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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 38 KB, 428x270, the last true doomlord.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2767566 No.2767566[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why is it that virtually all modern philosophers aren't nihilistic determinists like the majority of /lit/ is?
I mean a few are nihilists but they aren't full blown doomlords like a lot of you are.

Is it because nihilism and determinism are....... obviously (to a smart philosopher of course) wrong?

>> No.2767573

because nihilism is easy, and proving otherwise is hard.

if you hadn't noticed, people on lit aren't the brightest, nor the most driven, nor the most patient.

you tell me why there is such a divergence.

>> No.2767580

because you can't get anywhere in a philosophy department unless you uphold conventional moral values

>> No.2767589

Because it takes a while for novel philosophical ideas to penetrate the general culture.

>> No.2767595

>has no idea what he is talking about

>> No.2767597
File: 111 KB, 500x639, action camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please tell me what your idea of a valid philosophy is, one-who-calls-people-wrong-everyday. I would like to know the criteria by which I'm being judged as wrong.

>> No.2767605

>implying determinism isn't incontrovertibly true
>implying nihilism and determinism are the same
>implying truth is 'doomlord' like

you continental pussies are pathetic.

>> No.2767612

Here comes the doomlords.

>> No.2767620

>not a nihilist
cant go all the way huh? just not hardcore enough? or are you going to come up with a excuse such as "hurr im determined to not be a nihilist"

>> No.2767634


you're strawmaning a much more nuanced position

>> No.2767638
File: 30 KB, 300x389, friedrich-nietzsche.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw nihilism isn't even coherent because it refutes the possibility of meaningful utterance that it relies upon to be uttered.

>> No.2767642

If you were a true doomlord then you could light my straw on fire.
but you're not a true doomlord, you're just a doomlord.

>> No.2767647

doomlords & roaches

>> No.2767648

because i'm not a big enough pussy to FEEL like a nihilist. continental bullshit like nihilism and existentialism are all fake abstracts that you trick yourselves into believing. determinism is proven by simple psychology/biology.

>> No.2767666


I take this back: >>2767620, you're just an idiot.

>> No.2767680

>determinism is proven by simple psychology/biology.
No it isn't you fucking retarded.

What are you? just a simple measly autistic sociopath science fan.

can you even into contemporary neuroscience? do you even have any sort of credentials?

the issue of free will and determinism isn't that simple nor has it been solved completely yet you fucking retard, even the wikipedia page on it will show that.

fucking nigger

fucking autistic sociopath

>> No.2767689

>trick yourselves

arrogant little fucker.
what's it like being so wrong? that existential crisis is going to hit you so hard

>> No.2767691

Most people respond better to philosophers whose work can be used to justify their delusions and guilt.
It's more comfortable to live in a world where people are moral and compassionate and caring than one where men rape women daily and kill one another for $1.29 in change.

My philosophy is (basically) that there is no intrinsic meaning to life, but as living creatures we are in a sense obligated to find a passion that makes us want to continue living. The idea that one can see genuine meaning in so expansive a universe is intriguing to me.

>> No.2767694
File: 26 KB, 435x444, Soapy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Man can do what he wills, but he cannot will what he wills."

>> No.2767700

My brain takes in information from all of the trillions of stimuli, and produces the most relevant response it can. Everything you do is programmed by something you don't have control of, and this happens to everyone for every single second of their lives.

Responding to stimuli is a process sub-consciously conducted by the brain that in turn decides how you will so-called 'consciously' think.
The wind that chilled me is what caused my brain cells to be irritable. So does the wind have free will, too?

Since our existence obviously is caused by the determination of some sort, why would our brains(and thus our consciousness) be any different?

tldr you dont have control over anything

>> No.2767701

Because nihilism is the end result of a philosophy, and there's no further exploration beyond it.
For there to be modern philosophers, they would need to move away from nihilism to further their philosophies.

>> No.2767706

Hey, Standard Toaster. Did you ever read this?

>> No.2767708

>i'm making pointless assertions when neurobiology will have the answers for us in a few decades
Go suck a dick.

>> No.2767714


that's not what i said. i'm one hundred percent sure i'm better at controlling my emotions than you.

>> No.2767717
File: 138 KB, 218x315, Alas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being insecure enough about your position that you feel the need to put "hurr" or "durr" in front of quotes

>> No.2767718

Nice falsifiable proof you got there.

