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/lit/ - Literature

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2775256 No.2775256[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Used to be maybe 5 posts a minute, these days it's less than 1 post a minute. You used to be able to sit and hit good ole F5, now you have to go wherever then come back. I can't think of any reason the board has slowed down so much.

Just think: if this board gets too boring, I'll have to leave! And I know for SURE that /lit/ doesn't want that.

>> No.2775260
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How about you post actual nice girls?

>> No.2775264

Because it takes time to scroll down the sticky.

>> No.2775269
File: 36 KB, 373x476, jayne_mansfield.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, this is my first year here, I just assumed it's always been slow as fuck

>> No.2775274

so damn ugly

>> No.2775275

>not reading lit from page 15 backwards

>> No.2775276


Or follow your lead and post boys.

>> No.2775283

Why don't you use this catalog.neet.tv/lit

>> No.2775300



>> No.2775303

Keep believing that liking futas doesn't make you gay if it helps you sleep at night.

>> No.2775315

> futas


>> No.2775457

All the good posters(me included) got sick of the terrible new users in 2012 and left. Now you kids can all be plebs together.

>> No.2775463

Rose is a boy, and even if she wasn't, she looks like a feminine boy.

That's what you're attracted to. Androgyny.

You're bi, you just haven't realized it yet

>> No.2775498

I've been here from 2010 and I can attest to that. The conversations tend to be a bit more fulfilling now, as the infamous gargantuan tripfag orgy has subsided

>> No.2775519

>Rose is a boy


>> No.2775523

You can collapse it

>> No.2775524

a lot of people died

>> No.2775527


Quentin hung himself, right? Good. He was the worst tripfaggot this board has ever seen.

>> No.2775532
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Not all bisexuals find androgyny appealing.

>> No.2775534
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he was a brilliant mind.

>> No.2775547

That film is horrible.

>> No.2775549

What film is it? He's a really sexy man.

>> No.2775556


Yeah, it was very beautifully shot but didn't have much going for it in the way of narrative.


Hunger, by Steve Mcqueen (not the 60's actor). And yes, he's quite the looker.

>> No.2775574


>quite the looker

I mean Fassbender, of course. McQueen is beat as fuck

>> No.2775680

Nah, he made a video a few days ago.

He was one of the reasons I left /lit/ back in 2010 when it was first made. All the Ayn Rand shit. I didn't know his trip because I don't pay attention to trips but later learned he was the main shitposter of it.

>> No.2775692

hey sunhawk, what do you think will invigorate /lit/, more tripfags, or fewer? If we need more, I'll be happy to adopt a trip personality if it will make /lit/ a better place

>> No.2775705

>40 minutes of great cinematography showing, not having the dialogue telling, the harsh struggle they endure for their cause
>20 minute conversation between two characters in Northern Ireland accents
I "noped" and to this day that is the only film I have not finished.

>> No.2775711


I agree, for the most part. It's (almost) worth it for the cine, but perhaps not quite. Fassbender's performance isn't terrible either, but the film needed more backbone, to be sure.

>> No.2775729

I think Fassbender gave a great performance and that film put him on my radar, but McQueen really fucked up the spacing of what he wanted to include

>> No.2775738


It's his first feature-length, and he's coming from a background of gimmicky gallery-art stuff, so I think it can be forgiven. It had some beautiful moments, in any case, though not enough to save it as a whole.

I think he might have some promise as a director, we'll have to see what he does next.

>> No.2777269

sun-chan, u excited for this is how you lose her?

>> No.2777556
File: 64 KB, 472x472, dubsman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says he left
>still here
>sounds legit
>dubs for you

>> No.2777560
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>> No.2777587

Fuck me it's fast enough. Or you'd think visitors of a board about books would have other ways of passing time other than in here.

>> No.2777608


>> No.2777943


>not using http://catalog.neet.tv/lit/ and cherry-picking threads from all 16 pages

>> No.2777957
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