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File: 33 KB, 300x360, stalin3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2769755 No.2769755[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Under the Soviet government people benefited from some social liberalization. Girls were given an adequate, equal education and women had equal rights in employment,improving lives for women and families. Stalinist development also contributed to advances in health care, which significantly increased the lifespan and quality of life of the typical Soviet citizen. Stalin's policies granted the Soviet people universal access to healthcare and education, effectively creating the first generation free from the fear of typhus, cholera, and malaria. The occurrences of these diseases dropped to record low numbers, increasing life spans by decades.

>Soviet women under Stalin were the first generation of women able to give birth in the safety of a hospital with access to prenatal care. Education was also an example of an increase in the standard of living after economic development. The generation born during Stalin's rule was the first near-universally literate generation. Millions benefited from mass literacy campaigns in the 1930s, and from workers training schemes. Engineers were sent abroad to learn industrial technology, and hundreds of foreign engineers were brought to Russia on contract. Transport links were improved and many new railways built. Workers who exceeded their quotas, Stakhanovites, received many incentives for their work; they could afford to buy the goods that were mass-produced by the rapidly expanding Soviet economy.

>The increase in demand due to industrialization and the decrease in the workforce due to World War II and repressions generated a major expansion in job opportunities for the survivors, especially for women.

Why aren't more people Stalinist? Also, what are some good books on the iron man?

>> No.2769761


>not giving source


>> No.2769770

He did a fantastic job turning Russia around--he just broke (a few million) too many eggs getting there.

>> No.2769801

Stalin is the german spike on Russian soul.

Those words will never be understood.

>> No.2769805

would bang

>> No.2769853

Bump, I'd like to a good book on Stalin as well, I see too much literature on him that just parrots "He was an evil tyrant who killed trillions, worse that Hitler" it's sad to think that this guy could of been one of the greatest leaders in history who just got bogged down with a ton of slander.

The Steel Man said it himself: "I know that after my death a pile of rubbish will be heaped on my grave, but the wind of History will sooner or later sweep it away without mercy."

>> No.2769892

You sicken me, revolutionary scum.

>> No.2769928

Except the idea that the communists "industrialized" russia is a pure nonsensical lie.

Also the idea that this stuff wouldn't have happened with the bolsheviks is another big lie.

>> No.2769930

Also requesting good lit on Stalinist Russya.

>> No.2769980



>> No.2770009

Girls were taught shit like home economics. They were never taught real subjects like boys were under Stalin. Abortion was illegal in Stalin's Soviet Union.

>> No.2770017

There's a difference between literacy and actually being able to read. When North Korea claims that they have a 100% literacy rate, what they mean is that all adult North Koreans can recite a paragraph praising the Dear Leader.

>> No.2770021

With good reason, people weren't making enough babbies. As is happening now in advanced societies in both the West and the Far East.

>> No.2770150

>Abortion was illegal in Stalin's Soviet Union.

uh no abortion was the main form of birth control.
see: The sky high abortion rates in eastern europe now.

Low birth rates are caused by degeneracy and other shit like that. It's only a correlation, there is no causation.

>> No.2770193

Why aren't people stalinists? Mainly the purges.


>> No.2770246

>implying it was stalin behind the purges and not kruschev

>> No.2770263

>implying Stalin was not capable of stopping the purges if he so chose

I know you're trolling, but apply yourself next time

>> No.2770286

Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar by Simon Sebag Montefiore is an excellently well sourced and factual account of the life of Stalin from when he became leader of the Bolsheviks to his death. Whether or not you conclude the author to be biased the sheer weight of evidence that the book marshals should dispel any illusions you have of the monster that was Joseph Stalin.

>> No.2770287

no man, Obama is causing this recession and I'm moving to Canada; I miss when I had a lot of money and George Bush was incidentally the president

>> No.2770309
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>> No.2770312

>Why aren't more people Stalinist?
Because he killed millions of people


>> No.2770351
File: 630 KB, 2110x1350, 1318720646276.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The man was a pig, monster tyrant that killed millions of his own people.

That said he DID NOT abandon them. When the SS Panzers were within 4 miles of Moscow, the KGB and other ruling party officials scrambled away, fearing for their lives.

Stalin stayed. He was indeed a monster, a murderer and a pig. But if one thing can be said. He did not abandon his people.

