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2772574 No.2772574[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Fantasy series recommendations, old and new. Post your favorites

Changeling Saga

>> No.2772577
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The first book was amazingly godlike, the second was just okay and the third was complete shit. Now whenever I re-read it I just read the first and pretend like the other two never happened. Seeing as the first ends at a good stopping point anyway.

Highly recommend it

>> No.2772588

The Earthsea series

>> No.2772593

anything by Robin Hobb

>> No.2772594

well, i just read The Steel Remains, it was good. Like noir fantasy, pretty unique feel

>> No.2772602

>Malazan Book of the Fallen
Grimdark high fantasy on an enormous scale. Tons of magic and gods meddling in mortal affairs.

>The Black Company
Soldiers being soldiers in a war between immensely powerful mages (well, initially, anyway).

>> No.2772617

I'll get the obvious mainstreams out of the way:
The Dark Tower
Game of Thrones
Harry Potter
Lord of The Rings
Wheel Of Time
Memory, Sorrow, Thorn

>> No.2772618

Yer, because he wasn't a mangey communist scumsucker.

>> No.2772631
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Dragonlance Chronicles (weis & hickman)

Icewind Dale trilogy (r.a. salvatore)

>> No.2772639

>Icewind Dale trilogy (r.a. salvatore)
Just finished that, it was an enjoyable read.

>> No.2772658

I read that when i was like, idk, 10? lmfao. still have the books, though.

>> No.2772662

Both fantastic series!

>> No.2772680

Oh and Weis and Hickman's Deathgate Cycle. That shit was awesome

>> No.2772676

Read the rest of the series.

Also, seconding the weis and hickman stuff. they've tons of fantasy series and they're all entertaining and high class fantasy pulp. good stuff.

Try Douglas Niles' Watershed trilogy or the Seven Circles triology (I'm currently reading through this trio as my primary escapism for the next week or two)

>> No.2772782
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What does fantasy fags think about The Wizard of Oz?

>> No.2772800

The First Law Trilogy
The Name of the Wind

>> No.2772819

Yeah, I'm working my way through the series.
I only read them between other books, though, so it's taking a while.

>> No.2772848

For a light but interesting read try Piers Anthony's the Incarnations of Immortality series. Still one of my favorite fantasy sagas to date, along with Malazan if you're looking for a more complicated read.

>> No.2772857

I know it may be a bit pleb to say so, but my favourite fantasy book is still the Hobbit.

I read it as a kid and I still love it.

>> No.2772987
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Good, I don't have to start a new thread. I'm going to buy a typical YA book/series for my sister.

She loved Game of thrones, and as far as I know, she is rather fond of the grittier 'magic realism', over the typical epic fantasy.
Any recommendations for a book or a somewhat long series that has these properties, that you would think would fit a young med. student?

And yes, I have tried getting her to want some classic fiction instead, but that seems of no interest. She wants a plot-driven fantasy, with a well executed narrative. (ps: I consider GoT to be plot driven, not character based, as some people seem to think)

>> No.2772989

somewhat short series*

>> No.2773004

David Eddings' shit. its good shit w/o too much magiq

>> No.2773025

I should add it would be preferable if the work was at least somewhat grounded in reality. ie: not a bunch of propheises about a kid that will save the whole universe, or a mage that has the power to wield the fantastic stick of fate or whatever. Think Game of Thrones.

>> No.2773033

I'll check it out, thanks.

>> No.2773050

How old is she? Eddings may be a bit too basic if she's already read through ASoIaF.

>> No.2773053

Warlord Chronicle or anything Bernard Cornwell in general.

>> No.2773069

Vlad Taltos series by Steven Brust


Good books, I remember reading them

>> No.2773072

This thread is for tacky, shit fantasy, not ACTUALLY DECENT FICTION. Historical fiction is good. Fantasy is badly written, for the most part.

>> No.2773075

Yeah Eddings has a somewhat politic style if I remember correctly. Delves into the realm of laws and morality a bit ( i think) shit its been a while since I've read it.

Another suggestion would be Scott Lynch - The Lies of Locke Lamora. That book is, in my humble opinion, the best fantasy novel to come out in the last decade. Centers around a member of a band of very successful and prominent thieves. Plenty of wit. The author paints a wonderful picture of the environs and the characters. I was genuinely disappointed when complete. Oh and there's a sequel, but don't bother.

>> No.2773095

She's 22. But as I said, she is also a med. student, so the essential complexity of the work should not be a problem - she just wants something to break off from the studies, now that she has some free time.

>Scott Lynch - The Lies of Locke Lamora.
This one sounds interesting, I'll check it out!

>> No.2773099


Have you read any/all of the suggestions? Then cease with the blanket statements.

>> No.2773100

campy and pulpy are the adjectives you were searching for. And unbeknownst to someone like yourself, there has been some great fiction posted in this thread.

Some shit in a genre does not make that entire genre shit.

>Fantasy is badly written, for the most part.
That's an absurd claim made in a willfully ignorant manner. You should be ashamed of your display

>> No.2773105

90% of the fantasy genre is juvenile garbage.

My problem lies with the man who posted Cornwall in a shit thread. He isn't shit, therefore tainting his name. He's also not fantasy...

>> No.2773108

Sounds like my wife's sister. 20 and working on her masters in comp sci. The easy read is a good way for someone to get away for a bit. I believe she's currently reading the Xanth series from Piers Anthony.

>> No.2773112

>90% of the fantasy genre is juvenile garbage.

that bullshit stinks from a mile off. try harder kiddo

>> No.2773114

Yes, because I'm the child for not liking fantasy.

Grow up.

>> No.2773119

>You like what I don't like! Stop it or I'm going to call you names!

>> No.2773121

Well, much of Eddings's stuff is thematically very... high fantasy. Good vs. evil, wizards, coming-of-age of great heroes. That sort of thing. It's not even remotely gritty.

She might enjoy Sanderson's Mistborn trilogy, or Rothfuss's Kingkiller Chronicle. Both solid choices, well written and engaging.

>> No.2773175

I see... well, the two you mentioned seems interesting. Have any of you read "The Witcher" ? I've heard good things about it, even here on /lit

>> No.2773184
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> not a bunch of propheises

> Think Game of Thrones.

>> No.2773187


The Witcher is shit. In English, at least. Maybe they got a 17th-tier translator. Anything's possible ...

>> No.2773222

I'm just a showfag, and compared to the typical prophecy of the upcoming boy that shall safe the entire universe, and the realms beyond, I can't see how GoT comes anywhere close.

>> No.2773238

The book series has a bunch of prophecies akin to that. It'll become more apparent next season.

>> No.2773240

To fully enjoy the Witcher,you must read the original in Polish. Failing that,at least another Slavic translation.

>> No.2774236

I dnno, i didn't like the series very much, also it was hard as hell to find ebooks of it.

I only got like a few chapters in the second book before putting it down.

>> No.2774416

Anything with Conan written by Howard.