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/lit/ - Literature

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2771441 No.2771441[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

A stoner who is into literature never fails to disgust me with their pseudointellectual snoberry.

Seriously what is wrong with these people

>> No.2771445

Are you that fuck who keeps deleting the drug books chart off the wiki?

>> No.2771446

I'm sorry you feel that way, OP.

How is this about literature?

>> No.2771452


You don't know too many stoners, do you?

>> No.2771454

I think its the delusion that being high is some how being 'open minded' or 'setting the mind free' when really they're just killing brain cells.

I worked at a tattoo parlor and got REALLY fucking annoyed by a hipster pothead that worked with me. Kept parroting they front man from tool like he was a prophet and though Alex Grey was the sight of god.

The truth. He really had no fucking clue what he was talking about.

>> No.2771467

God I miss Quentin so much.

>> No.2771502

>Quentin acting like he has friends to lose

>> No.2771516

Why do people post this kind of thing?
I don't think this is relevant, sir. And I don't think there's a "marijuana user" profile which is right and universal, you know? It depends very much in which context the user is.

I don't lie this thread. As a marijuana user who spent his whole life studying literature, and as a human being who don't judge people by stereotypical, myopic vision.

>> No.2771522

>implying you can't get him on tap here

>> No.2771525


What's up with this Quentin? I'm new here, can you please explain?

>> No.2771539

This should explain everything.

>> No.2771544

Really bad tripfag troll that posted on here and /v/, he was aggressively straight-edge and the only book he appeared to have actually read was Gatsby, hasn't been on since someone convinced his head that he was going to try and shoot up his school

>> No.2771552

a stoner killed quentin's daddy.

>> No.2771556


He is... dead? Suicide?

Come on guys, don't get monosyllabical on me, I'm curious.

>> No.2771571

Just don't take people who indulge in drugs seriously.

Or rather, don't deal with people who indulge in drugs and self-intoxication. Just keep away from them. I don't personally know a single person who drinks, smokes or uses drugs.

>> No.2771600

How do you know you should keep away from them if you don't know any?

>> No.2771612

>I have no friends.

Cool, man. 4chan is perfect for you.

>> No.2771615

Listen to these people. Anyone who uses cannabis or drinks excessively is a waste of time, and I wouldn't even bother.

>> No.2771618

But for some reason heroine is okay.

>> No.2771626

There are a number of great authors who smoked weed. I don't think what you choose to put into your body has any correlation with intelligence or talent. It's true that many people who smoke think they've gained greater insight or access to more creativity, but this isn't universal. People take drugs for a number of reasons, and some of the finest minds that ever lived chose to indulge. Generalizing people for what they do in their spare time is pretty foolish, imo

>> No.2771633

I mean all drugs. I only listed cannabis because it by far the most common.

>> No.2771636

So you don't associate with people who drink coffee?

>> No.2771638

What happened to Quentin? Why I don't see him post anymore? Did he ditch his trip?

>> No.2771644

"A stoner who is into literature never fails to disgust me with their pseudointellectual snoberry".

-a statement made by a seemingly snobbish person, loaded with presuppositions and made from a pseudo intellectual position of authority and liken 'snobbery'

"Seriously what is wrong with these people"

-implying something is wrong or must be wrong, in part due to there use or the byproducts upon behavior of MJs usage. . . which means you are ignorant of the symptomogly and long-term effects of MJ, the people around you who read (seeing as how I know of no pot heads reading shit like twilight and/or 50 shades,harry potter, ect), and in the righteousness of your position.

But for the sake of clarity and argument, what specifically do you cite as disgusting and in particular, what makes them nonintellectuals in your aggressive and zealous opinion?

>> No.2771660

ITT: Buttmad stoner.

>> No.2771664

Chillout and grab a blunt.

>> No.2771677

All of my reasonably intelligent friends who started smoking weed all became ridiculously dismissive of anyone who didn't share their affection for the drug and thought of themselves as creative masterminds, which was very much the opposite of what they were after having "blazed one".