>> No.2770431
File: 23 KB, 382x400, 1303666525924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't more people Stalinist?
Let me see. Firstly because he ordered the death of thousands of would-be Stalinists in the purges, as another Anon already noted. Secondly, because the "achievements" your unsourced book quotes are little more than Bolshevik propaganda, or a gullible rehash thereof.

Claims of economic development and industrialization? All that actually happened was way inferior than that which happened in the capitalist countries, ultimately pointing to the fact that planned economy is a steaming pile of shit.

Healthcare? Comparable with that of current sub-Saharian Africa. A family member was hospitalized in Moscow in the 80s, and not even then did they recognize Rh factors when giving blood transfusions, meaning that even if you were lucky enough to get a transfusion, you had a sweet chance of ending up with blood poisoning. Not to speak of the cockroach infestations that were endemic to all Soviet public buildings, but particularly hospitals and student homes. Now imagine how much worse it must have been 60 years before this, and that being limited to those cities that were lucky enough to have a hospital. "Safety" my ass.

"Education"? More like indoctrination with Stalin´s latest whims, all the way up to the level of actual scientific research. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lysenkoism

As for the claims of "social liberalization" under Stalin, that´s pretty much like claiming that you would be better off without legs. What an unnecessary burden they are! But seriously: read some Solzhenitsyn.

>> No.2771124

>"your unsourced book quotes"
>"Bolshevik propaganda"
>proceeds to spout complete bullshit he heard from his small town history teacher who retired two years later to be a deacon at the local church

>> No.2771146

He was a genociding backstabbing cunt who wasn't really going to do any good for his people in the long run.

>> No.2771149

why did lenin think stalin was a fag, then?
why was he denounced after he died?
sounds like a cock to me, brah

>> No.2771160

Someone needs to lay off the Zizek.

>> No.2771182
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Such a beautiful young man

>> No.2771193
File: 466 KB, 600x559, Stalin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why did lenin think stalin was a fag then?

>> No.2771201
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>> No.2771211
File: 185 KB, 567x401, stalin'sasexymotherfucker.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2771613
File: 14 KB, 295x299, 1333935208270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spout complete bullshit
This is the personal experience of my family with bolshevism, you retarded americunt. Your basement-dwelling socialist "wisdom" is apparently unable to admit any view opposed to your own or to even admit the realities of life. Not to speak of actually taking care of yourself; such a thing is simply unthinkable of a fat cunt of your stature and you will continue leeching off your parents until those poor things die.

Rot in hell you dumb fuck.

Yes I mad.

>> No.2771621

>wanting to be a stalinist

Seriously though, Stalin was a power-hungry, paranoid dictator who is best known for being a power-hungry dictator.

>> No.2771659

>Why aren't more people Stalinist? Also, what are some good books on the iron man?
He was stupid and incompetent. He was driving the country towards the same shit Hitler drove Germany into. He was a bolshevik hitman, he robbed suply trains, that's what he was best at. He was a criminal and a sociopath, not an "iron man".

>> No.2771667
File: 111 KB, 500x627, 1294738603382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

spot on

>> No.2771749

Bump for what looks like a beautiful potential flame war.

>> No.2771757

Hey OP, ever read ANIMAL FARM ?
Because that gives the right kind of light on a person like Stalin. Hell, it's ABOUT Stalin.

Stalin did >nothing< good. He executed his own people, he made the Vory Vosokonye (trying to spell that the best way I can on a western keyboard) grow more than 5 times its original size, people were starving due to famine (which didn't hurt Stalin, by the way, wow what communism).

He is also responsible for the execution of more than 8 million or more Europeans from his Gulag systems. Ever hear about the road of bones? Yeah, that was him.

By the way, the Germans had Stalin beat in aspects of women's rights and birthing centers - and that was even before the Nazis took over.

Armchair political youngsters like yourself , OP, are hilariously out-of-touch with reality and are often morally bankrupt.

NOTHING he did was worth while, spectacular, or helpful to anyone. He was, therefore, a horrible leader. In fact, there is a special term for people like him - dictator.

If you don't value your freedom, go present yourself for enslavement, because that is what your rights will be worth under a soviet-style rule.

