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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 988 KB, 955x707, bookshelf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2756389 No.2756389 [Reply] [Original]

Bookshelf thread?

Bookshelf thread.

>> No.2756394

How did you end up posting it upside down last time?

>> No.2756397



>> No.2756398

Don't know what you mean faggot. Go to hell.

>> No.2756401
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>> No.2756402
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I've filled up the last part since then. Don't know where to put them all...

>> No.2756403

What plebean garbage you read OP

>> No.2756404

So, I take it you like sci-fi?

>> No.2756405


Smells like midlife crisis.

>> No.2756407
File: 1.10 MB, 4608x3072, too lazy to go upstairs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to go upstairs, so here is a picture of a nearby cupboard.

>> No.2756408


Of the Gibson and Morgan vein.

>> No.2756411

>string theory

>> No.2756414
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The drawer.

>> No.2756424
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>> No.2756426


>Sons and Lovers

mah nigga

>> No.2756427
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>> No.2756428

>the introduction to Aristotle

>> No.2756430


What's so funny?

>> No.2756435


>weeaboo detected

>> No.2756440
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What you can't see is mostly fantasy, but I cannot be bothered to reveal them.

I need a new shelf.

>> No.2756441


>Up in the Air

How was the book compared to the movie?

>> No.2756445

nice blur princess

>> No.2756446


>Stephen Fry

Why do you willingly expose yourself to gay influences?

>> No.2756451


why would anyone want to read about mohammedan savages?

>> No.2756454
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>> No.2756456

Too late, the gay already got me.

>> No.2756473

Have you ever considered purchasing from a different publisher?

>> No.2756480


>> No.2756489

Christ, I hate these threads.

Everyone reads the same 5-6 entry level authors you see spouted about on /lit/ in every thread, or sci-fi and fantasy.

>> No.2756525
File: 1.84 MB, 1125x1500, L1100926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK, just reshot my shelves after re-organizing last week. It's fun, this is the kind of shit I do when I don't want to be doing anything important but still fix my mind on a task. So, 1/14

>> No.2756527

>Christ, I hate these threads.
>Everyone reads books.
Hello, /v/.

>> No.2756532
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>> No.2756535
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3/14 still in the paperback section, here's the SK I read during that boring job...

>> No.2756536


chuckled heartily, thanks

>> No.2756538
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>> No.2756541 [DELETED] 


>> No.2756548
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>> No.2756550
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>> No.2756551


>> No.2756554
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>> No.2756556

Quite possibly the worst collection of books I have ever seen.

>> No.2756557

too obvious

>> No.2756561
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>> No.2756563
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>> No.2756569
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>> No.2756571
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>> No.2756572
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>> No.2756576


Hi Stephanie

>> No.2756584
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>> No.2756596
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>> No.2756602
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>> No.2756606
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>> No.2756607

Have you actually read any of those? They look untouched.

>> No.2756608
File: 1.16 MB, 1500x1001, L1100984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

14/14 ending with an overflow case wow i bored myself it was much more fun to actually be re-arranging the actual books

>> No.2756616

You have one of the lowest good books/books ratio I've ever seen.

>> No.2756622

I'm working on getting that cholesterol down too.
You must get rid of books you didn't like? They are certainly not all "good" books.

>> No.2756646

Oh, yes. Just a bit foolishly careful with them; don't like spine creases very much. The poor camera I used also seems to make everything look a bit whiter/cleaner than it truly is.

>> No.2756669

I bought the book after seeing the trailer to the movie and thought it sounded interesting. Ironically, I never got around to seeing the movie, so I don't know.

>> No.2756704

>all those choose your own adventure stories

I miss those books.

>> No.2756709

I'm working on rebuilding my collection of the first editions. They made a major impact in my enjoyment of reading, understanding of storyline, and helped me as a writer to stretch.

>> No.2756738
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We're having a lot of bookshelf threads lately. Not that I mind.

>> No.2756786


>Rainbow symbol

>Carl Sagan

>Bust of Lenin

>Buddha statue

>Wikipedia on screen

Die in a fire, faggot.

>> No.2756812

He saves it with The Process and Notes from Underground, if you ask me. But yes. Silly Bacardi behind the monitor as well.

>> No.2756815

So many that I actually remember yours...from months ago!

>> No.2756821

lol, what in the fuck is wrong with Wikipedia? you are really stretching this shit.

I assume you're attacking Sagan because reddit likes him.

>> No.2756826


I'm attacking you because you're a tryhard hipster piece of shit.

