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2799393 No.2799393[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>tfw Brett Easton Ellis is writing the screenplay for the Fifty Shades of Grey Movie


>> No.2799401
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oh god, they're actually meeting up to get lunch today and discuss the film it was just on his fucking twitter

>tfw when we all slowly become the things we hate the most
>tfw you know you're next

>> No.2799400

He's a good screenwriter.

>> No.2799402

What makes this specific smut series so popular? It's not like it's the first erotica ever written.

>> No.2799403

Looks like I won't be reading American Psycho at all, then.

>> No.2799404


"Why am I fascinated with Fifty Shades of Grey? Yes, sex. But also because it's about control. The need for it, as well as the illusion." -- B.E.E

I'm dying

>> No.2799405
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the peopl who produce sexy things are never how you'd like them to look :9

>> No.2799409

You people are surprised at what exactly? Ellis is not a god tier author or someone who would not compromise as you make it look.

>> No.2799410

She's pretty damn attractive ...

>> No.2799412

"If people only stopped slamming the prose of Fifty Shades of Grey then they could see: a fascinating situation, complex characters, a movie." -- Brett Easton Ellis

what the fuck am I reading

>> No.2799416

Won't this just be a porno?

>> No.2799417
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>if people stopped criticizing the book they would realize it's a pretty good book

>> No.2799418

B.E.E. spouting bullshit and selling his soul for money.

>> No.2799419

That's what it should be done as. They could rejuvenate the genre if they did it all classy and with a good script.

>> No.2799422
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This is the first step. All American cinemas will eventually be nearly porn-exclusive. A director will make a film with no sex scenes, to the bewilderment of the audience and critics alike, and be hailed equally as a visionary and a try-hard art-fag.

>> No.2799423


You're reading the insincere sales pitch of a sellout.

"Cash rules everything around me. Cream. Get the money." - black people

>> No.2799426

How much of the book is not about sex scenes? How could they possibly pull any kind of movie (even a Twilight-the-First level movie) about a book about sex, without showing the sex?

>> No.2799424


>good script
>good script
>50 Shits of Gay
>good script

>> No.2799427

By having the camera pan and shift behind the bed when the action heats up.

This is will be a terrible movie.

>> No.2799428

>midnight premiere of Fifty Shades of Gray
>every woman in the fucking country is standing in line to see this movie
>your mom, your ex-girlfriends, your teachers, the annoying now-sexually-mature twihards
>nine year old girls sneaking in to catch a piece of the action
>everyone ready for sensual and erotic sex scenes
>hardcore porn, Christian drinking Ana's menstrual fluid as the opening credits roll

>> No.2799429
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>making a 'Gay' pun
>thinking you have the right to call anything else classless

>> No.2799430


I think you mean porn-inclusive or exclusively pornographic or exclusively porn-inclusive.

>> No.2799431

And so ended BEE's career.

>> No.2799432


LOL. A famous and successful writer sees depth in badly written porn.

gg Literary Theory

>inb4 the c/lit/erati proclaim BEE to be stupid, even though he's successful and they beg for criticism of their writing on an anime imageboard.

brb guys, I'm going to read ASOIAF for the second time to savour dat dere depth.

>> No.2799435

yeah the book might be written terribly but this is like the first time in ages that we've had erotica in the spotlight. the connoisseurs of porn would love it. it's just a shame it wouldn't generate any profit because the old bitties that are wetting themselves to words are too sanctimonious to step it up a notch

>> No.2799439

We can only hope.

>> No.2799441


You're trying too hard to bait. Smacks of desperation.

It seems like you're new to all this, so don't be discouraged. Stick with it and you'll be trolling up a storm in no time. Promise.

>> No.2799442

the guy's been missing for years. I'd this is a rather smart way to get back in business.

>> No.2799443
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"Fifty Shades of Grey: I totally AM Christian and Ana. In a way, I think we've ALL been both of them. This is something the haters don't get." -- B.E.E.

>> No.2799445


For one movie, sure. But his work sells because plebs think he's somewhat literary, and there goes that reputation.

>> No.2799449
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>mfw 100 years from now, 50 Shades of Grey is considered a classic

>> No.2799452

someone should put BEE out of his misery already. his attention whoring is getting sad.

>> No.2799472

ITT: twelve year olds criticizing a book because someone on /lit/ told them it was bad

Its a erotica about a rich abusive billionaire fucking a chick, it was made for Bee. This guy wrote a book about an abusive millionaire fucking (and killing, or not) prostitutes and you guys all love it.
Like >>2799428 said, the first scene is going to be a ripped nutcase nose-fucking a chicks brains out. Also, Bee is an asshole, if he sees a way he could 'make it better' he will, no matter how important it is to the plot.

