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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 431 KB, 600x645, kierkegaard..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2774872 No.2774872[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Yo /lit/, I wanna get into existentialism. Got a decent amount of writers but I wanna know if I should start with Kierkegaard. I've read that he's "the father of existentialism" but when I read more about him on the plato.stanford.edu site it seems like he has a million works under a million names. Has there been some sort of collection of his to start with? Do I even need to start with him to understand the other dudes?

Feel free to recommend various philosophers in the existentialist field, I'm always on the look out for more books to read. The main guys I'm gonna look into is Heidegger, Sartre and Camus (I know he isn't a true "philosopher" but his essays are heavily existentialist, to my understanding at least).

>> No.2774875

cant you get into something else?

fuck, always existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism

>> No.2774878

existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism

>> No.2774879

What the hell is happening to my thread?

>> No.2774880

existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialism existentialismexistentialism existentialism existentialismexistentialism existentialism existentialismexistentialism existentialism existentialismexistentialism existentialism existentialismexistentialism existentialism existentialismexistentialism existentialism existentialismexistentialism existentialism existentialismexistentialism existentialism existentialismvvvexistentialism existentialism existentialismexistentialism existentialism existentialismexistentialism existentialism existentialism

>> No.2774881

/lit/ don't like having their ideologies questioned

>> No.2774882 [DELETED] 

if it exists then eixnstlaism exstliam exlstiam boozle the bam dodo exists of meaning what is meaning of existlam

>> No.2774883

Oh yeah I forgot. But anyways...your trip suggests you know something of philosophy, care to help?

>> No.2774884

if it exists then eixnstlaism exstliam exlstiam boozle the bam dodo exists of meaning what is meaning of existlam

ho u r to sya this is my thread when my does not existlam existlam existlam this is dif a work of art its everyones thread meaning exists but existlam does not

>> No.2774885


>> No.2774888

he doesnt read ophilsohpy no ones ia charltan experxt the existlams plus kant is small time compared to the jewish gremans such as kheidgger
death to existlam and nihulism god is real death is not the nend science has no idea

>> No.2774892

I am never coming back to this board again.

Can a mod please delete my thread?

>> No.2774896
File: 57 KB, 500x579, GodDamnIt..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh gosh darn it!

Is /lit/ having an off day or something? I haven't been here too much lately but I remember you guys used to love talking about philosophy.


>> No.2774897
File: 28 KB, 325x315, stirner7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I find it quite reasonable for someone to be preoccupied with his actual own position in philosophical questions. It clearly feels the most urgent, since it is the only thing that brings up questions that are in dire need of being solved or done away with.

I'd simply say start with what intrigues you the most, OP. I've never read much Kierkegaard because, although I like his style, the whole religious thing is incompatible with me. I started with Nietzsche mostly and read some Sartre and Camus.

But, and this probably isn't a commonly held position, I think the single most important (proto-)existentialist is Max Stirner. He proposes a radical worldview based on the self and the self alone. I recommend you look into his thought.

>> No.2774900


you're so cute xDD

>> No.2774902

>implying there's mods on /lit/
>implying you're the real op

Thank you. I guess I can jsut give Soren a whirl and see what happens.

>> No.2774931

Existentialism barely qualifies.

>> No.2774955

Hi OP.

I read quite a bit of Kierkegaard when I was younger and will wholeheartedly recommend him. You don't have to start with him at all, but he is one of my favourites.

You should start off with Either / Or, it is one of the first books he wrote and very much lays down the foundation for the rest of his thinking.

Next up read fear and loathing. Then if you're still interested, read The Concept of Anxiety.

After that read Stages on Life's way.

That is more or less the publication order of his major works, but given the speed at which they were published (over 3 years), I think they fairly well represent the development of his thoughts.

I am just going to note that kierkegaard was then "Classically" trained and wrote his dissertation on the concept of irony with regard to socrates, so throughout his work there will be allusions to socratic texts in particular, but also biblical texts and the writings of his contemporary philosophers, particularly Hegel.

>> No.2774965

Right on! I was just about to close the tab and go to bed when I saw this. Thanks for the recommendations!

I'm taking a trip to the bookstore tomorrow so I'll see what Kierkegaard works they have and read a bit of them to see what's up.

>> No.2774983

what's up will be: Very long convoluted sentences that you aren't really sure if you can trust, and a lofty vocabulary. It is good shit.

>> No.2774987

Camus actually wasn't existentialist and always objected when people said he was. Although certain parts of his ideologies line up a bit with existentialism.

>> No.2775058

You could also try to look into a Norwegian philosopher called Peter Wessel Zapffe and his work "On the Tragic"

It's a fucking bauta, but I've heard a lot of people recommend it. He develops some kinda bio-sophy (existentialism connected with biology), but I have no idea what I'm talking about - look into it!

>> No.2775071

no shit

>> No.2775072

I took Kierkegaard in school. I never really understood what he was talking about.

I read the whole of being and nothingness. Sartre tried to be artist with his fiction and plays but in fact his philosophy matters more than his other stuff. I don't like nausea. Everything is forced and artificial.

I'll tell you a secret. I'm really going to tell you something neat. Sartre is the only existentialist who ever lived. Nobody else embraced the label. They're just lumped in the category by wikipedia. Whenever anyone talks about existentialism, It's just Sartre. No one else. Don't listen to people who tell you otherwise.

Here's a quote from Camus, "No I'm not an existentialist."

>> No.2775077

Intellectual suicide

>> No.2775139

read read philosophy

>> No.2775153

I recommend Sam Harris, OP.

>> No.2775170



>> No.2775261

Thus Spake Zarathustra -- Nietzsche

>> No.2775265


Make sure to read Crime and Punishment before you kill and old lady tho.

>> No.2775285

anus obit, abit onus.

>> No.2775291

Now that's the kind of post I like to see on my /lit/!

>> No.2775295

This. Stirner was the first readable German philosopher.