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File: 26 KB, 446x480, nietzsche_portrait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2770349 No.2770349 [Reply] [Original]

How do I read Nietzsche?

I read the first part of Thus Spake Zarathustra, and made some sense of it, but others say it's better to start with his other works to better understand it. I'm pretty confused, help.

>> No.2770352


get a job you impotent neckbeard!

>> No.2770358
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>> No.2770359

Walk away. Read Walt Whitman instead. Same ideas; more fun to read.

>> No.2770366

If you don't have a strong foundation in greek, french, and german philosophy until the late 1800's you really have no business reading Nietzsche.

>> No.2770381

from left to right

>> No.2770386

>How do I read Nietzsche?
However you want to.

>> No.2770398

You need to kill joos to understand the Nietzche

>> No.2770411
File: 37 KB, 372x577, Portable..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have any experience in philosophy? People who haven't read Nietzsche are right that he is often iconoclastic but they forget that he is an actual philosopher and not an aphorism-machine.

If you want to jump in as quickly as possible, read an anthology on Western philosophy (like Russell's, even though Russell shortchanges Nietzsche therein), and then pick up a copy of The Portable Nietzsche. That way, you'll have a superficial grounding in philosophy -- perhaps enough to "get" a lot of Nietzsche -- and then you can digest a weighty chunk of his work as organized by a very competent Nietzsche scholar (Walter Kaufmann).

This anon is essentially right, but that doesn't mean you need an extensive education in philosophy to try.

>> No.2770413

Am I the only one who reads nietzsche merely as a way of trying to fit him into a bigger picture of history?

Am I so weird?

>> No.2770435
File: 35 KB, 480x640, worlds greatest philosopher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you're an idiot regardless, for historical context you'll want to read a text that places Nietzsche in history

>> No.2770470

dat jaw

>> No.2770474

>not historical context