I realize some people just like weed, and that's fine, but at least back when I associated with those kind of people, it was clear that they felt superior to other people because they did drugs.

>> No.2771682


I've heard people talk about this kind of thing before, but that's never been my experience. Most of the marijuana users I know are really pretty open-minded to other people's choices, whether that be sobriety or not. I guess it really depends on the individuals in question and how the drug affects them.

>> No.2771723

Not the guy you were referring to, but I share the posters complaint. I don't think it's an effect of the drug, rather a result of its reputation in the public. It seems to me that people believe that they are honestly more rebellious and open-minded when they use marijuana simply because it is illegal and "cool people" used it thirty years ago. I have no problem with people who use marijuana and keep it to themselves, just the ones that need to brag or tirade about how free-spirited they are.

>> No.2771727


>just the ones that need to brag or tirade about how free-spirited they are.

I guess it must be where I'm from (Southern California). Being proud of smoking weed is like taking pride in driving stick-shift, it's way too common to be noteworthy, so nobody really cares one way or the other. Most of the people I knew who acted the way you guys are describing I knew several years ago, back in high school and soon after, so it might be an age thing as well.

>> No.2771786


>> No.2771803

>How do you know you should keep away from them if you don't know any?
I had a lot of drinking friends in high school. Later we became increasingly distant exactly becasue I didn't share their way of life int he slightest. Drinking, smoking people gravitated into their own pathetic life ghetto.

Do you seriously mean there are no people who don't self-intoxicate regularly? What shithole are you living in?

>> No.2771848
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>Step 4: Stoned and riotous.

Why is it the anti-drug straight edgers, always seem to be the most vocal when it comes to cannabis? The smoker will sit there quietly enjoying life, while the anti-smoker will bitch at length.

>> No.2771857

ITT: Pot heads unaware of the rucks they cause. Don't know they try to force it on everyone else with their 'freed minds'

Call us most vocal when they've burned to many brain cells to remember their rant on mental expansion.

>> No.2771862

>Implying stoner culture hasn't produced the most annoying, fat, lazy and vocal cunts to ever exist.
>Implying they don't constantly go on about pot being a miracle cure for almost every ailment under the sun.
>Implying they aren't the most immature, juvenile fuckwits on the planet.

>> No.2771864


Former pothead here. I have little interest in what you or others choose to do with their bodies. Weed doesn't 'expand your mind', at least it didn't for me. It's relaxing, it takes the edge off, makes your short-term memory a little shittier, and (in my case) gives you motivation. The drug has different effects on everyone, and some people are shittier about how they deal with it, and express their interest in it, than others.

>> No.2771866

>pot heads who read nietzsche then spew WRONG interpretations.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not anti-pot. If I can sit and get drunk and kill myself slowly using alcohol, then they can do it with pot. Just stop pretending you're some fucking philosopher because 'lol i smoke da weed'

>> No.2771871

I am disgusted by the intolerance in this thread.

Please accept that some people choose to smoke, and others do not, and go on with your fucking lives. Thank you.

>> No.2771872

I can't believe you people are even arguing this. How puerile.

>> No.2771877
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Jesus, sure is MTV stereotype in here.

>Pot heads unaware of the rucks they cause
We don't cause a ruckus, Son. We are for the most part more reflective and peaceful. Take 10 stoned guys and 10 drunk guys and see who causes the biggest ruckus.

>Don't know they try to force it on everyone else with their 'freed minds'
We don't try to 'force' it either. If you had just been on the best ride at a theme park, wouldn't you try to encourage to experience what they are missing out on? The freed mind is also another cliché, but the fact remains that cannabis smoking does make you more reflective, and provides a positive enhancement on many neurological activities.

>Call us most vocal when they've burned to many brain cells to remember their rant on mental expansion.
Can you provide a link to the research showing that there is such a huge killing of brain cells that a cannabis smoker is likely to frequently forget most conversations. I'm not saying you are lying, but it does look that way. Also, a study comparing the detrimental effects of alcohol compared to cannabis would be interesting. (I happen to have seen this before - and it is quite scary)

>> No.2771880

Pot head detected.

