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File: 383 KB, 578x800, suicide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2794618 No.2794618[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How is suicide not the most noble thing you could possibly do? Think about it.

>> No.2794622

How IS it?

>> No.2794625

im 13 years old and what is antinatalism

>> No.2794627

It is not noble to do a thing solely unto the self.

Under Aleksei's care may nobility be fraught.
You are nothing Yourself.

>> No.2794629

I thought about this too and I think I agree with you. I completely believe that they entire reason we are all sill here talking about it is because we're all far too scared and/or selfish to go through with it.

I'm alright being morally imperfect but a lot of people don't realise it.

>> No.2794630

Considering the way most of the people on 4chan act, I'm hard pressed to agree that it wouldn't be better for everyone if most of the people here killed themselves.

Obviously I don't mean me, just the rest of you.

>> No.2794633

Why don't Buddhists suicide? (awaiting faggy dualist to rhetorically tell me why)

>> No.2794634

>no actual argument or point to add except meaningless condescension

>> No.2794636


i promise not to condescend if you post about a book, pinky swear

>> No.2794662

Well, OP, if one is as ugly as the bitch in your pic, yes, it would be a noble gesture to remove oneself from the human gene pool. Apart from the obvious lack of other positive traits like strength, endurance, intelligence, wisdom and magic.

>> No.2794672

Were you a tripfriend at one time?

There used to be one who hung around here who always made that argument.

Then he stopped showing up, and I assumed he killed himself.

>> No.2794687

suicide is the most cowardly thing to do. dying is easy. keeping your chin up when darkness hits your heart is hard.

>> No.2794688

Its not noble because you don't get to experience how your "nobility" effects others.
Killing someone or doing some other "noble" action can be seen and / or felt.
Also, suicide is boring.

>> No.2794690

nah I don't read

>> No.2794714
File: 10 KB, 220x242, 220px-Salvador_Allende_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like this guy, for instance. Very noble guy.


>> No.2794720

It's not. It's scraping together the last dredges of your dignity when all else is lost.

>> No.2794722
File: 14 KB, 150x200, Mohamed_Atta.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More nobility


>> No.2794868

It depends.

If you use a gun or jump of a building, someone has to clean shit up.

If yuou hang yourself it could affect the person that finds you.

You have to tie up loose ends. Funeral or other arrangements you want. You should also donate your organds so that others that want to live can get help, so that means no drowning.

>> No.2794900
File: 59 KB, 275x375, buddha3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something like this:

Once too Diogenes, when he came to him, brought a dagger. And when Antisthenes cried out, "Who will release me from these pains?" replied, "This," showing him the dagger. "I said," quoth the other, "from my pains, not from life."

Especially since Buddhists believe one can be relieved of suffering short of death and a lot of Buddhists believe that death is not the end of suffering. And also because most Buddhist intend to end suffering in general, not just that of their own. So helping people out takes care of more suffering than ending your life. There's also Buddhists who belief that suffering is essentially bad karma being "used up" for lack of a better term, and that in that way it leads to a life free from bad karma or at least with less of it.

So they have a lot of reasons to believe that suffering can't be escaped by dying, but only dissolved by the Buddhist practice. As far as suffering in general goes, I believe they are right.

I believe there's some antinatalist tendencies in some forms of Buddhism though, but rarely suicidal ones.

>> No.2794909
File: 205 KB, 466x625, buddha.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>As far as suffering in general goes, I believe they are right.

I meant that it can't be solved by suicide, not necessarily that it can be solved by Buddhist practices.

>> No.2794911

How is suicide not the ultimate form of expression of freedom?

>> No.2794919

I like the idea of the voluntary human extinction movement.

Saying that we are a terrible species for the planet and we should voluntarily refuse to have kids to prevent us continuing on. Don't quite agree with them but always found them interesting.