Just to let you know - I speak from experience. I'm a former ''Eastern'' German. Life really sucked back then.

>> No.2771762

During the period of time when these reforms happened, the rate at which standard of living was rising would have been much faster under a Western regime.

Your accomplishments are not measured against zero but against the expected norm. If you're running a country and you get 0.5% growth in GDP when the norm is 2.0% you are a failure.

>> No.2771764

Go to kraut chan /int/ and talk to the Russians there about Stalin- they have mixed opinions. Here it is just Russian Jews that came to America and are buttmad they weren't allowed to exploit the shit out of the Russians.

>> No.2771773
File: 81 KB, 616x800, socialisme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should compare Stalinist Russia with Tsarist Russia, not with, say, glorious Western Europe which would have probably been able to make socialism a great success if put in the position, but would also have a very different kind of socialism.

I'd rather be a Soviet worker with shitty healthcare than a peasant under the Tsar with no rights whatsoever.

>> No.2771780

>>Stalinist development also contributed to advances in health care, which significantly increased the lifespan and quality of life of the typical Soviet citizen.

Yes, the lifespan of those that did not belong to the millions that starved because of artificially created famines or were sent to Siberia...

>> No.2771781

Wtf are you talking about?

You obviously have no concept of Russian history. The jews were some of the original Russians.

When the Vikings invaded/were invited to take power over the merchant towns ; Slavs, Jews, Muslims, and steppe tribes all lived in the area that would become Greater Russia.

Also, you should ask people who lived during Stalin's reign to get a better idea what life was like then. Ever read any of those accounts? Not one has anything good to say.

For those who think Stalin ''saved'' Russia - allow me to correct this day-dream. The Russians were on an upward slope even before WW1. The Industrial Revolution had opened up more opportunity for serfs to buy their freedom.

Pytor Smirnov , creater of Smirnoff vodka, is a prime example of this statement. His biography - '' The King Of Vodka '' explains not only his life, but the hell that Russia went through during the World Wars and the revolutions.

To think that a business that he built up with his own hands, with his own (not loaned) money, and became apart of the Russian royal court. His business was later taken away by the Russian communists - and he had the happiest work force in Moscow, which drove all of them into poverty when this happened.

One of his sons were executed and another had to flee Russia. This son was the one to sell the rights to Smirnov Vodka to an American...who later turned into Smirnoff Vodka.

Honestly, you need to see the whole picture to understand Russia.

>> No.2771782

>Armchair political youngsters like yourself , OP, are hilariously out-of-touch with reality and are often morally bankrupt.

>implying I'm not a down and out factory worker looking into any possible way to improve the conditions of myself and my fellows

>> No.2771792

To quote the wise words of a Russian anarchist during the revolution: down with words!

>> No.2771798

Improve yourself? How about this - go to school.
No one ''owes'' you anything just for being alive.

What you are doing is armchair politics. Your subject of choice is one that you have very little experience with and a poor understanding of in the first place.

You're an idiot. The system was the same with just a different name. In a Soviet communist state, you have no rights. Believe me, they can lock you away and beat you for anything they wish. They don't even need to make up a reason for it.

It was the same for us in Berlin. Little food, the Stasi could take you away, and you could NEVER EVER say anything remotely bad about communism. If the Stasi heard you doing this, you were gone.

At least a land-owner couldn't afford to do this - he needed the help and work of the land. More over, the Russian system worked as to where you could sell yourself into such a system. You could buy yourself out.

There was no ''exit'' ticket in Soviet Russia...except maybe hanging yourself.

>> No.2771802

The overall life expectancy still improved dramatically for the vast majority of the people. Those are facts, whether you like them or not, and if you disagree then you should show some solid non propagandist data (lol good luck) to the contrary.

>> No.2771806

Yeah, because making sense is very dangerous, right?

As in: '' Hey guys, maybe this entire communism thing isn't such a hot idea? I mean, we don't actually own anything...we are kinda back to where we started...if not worse off than before. At least my umbrella is my umbrella...but it won't be soon. ''

>> No.2771809

I don't like it when /lit fuckwits make up quotes. They're just not educated enough to know any legit ones.

>> No.2771815

According to actual russians from KC's int when the Mongols conquered Russia they used the Jews to administer their territory

>> No.2771816

Life expec. was on the rise around the world, due to new breakthroughs in health care. Your statement isn't a glorious fact, but just something that happened everywhere around the world.