>> No.2771884
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Worked with about 20 pot heads in the same building for 2 years.

MFW you think I don't know that you don't know you guys don't know how to shut the fuck up and get cranky when you haven't had a fix.

>> No.2771891
File: 150 KB, 465x591, 82564626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the anecdotal example, how are those research papers coming along?

>> No.2771894


>implying Quentin didn't masturbate to Atlas Shrugged


>dem Serial Killer mannerisms
>mai waifu ~

>> No.2771898

You people sully Quentin's good name. His strength was in making his shit stirring look legitimate and genuine.

This is just a farce.

>> No.2771900

>implying I should have to dig up empirical evidence to counter a burn out like you.

Not even going to waste my time. Have enough personal experiences to know. Though if you look how long your post is, its a good examples of how you guys go on about pot being benign.

>> No.2771903

>Though if you look how long your post is, its a good examples of how you guys go on about pot being benign.

The guys post you quoted was shorter than yours

>> No.2771908


He posted this fucktard. >>2771877

>> No.2771910
File: 27 KB, 300x400, Teen+Girl+Smoking+a+Blunt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I should have to dig up empirical evidence to counter a burn out like you.

This is precisely what I was talking about. Here I was, having a lovely chat with you. I can see your position is full of teenage angst but I am still willing to converse with you on a friendly level. Then you start with the insults and imply that you no longer wish to communicate with me because I hold an opinion contrary to yours. Can you see how silly this is?

If you really can't find scientific evidence to support your claims, then stop ranting. I know that for some reason you are opposed to cannabis smoking, but unless you actually care about the smokers and wish to help them, stop making biased posts.

>> No.2771912

>Be on a literature board.
>whine about posts with a high word count.


>> No.2771913

>be making point about how pot heads rant.
>You not see that point.

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.2771917

>be making point about how pot heads rant.

>Come to 4chan to make angry rant about how pot heads suck
>Get pleasant responses from friendly stoner's.
>Claim it's the potheads who are ranting

Do you want a couple of hits on this, brah? I think you need to chill out.

>> No.2771920

Didn't make thread tard. only agreeing with OP.

Go smoke your dream plant somewhere else. Shit smell like a skunk died anyway.

>> No.2771924

>A stoner who is into literature never fails to disgust me with their pseudointellectual snoberry.

Anybody who can't see the irony in this post does not belong on a literature board.

>> No.2771931

Thank you judge of /lit/!

We shall promptly execute those who don't agree with you vision of what is right and wrong! It is the only way!

>> No.2771934
File: 57 KB, 394x476, 2010-May-16-0033-_low.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know executions are justified in your tyrannical world of straight-edge intolerance. But I like to debate with people I don't agree with. It's a shame you're not more open to discourse.

>> No.2771935

Just out of interest: why so massively butthurt?

>> No.2771938

ITT: people not realize how much of the art they appreciate is created by drug addicted alcoholics.

>> No.2771939

Don't even try to act pious.

And I ain't no strait edge. I drink, I smoke, and I curse. I just hate little kids who think their pot makes them some kind of blameless prophet. I hate the notion that chemically altering my brain is the ONLY way to enlightenment. So fuck you.

>> No.2771944

>eople not realize how much of the art they appreciate is created by drug addicted alcoholics.

Its ok, the angsty kid likes to drink. Apparently drunks are far more tolerable than stoned guys.

>> No.2771946

>I HATE it when other people enjoy themselves! And I'm going to bitch about it until everyone else is tired of arguing!

>> No.2771951

>55 posts and 6 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view

>> No.2771954
File: 101 KB, 576x474, 1239175659012db8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And I ain't no strait edge. I drink, I smoke
You should really try to cut down on that. There are other things that provide a much better feeling at a much lower risk to your health.

