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/lit/ - Literature

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2791106 No.2791106[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books collection thread

>> No.2791111


>> No.2791118
File: 509 KB, 172x129, 1341622726735.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

XD im so intellectual look at all my books

>> No.2791120

no. wait a month or so. i think /lit/'s mostly tapped out. we had two or three of these threads just a few weeks ago.

>> No.2791123
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>> No.2791129

>not having a huge mess of books spread all over your room
>being organized


>> No.2791133
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Small time.

>> No.2791141
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/lit/ is the worst board ever, even /tv/ is better

>> No.2791146
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>> No.2791147

I see you trying to hide Snuff, OP.

>> No.2791150

Stop that, no one was supposed to post a bigger peni--- folder than mine.

>> No.2791153
File: 2.67 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_0252.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We really do have threads like these often enough.

And to those who remember me: I've tidied up my desk and shelves now, you can relax.

>> No.2791156

Still not tidy. Improve thy standards.

>> No.2791157

Tell me more about those inspiration pills.

>> No.2791162

Oh, no, that's an old picture, where it's still messy as fuck. Pardon my vague wording.

>> No.2791166

Nothing more exotic than caffeine, I'm afraid. I think maybe I should take a new picture soon, where it's tidier and that bottle is removed, because people tend to comment on both those things.

>> No.2791167
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Post an updated one, I dare you.

>> No.2791182
File: 838 KB, 1458x2592, 2012-01-29_20-21-15_774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From a while back, before I cleaned.

>> No.2791187

Hah! Sure I can, but it'll have to wait at least twenty hours. I'm at my mum's place at the moment (because that's much closer to my job), and I'll be working most of tomorrow. If this thread's still up, I'll be sure take and post a new picture then.

>> No.2791189

This is /lit/, it'll be up for days at the rate this board moves.

>> No.2791192

>"History of the Kings of Norway" in French

Da fuq?

>> No.2791214

which pleiade is that on the top shelf. my one aesthetics-based book fetish is for that series.

>> No.2791230


I remember you. Christ, that kettle next to your PC makes me imagine a fat-arsed neckbeard.

>> No.2791273

Why would you think I'm fat because of a kettle? Fat people drink a lot of tea, these days? In any case, I'm not particularly fat. For "proof", see the black and white picture, where I'm the guy in the middle with the beard. Or, better yet, see the two pictures over the lightswitch, where I don't have a beard and you can actually see my facial structure a bit.

>> No.2791285

You can't be bothered to get up from your seat and make yourself tea. Incredibly lazy.

>> No.2791303

Is your name James?

>> No.2791306

I'm afraid not.

>> No.2791323

James, disregard my comment about your kettle. I'm just projecting. I'm a fat, lonely neckbeard. You seem like an alright dude. You should really be careful about having water about your PC, though. I'm sorry I was such an asshole.

>> No.2791466

You're a goddamn mess, James.

>> No.2791488
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>mfw people read translations that arent definitive

>> No.2791503
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>mfw people read translations

>> No.2791513
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>mfw people read

>> No.2792726

you clearly have not spent a lot of time on /tv/

>> No.2793851
File: 2.60 MB, 4000x3000, IMG_0273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's okay! I rarely use the kettle, anyway.

Here you go!

>> No.2793853


Harru fjerna inspirasjonen din nå?

>> No.2793856

Den ligger i postvesken min for øyeblikket, der den egentlig hører hjemme.

>> No.2793890

good, now remove all those cultural symbols you've mashed together, completely devaluing their meaning.

>> No.2793896

That room makes me moist. Lovely

>> No.2793911
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>The Net Delusion
my nigga.jpg

>> No.2794038
File: 2.85 MB, 445x247, korean girls see your penis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he still believes in meaning

>> No.2794061

>Lenin head bust

It continues to baffle me how disgustingly socialist /lit/ is sometimes.

>> No.2794067
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New pics I did of just scifi and related.


>> No.2794078

Ah there will only be 1/3, the other two are blurred. I will redo them.

>> No.2794081
File: 331 KB, 680x684, 1341764656046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they are the only two boards I post in

>> No.2794108

I've got a question that's been bothering me for a while. Why buy books? I have about 10 books in my room, programming references and dirt cheap why-not-just-buy it books from garage sales and thrift stores. I don't have much of a collection, I don't see the point when there's a library and ebooks.

TL;DR why buy books when library?

>> No.2794111

>hey, /lit/, look at all my unread books!

These threads are always terrible.

>> No.2794117

So you can take pictures for anonymous people on the internet, silly!

>> No.2794120

I only keep the most important works that I've bought before I had my e-reader. Most of them aren't available as ebooks. Other than that I agree, I don't plan on buying any more physical books unless absolutely needed.

>> No.2794191


So I have them for the rest of my life.

I suppose owning them is trivial when you can indeed go to a library or just get a digital version. But there is an attachment to them as objects when you build a collection. You see them, you feel them, you smell them. They get worn and age. It's mostly romanticism but there is nothing wrong with that.

>> No.2794212

so you can write your ideas and definitions to words you don't know in the margin, to have an active dialogue with the text, helping you to stay focused on the text and keep the info.

>> No.2794240

Unless you're all like “It is desirable that a man […] live in all respects so compactly and preparedly that, if an enemy take the town, he can, like the old philosopher, walk out the gate empty-handed without anxiety.” which is a pleasant and sensible way of going about life.

>> No.2794284

Blir alltid like overrasket over å se nordmenn her inne!

I'm moving from one place to another these days, so all my books are put in bags and boxes.

>> No.2794558

Disgusting. Go back to reddit.

>> No.2794580
File: 43 KB, 373x488, Namnlös.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Won\t read them all.

>> No.2794598

>196 gb
>not even 17000 books

You either love pdfs of picture books or you got some 1080p porn stashed upin that btich

>> No.2794602
File: 62 KB, 433x600, 433px-WilliamOfOrange1580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I can read that sentence

>> No.2794623


How did you like House of Leaves?

Just started it last night. Haha

>> No.2794646

ITT people renaming their porn folders "books"

>> No.2794678

100% plaintext.

not really though ;_;

>> No.2794680
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>> No.2794815
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>> No.2794817
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It's been updated since, but I'm too lazy to take another pair of pics.

>> No.2794825
File: 839 KB, 2592x1456, IMG_00000018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tadah my collection of mostly shit.

>> No.2794830

what are those two you hid on the top shelf?

>> No.2794838


At least you're not self-deluded.

>> No.2794871

The two with the bottoms facing instead of the spines? Forward the Foundation and Foundation's Edge. Didn't hide them, I just tossed them up there a week ago after picking them

>> No.2795209

do you even read? they all look brand new and upopened.

>> No.2795214

>tfw playing Skyrim and getting nostalgic with your Imperial character, wishing for the gentle warm coastal town of Anvil with it's beautiful colours and pleasant atmosphere

>> No.2795217

>town of Anvil with it is beautiful colours

>> No.2795285
File: 1.21 MB, 3264x1840, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]