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/lit/ - Literature

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2799152 No.2799152 [Reply] [Original]

For my birthday today my girlfriend bought me the complete Modern Library Proust, In Search of Lost Time. Am I in for a treat?

>> No.2799158


I've always thought that this works best as a book that you dip in and out of over time. It's a book you can comfortable take years reading (in a good way).

>> No.2799157

no it's so boring.
you're gf probably doesn't know you at all.

>> No.2799479

The correct answer to OP's question is: yes.

>> No.2799480



on /lit/

whats the point.

>> No.2799485

Read the first two, then something else, the next two, something else, and the final two.

>> No.2799486

The first 100 pages might be a little hard to read, but by then you'll have assimilated his way of writing and it'll be a blast.

>> No.2799489

I love Modern Library spines, they're so pretty.

Anyway, good books OP. Read em.

>> No.2799493


on /lit/

whats the point.

>> No.2799517


i dont get it

>> No.2799541

You can read the books anytime. Give attention to your thoughtful generous girlfriend.

>> No.2799619

>OP places it on a shelf
>never touches it again
>one fine day a visitor comments on it
>OP says he read it and loved it
>visitor asks specific question
>OP says "Oh I dunno it's been so long since I read it"
>story of /lit

>> No.2799634

painful, but true.

>> No.2799640


an anonymous poster has no cred to gain or lose, why do people think this is so widespread

>> No.2799643

I'm not sure I believe this. Most people don't just flat out lie about having read things, but for some reason they believe that just owning it is worth points in itself. That way it sounds like you have been meaning to read it and are thus smart for knowing it.

>"Hey dude have you ever read Proust's In Search of Lost Time?"
>"Oh no I haven't but I own it."
>shame deflected/convo over

>> No.2799646
File: 69 KB, 500x646, tumblr_kokexl8IYj1qzdyvko1_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>Quote As I Lay Dying on Facebook.
>I can't believe you haven't read it before anon.
>Live in a non English speaking country, I know that the guy is not able to read Faulkner in English.
>How is the translation ? Seems impossible to me ?
>Well er .

>> No.2799655


well, I agree, but he was referring to a hypothetical real life situation...

I always find it hilarious though when people talk about anon posters just trying to seem hip & cool by liking certain things.

>> No.2799679
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Do keep in mind that it's a gift, so you weren't planning on reading it. Hence the shame deflection is of greater, intersubjective importance.

I don't understand your use of greentext. Is this a conversation?

hypothetical real life sitch 2deep4him?

Anyway, OP, do read the Proust; in translation, the original, doesn't matter. If you're not that well informed about the work, do some research, it's necessary if you want to enjoy it.