>I hate the notion that chemically altering my brain is the ONLY way to enlightenment.
Are you talking about enlightenment in the Buddhist sense? Either way you are far more receptive to certain ideas and way of thinking once certain receptors have been stimulated. In some cases the use of drugs IS the only way to achieve certain things, but most of the time you can do it through years of hard work. As somebody who has obviously achieved 'enlightenment', would you care to share your secretes? How many years did it take you, and how is your view of the world better than before? Are you a more considerate and compassionate person?

Anyway... Is your main problem with cannabis that out of the millions of smokers in the world, the couple of people you work with smoke it and you don't like it?

>> No.2771960

>Further proof of ranting pot head trying to convert the people around them.

>> No.2771961
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>> No.2771965
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I'm not trying to convert anyone. i am providing the counter side to your biased whining in the interest of neutrality. I am still waiting for you to start forming rational arguments though. There really is a good debate to be had here, if only you would put some effort in.

Again, you mentioned earlier about people at work smoking? Are they really that open about their cannabis use around the particle accelerator you work at?

>> No.2771968

Work at a tattoo parlor tard.

>> No.2771975
File: 60 KB, 366x470, 1239174491311add.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you the same guy? I may be stoned, but I thought you made reference to 20 people at work getting high. Did you work at a particle accelerator prior to working at a tattoo parlour?

>> No.2771979

... see right there is what I'm talking about.

You can't even remember what WRITTEN!

>> No.2771986

>You can't even remember what WRITTEN!
You can't even into ENGLISH!

>> No.2771989

>You can't even into ENGLISH!
Cuz that's a complete sentence too?

>> No.2771990

That's a tad hypocritical, sir. I just scrolled up..

>Worked with about 20 pot heads in the same building for 2 years.

To me that looks like you were bitching about work colleagues. Are you on any medication that might be clouding your memory?

>> No.2771992

>implying I'm not more successful and important than all of you
>implying I don't smoke pot everyday
>implying the two are related in anyway

stop using weed as the crux of your success or failure

>> No.2771993

>Are you on any medication that might be clouding your memory?

He said he likes to drink. I think it's obvious that's what the problem is.

>> No.2771994

>Not knowing (or pretending not to know) basic 4chan idiom
What are you even doing here.

>> No.2771998

This whole thread has just gone retarded.

Pot bad kids. Its only make you lazy and stupid.

>> No.2772004
File: 31 KB, 320x352, 4345532524.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw high-schoolers can't into hedonism

>> No.2772007


Actually, I've found that I'm a lot lazier when I'm not smoking. It has no effect on my intelligence or creativity, positive or negative, as far as I can tell.

>> No.2772011

utilitarian hedonist brofist

>> No.2772014

pot makes it difficult for me to think when i'm high, and i find that for the whole day afterward, i generally can't think well at all.
usually dissipates a day or two after the event, but fuck it is annoying as hell when you stare around like a blind retard, not even able to have an internal monologue.

when on the stuff it's like all higher mental function turns off--almost no reasoning, no morality, etc.
Throughout the day or two after blazing I can, like, feel each function returning. it's really weird and annoying. but it's fun to let loose. nothing more than a fun thing to do with friends on the weekend, though.

>> No.2772017
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>It has no effect on my intelligence or creativity, positive or negative, as far as I can tell.

I find it both helps and hinders in me in different areas. My ability to read and write is really compromised because my mind just wanders. Buy anything involving music or tasks requiring a spatial ability has a significant improvement. Patten recognition and geometry in particular are heightened to such an extreme level that I almost always score 10 - 20 points higher on those areas of an IQ test when stoned.

It's strange how people react so differently to it.

>> No.2772020
File: 8 KB, 400x300, budai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's interesting. Weed turns me into a total moralfag. I tend to go full buddhist mode when high. I can't really "party" on weed, I'm to busy finding everything sort of holy and respecting things.

At the same time I'm also an undisciplined lazy shitbag though. In a totally harmless way. Pic relared, it's me on weed.

>> No.2772024

Fuck, we are being overrun by fucking stupid potheads now. Why dont you guys just fuck off and die.

>> No.2772027
File: 23 KB, 323x450, MR872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fuck, we are being overrun by fucking stupid potheads now. Why dont you guys just fuck off and die.