>> No.2756837
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>> No.2756840


>posts inane atheist bullshit on facebook

>calls self an "intellectual" because of reading shit on wikipedia

>> No.2756857

>Rainbow symbol
They're sticker bookmarks.
>Carl Sagan
I assume I can't change your opinion about him, so keep thinking he's for hipsters if you want.
>Bust of Lenin
I'm not a communist or anything, I just found the bust in the attic.
>Buddha statue
Budai, actually.
>Wikipedia on screen
People still dislike Wikipedia?

That's not me you're replying to, actually, but I see how you can think that. If you think I'm a communist, buddhist, gay rights activist, though, I suppose I can see why you think I'm a hipster.

>> No.2756873

I'm not him champ, just a passerby calling you out on your shit

>> No.2756878
File: 1.37 MB, 1571x401, Books.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

photo taken before I discovered /lit/, not actually bought anything since then either

>> No.2756880

I agree with a lot of your taste, though I got Conan instead of The Necronomicon. That being said,

>> No.2756908

>not Fagles' translation

>> No.2756915

Read some Gaddis, Krasznahorkai and DeLillo at once, nigga.

>> No.2756957

What edition of Micromegas is that? I loved that story and I'm looking for an collection that has Micromegas+Story of a Good Brahmin. Which are some of my favourite short stories.

>> No.2756988

Ka har me her?

>> No.2757003

Haha, koffein bare! Men når man først har piller bør man da få de til å se så mistenkelige ut som mulig.

>> No.2757081


Jeg vedder for at du studerer på NTNU.

>> No.2757092

Det blir til neste år, det, men jeg bor i Trondheim. Skal ned til Lillehammer til høsten, nå, for å gå på Nansenskolen sin skrivelinje, så blir det lektorutdanning på NTNU. Så koffeinpillene er ikke for å studere enda, men heller bare for å slippe å drikke kaffe når jeg har dårlig tid (for man blir så jævla varm av å drikke kaffe og så skynde seg av sted).

>> No.2757096

Somewhat related, but somewhat hard to discern from the pics. How does /lit/ sort their books? Strictly alphabetically by author, or some other convention?

>> No.2757105

Randomly, with authors and publishers clumped together where possible.

>> No.2757107


Shit, jeg er god. Lykke til.

>> No.2757160
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>> No.2757165

Alphabetically by author, then by date of publication. Alternatively, by the age of the author when the book was written. Or by semi-colon to sentence ratio, which is my personal favourite.

>> No.2757178

by charm and re-readability, of course

>> No.2757180

Funker det bra? Greit å slippe kaffen midt på sommeren, eller under eksamner

>> No.2757187


Alphabetically by Author's last name.

Also have a shelf or two for random stuff like atlases, dictionaries, old comic books, etc.

>> No.2757210 [DELETED] 

I've got $100 dollars, what books should I get?

>> No.2757214

I want to read The Recognitions. Can I please have your copy?

>> No.2757216

I arrange mine first geographically, then within that chronologically (using year of author's birth). The geographic sort needs a little work, because I'm basically going Africa - Middle East- East Asia - Russia, then a zig-zag through Europe to Canada, the USA and Latin American countries.

I am lazy and haven't put any new books I've bought in yet, because I don't feel like looking up all the authors' birth years. I guess that's probably going to be a problem with my system.

>> No.2757226

Well, what do you like?

>> No.2757237 [DELETED] 

Not exactly sure. I enjoy Kurt Vonnegut and stuff. What are some books that are considered "essential" on this board?

>> No.2757243
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>> No.2757298

>Olaf Stapledon


>> No.2757374

it's time to read Madam bovary, my fellow bourgeois
it's time to read Madam bovary, my fellow bourgeois
it's time to read Madam bovary, my fellow bourgeois
it's time to read Madam bovary, my fellow bourgeois
it's time to read Madam bovary, my fellow bourgeois
it's time to read Madam bovary, my fellow bourgeois
it's time to read Madam bovary, my fellow bourgeois
it's time to read Madam bovary, my fellow bourgeois

>> No.2757375
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>> No.2757379
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>> No.2757385
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>> No.2757757
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>> No.2757758


OP here, that's how I sort my nonfiction usually.

I have a section on Islam/the middle east and another section on East Asian shit (seen previously in this thread)

>> No.2757765

I'm planning on doing it for my non-fiction too, on a separate shelf from fiction, but I have so little of it right now that it's just stuck in horizontally around the same vague geographic regions as fiction.

One day it'll be nice and comprehensive.

