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2785383 No.2785383[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Pretty much everything we do is for sex.
You cant prove me wrong, it is completely logical to think sex is behind everything. Urges like sex are our guidance and society is just one zoo.

I am completely logical and you cant prove me wrong.

>> No.2785396


>> No.2785395

>babby's first psychology course 101 v1.0

>> No.2785401

Yeah, my studying of different models of lamp posts is because i want to get sex out of it and not because different models of lamp posts is interesting as fuck and i am drawn to it.

>> No.2785408

>inb4 sad rational anon comic

>> No.2785412

I think you should clarify, that to mean that "socially, everything we do is for sex"

>> No.2785417


We know what you do with those lamp posts. You're not fooling anybody.

>> No.2785434

>Pretty much everything we do is for power.
>You cant prove me wrong, it is completely logical to think power is behind everything. Desire for power is our guidance and society is just one guy stomping the other

>Pretty much everything we do is for God.
>You cant prove me wrong, it is completely logical to think God is behind everything. Mystical experiences are our guidance and society is just one reflex of God's glory.

>Pretty much everything we do is for nothing.
>You cant prove me wrong, it is completely logical to think nothing is behind everything. It leads to nothing and society is just one big nada.

>Pretty much everything we do is for attention.
>You cant prove me wrong, it is completely logical to think attention is behind everything. Urges like sex are just to get attention and society is just one giant stage.

>> No.2785435

op = small-minded super-pleb

>> No.2785439

A soldier jumps on a grenade to save his comrades.

Is that for sex?

>> No.2785451

He does it so his comrades will have a chance at sex, yes

>> No.2785459

I am asexual. Does it mean I am not a human?

>> No.2785464


You contribute to everybody else's chance to have sex.

>> No.2785465

OP is being stupid.

The assertion is not supposed to be "hurr durr everything is for teh sex" it's that everything done is within the realm of the sexual. The sexual is not the same thing as vaginal intercourse in the same way that the phallus is not the same as a penis. Please inform yourselves.

>> No.2785483

OP has the very teenage idea that biologically human beings look like their main purpose is procreate (which is a bullshit arbitrary pick), and to do that our minds have made it that everything we do is to get sex.

But it's just not true. lern2 motivation theories+some Phil 101.

>> No.2785683

This is easily dismissable. I'm currently drinking some beers while browsing /lit/. I'm not doing this for sex. When I take a shit later on, I will not be doing it for sex either.

Now pleasure. Hedonism. That is something hard to refute. If you were to say that we do everything to either gain pleasure or evade pain, than I'm with you.

>> No.2785699

Has anyone done that experiment of a human who's never met another human meets another human who's also never met another human. I'm curious as to how they'd react. Why hasn't this been funded?

>> No.2785790

this sounds amazing

>> No.2785796

Can we start another thread where we discuss this? Or just discuss it here...

How would the humans be kept in isolation from each other, and would they be taught a form of communication or treated as animals?

>> No.2785802

A soldier jumps on a grenade to save his band of castrated friends.

Is it for sex?

>> No.2785810

OP, you are a baby-tier thinker. You may never surpass an entry-level mode of thought. What you said is a gross simplification of the human condition

>> No.2785812

two individual beings express all of human nature in one meeting

>> No.2785814

"hey beavis"
"yeah stirner?"

>> No.2785819

Humans, when not cared for by other humans in their formative years, will die quickly and retarded.

>> No.2785821
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>> No.2785824

What if they are raised by animals?

>> No.2785844
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domestic animals specifically trained to raise humans

i like where this is going

>> No.2785847
File: 18 KB, 460x338, 4272060_460s_v2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There was a girl , i forget her name, she's very famous now. She was found in a home in a room that looked like a pig stye, litterally. She didn't know how to walk properly and she couldn't speak at all. She was 14 but she looked 8, she was deprived of communication and all contact with other humans. She was able to learn how to walk properly after a few months, but when she went outside (there are pictures of this) , she looks around like a newborn lamb. its quite amazing.