>> No.2772029

typical xSTRAIGHTEDGEx emotional tantrum

>> No.2772033

when i close my eyes on the stuff it's like i can see my thoughts are pictures.

>> No.2772036

My favorite part about this thread is how there are three clearly distinguishable potheads who posted multiple times as if it was their first post in the thread.


Perhaps there you can find people more "on your level."

>> No.2772037
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>Fuck, we are being overrun by fucking stupid potheads now. Why don't you guys just fuck off and die.

Look, kid. I'm not going to try to persuade you to start smoking weed, but this anger and tension you harbour is not healthy. Why don't you calm down and politely ask some questions regarding cannabis, you are obviously lacking correct information and I am more that happy to talk.

I am being sincere. I may be a 'lol lazy pothead' to you, but I honestly don't like to this kind of irrational hatred and would like to help you.

>> No.2772041


Furthermore, weed is small time. Nietzsche would be ashamed of you all

>> No.2772044

I hope you're not trolling me by pretending to be trolled by his trolling, but stop fucking replying, you dumb cunt

>> No.2772048

Who is that in the pic?

>> No.2772055


Some wasteoid.

>> No.2772059
File: 6 KB, 259x194, lergies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw allergic to cannabis
>tfw the 2 times I've tried it in any form it put me in the hospital due to anaphylactic shock

>> No.2772068
File: 96 KB, 600x529, 21023780-21023783-large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Who is that in the pic?
James Franco and Seth Rogan at the MTV movie awards.


>> No.2772075

I have a friend with severe hayfever who is allergic to most strains of pollen. He cant even hold cannabis with out his hands getting a rash.

He managed to find this compound called JWH-018 that stimulates the cannabinoid receptors and is happy as a pig in shit now. I'm not too keen on sprinkling a powder into a cigarette, but it's legal and I tried a bit of his. In all honest it was virtually indistinguishable from cannabis.

>> No.2772093

Oh God, JWH.

I was actually studying for my masters at Clemson when that shit was developed.

For the record, it is now quite illegal in the US as a Schedule 1 controlled substance

>> No.2772119
File: 39 KB, 346x480, crates2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw allergic to more foods than not, allergic to a shitload of pollen so being outside is detrimental to my health and spirit for half of the year, allergic to most animals, have asthma, allergic to house mites, dust, excessive sunlight and more
>tfw I spend a lot of energy when outside of my lair merely evading coming into contact with things
>tfw my job may be actually killing me by destroying my lungs and immune system
>tfw traveling across a field I encountered a tiger. i fled, the tiger after me. coming to a precipice, i caught hold of the root of a wild vine and swung myself down over the edge. The tiger sniffed at me from above. trembling, i looked down to where, far below, another tiger was waiting to eat me. only the vine sustained me. two mice, one white and one black, little by little started to gnaw away the vine. i saw a luscious strawberry near me. grasping the vine with one hand, i plucked the strawberry with the other. how sweet it tasted!

>> No.2772147
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>implying the industry isn't finding alternatives every day

actually some guys in Florida were selling JWH/Spice when they ban came down, and they tried to keep selling their old blends with the lab reports of the new (legal) ones. Some head shops got busted for it and now a bunch of people are going to jail. The kicker is that the blend was called "Mr Nice Guy." If you're seriously interested in Spice, check out Code Black or Remix. The only downside I've heard about spice is some unsubstantiated claims that it can make you unable to feel happy or something.

>tfw you joke about this with your friends
>tfw it's not a joke

>> No.2772158

>only downside
>unability to be happy


>> No.2772156
File: 26 KB, 235x360, howard marks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr Nice Guy
Maybe a Howard Marks reference? There is actually a strain of cannabis called Mr. Nice named after him.

>> No.2772161


>> No.2772196

I dunno OP, I quit smoking pot about a month and a half ago and the longer I go without smoking, the more I see that it's just a childish mental masturbation. And I was a serious stoner, the kind of kid who sells pot just to support his own out of control pot habit.

