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/lit/ - Literature

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2778152 No.2778152[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this /lit/?

>> No.2778156

No Quentin, that's /b/ five years ago.

>> No.2778251

someone give me the highlights on this please.

>> No.2778262
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I don't remember a 4chan issue.

>> No.2778263
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>> No.2778293

I don't know about the book, and the author seems rather slow - however, he had a great line in his article on the meme "go to bed, tao lin".
"4chan is a sort of meta-game, a performance art in which everyone tries to be more offensive, funny, shocking, clever, or otherwise fascinating than everyone else in the room. " I like that one.. I like it very much.

Article: http://rhizome.org/editorial/2012/mar/27/tao-lin/

>> No.2778297
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>> No.2778302
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Get dressed Quentin

>> No.2778304
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>> No.2778306
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>> No.2778308
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>> No.2778310
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>> No.2778314
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>> No.2778315
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>> No.2778317
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>> No.2778319

This guy is either an old fag, who has spent more time on 4chan than I will spend sleeping - or he dosn't know shit about the boards at all.

>> No.2778321
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/lit/'s in the 6th image by the way, and it's not accurate to say the least
You can tell for some of them he barely opened the board

>> No.2778322
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>> No.2778323

An article about /lit/? What an "ironic" cockfest

Tao Lin has dragged this board to his own shithole goddammit

>> No.2778327


>The former singer of indie rock band Neutral Milk Hotel is a meme on 4chan's music board /mu/, signifiying hipster weirdness.

all my hate

>> No.2778329
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>> No.2778330

Too many fags here get lured into the cult of celebrity so easily. I thought you were above it all. haha.

>> No.2778334
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and done, so in summary he clearly put zero work/research into this, if you can manage to describe /d/ without once mentioning futanari you clearly haven't actually browsed the board

>> No.2778349


That /sp/ summary does zero justice to the board culture over there, and that's just picking one example. This whole thing is terribly written and clearly rushed as fuck.

>"Top threads" cherrypicked, none particularly interesting
>Shit anecdote about being banned from /h/
>First two boards get reasonably lengthy summaries, a few boards later author clearly no longer gives a fuck

Grinds my gears how literally anything can get published these days, and that's not even talking about "50 Shades of Grey"-tier pulp. Went on a uni exchange overseas with a bunch of other students, and some girl ended up publishing her blog from the exchange as an online book through Amazon. "Deep" high-school level philosophical musings and tangential shit about her dramas with foreign guys errywhere, currently "selling" for $12 a copy on amazon.com. OP pisses me off a bit more as the author may have actually received money upfront for writing this.

>> No.2778356

Can you imagine there's some yuppie marketing executive right now reading this shit looking for a way to tap into the youth market? Holy fuck.

>> No.2778358

It's like the old man trying to be hip, were to write an article on 4chan. Completely misunderstanding every single board.

>> No.2778364

>Tao Lin has granted us some valuable publicity


>> No.2778369

There could be written enite volums on every single board here. This book should be burned.

>> No.2778382

He self-published it, but yeah /sp/ is entirely wrong, I've been browsing the board since it's creation and it has always been defined by trolling and off-topic posting, the board was clearly never browsed. That's what really annoys me about this, not the fact that someone is making money out of this shithole but the fact that he's being flat out wrong whilst he does it; those who for some reason want to write about this site always seem to assume that outside of /b/ every other board is just discussion of the title topic (bar /trv/ for which he provides the strangest anecdote possible)

>> No.2778383

the author is so obviously a /lit/ devotee
he's probably in this thread right now

Hi Cole

>> No.2778783
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>the company claims download speeds at 240gb per second

>> No.2778791 [DELETED] 

This. The book is about /b/ but /b/ in fucking 2008. Not today's /b/.

The fact that Quentin actually paid for it makes me hate him even more.