Humans THRIVE and absolutely NEED human contact, without it, we dont even grow properly.

>> No.2785853
File: 20 KB, 263x400, genie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is Genie

THIS is what no contact does to you

>> No.2785877

>the phallus is not the same as a penis
Psychology bullshit.

>> No.2785879

>tfw you might just be regressing to that level

>> No.2785889


How do Eunuchs operate, then?

Also your hypothesis is unfalsifiable.

>> No.2785892


>> No.2785900
File: 21 KB, 365x450, 1341607384874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw Peter Sotos gave u a boner

>> No.2785907

>Also your hypothesis is unfalsifiable.


/lit/ logic

>> No.2785917


>> No.2785918

We all realize that OP is completely ridiculous, right?

"Proposition X is completely logical. I won't advance any arguments or prove it, it's just completely logical and you can't prove me wrong." Well, no, we can't prove that everything is NOT guided by sex. Well done there, we can't prove a negative, congrats on your victory.

Hiding dis thread.

>> No.2785926


This board used to be good.

>> No.2785943

but she was raised abusively rather than in a carefully controlled scientific environment designed specifically to raise humans who are unknowingly being raised by other humans

I don't want to start an argument over this, I've done lots of research into these cases of children raised by animals or in situations like Genie, I'm just saying, this is fun shit to speculate on, reminds me of the twilight zone. way better than what OP's post was about anyway

>> No.2785944

You don't understand falsifiability in the slightest. Please leave. I am not your teacher, I don't have to explain these things to you.

>> No.2785945

OP here, just made this thread so I can prove that one faggot who in another thread made a few similar posts like this wrong.

bet he read this thread and realized how stupid and obnoxious he is

probably a teenager too, that's why he thinks sex is behind everything

>> No.2785947

Yeah I sit in my room all day and play videogames so I can get laid. Bitches love that shit.

>> No.2785982


>> No.2785992

OP is rustling lots of jimmies in this thread. If he/she left out the second sentence then the statement would be somewhat accurate. To the guy who studies lamp posts, I'm assuming this is some sort of career and all careers are 'pretty much' a way to obtain money which most people do in order to support themselves and to find a mate and support them and potentially make a family with their selected partner. I know that many of you on this board like to think of yourselves as enlightened beings and that we are somehow different from animals. We can 'pretty much' agree that most animal activity is done for the purpose of reproduction and honestly, just because we watch TV, build skyscrapers, and read books we think we're different. I don't know if we're different. I don't know if you read because you enjoy it or because you're hoping it will pay off one day and you'll meet some girl who also likes to read and you'll fuck the brains out of her while discussing Infinite Jest. I don't know if you read to get smarter for the sake of it or so that you can appear smart in order to make some girls panties wet. I don't know why we do the things we do but I can somewhat agree with the OP (even though he/she is an idiot) because the most important thing to any species is reproduction. Does it drive our every single action? Probably not. But saying one way or the other is 'pretty much' pointless. The second anything besides reproduction is number one in importance to a species that species will die. I can't prove my previous statement but who fucking cares?

>> No.2785998


Your'e right, its really cool to think about. But i also think that it would seriously harm those two individuals. They wouldn't be fit for living in our society, their entire life would most likely go from being isolated for years, possibly until age 20/30, and meet the other human. Those humans would never trust the other humans, only eachother, they would never be able to function properly.

Like tarzan.
sorta but not really cereal about tarzan.

>> No.2786343

lamp post guy here, fuck off with your pseudo-humbleness and no it isn't a career it is because lamp posts are interesting you fucking nerd.

go live in a zoo if you like being a pseudo-humble bourgeois

>> No.2786351

>implying that I have a sex drive
Try again, friend.