It clouds the mind, it gives you this illusion of creativity, and it can contribute to psychotic breaks (combined with stress and psychedelics, usually).

Fuck stoners. I still have a lot of friends who choose to smoke pot, but whenever I see them smoking I just think they look ridiculous.

>> No.2772206
File: 2 KB, 209x214, 2130498235721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw stoners think any post arguing against the use of marijuana is a troll

>> No.2772217

It's the only possible explanation, and that includes your own.

>mfw plebs can't into ethical nihilism

>> No.2772221

Please stop bumping this shit thread. There hasn't been a single post arguing against the use of marijuana, the whole thread was butthurt teenagers moaning about why they personally do or don't like it.

>> No.2772222

Meth > weed

weed makes you slow and logy and dumb

meth made HST into HST

>> No.2772227

Moot please delete /lit/. look at what it has become; It's just a /b/ with a book theme.

>> No.2772281

Best New Post

>> No.2772299

/lit/ is the epitome of hipsterdom. It is full of angry kids who are searching for a way to define themselves, and the only way they have found thus far is to hate things. We have loads of examples:

-Atheism; was popular a few years ago when kids thought they were edgy and rebellious. Not atheism is a mainstream idea adopted by the majority of kids so it must be hated and shunned. Dawkins and Hitchens cannot be aloud to sit on the pedestal.

-Drugs; drugs have always been a fun pastime for kids, but in this new age of hatred the popular stoner highschool kids must be fought against. If the numbers of drug using teens were to drop significantly, they would begin to endorse it and continue the perpetual contrarian cycle.

-Feminism; this one is interesting as it springs back and forth. One minute feminism is adopted because it seems to be the minority opinion, but it soon grows and the kids jump ship, endorsing 'gender equality' because females in western culture are equal. This gains to much support and the kids have to flip back.

There are many more examples; political views, human rights, nationalism, economic issues, homosexuality...and the children here don't adopt the contrary opinion in EVERY issue, but the trend is obvious. These kids desperately need some identity, but are generally shut-ins and social recluses who end up hating everything. The minority opinion is never actually adopted though, just a strong hatred for the majority, as raging and being angry seems to be the easiest way to express yourself (just look at the title of this thread and others on the first page "Who do you dislike more?" etc..

>> No.2772306

Isn't all that exactly the type of stuff hipsters accuse others of? Be the change you want to see in the world brother.

>> No.2772333

>females in western culture are equal

by what measure?
- men are not objectified in media as frequently as women are
- 91% of rape victims are female, 9% are male. if things were truly equal, there would be a 50/50 split
- the "glass ceiling" still exists. women are severely underrepresented in positions of business management
- current congress: 362 men and 76 women

just some things off the top of my head. i'm sure there are countless other measures that demonstrate inequality

>> No.2772337

Hey, that wasn't my opinion, it was an example of the logic I have seen used here. I should have put that in quotes or or worded it better, sorry.

>> No.2772343

Women are underrepresented in business management and politics because they naturally gravitate to other fields. Nothing else.

But yeah, in before you start spewing shit like "gender roles are a social construct."

>> No.2772346

You used the word "kid" 8 times in that rant. Please expand your condescending vocabulary.

>> No.2772348

>91% of rape victims are female, 9% are male

Did those stats hurt when you pulled them from your ass?

Please do some research on child custody and divorce bias. and the glass ceiling only exists in certain positions because there are more qualified men applying. Western society is tilted in favour of women, deal with it.

>> No.2772355

It was deliberate, kid. ; )

Thank you for proving my point. Try to have a civil shouting match.

>> No.2772443

This actually sounds pretty correct.
Although to be fair, the stoners in this thread are pretty retarded.
>"Hey maaan, you sound stressed. Have a J"
>"I'm not trying to force it on people"
>"btw, weed is the best thing ever, and cures ever disease and ailment in existence"
>"weed opened my mind man, I'm like, budda or shit"
>"All you stupid anti-stoners are just brainwashed"

Its always the same, really. I'm thinking it's the same bunch of teenagers who talk about how they're 'tripping balls' after one hit from a bong and spend hours cleaning their pipe so they can get that last small bit of tar from it.
Fucking losers.