Russia was on its way already by the early 1890's to having public access to good health care. This can be attested to when your glorious revolutionaries shot up a new hospital in Saint Petersburg and killed a German doctor who was in charge of modernizing their healthcare.

There was also the hospital that was burned down in Moscow before the revolution happened, because you know - that was smart. It was a free clinic!

>> No.2771817

10/10 for making me look it up:
Golos Truda, No. 8, 29 September 1917, p. 4.

>> No.2771821

>Improve yourself? How about this - go to school.

Thereby becoming part of the problem and being one of the smug managers thinking they are better because they make a couple of hundred more without straining their backs and are from there on invested into not changing the system.

I agree that I have no great knowledge on the subject, I was mostly trying to tempt /lit/ into a discussion on authoritarian communism. I do appreciate your contribution though, it's interesting to hear from someone who has experienced with such a system first hand.

>No one ''owes'' you anything just for being alive.
This works both ways and is therefore kind of a non-argument for anything except amoralism. For example, I don't owe it to someone to allow him to keep his money.

>> No.2771822

I'm impressed its real. Its become a thing here where right wing dickheads make up quotes to make leftism look bad.

In context it makes sense, revolutionaries must be eternally pissed off with inaction

>> No.2771828

>I'm impressed its real.

Seriously, you're impressed that sociopathic megalomaniacal retards dislike the written word?

>> No.2771835
File: 49 KB, 334x489, nechaev.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying language isn't an oppressive social construct of class society


>> No.2771836

Russian medieval society - The Kievan Rus' (or Russ) which were buckled under pressure from invading Pechenegs (often mistaken for Mongols). They killed the Russian Viking King - Valdmaar ( AKA Vladmir the Great ) and Valdmaar's family began what would later become Russia.

Before that, many Jews were in service to Vladmir, whom he had collected from around the River ways, as they too had moved into the area when the Slavs and Muslims had come into earlier.

This group, called the Varangians, were fairly important to the development with Russia and their Norse ability to absorb the people around them played a key role to their success. The Slavs,Jews,and Muslims in the area were all important to the Varangians.

The Mongols did not conquer this area of Russia at the time, as Yaroslav (Vlad's son) began a long reign, the Mongol invasion of Rus' later in the 13th century. They would later invade and make the then young Rus' submit.

As I have explained, the Jews were already there. There was no official religion in the area as the Slavs were Pagans and it was by Vladmir the Great that all the Rus' became Orthodox Christians under the Greek styled faith, hence the term ''Russian Orthodox''.

>> No.2771837

Yeah, seeing as my criticism of Stalin is based on being an anarchist, that was an incorrect guess. It wasn't clear though from my post, that much is true. Quoting that was certainly tongue-in-cheek, because although it was probably meant as an earnest indictment of the trend to constantly pass resolutions with little effect, my personal love for the quote is anchored in its self-devouring irony. If I went to demos, that is the placard I would carry.

>> No.2771842


>> No.2771843

Excuse me for my ignorance, but is the Viking hypothesis commonly accepted in academic circles?

>> No.2771845

You can't be that aspie retarded.

>> No.2771847

>>reply to post calling anarchists 'sociopathic megalomaniacal retards'
>>attach picture of Nechaev

Stay classy, anon. Stay classy.

>> No.2771854

Someone post a link to

( I am on a phone and can't create a thread)
I want to hear from real russians

>> No.2771868


You have the wrong idea and are thinking in a manual labour term.

For example - I went to school and became a teacher. I now work for the University of Heidelberg and I specialize in Norse (Viking) History in a Classical studies fellowship. This is why I have a good deal of knowledge of Russia.

I make good money and I work hard.

You go to another person's business and want to work for them, because you need wages. It is >their< business, so they have the right to say how much they want to pay, as long as it is a lawful amount.

If your skill is rather specialized, then you either tend to get more money or can ask for more.

Money is just a currency in order to value what something is worth. Prices are set to be at what the maker believes it to be worth. If you were to say that person did not deserve to keep his money, you are talking about stealing/robbing from this person.

Morally, this is wrong.

