>> No.2802925

Recently bought a $40 Kobo reader to complement my print reading. I don't see any reason why one would need to choose a side. This isn't some kind of conflict.

>> No.2802928
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>get most of my books for free except for the hard to find ones.
>bookmooch, stealing books, friends giving me books

>fucking hate the new kindle bullshit, e-reader bullshit

go die in a fire, also, give me all your old books since you're relying on new technology now.

>> No.2802931

why do you care about people who don't like ebook readers? for real, just ignore them, and there are physical book haters just as dumb.
and how the fuck is this still getting replies? op i hope you stub your toes you asshole

>> No.2802932

This is like a small community of luddites. There have always been people resistant to change. It doesn't really matter what these luddites think, honestly. Amazon is completely dismantling the old book industry. You're gonna get your wish, and it'll be improved on 10 fold in 3 years time. We'll have full color eink soon.

>> No.2802936
File: 69 KB, 410x279, unabomber.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey kid, you just got a new "kindle" in the mail, from me personally, the Unabomber.
Go ahead, open it up, I'm gonna go step back a few steps though.

>> No.2802937

Ebooks and ereaders appeal to me because of the minimalism (ebooks don't take up space and each book has the same appearance so I'm not subconciously influenced by factors such as weight, book cover, text size, yellowness of pages), they're modest (others can't tell i'm reading high brow literature and judge me) and I can use them one handed.

>> No.2802938

I burn books that I can get the ebook version of so that it doesn't fall into the hands of you luddites.

>> No.2802939

>each book has the same appearance so I'm not subconciously influenced by factors such as weight, book cover, text size, yellowness of pages

This is something very interesting. I no longer have to think about what book I'm seen reading in public, and what that book signals about me. I enjoy the Kindle.

>> No.2802940
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>I can use them one handed

>> No.2802941
File: 30 KB, 157x212, nigga please.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you want the selection of books you see in mainstream bookstores (i.e. the equivalent to SHIT), then e-books are for you.

If a lot of books you search for are hard to find, like me, then it's just a useless tablet.

>> No.2802943

>doesn't have access to Bibliotek

too bad

>> No.2802946

>i'm 53 and what is google

>> No.2802952

It's a very democratic way of evaluating an author's work. Sure you dispose of the nostalgia of book smell, etc, but in some ways that brings you closer to what's important, the words themselves. Ereaders have brought us closer than ever to the author's message.

>> No.2802957

>thinks that replacing one tabula with another brings him any closer to the work

Bitch please.

>> No.2802962
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>implying one doesn't notice better what truly distinguishes people if you put them all in the same clothes and shave their heads

>> No.2802983

I just enjoy the convience.

Yeah paper's nice and all. But the amount of space books take up is inconvenient.

I travel a lot and don't have a place to call 'home' for longer than 6 months. Moving bookshelves and books is a hassle.

If I can easily get rid of physical things, I make an attempt to do so.

I kept any book that didn't translate or couldn't be found for an ereader(textbooks and the like) then gave away or sold all the rest.

I did the same with my records and turntables. I bought a harddrive and cloud space then just digitized my collection.

I couldn't find a legitimate reason other than a conversation piece/social status to have all those books and records sitting around. The space saved is wonderful and moving is so much easier.

>> No.2802987

What is "cheap as fuck"

>> No.2803005

under $100

>> No.2803006

>implying... woah. I never thought about it that way.

>> No.2803035

You can get a nook simple touch, new off ebay for $80 or less, and its one of the better ones available. But the newest, fancier ones cost more like $150

>> No.2804643


Only if you get the ones with pointless 3G and shit

>> No.2804718

I've never used an e-reader before, and chances are that I never will. I just love the feeling of a paperback in my hand. I love seeing the careful and slow degeneration of a novel (yellowing pages, dog-eared corners, etc) and I love scrolling through libraries of books for an appealing cover, title, blurb, or author that I might recognize.

There is just something about physical books that are so much more than a piece of technology. The stains on the pages, the crease in the spine, the little note in the top corner of the first page, these things all gives books character, and all of these things are taken away with the e-reader. In addition to that, there will never be a bookmark hanging out of an e-reader. You can't keep track of how far you have read in a physical measurement. You can't glance at the top of your e-reader and think "oh, I'm about half-way through this novel."

Call me names, point out the fallacies in my arguments, I really don't care, because at the end of the day, I will always prefer a solid book in my hands.

>> No.2804723

How can you know what you prefer if you never tried the alternative?

>> No.2804748

I should have said that I've never sat down and read through a novel on an e-reader. My friend has one, and I have checked it out, read a very small amount, but it just feels awkward. I don't really know how to explain it, but using an e-reader just feels wrong to me.

Don't get me wrong though, that's just my opinion. Some people in this thread have made very good arguments towards the benefits of e-readers, but I personally don't really like them myself.

>> No.2804750

>paying money for something that has no scarcity.

>> No.2804753

I didn't like mine much, either, until I read a huge novel with it. I read in bed a lot, so the comfort of being able to read with only one hand (and not having to twist and turn my head all the time if reading on my stomach) is a huge plus for me.

And honestly, the screen is just as easy on the eyes as paper.

>> No.2804784

>see kids with magazines trying to do that swipe action on the 'screen'


>> No.2804815

>I like the smell of old books
>I like the feeling of the last few pages of a physical copy of a book against my hand driving me to finish the book faster
>I like being able to lend books to my friends
>I like the feeling of accomplishment I get from reading a thick book
>I like having a bookshelf that serves as a living testament to my love for literature
>I like writing in my books

And so on. I'm sure ereaders are convenient for some people, but those people are probably faggots.

>> No.2804828

e-readers are not here to destroy paper books
is not a competition, both complement well

i buy books that i really like and some because they're not available on ebook

ereader are useful for homework, readin' for college and such

and they let me read things that i otherwise i wouldn't read

>> No.2804832

I like the feel of having a book in my hands.

>> No.2804835

I like to read normal books but I read lot more with my kindle. Just so fast to get and easier to just download multiple books in it. Its easier to travel with too because can just take the e-reader with 10books in it rather than having to pack many books.

>> No.2804839

One of your excuses for not having an e-reader is that you "like the smell" of real books, and you're calling Kindle owners faggots?

Take a step back and look at yourself, you preening idiot.

>> No.2804842

>and they let me read things that i otherwise i wouldn't read
So much this.