>> No.2772530
File: 118 KB, 900x741, Scooby_Doo_and_Shaggy_Stoned_by_HanzSolo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someones never token a bong rip, then had major hallucinations where they discovered the meaning of life, then came back completely calm, collected, and cool.
Pic related, the product of a mind freed by the marijuana herb

>> No.2772554

I have smoked cannabis semi-regularly for about 10 years and have never had visual hallucinations or a life-changingly profound experience. To me it's just like the opposite of a strong cup of coffee.

>> No.2772561
File: 140 KB, 470x353, quentin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Aw shite. Is this ballbag back? Get tae fuck ye gobshite.

>> No.2772565

>I know a stoner
>He is a dick
>Therefore all stoners are dicks
Flawless logic there guys.

>> No.2772566


>Drinking coffee
>Being a disgusting drug addict

Seriously, these javaheads are the worst - always revved up and talking shit, and the stink of their breath. Eww.

>> No.2772570


No, he's not back. His parents banned him from the internet.

>> No.2772575
File: 48 KB, 500x300, Straight-Edge-500x300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nooooo we must unite. XXX

>> No.2772576
File: 76 KB, 640x480, quentin_hot_mom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Looks like him to me. Maybe we need to write to his headmaster again. Or maybe his mum.

I wouldn't mind half an hour with his mum, personally. I mean, she's no great looker, but she looks the kind who'd do anal with a virtual stranger.

>> No.2772578



>> No.2772589


Nope we shouldn't write to her, or nope you wouldn't fuck her?

I'm not sure if the little sibling is a girl or a boy, and possibly underage, so I'm not commenting on whether I'd fuck that one.

>> No.2772599

I'm a little bit bi and I would let that kid on the left fuck me so hard. something about his eyes is just ppfwwoar. I bet he has a cawk of steel.

>> No.2772603


Nope, man. Just nope.

>> No.2772614
File: 38 KB, 603x415, colt_1911_blinblineo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shame he's currently b& bai mom. lol.

I think we should be informing local law enforcement that this known danger has returned to the internet. It's only a matter of time before he starts making threatening statements again.

>> No.2772626

Oh, I don't actually know who he is. I just think he's cute and want to suck his cock.

>> No.2772638
File: 41 KB, 460x360, kid_yoghrt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Oh, hai Quentin.

>> No.2772644
File: 73 KB, 384x529, St_George.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Stoners are losers
>Mega butthurt from people trying to justify a debilitating habit

Wow, sure is Roachy in here.

Anyway, to put the matter to rest, as my prof put so eloquently one lecture,

Drugs have the potential to put the creative process under new bio-chemical circumstances which may contribute positively (as well as negatively) to the art which is being created under the influence. There also often comes a point, where the artist using drugs for inspiration may tip the pail and go from using drugs to accentuate or accent his art, to using drugs to create art, and then simply to just doing drugs (becoming an addict).

Love of art + drugs can quickly become love of drugs and not art.

>> No.2772664

Stop trying to force the roach nonsense. It makes you sound even more ignorant

>> No.2772668

Why can't I call roaches roaches? It saves me and this board a lot of time.

>> No.2772677

That is quite possibly the worst shoop I have ever seen, kid.

>> No.2772682

It saves no time and lowers the collective intelligence of this board and its users. Please stop

>> No.2772693

Roach detected

>> No.2772698

Report submitted! This window will close in 5 seconds...

>> No.2772701

What is bothering me most about this thread is comments like "weed makes you stupid" or "weed makes you lazy." Perhaps you should blame the individual rather than the substance. Isn't it possible that your friend was lazy before he smoked pot, and now he happens to be lazy while smoking pot? Why blame it all on one activity? Drugs are not inherently good or bad, it just depends on the person using them.

"Guns don't kill people, I do" could easily be
"Weed doesn't make me lazy, I do."