>> No.2799483

Also, he's clearly high off his ass all the time (as in >>2799443), he probably willn't be sober once while he's making the movie.

>> No.2799488


Trying too hard.

>> No.2799490

>implying the producers will let him do anything with the script

are you seriously suggesting he will turn this into american psycho ?

>> No.2799505

Go play outside kid, this pretentiousness really doesn't suit you at all. Just because all your friends think one way doesn't mean its the right way.

We'll have to see, but I think he will definitely take it places. This is the same guy who said Luka Magnotta was a pansy compared to PB, I'm sure he'll find someway to fuck this up for the fans.
He rights books about child sex slaves and serial killers, give the man some credit.

>> No.2799518

Bret Easton Ellis is no longer important. He's a nobody. He wrote his most famous work, American Psycho, 21 fucking years ago. Nobody cares about Imperial Bedrooms. Besides that, the film industry is completely reformed from what it was in the 90's. 50 Shades of Grey will essentially be written by committee, with BEE providing a skeleton. He'd never get anything transgressive past, even if he wanted to. There's too much at stake.

>> No.2799617


history has proven that shit literature is only popular within its timeframe & forgotten completely years later

>> No.2799624

All this noise...

And it's all there is to me, noise. It bothers me just for taking away space in my peripheral vision, a thread here in /lit/, small talk that I overhear, a place on a shelf.

I really don't care about this book, not even enough to get into a debate about it. I don't know why you even waste your time. Next year there will be another one just like it. And you shouldn't be surprised on the theme or the quality of those books, because you know this is a natural market thing. This is as deep as I can get into this thread.

>> No.2799628

>tfw when we all slowly become the things we hate the most

you don't know that BEE has always been a hack?

>> No.2799925

>tfw Sasha Grey will be the lead actress

>> No.2799957

Guys I haven't read anything from this yet and I don't plan on wasting my time and money on it. Can anyone link me to a free ebook and maybe reccomend some pages I should read to see what it's all about?

>> No.2799963
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He had to ask for donations to make that movie with Lindsay Lohan and James Deen.
>"Two backers bought the 'train with Bret' package: for $3,000, they’ll get three hour-long workouts and 'access to supplements.'"
>"access to supplements"

He hasn't always been. If you've ever seen interviews with him from about ten years ago, he really did seem to criticize and not really indulge in the things he wrote about. But since about the time of Imperial Bedrooms until now, he's really settled into douchedom nicely.

>> No.2799978

Well its obvious that Sasha Grey had ghost wrote 50 Shades Of Grey i mean the book is her own god damn name.
The "50 Shades" point to all the degrading and shameful things she had to do in her lifetime while hiding behind the facade of "women empowerment".
She tries to place blame on men by having the male protagonist do awful things to her and feels guilty because she got off on it.

>> No.2799980
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So, this gonna be some PG-13 shit, since teen girls are all over it? Looking forward to NOTHING AT ALL

>> No.2799987

my face is grinning on its own

>> No.2800053

So I just downloaded the ebooks and read it for a while. What is it that people are getting so worked up about? This is typical erotic novels.

>> No.2800087

It's just fucking depressing that BEE sold out, /lit/ enjoyed his stuff when they were edgy teenagers going into college. Thank god DFW killed himself before he ended up like this waste of life. I will say, I do enjoy the fact that's he's our country's only pro-bullying activist, and I'm not even being facetious or cynical.

>> No.2800099

>Selling out
You keep on using that phrase.
Adding, you stupid little fuck, he didn't get the job, so he's bitching and whining on Twitter like every other cunt.

>> No.2800105

>Good luck to Jim Piddock being hired as the screenwriter on "Fifty Shades of Grey." Unfollowing E. L. James.
>Unfollowing E. L. James

>> No.2800110

No no, not that. I meant why is everyone in general making such a fuss out of this?

>> No.2800115


that is stone cold

>> No.2800124

I have never heard a single thing about this book.
Should I still burn it as you tell me /lit/?

>> No.2800125
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>Unfollowing E. L. James

>> No.2800136
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Why am I not as cool as Mifune?
I wish I was as cool as Mifune.

>> No.2800137
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>Unfollowing E. L. James

>> No.2800139

oh god, BEE's asspain is delicious

>> No.2800142


>not having nakadai swag

>> No.2800161
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...I'll allow that.

>> No.2800168
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>The Fifty Shades trilogy was developed from a Twilight fan fiction originally titled Master of the Universe

Jesus Christ how horrifying.