>> No.2771873

Several things are wrong about your post, but one of the easy points is:
>>Prices are set to be at what the maker believes it to be worth.
This is simply not true. Prices are set at what the person selling something (which is not necessarily the 'maker') believes they can get away with. This has hardly anything to do with the idea of 'worth' or 'value', which has unsavoury metaphysical connotations in my view, anyway.

>> No.2771874


Law does not determine morality.

>> No.2771878


Yes, it is accepted. It has been for hundreds of years. I work at a University in a Classical Fellowship. The Scandinavians are my speciality.

Look it up-

The Rus' : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kievan_Rus%27

The Varangians : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Varangians

The Primary Chonricle that dates and informs us about a great deal: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Primary_Chronicle

Vladimir the Great ( aka Valdmarr Sveinaldsson ) : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vladimir_the_Great

>> No.2771887

No, you still don't get it.

Let's do this in a very simple form:

If you were to paint a portrait, you would charge for (probably) the following things:

1.) How much the paints costed you
2.) How much the canvas costed you
3.) How much time went into painting the picture
4.) If you had to mail it, how much is the postage going to be

Number 3 is going to be the one you are probably going to rail against. You can't because it is one person's charge for his/her services. If you don't agree to them, then you are not forced to buy from just that one person. There may be another person who will paint for cheaper.

You may try to barter, but it is up to the artist to say YES or NO to the offer.

Lastly, law has much to do with morality. It is how we base many laws in the majority of countries. The difference between right and wrong and the rules according to an area.

>> No.2771896
File: 214 KB, 509x720, stirnerjahr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being a viking expert of all things and still adhering to the principle of rightful property and not being sceptical about how it was first acquired
>not realising the distrubution of wealth these days is still very much based in the conquests of former warlords and robber barrons
>thinking ownership is anything other than "that which you can hold in your power without someone else taking it"

>> No.2771902

According to your ideas, a moral person would have to willingly starve to death if he can not bring up the price the only person with food asks for his goods.

Sounds like Ayn Rand to me.

>> No.2771911

You don't seem to understand history very well. Currency is among the oldest inventions in mankind's history. The Vikings even HAD their own currency. Seashells were recorded as the some of the first tools used as currency to barter with in small villages in Hawaii, a culture very distinct in it's cultural structure.

Also, Vikings were a Germanic people. This means they originated in what is now Germany (or the general area). The early Germanic people were famous for not having any leaders - the used a system called the Thing (or ting).

Iceland was the same. No leaders, just a thing assembly held quarterly and annually. Anyone could become a law-speaker if they learned the law.

It is not, therefore, an invention of warlords. It is a tool of society. In your own vein of thought, literature and script could be seen as tools of warlords.

My pencil is my pencil. I bought it and I use it. It isn't yours or anyone else's to use. If you try to take it, I can fight you over it.

The very fact you are trying to take it is saying you are, in fact, the ''robber baron''.

You have this ideal that has been proven NOT to work.
A system where even the author, Marx himself, said it was NOT a system to go forward with, but a regression.

You also seem confused about the Vikings. They were not blood thirsty savages, but were actually very advanced, fair, accepting, and flexable. This is why the ''Viking age'' came about - because what they did worked.

>> No.2771915

>This means they originated in what is now Germany
Oh dear god... I would really double check crap before you post.

>> No.2771929

Not if that person had his own means of attaining food. If a fisher man fishes , he can eat. He can sell this food ,if he desires.

If you grow vegetables in your garden, you can eat them. You can sell them as well. That is food you or your family can eat, or you can trade currency for something else.

This goes back to the educational part. You can learn to do this or you can try it without the education (this has happened countless times).

Not at all. You need to check your history:
They are united by language and the AGE OF MIGRATIONS:

Due to the language family, it generally held that the Germanic families came out of the areas of Germania, which included what we know as Denmark.

This is not a difficult concept.

The Celts are actually important to the growth of the Scandinavians as their travels (which come BEFORE the Scandinavians were able to build the long ships) brought them into trade. This trade also included teaching the Scandinavians their artwork, metalurgy, and chariot building. The had no influence on their language or culture elsewise. The majority comes from what we know of Germania.