>> No.2758145

Uninteresting books everywhere

>> No.2758149

>disses others taste
>doesn't show his own collection

classic 4chan

>> No.2758497
File: 383 KB, 499x664, Library 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too many Bookshelf threads have no Bathos.
You don't read this many Good Novels without reading a lot of really bad ones too. And you don't read a lot of bad ones without finding bad ones that you like anyways. But you see a bunch of bookshelf jpegs of shelves with rows of masterpieces with no guilty pleasures thrown in.
That can only mean one thing. Somebody ain't been reading their stash.
Seeing a Haruki Murakami next to a Stephen King and Brothers Karamazov next to a Star Wars Expanded Universe, and a Fight Club next to a Xanth Novel may say lots of negative things about the reader's taste, but at least it's a sign that they're cracking some spines.
That's just my opinion though.
Just trying to advocate for some shelves that humanize the reader and reflect his spirit, rather than just reflecting his ability to read a "recommended books" list and spend money.
(By the way, can't wait to buy all of your unused used copies on discount.)

>> No.2758506

This post is funny because you seem to think Fight Club and Haruki Murakami are good literature.

>> No.2758517

Random Guy makes a point about Bookshelf Jpgs composed of stacks of books that hipsters bought and never read. Essential reducing the posts to stupid ways to brag about how many books they "Collected." In an attempt to Impress other people.

Random other Guy ignores the point entirely to say "Ha Ha, your selections suck"

Me... *Facepalm*

>> No.2758519
File: 275 KB, 1536x1152, nope.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel you dawg.

>> No.2758523

>cracking some spines

I bet you dog ear your books too.

>> No.2758524

You waste your time on a lot of pseudo psychology.

>> No.2758525

>You will never have a massive library room full of books, manga, comics, and video games

Feels bad man.

>> No.2758527

He didnt really make a good point. Just standard generalisation about people with a certain type of bookshelf.

>> No.2758545
File: 114 KB, 500x306, Neil-Gaiman-Library.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

Pic related, just a small bit of his.

>> No.2758568

>ywn be content without physical objects

>> No.2758662

I'll have you know, all the books on my shelf have been read or will be read. I only have 3 in the to-be-read pile. Granted, my shelf only has like 80 books on it.

>> No.2758743
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>> No.2758748

That makes me rock hard. If I ever make enough cash I'll build my own house. Instead of walls it would have fucking bookshelves.

>> No.2758749

>tfw you still need to brag about it to feel superior

>> No.2758777
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>> No.2758778
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>> No.2758865
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My fictional row.

>> No.2758870

Ulysses in translation? That must be interesting.

>> No.2758876

That row seems pretty real to me.

>> No.2758919


>> No.2759010

hipster detected

>> No.2759024


>world war z


>> No.2759320


All of those are hipster books.

>> No.2759329
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>> No.2759337

What? no, we have the internet today. you can check if what you're goign to buy is worth reading

>> No.2759386

You like reading for the wrong reasons.

>> No.2759392

Hey now, there's one or two Star Wars Expanded Universe novels that aren't half bad.

Of course, 99% of it is shit like Heir to the Empire (most of it being far worse than even that).

>> No.2759481
File: 95 KB, 576x768, 2012-06-27 20.47.16.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I doing it right?

>> No.2759528


>Piers Anthony

Sorry, having flashbacks to what a fucking awful book that was in your pic.

>> No.2759582

Bloood Meridian and Infinate Jest are hipster also? I guess every person on /lit/ must be hipster because those are 2 of the most discussed books on this board.

>> No.2759596

Which one? There's 4 Piers Anthony books there (though tbh they're all pretty shit).

>> No.2759602

That's not fair. The Xanth series didn't get truly awful before the eighth book or so.

>> No.2759636

Piers Anthony is an interesting guy. He keeps bringing up pedophilia and FUN SEX in his books for young adult readers. he makes quite a defense of pedophile relationships in bio of a space tyrant for example.

>> No.2760127

Imagine having nothing but a shelf full of books that come off of a recommendation page.
1. That person buys nothing but masterpieces. Is afraid to waste their time on something that someone else hasn't already told them is genius. Is not developing taste.
2. That person buys bad fiction too, but gets rid of it. Meaning there is no story that he finds funny or interesting or strange enough to love even though it is flawed.
3. That person buys bad fiction, has guilty pleasures, but hides them. Has a completely photogenic shelf. His bookshelf instead of being a statement about who he is, and what he likes, is instead a mask, a reflection of who he thinks he should be.

There are book sales everywhere, I just got a dozen from my library for $3 and I'm sure one or two of them will suck. But I'm not going to use my phone to ask the internet before each purchase. "Is it good? May I haz permission to buy plez?"

I'm just saying, There are lots of different reasons why someone would have a shelf full of five star books, and no guilty pleasures (or old battered children's books.) But almost all of those reasons would be bad.

Is there any sadder thing than someone proudly exclaiming "I have no scars." "I must be doing it right!"