>> No.2786352

>mfw 25 and virgin

>> No.2786359

off-topic troll thread

saged and reported

>> No.2786361

>Submitting false reports or otherwise abusing the report system will result in a ban of indeterminate length. Replying to a thread stating that you've reported it or another post is also disallowed—please do not announce your reports.
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported it or another post is also disallowed—please do not announce your reports.

>> No.2786381

If it was, then OP would know that Freud isn't even very respected, and his theories suck.

>> No.2786394
File: 51 KB, 450x338, 450px-Maslow%27s_Hierarchy_of_Needs.svg[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Incorrect, buddy. Pic related.

>> No.2786455

Why the fuck does Stirner have to do with your conclusion?

>> No.2786470
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>> No.2786473

I thought he looked more like Dale from King of the Hill.

>> No.2786486

I am reading his book, now i will probably read everything in Dale's voice, thank you.

>> No.2786495


What does it mean when the top of your pyramid is completely filled but the bottom of that pyramid is miscellaneously filled?

I mean, it seems like an inaccurate representation of what people want if something like that could happen. However, for me, according to that chart, it is happening.

>> No.2786504
File: 35 KB, 300x300, 1339366608435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Humans don't do that anymore for the same reason we're not constantly looking just past our noses for our next meal.

>> No.2786505
File: 88 KB, 450x600, lEYB5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am asexual. Does that--oh, I see this was already posted in this thread, with a reply, no less!
>You contribute to everybody else's chance to have sex.
Very well, then. If my sex-driven-nature is only manifest in the collective, then you deny any person's meaningful existence as an individual (confirming only the social or collective machine).

If this is not your conclusion, and you affirm my individuality, then you either concede that I express a non-sexual will, deny that I express a will (a fallacy--how can you confirm my individual identity while denying my will to act?), or deny my claim (such as by insisting that there are no true asexuals).

Your move, animals.

>> No.2786509
File: 38 KB, 374x373, max-stirner-state-violence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Denying individuality
>After posting a Stirner pic

>> No.2786511

Spiritual enlightenment.


>> No.2786540

How does it feel that you will never carry on a legacy?
You will be forgotten, your genetic potential will cease to exist. You will not make a lasting mark on society in the sciences or the arts.

>> No.2786553

dude, who gives a shit

>> No.2786614

Excluding members of isolated populations, every person living more than about 1500 years ago with any living descendants today can claim every person alive as his descendant. People from that or any more distant era either have no descendants alive at all, or else are ancestor to essentially ALL people. Not direct patrilinear ancestor, of course, but nth great granfather, uncle, or cousin to everyone.

Asexuality has no more to do with the prospect of progeny than homosexuality, of course. Many today choose to produce biological children either through voluntary but purely practical sex acts (natural insemination of a surrogate mother, for example) or through artificial means.

Nevertheless, contribution to the gene pool is largely irrelevant. A genetic engineer has more impact on a species' gene pool than hundreds of thousands of years of breeding. Artists, too, although indirectly. Even a mundane life might have an enormous effect on one or two lives in the future, whether parent to that life or not (ask a Buddhist about this one).

>> No.2786631

>Asexuality has no more to do with the prospect of progeny than homosexuality

False. Homos, asexes and barren people have progeny vicariously through other people. A study was done that confirms that homos (that don't have children of their own) contribute incredibly positively to any siblings' offspring. That's the reason homos still exist -- because our genes realise that they're a positive force in procreation. Whether this will continue to be the case now that homos can (almost, virtually, basically) have their own children, we'll see.

>> No.2786637

>> Freud

>> No.2786641

I'm 27 and a vigin.

How do you explain that?

>> No.2786647

I don't care. Unless evolutionary biology jumped the is-ought gap when I wasn't looking.