>> No.2771940

The fact that you use a painting as an example is simply hilarious. Have you any conception of how art gets traded? Because you seem to be entirely oblivious to how that works. Your analysis does not even include a distinction of use value and exchange value, effectively placing your thought at the latest somewhere in the early 19th century...

>> No.2771942

>>Germania, which included what we know as Denmark.

Wow, and you totally do not see how this is incompatible with your assertion just one post earlier that they come from 'what is now Germany', i.e. 'totally not Denmark'... ?

>> No.2771955
File: 34 KB, 443x699, novatore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>My pencil is my pencil. I bought it and I use it. It isn't yours or anyone else's to use.

Someone has made that pencil. To make it he used wood. To acquire wood, he would have to cut down trees. To cut down trees, you need to be allowed to do so. To be allowed to do so, you need to own the land or pay someone who owns the land. To own land, you have to buy it. To buy land, you have to buy it from someone else. This goes back to a person who has originally just took it. So, all our current property diverts back to a time where people just took what they wanted. Since than it has been systematised and decided by those in power that, while they took what they want, from now on their posession is lawful and no one else can take what they want anymore.

This is the origin of lawful property. It was instigated by the last conquerors, by people taking what they want. Why should I all of the sudden bend my knee to their will? Why would I accept a game where some are allowed to take what they want, and others, such as me, would be labled a thief for that very behaviour?

There's no such thing as rightful ownership as opposed to theft. There is only directly taking what you want and the handling stolen goods by proxy. It would be foolish to adhere to the idea that it is someone's right to own a great bunch which he has acquired by arbitrary means. Especially if you are in need of such things yourself.

It is one of the greatest feats of the rich to not only threaten the poor into not taking their things, but actually shaming and fooling them into it.

>> No.2771956

Germanic peoples came out of the Corded Ware culture, and that extended well east of modern day Germany and Scandinavia.

>> No.2771967

I like your choice of attachment, are you the one who posted Nechaev as well?

>> No.2771997
File: 14 KB, 256x341, tucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes sir.

>> No.2772016


"Germanic" holds little to no affiliation with "Germany", ya know. It's just a linguistical clusterfuck that arose when someone decided that Germany should be named after Germanic in English.

>> No.2772045

Incorrect. That culture, aka the War-axe culture, invaded the areas. Meaning there were people already there which had been there for quite sometime. We are still studying this area as we still don't have a great deal of information. Oddly enough, it is on our schedule in the fall.

You don't seem to understand the analogy of the fishing/farming statement, do you?

Any person can attain what they want, as long as they have the ability to do so. I can grow my own tree in a pot that I can make myself and fashion those burnt twigs into pencils (charcoal).

If I wish to purchase another kind of pencil, I require the money to buy one. If I have some sort of occupation to earn the money, then I can buy one.

The notion that ''all property is theft'' is sheer lunacy.
Also, it must be mentioned : while the streets and buildings of Soviet Russia were filthy , inside of homes were kept spotless and individual.

Why? Because everyone wants something to belong just to them.

While the theories you subscribe to seem noble and perhaps just twisted enough to sound like it is telling the truth : it is not.

In truth it is a dictatorship, worse than the evils it speaks of and more over, it is unjust.

It has been proven not to work and does not help progress the people, but stagnate them and goes into a slow reverse.

>> No.2772057

What it means is the general area that is now known as Germany.

It actually isn't such a clusterfuck of languages as you think, as Proto-German is the best guess as to what started it all.

More over, the idea of the Kurgan hypothesis is not without problems/opponents which is very important to the corded ware culture.

>> No.2772086
File: 66 KB, 468x600, reynard2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Any person can attain what they want, as long as they have the ability to do so. I can grow my own tree in a pot that I can make myself and fashion those burnt twigs into pencils (charcoal).

Try finding some resources without an owner in this world. Impossible. The system is so that everything is already owned. To acquire something you want means that you can either take it in spite of the system (theft) or do as they want, namely selling your services for an amount of currency they deem sufficient. In a world where everything already belongs to someone else, everyone is born into serfdom.

When you first need to work for a wage in order to gain capital, you are at the mercy of those providing your wages. If the wages are low enough and the prices are high enough to keep you earning just enough to get by, you are in the position of de facto slavery.

There's nothing just about trade. It's merely a game of power relations just like everything else. You are trying to gain as much as possible while giving as little as possible.