>> No.2794927
File: 350 KB, 640x422, boat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy a gun, some poison and a metal chain
>travel to some little town near a large body of water
>buy a little steel boat with cash money
>go somewhere else so people think you will have just left
>at night, take the boat out to deep waters away from people
>tie yourself to the boat
>shoot holes in the bottom or otherwise damage it so that it is sinking rapidly, perhaps weighing the boat down beforehand to be sure
>take poison
>shoot yourself
>let your carcass be taken to the depths of the dark water, without anyone knowing, dangling there like some depraved balloon before feeding the fish and bottom crawlers and living forth as part of the ecosystem forever

>> No.2794928

>all the heroes life needs are dying out
>the drooling breeders stay behind

That'll work.

>> No.2794932

how can you be so certain of the latter?

>> No.2794938

in the absence voluntary human extinction, continue reproducing if only to offset the damage caused by idiots inevitably doing the same

>> No.2794940
File: 12 KB, 188x273, pyrrho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I be certain that suffering isn't necessarily solved by Buddhist practices? Well I'm not, I was expressing my doubt about the matter. I don't necessarily think that it can be, but I do not firmly believe in the impossibility of it either.

Pic related, my face always.

>> No.2794957

yukio mishima go back to bed

>> No.2794971

Sorry I don't know where my head was at.

>> No.2794979

wel, it's noble in the way that you are taking all the pain of everyone else, being a vessel for agony, and so self-sacrifice is noble, in a way.

>> No.2795224


>> No.2795228

Because I can produce something that exceeds the current boundaries of humanity.
But go ahead, OP - nothing of value will be lost.

>> No.2795234

People who commit suicide are just weak.

>> No.2795267

>overcoming the most powerful of natural impulses (survival)


>> No.2795272
File: 231 KB, 386x416, get-on-with-it1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Come on - suffer not the slings and arrows!

>> No.2795312

thats a pathatic way to cause destruction by suicide

>> No.2795322

>implying it is destructive

>> No.2795331

What the fuck is a noble thing? How do you measure something for being noble or not noble? What does that even mean?

>> No.2795335

Only if you do it like the japanese

C'mon, a bullet to the head is too pussy to be counted as 'dishonorable'.

>> No.2795337

>too pussy to be counted as 'dishonorable'.

That's a new one.

>> No.2795351

The most noble death would be to sacrifice yourself to save someone else's, like taking a bullet or going into a burning house. The second most is being a soldier, but only if it is for a truly noble war such as WWII.

>> No.2795359
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>> No.2795371

>being overcome by emotions
>can't think straight
>can't bear living to see if you're right or wrong
>thinks it's badass because he puts a gun in his mouth
Don't you just love Darwin in these situations.

>> No.2795394

>implying about 39 things

Come back when you've finished your education, friend.

>> No.2796020

>most noble
>not killing all those too weak to chose the correct path being the most noble
Get on my level.

>> No.2796021

>a noble war must be noble for all sides
You seem to be under that delusion. Of course only one side is righteous.

>> No.2796037

Suicide is a selfish act. Unless done in order to save another. A just (noble) war, taking a bullet (movie cliches), etc.

>> No.2796057


No side was fucking righteous. No war is noble.

>> No.2796058

>Suicide is a selfish act.

People may have other reasons besides depression.

>> No.2796061

If suicide is nobility, then you had better kill your self now before you waste more time, food, and education on such a worthless future-corpse... Suicide is selfishness... Why kill yourself and take out only 1, when you could educate yourself on who ELSE needs to be sacrificed for the greater good also; so that you can live a life well spent massacring the unworthy? THINK ABOUT IT.... Mass homicide> 1 suicide... What difference did 1 average joe ever make?

>> No.2796064

>Any side

>> No.2796077



>> No.2796118

utilitarism taken "too far", its obligated to kill yourself and offer your organs because you're sure to save more than one human live with it.

>> No.2796122

>implying other peoples happiness exists to me any more than their thoughts or the physical sensation of stomach ache in a random Bengal street mutt
>implying sceptical utilitarianism isn't Stirnerism

>> No.2796151

Here is a question.