>> No.2786651

It's like you didn't read my post at all. I'm obviously aware of the biological niche filled by non-breeders (moreso than you are, judging by your explanation, but I digress). If I say "asexuality has no more to do with the prospect of progeny than homosexuality" it means I'm saying "asexuals and homosexuals contribute to future generations in the same way." That statement is relevant in reply to the comment that glossed asexuality as an especially grim prospect, because although asexuality is rare, homosexuality is quite common, and it seems that few educated people would make the same accusatory remarks of a homosexual.
Of course, it doesn't matter, because most people stop reading when you arrogantly start your post with the memetic "False." This isn't reddit.

>> No.2786664
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>because our genes realise that they're a positive force in procreation.
Really, evolution is a cognizant and perceptive entity now?
>contribution to the gene pool is largely irrelevant.
Look at this fag, with an inferiority complex.
I commend you on not passing down your beta genes.

>> No.2786672

>I commend you on not passing down your beta genes.
That is a part of it too, but no matter how hard this is for you to understand, I'll stress that "having sex" and "passing down genes through sex" don't matter at all to me. I know that your hormone-fueled animal brain can't resist challenging my maleness, however, when it perceives a rival. If your intellect can conquer your impulse, though, you might find that asexuals and fags make excellent friends for the very reason that they aren't engaged in biological competition with you!

>because our genes realise that they're a positive force in procreation.
I appreciate your sentiment. Like I said a moment ago, that guy seems to have a pretty fleeting grasp of the process of evolution (probably went to school in Missouri or something). I would, however, like to impress upon you that the point, as far as I can judge it, should stand: non-breeders, as I said, fill a biological niche, to the extent that an imperative is provided for their continued presence. The main effect is based on familial proximity: "gay uncles" and "childless aunts" and the like can act as supplemental caretakers for children, helping to keep their siblings' (who also carry the genes that made the aunt or uncle gay or barren in the first place) children alive. The same could be said of long-lived grandparents... There could also be a biological imperative that selects for long lifetimes after the child-bearing age.

>> No.2786705

How is any of this lit related?

>> No.2786712

>talking about books
Go start a book thread if you ever so want one.

>> No.2786722

Nice sample size there kiddo. Also nice that you think that the only thing that had influence on her behaviour those 13 unobserved years was the lack of human contact.

>> No.2786738
File: 191 KB, 300x411, 1327734094865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asexuals and fags make excellent friends for the very reason that they aren't engaged in biological competition with you!
It's for this very reason that I don't trust your ilk. What's in it for you?
What exactly drives you as an individual?
Basically you're a conundrum.
I can't empathize with you.
>I know that your hormone-fueled animal brain can't resist challenging my maleness, however, when it perceives a rival.
>implying you have no hormones
>implying I perceive you as a rival

>> No.2786746

It bugs me to see weeabo fucks claim they're asexual wgen in reality there's no such thing. Every person, save a few genetically aberrant ones, are wired for sex, being human means being sexual.if you could you would get laid this instant. If I called Natalie Portman and convinced her to go to your Inuyasha-coated house and give you a tuggy and a ride, there is no fucking way you'd refuse. I call bullshit

>> No.2786767

>Natalie Portman
>31 years old
>doubtful to have read all of Joyce's works
>has pointy elbows

2/10 wouldn't bang, and that's just what I got from her wikipedia page.

>> No.2786772

Bulshit, of course there is such a thing as asexuality. There are organizations, brother.

>> No.2786795

Natalie Portman=catchall term for hot bitch. Insert whatevet broad you like, Chloe, Stoya, Giselle Bundchen, idgaf.

I still think all those who claim asexuality are in denial abut their own urges or have given up trying so mask their failure with indifference.

>> No.2787164

>asexuality doesn't exist
>except for those cases in which it does
>so it is bullshit

Easy there, Socrates.

>> No.2787185



bahahahaha, good one, I'm not being sarcastic and I'm not the dude you're responding to, you literally caused me to laugh aloud.

>> No.2787484

I've turned down offers for sex/sexual activity before. I don't masturbate to pornography.

>> No.2787729