>> No.2772101

>Implying the Kurgan hypothesis pertains to the origin of Germanic-speaking peoples rather than to all Indo-European speaking peoples
In the end, all Western Europeans come from somewhere east of here, whether it be the northern shores of the Caspian Sea, Anatolia or somewhere else.

>> No.2772105


You've obviously never been to Germany or Japan before, huh?

Please search their laws about seedlings and free gardening materials (ie seeds).

Also, I very much doubt that I am a ... what did you say? ''Serf'' was it?

I get paid to sit down, read, and discuss topics with my Fellows. Often I get to go out on digs and I get paid even more money.

You have this strange notion that people are not free, yet you are backing a man who was the exact opposite of freedom.

Worse yet, you are supporting total dictatorship, which strips the rights of the people.

You are an arm-chair politician with no experience in and how a communist world works.

I lived in one and I honestly thank the Gods (which I am allowed to believe in if I wish in a free world) that I DO NOT live in a Soviet block as I did when I was a child.

Bartering, buying, selling, wage earning, etc. , these are tools in which people go about with a CHOICE.


I'd rather have a choice and not be told what to do, unlike a communist, who believes people should be treated as cattle.

>> No.2772111

That is still up in the air and we are still studying that , as we have no precise evidence to form such an idea.

Furthermore, it does not take away the fact that the Germanic peoples all take a certain aspect with them from ''Germania'' aka - Germany.

The Thing/ Ting which was the ruling body of government (which blows the idea of robber barons in the communist talk out of the water) is something that is not only used by the same WORD but used over several hundreds of years in Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Frisia, Iceland, Early Normandy, and other Viking settlements.

That is history, as in so far as we know it.

You're weaker knowledge of the subject shouldn't make you believe you have leverage in a discussion pertaining to it.

>> No.2772121

>You're weaker knowledge
The point still stands that the Kurgan hypothesis is the hypothesis that the 'urheimat' of ALL Indo-Europeans (So: Europeans, but also Iranians, Hindi speakers in Northern India, and the now extinct Tochars that lived in Western China) lies north of the Caucasus.
You tried to use the term while discussing the origin of a very small subset of this group of people, namely the people who speak Germanic languages. As you can see, the Kurgan hypothesis is completely irrelevant to that question.

>> No.2772122

No, i think its been conclusively settled that western europeans came from atlantis.

>> No.2772124

I've been using individualist anarchist rhetoric for the last bunch of posts, not Stalinist.

Apart from that, the notion that people are free under capitalism because they have a wider choice about what to eat for dinner is absurd.

>> No.2772126

It's funny how after this long a discussion you still haven't noticed the fact that your opponent is not defending Stalinism... as for Communism, the syndicalist anarchists had a good reason for claiming they were better Marxists than both Mensheviks and Bolsheviks during the Congress of Trade Unions, before Lenin reduced the soviets to state institutions.

>> No.2772128
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not who you responded to, but I think it's dangerous to reduce economics solely to the "economic sphere," if that makes sense. Particularly with media and advertising, there gets to be a point where if you have enough money you can shape the reality of huge swaths of people. I am Amerifat and proud, but we spend twice the poverty line on prisoners per month and we're a whole lot less civilized then the rest of the (developed) world.


>not fillin bourgeois niggas with so much lead you can use they dick for a pencil

>> No.2772130

I am not sure why you continue bringing up the Thing. It has nothing to do with the Capitalist ('democratic' parliamentary) system that is dominating the world, it has nothing to do with Tsarist Russia either, or Germany before state socialism (which is not the same as communism...).

>> No.2772251
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"Why aren't more people Stalinist?"
Because he killed more people than Hitler.

>> No.2772252

Hitler killed noone.

>> No.2772266
File: 54 KB, 506x380, provesapoint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yeah The holocaust was a lie. Totes...Dumbass

>> No.2772270

>pictures of people who died of typhus epidemics and starvation in the last months of the war
>noone even claims that there was any deliberate killing in areas liberated by the allies

>> No.2772283

Hitler killed Hitler.

>> No.2772284

nope, not even that.
Neither the americans nor the soviets knew where hitler went.
Probably lived his life in argentina.

>> No.2773125


>> No.2773145

/lit/ just proves yet again how much jewish and marxist retardation have indoctrinated their brains

>> No.2773149

What! is this still doing here?