How is killing yourself because of a mental illness not the same as physically dying to a physical illness?

>> No.2796157
File: 25 KB, 96x100, sadadddsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2796160


>subscribing to any form of utilitarianism


>> No.2796170

>ignoring the is-ought gap since 1789

>> No.2796193


>ignoring the is-ought gap since 1789

Why have I not been clever enough to come up with this humourous (sic) and precise definition? No sarcasm, I really want to make your babies.

>> No.2796207


what's this is-ought gap you guys are talking about

>> No.2796212

That is-ought gap, can't it just be solved by relying on biological imperatives?

oh dear

>> No.2796241

>not a tool used by existing power structures to enforce their will
pick one

>> No.2796246
File: 26 KB, 274x300, Nietzsche-274x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did somebody say 'overman' already?

>> No.2797264
File: 532 KB, 979x1531, Flex Mentallo 4of4 - 18.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's certainly the most "human" thing you can do.

However it's still vain and selfish.

>> No.2797279


>> No.2797287

I think that, whenever we have problems, either because of anxiety or depression, part of us want simply to fix the problem and part of us don't.

So if you can't relax about life, if you live under constant stress, it doesn't matter how much you say "calm down" to yourself, because the things is that you CAN'T relax. Your body and mind are reacting to a certain danger and your rational aware mind can't keep up with it.

Sometimes you sabotage yourself with self-pity or with desperation, which instead of fixing it, make it worse. I was thinking about this and I believe that the reason we do this is to try to trigger some instinctive reaction from the part of you that want to fix the problem. Sometimes, extreme situations, nervous breakdown and the like open a path to fixing the problem.

Imagine it's hot and you are next to a fireplace. You want to move away from it, but your mind can't do it. So you put your hand in the fire and now your mind has no power, your hand will simply move away from it automatically.

Suicide is, for me, that kind of action. But with no coming back.

And it serves rational thought as well. The same kind of reaction to the fire and to simply emotional issues.

>> No.2797305


To be 'noble' is generally seen as distinguishing oneself amongst peers through excellence of achievement or character; the point of the distinction being to serve as an example to peers or future generations. Since, obviously, achievement is subjective to the society, it is difficult to define a specific action as noble. The action would first need social approval. I can say that suicide is unlikely to be seen as noble, barring certain circumstances such as failure in war. Were it noble, and worthy of encouraging as an action in peers and future generations, society as a whole would quickly self-destruct or be admittedly filled with only the least noble individuals; thus eliminating the purpose of terming it noble.

>> No.2797307


I just shaved my asshole, yup, thats right. I just shaved all the hair from my asshole and now have a lovely smooth shithole. I woke up this morning with a killer hangover and found yesterdays booze and curry firing out of my ass like a water cannon. I went to clean it, but the liquid shit just stuck to the 2 inch hairs and I had to get in a the fucking shower... I hate cleaning myself. While in the shower I decided it would be much simpler If I just shaved it.

Now the wuestion remains; Do I shave my balls? They are quite hairy and stink a little when they are hot and sweaty.

>> No.2797321

It's easily one of the most selfish acts a person can commit. There's nothing "noble" in taking the easy way out.

>> No.2797326


Because it's selfish and unethical.

>> No.2797328


Considering selfishness has been uplifted as a social ideal in certain groups, this would not restrict it from the distinction of nobility were it true. However, calling suicide selfish is simply redundant. You choose to continue living because you do not wish to die. That is selfish. You kill yourself being you do not wish to continue living. That is selfish. Damning one as what the other also is would just be silly.

At this point, I feel obligated to point out the fascistic implication of damning someone's seizure of their own life as an offense against society.

>> No.2797352

>booze and curry
Sigh. The bane of my existence. If only I ate or drank anything else.

I feel ya.

>> No.2798198

>not shaving your whole body

>> No.2798204



>> No.2798215

>removing yourself to let others flourish in your absence


pick one

>> No.2800021

I choose selfish