>> No.2760237


>> No.2760279
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>> No.2760413

>tfw no one comments :(

>> No.2760415

Looks like shit, bud. Looks like shit.

>> No.2760449

I don't believe you

>> No.2762699


>> No.2763068
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>SAT and ACT books

>> No.2763102

Everyone has lame books. I haven't seen anyone with a decent philosophy collection or anything.

>> No.2763123
File: 108 KB, 612x612, boooooooooooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would /lit/ accept comics and book porn? Make fun of me for instagram. Trying to build a library in my house but it's hard to arrange books "fashionably."

If interested, there's my Bukowski collection, all Daniel Quinn, lots of entry level philosophy and basically everything Brian Greene and Hawking ever put out.

>> No.2763141
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Small, but growing.


>> No.2763147

>The Tanners
that about pat krentcil?

>> No.2763150 [DELETED] 



>> No.2763154



>> No.2763323


ur doing terribly

>> No.2763324
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>> No.2763328
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>> No.2763329

quite the kafkaesque collection.

>> No.2764445


>> No.2764546

>The Fault in Our Stars
one of the very few readable YA books out there, in my opinion.

>> No.2764716



I dig.

>> No.2765076

>Hidamari Sketch
I like you.

>> No.2765132
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Shitty camera.

>> No.2765162

>From Hell
>Gotham Central

>> No.2765236
File: 1.29 MB, 2304x1728, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally got the rest of these fuckers back from storage.

>> No.2765256

you guys might enjoy
and most of all http://www.reddit.com/r/bookshelf

>> No.2765257

What did you think of The Corrections Benny?

>> No.2765265

Goddamit Benny, take those used stickers off Plato and Ibsen.

>> No.2765266


I thought it was pretty good, a lot more zany and out-there than Freedom, which I thought was dull in comparison. It has some great characters and the storytelling's not bad at all, I wouldn't go so far as to say it's the 'Great Modern American Novel', as it's been hailed, but as a look into American life post-1990s, it's definitely noteworthy. Worth a read, for sure.

>> No.2765270


Haha, those have been on there for quite some time, maybe I'll have to peel 'em off finally.

>> No.2765283

Use a kettle you animal!

>> No.2765296


I'll go easy, I swear.

>> No.2765326

don't you fucking dare take those stickers off benny
i'm warning you.

>> No.2765368


But... they're so obtrusive... and they'd peel off so nicely, like a scab... and all that glue left behind, it'd just take a little rubbing with a thumb to clean, right? Right?

>> No.2765381

just remember, i warned you.

>> No.2765389


Maybe I'll let them be. For now. There's no knowing what might happen in the future.

>> No.2765406
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my room is too narrow to get the entire height in single pic

>> No.2765413

Hey guys, /g/ here, why do you still purchase physical copies of books when you can get them for virtually free?

If you say because of the "reading experience", then why have a eReader at all then?

>> No.2765423

You can't get all books for free online. Not every book out there has an ebook version. I know it might be hard to believe, but it's true.

>> No.2765433

If you've found a site where you can get every book ever written, please inform me.

>> No.2765438


I don't have an e-reader, and I get my books for close to dirt cheap. There's also the library, which is free.

I'm planning on getting a Kindle at some point, given that I've got a fuckload of pirated books on my pc.


I dig it, plenty of great picks. What did you think of Last Exit to Brooklyn? I've been thinking of picking it up.

>> No.2765441

Because of the reading experience.
>then why have a eReader at all then?
Because I'm not made out of money.

>> No.2765445

Fair enough, I'm just so autistic that I cannot be halfway in between the two options.

Also, I'm so Jewish I couldn't justify paying more than a dollar or two for a book.

>> No.2765448

>What did you think of Last Exit to Brooklyn?

I only read the first section so far, like a year ago, so havent really formulated any opinions yet. 90% of these books are "to-read"; ones ive finished i give away

>> No.2765451


Yeah, I'm in pretty much the same position, I've probably only read 1/4 of the books I've got. I've never really given any away though, aside from old shitty stuff I've given to the thrift store

>> No.2765454

Do you guys all just happen to have really nice cameras? I have a lot of books, but no cameras capable of over 2.0 megapixels.

>> No.2765456

mine is 5.1, but I've had it since 2005 or 2006, i wouldnt qualify it as a "really nice camera", but it works

i used to like holding onto my books, but now i realize that unless im going to re-read them (life is too short for that, except for the rare few), they're just taking up space. and no point having a book that someone else could be reading.

>> No.2765471

I guess I just suck.

>> No.2765472


Yeah, that's a really valid point. I might have to take up the practice.