>> No.2773365
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Sounds like someone can't get over the fact their 'master race' and '1000 year Reich' didn't make it past a decade.

In fact their 'master race' lost to black man in the Olympics...pretty badly. Lost in the Boxing ring in ONE hit. Then lost the production war. Then lost then strategic war and for all intensive purposes lost the ideological war and was dived up like you mom in a back alley full of niggers.

Even better yet is you can't blame the jew because they weren't in power. You lost without a single jew fucking up a single plan.

How does it feel to be defeated by new world mongrels?

We won.

We get to write history.

That history says you're a faggot.

>> No.2773539

>america in charge of winning

>> No.2773639

in Soviet Russia, history rewrites you!

>> No.2773796
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>Implying I meant america and not allies.

Aryan butthurt detected.

>> No.2773849

>new world mongrels

>> No.2773857


Europe's getting more and more unified by the decade. Nothing like the European Union had really existed in Europe (this side of a religious conflict) in all of the continent's history.

>> No.2773888
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>Cherry picking sentences without context.
>Being a petty butthurt fag trying to find fault.

If Nazi so great, why they lose war? Surely a 'superior Aryan mind' would have out thought the collective efforts of non-Aryans.

>being master race and still sucking.

>> No.2774053
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>> No.2774113
File: 407 KB, 555x721, Animal Farm Orwell.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communist horseshit

pic related

lol @ edgy teens buying into this crap

>> No.2774506

OP you should read Young Stalin also by Simon Sebag Monteifiore it explains Stalin's early life and how he became Commisar quite well.

>> No.2774838


How about you read a little bit you stupid fuck?

Lost Victories- Manstien
Panzer Leader - Guderian
The Memoirs of Marshal Zhukov

All these are primary source material about the second world war, showing how stupidly close the
Nazi's were to crushing the soviet union. Erich Von Manstien was the tactical genius that helped develop the battle plan for the invasion of france in '40, Guderian was one of the people behind the entire maneuver warfare doctrine that non-history fags will dub "blitzkrieg". Zhukov was one of the only competent Russian commanders during the Second World War because Stalin MOTHER-FUCKING KILLED ALL THE OTHER EXPERIENCED FIELD COMMANDERS. That alone makes him a fucking dumbass.

History-Fag here.

>> No.2774857
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I'm the dumb ass?

Where in my post did you see me defend Stalin's behavior?

Still for all their Aryan 'genius' they got crushed by sub-human Cossack s, American Niggers, British Tommy's, Mick's, Americans, Australian thugs, and Clark Gable.

They couldn't even hold on to FRANCE! And France practically gave them the country!

>All these are primary source material about the second world war, showing how stupidly close the Nazi's were to crushing the soviet union.

Close isn't victory. And in war that's what counts. Moscow didn't burn to the ground. Berlin did.

And nothing you can say will change that.

>> No.2774871

Gotta love how every internet argument on 4chan ends up devolving into ww2 history trivia.

'cause the only thing the serfs really know about is also the most irrelevant, am I right?

>> No.2774917


>have a 1:5 kill/death ratio

There are just more of you inbreed fuckers.

>> No.2774920

Oh my jesus, you are a horrendous lay.

>> No.2774938


Where did we post we were 'Master Race'?
I just love pointing out that you lost to a bunch of, as you called it...
>inbreed fuckers
Even though you's supposed to be better. Surely the might of one Aryan is worth at least 10 'inbreeders'!

Or are you imply that they only count for one man, meaning their superiority is still only physically equal to 'inbreeders'?

I love it when a 'Superior' people lose wars on purpose! At least that's what I'm gathering you mean.


How does it feel to be empty and beaten? Do you cry at night for Hitlers crushed dreams? I wonder if you're even aware that Ayran's come from Syria?

>> No.2774942

You have cholera. But there is good news, you're going to get tortured to death.

>> No.2775233
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Hoxhaist reporting in.

>> No.2775248

>>for all intensive purposes
stay pleb.

>> No.2775416
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Maoist reporting in.

I'm serious.

>> No.2775451
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Pol Pot owns all your shit together.
All hail the Troll Master.

>> No.2775836

He was sort of a shitty luddite.