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/lit/ - Literature

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2783025 No.2783025[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I just bought this for $2.00

Never read it or anything by Frank Herbert.

Did I get ripped off or am I in for an adventure?

I kinda wanna just not read it and read the rest of the Discworld series because I just finished the first 2 Rincewind books and am hungry for more fantasy but at the same time I want some sci-fi.

What's /lit/ think?

>> No.2783028

It's definitely worth 2 bucks. Pretty fucking great science fiction, altho if you want more fantasy then read Discworld for a while. Dune will be there to come back to.

>> No.2783032



>> No.2783039


>Discworld series VS Dune series

Holy fuck op; are you me?

Those are by FAR my 2 favorite series of all time.

>> No.2783046

You should probably finish discworld first, and then get right on this after that. Dune is a pretty good mix of sci-fi and fantasy also, though I'd say it leans more towards fantasy.

>> No.2783050

>finish discworld

Isn't it like 50+ books, though?

Where should I go after Colour of Magic & The Light Fantastic?

>> No.2783053

My favourites are the Watch stories, so
Guards! Guards!
Men at Arms
Feet of Clay
The Fifth Elephant
Night Watch

>> No.2783060

It's great. Herbert made a very developed world, almost on par with Middle-Earth. I like that it 's set so far in the future that the culture is totally alien and unrecognizable.

I've only read the first two books so far, but God-Emperor of Dune is supposedly the best one.

>> No.2783062

Dune is 6 books long though, I guess you could switch to that and finish it and then go back to discworld or whatever.

I've never actually read any of the discworld series though.

>> No.2783069
File: 331 KB, 1000x861, duneworm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He who controls the Spice controls the Universe, and it is Shai-Hulud who creates the Spice. Sadly.. Shai Halud does not take kindly to being controlled.

>> No.2783073

>paying for stuff
>Did I get ripped off ?
Yes, yes you did.
You can't help it though, the idiocy of tripfaggery is contagious to all aspects of life.

>> No.2783161

Islam, not even once.

>> No.2783218

The first few books are essentially an allegory for the rise of Islam, which I thought was pretty cool.

The son of a wealthy merchant family is exiled into the desert, where he gets visions and becomes a prophet amongst the nomadic peoples there. He returns to the capital city and launches a jiihad, bringing thousands of worlds under his new religion.