>control my emotions
lol stupid kid

>> No.2767719

That's the first time I've seen it. That's pretty odd.
>I am an ordinary toaster

>> No.2767721

Yeah, I sure will take your guys well reasoned "philosophical" positions over that of a modern philosophers.
pseudo-philosopher kids

go back to /sci/ with your illogical sciencetism, i can tell you are underage.

>> No.2767724

if only you doomlords were of aware of the doom of your beliefs (or should i say "facts)

>> No.2767722

>Most people respond better to philosophers whose work can be used to justify their delusions and guilt.

arrogance detected

>It's more comfortable to live in a world where people are moral and compassionate and caring than one where men rape women daily and kill one another for $1.29 in change.

>nihilism because of moral reasons
>logical and completely right

thomist master race reporting in

>> No.2767734

>this is what /lit/ actually does

>> No.2767741

here it is in action. entry-level who cannot think for himself stumbles across this thread. his eyes send the words to the brain where they are met with cognitive dissonance. his entry-level brain is unable to reconcile this, even calling it 'sciencetism,' and transmits the order to his fingers to type dismissing retorts displaying their insecurity, instead of an argument.

>> No.2767747

>26 posts and 4 image replies omitted. Click Reply to view

>> No.2767781


nihilism only makes sense as the negation of some previously held fundamental belief. in negating one fundamental belief one does not negate all other possible beliefs.

a moral nihilist might negate universal morality, but still advocate a subjective morality that he does not wish to call "morality" because the two concepts are not enough alike. when one speaks of nihilism, he must clarify his negation, else the word is absolutely worthless.

further, that modern science shows our actions to be largely determined and subconscious and not actively willed, does not mean that 1. the world is meaningless or 2. it is impossible to create meaning unless one's conception of meaning requires willing to be the sole determinate of human action. such a belief is not fundamental enough for its negation to be called nihilism.

>> No.2767892

further, that modern science shows our actions to be largely determined and subconscious and not actively willed, does not mean that 1. the world is meaningless or 2. it is impossible to create meaning unless one's conception of meaning requires willing to be the sole determinate of human action.

that was never implied

>> No.2767926

is dat sum cioran? mahnigga.jpg

>> No.2767953
File: 129 KB, 534x1200, book-op-fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2768134 [DELETED] 

just wanted to say
i'm sorry for blowing your minds on 4chan.
even a level 100 classmaster like me
had to fuck around for a long time
to come up with this surprisingly simple conclusion.
i can only imagine
what hell must be going through your minds
at this point

>> No.2769312

Huzzah. I always kill the thread.

>> No.2769420


>> No.2769449

Simple matter of taste (of the age).

>> No.2770113


>implying every postmodern/post-strcturalist DOESN'T come down to nihilism

>> No.2770139
File: 12 KB, 188x273, pyrrho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nihilism is just scepticism that has lost its patience.

>> No.2770148

My penis. It must be milked. Fetch the stable-boy, bring the horse too.

>> No.2770156
File: 24 KB, 442x337, MartyFeldmanIgor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeth Mathter. Will you be needing to uthe the cheethe grater thith time?

>> No.2770161

No Igor. Just set up the Gazebo and prepare the helium tank. This milking is going to be the finest milking we have ever seen.

>> No.2770165


read deleuze

>> No.2770172
File: 183 KB, 1458x922, Mr-Igor-Bean-66627.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right away Mathter, thith milking will be magnifithent... Oh, one more thing, Mathter. Do you want the thable boy in hith sthpiderman cothtume again?

>> No.2770291

WTF is this?

>> No.2770304

nihilism and determinism are right but it doesnt fucking make a difference.
the edgy teen realises the first part and gets stuck on it.
the experienced philosopher realises both.

>> No.2770318

>implying determinism isn't tripe

>> No.2770484

>nihilism and determinism are right
No, no they are not.

>but it doesnt fucking make a difference.

>the experienced philosopher realises both.
On what athuroty?

>> No.2770495
File: 46 KB, 171x187, igor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2770591

>if you hadn't noticed, people on lit aren't the brightest, nor the most driven, nor the most patient.


I think you're being unfair to Toaster-guy. I don't think he's really espousing nihilism, just pointing out that it's a philosophical dead-end. Which it is: this is also, in large part, why most philosophers aren't radical skeptics or solipsists.

>> No.2770663

cool opposition bro

>> No.2770692
File: 8 KB, 320x240, argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An argument isn't just the automatic gainsaying of everything the other person says!

>> No.2771324

>An argument isn't just the automatic gainsaying of everything the other person says!

,,,,Yes It Is