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/lit/ - Literature

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2769127 No.2769127[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

How do you feel about stealing books?

Did any of you do that?

Also book-stealing stories please.

>> No.2769138

I stole this book on baudrillard from my library when I was 15. I just put it in my schoolbag and walked out. Fucking difficult read at the time.

>> No.2769144

did u have to peel off the sticker that sets off the alarm? i would just rip off the back cover and throw it in the bathroom garbage. easier.

>> No.2769150

I've got a book which I borrowed from my school library back when I was like 10 and just never returned. They didn't bother keeping track of who had out which books so it probably happened a lot.
Every now and then, I consider taking it back.

>> No.2769147

i steal very expensive books from time to time, things that cost over £15

>> No.2769154

I don't have monetary issues, so I don't bother. An intimate liaison in public gives a far bigger rush.

>> No.2769155

It was years ago.

>> No.2769156

Never stolen a book in my life. If there's one thing I'll pay for, it's books.

>> No.2769162

Heh, look at this faggot with his "moral integrity"

>> No.2769166

>Implying I don't have at least 200 gigabytes of stolen music and movies

>> No.2769173

I wouldn't mind stealing from Barnes & Nobles because they have a budget for thievery. I'm far too scared of getting caught though. Also, I can afford books or pirate them so what's the point.

>> No.2769172

The guy isn't saying it's bad. He just values books enough to pay for them.

>> No.2769169


stealing is not bad man, we steal from nature everyday and we don't feel bad about it

>> No.2769178

>I wouldn't mind stealing from Barnes & Nobles because they have a budget for thievery
This, I can agree with. I typically only buy from small bookstores.

Incidentally, I'm >>2769156

>> No.2769189

i have stolen almost all the books i got

books should be free, like all the other forms of art

>> No.2769194
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>he thinks books are art.

man, next you'll be telling me video games are too.

>> No.2769195

From stores, especially chains


>> No.2769206

I've never stolen from shops. But I've worked in charity shops for a brief time and occasionally when I book that interests me is donated, I'd pocket it before it got to the shop floor.
I'm convinced this isn't stealing because
1. I've asked the bosses how much I should pay on at least two separate occasions and they told me to take it for free
2. They throw out huge quantities of books and other donations because they don't have the storage space.
3. The people who paid for the item didn't want it.
4. A large number of the books I take end up back in the shop when I'm done with them.

>> No.2769207


If you didn't use a stupid reaction image your post might have been more successful.

0/10, in any case.

>> No.2769211

This. I torrent everything, but not books.

>> No.2769213

I prefer pirating, that way I someone can keep his cake but I can eat it too.

>> No.2769225

thanks that explains nothing

>> No.2769223

I've stolen dozens of books from libraries, school libraries, bookshops (chains and second hand) but weirdly enough, until recently I was pretty opposed to pirating books.

Now Amazon have really rustled my jimmies so I've started to pirate a few books.

I should point out that I've also bought literally hundreds and hundred of books as well, and given away dozens and dozens for free, so I think it balances out.

>> No.2769230

They weren't implemented.

>> No.2769234

I hope you all burn in hell.

>> No.2769270

How would you even go about concealing something like that, books in that price range are usually thick hardbacks

>> No.2769277

There is no hell. Only heaven.

>> No.2769292

anyone got any tips for stealing from barnes & noble?

>> No.2769302

In the sock

>> No.2769307

b-b-b-ut what if they catch me

think of the scandal

>> No.2769306


>just do it faggot

>> No.2769310


Yeah but how exactly do we just do it.

>> No.2769313

I've only stolen one book so far--a highschool textbook on Ancient Civilizations which I never returned at the end of 11th grade.

>> No.2769314

I have only ever stolen books from the library, which is much easier than you probably think. I have stolen then by never returning them, and by leaving with the books without checking them out. Never have I done it on purpose; I am too damn lazy and forgetful to take care of my debts to the library. I also have hundreds of dollars in fines owed due to lost books during hurricane Katrina. ANYWAY, unintentional thief here.

If your B&N has a lounge area for readers, take your time to read a bit, flip through pages in order to look for any anti-theft devices, and remove any you may find. If you have a backpack with you, nonchalantly place the objects of your desire into your bag, as though it already belongs to you. Make at least one purchase, and I imagine you would never be questioned.

The only Chuck Palahniuk book I "own" was stolen from B&N with this method, and by a complete idiot. I am sure if that kid could get away with it, one of you /lit/erates could.

If you aren't bothered by guilt or stickers, I suggest robbing a large library, little by little. >:)

>> No.2769318

Stealing from libraries? This is why society can't have nice things.

>> No.2769325



>> No.2769327

Libraries are one of the only places left where you can go and sit and not have to pay for anything, they're nice, they lend you books for FREE, books are expensive and not everyone wants to steal. Stealing means they have to introduce stricter measures and stretches their resources. Stealing from libraries is just a dick move, there's a renewal system for a reason if two weeks or however long isn't long enough for you to read the goddamn book.

>> No.2769329

Magic box. Basically, a bag or something lined with 30 pieces heavy-duty aluminum foil. This should block all radio waves going to and from what you place in, so the security tag should be foiled. To test it, place a cellphone inside the box and attempt to call it. This works on pretty much everything

Failing that, if your book has a small soft RF tag, the little white square, you can remove it (hard, suggest heading to the bathroom and avoiding cameras), or cut through it (I carry a xacto knife for this purpose).

If the book has a tag that's a longer rectangle that looks as if there's something inside, you can foil it by bending or puncturing through it.

None of this has anything to do with lit.

>> No.2769330

This is a thread about stealing books. Shameless are we, ITT.

>> No.2769332

Yeah, and be sure to buy something, because nothing looks more suspicious than someone walking in and walking out aimlessly. Not literature.