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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.23 MB, 1287x859, 1341017275434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2765291 No.2765291 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.2765298

Please will you be our gf!

>> No.2765300

please respond

>> No.2765301
File: 27 KB, 640x753, 1336846158126.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've known you such a long time and we've always liked you. Wont you please at least go on one date with us?

>> No.2765303

Did you ever read that novel draft we gave you?

>> No.2765305

Stop shitposting on our board and maybe.

>> No.2765307

This has nothing to do with literature

Go back to /mu/, /mu/

>> No.2765308

Picture of girl smashing guys nuts shooped with /lit/ and /mu/.jpg

>> No.2765310

nope nope nooope

>> No.2765312

I read it
8.6 BNM

>> No.2765315


We've always been so good to you and been there for you when times were bad :(

>> No.2765318
File: 2 KB, 76x91, feelsosmall.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /lit/ hates /mu/

>> No.2765320


>> No.2765321
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look look look at me look

>> No.2765327
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We go together like... Um uhhh
Pls be our gf

>> No.2765329
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>> No.2765330
File: 36 KB, 250x232, why cant i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ily /lit/

>> No.2765332

We know you try so hard /mu/, but it's not the right time. We're really glad to have you as a friend though.

>> No.2765333
File: 7 KB, 645x773, thatfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw no qt /lit/ gf

but seriously i love you guys and i'm sorry we shitposted on your board please don't hate us ;_;

>> No.2765337

>tfw this will never happen

>> No.2765340
File: 58 KB, 630x599, maximum friendzone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>We're really glad to have you as a friend though.


>> No.2765343
File: 18 KB, 200x200, garfeel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /lit/ friendzoned us

>> No.2765344

They hated us way before this thread, bro.
Everyone hates /mu/.

>> No.2765346
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>tfw asking out /lit/ ends the same way it ends when asking out a cite girl irl

>> No.2765349


The only good philosophy is political philosophy.

>> No.2765342

>tfw lit friendzone

>> No.2765351

>tfw when we will wait forever /lit/, no matter what we will always be here for you

>> No.2765353 [DELETED] 
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>tfw friendzoned

Oh god this is becoming eerily similar to Regular Show again ;_;

>> No.2765354
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>tfw spelling error on /lit/ while trying to win /lit/'s heart

>> No.2765356
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>> No.2765358
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>daft funk fan
>knows nothing at all about anything ever

seems about right

>> No.2765361
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>> No.2765362

>daft funk

>> No.2765363
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>> No.2765365

so many summerplebs
thanks a lot /mu/

>> No.2765369
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That's our meme.

>> No.2765374

(Somebody hasn't read Those Barren Leaves)

>> No.2765379

That chart is really awful.

Anyways, Friday night and I gotta go to a party /lit/. Cuz, you know, I'm a cool guy.

>> No.2765380

>friday night
>not reading
heh, casual

>> No.2765383

why won't this shit end?

>> No.2765391

Because you won't go out with me

>> No.2765394

because /mu/ has little to no moderation or self control and has nothing to do until the big third quarter releases in the fall.

and, you know, summer.

>> No.2765395

Reading books is no excuse to be a filthy introvert.

>> No.2765396

Keep telling yourself that casual.

>> No.2765399

I know this isn't the prevailing wind on /lit/ but I actually find it quite amusing. /mu/ on the whole are far more entertaining shitposters than us.

>> No.2765405 [DELETED] 


>> No.2765407
File: 192 KB, 436x600, feelppenheimer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw when all you want to do is have an emotional connection with another board and they make fun of you to your face

i still love you /lit/ ;_;

>> No.2765412
File: 145 KB, 580x686, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god that feel

>> No.2765418


>> No.2765420

hmmm yes both full of pretentious elitists, both full of consumers rather than producers. seems right

>> No.2765422

shitposting isn't very entertaining

>> No.2765424

What is this treachery. I forgot we even had an /an/ (pun not intended)

>> No.2765429

I just realized that I could take almost any discussion currently on /lit/, make it music related, and post on /mu/. And it would actually make /mu/ so much better.

This is fucking interesting.

>> No.2765430

/mu/ has infinitely more girls than /lit/.

Sure, /lit/ is mostly composed of effeminate liberal babbys who have an easy living, but we still have more penii per poster (PPP).

>> No.2765432

Didn't mean to quote you, sorry

>> No.2765437
File: 15 KB, 250x312, 1481_118488301814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't like the way you pluralize your penises much.

>> No.2765442

>/mu/ used to try and raid /sp/
>now they just get rejected by /lit/

>> No.2765452

/mu/ look, you have this unpleasant vicious streak to you that we just cant live with. It's all fun at first; you'll play us that new industrial-post-reactionary-jazz-fusion-throat-singing band that only three other people in the world appreciate(yes obviously they are brilliant) and we'll be gently reading to you sonnets of adoring infatuation.

But it's only a matter of time before you come home one day and catch us listening to the foo fighters.
"THIS IS THE MOST FUCKING OVERATED PIECE OF SHIT ALBUM IM GOING TO KIL...." You scream at us as you reach for the knife, blood dripping from your palms where your fingernails dig in. Then you spot the Nirvana LP poking out from under the sofa...

Look, its not you, its us. We are just more calm and less prone to fits of rage. We have a slight desire to feel superior by basking in the ability to pretend to like awful things that nobody really likes, but nowhere near the level of you.

>> No.2765467

Not literature.
Be gone, /mu/, we're on to you, you samefagging lumps of teen angst.

>> No.2765470
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/fa/ here. What about us /lit??

>> No.2765474

If you put as much effort into how you think as you do put into how you look, you might amount to more than a recently cephalized invertebrate.

>> No.2765475

Fuck off /fa/ , go back to /fit/ you homo

>> No.2765477
File: 228 KB, 480x606, 1337447847641.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So /mu/ decided to not heed either of my warnings
they're going to try to send you guys some shitty "mixtape" to "win your love" or something.

Just thought you guys deserved fair warning.

>> No.2765480

Don't be so mean :(

>> No.2765481

I've got to be honest, I'm kind of excited for this.

>> No.2765482

this is going to get out of hand very quickly

no self control, no moderation.

>> No.2765488

We hope you like it, we're uploading it now :)

>> No.2765493
File: 88 KB, 594x412, 1331838865901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No-one is ever going to love you like we do.

The tape will change everything.

>> No.2765498
File: 172 KB, 816x1032, 1337953830664..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a dick soothsayer, and the mixtape's going to be amazing
I hope you guys like Sufjan Stevens

>> No.2765500

I can't wait till you guys hear the ending track, don't spoil yourselfs yet, it's a real gem.

>> No.2765501
File: 27 KB, 330x307, DFW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


My body is ready.

>> No.2765503

>Sufjan Stevens
Actually I quite like that Bobby shadfly song you may be able to woo us with that and some eliott smith

>> No.2765508


Only if it's from Illinoise or Seven Swans. Nothing else is acceptable.

>> No.2765504
File: 1.49 MB, 2112x2816, Friedrich_Nietzsche_drawn_by_Hans_Olde.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this thread
Mutter, ich bin dumm.

>> No.2765505

Yeah, it's the most entry-level piece imaginable from an interesting composer

>> No.2765509
File: 7 KB, 480x360, 0..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/lit/ and /ck/ is the only viable option. it's a match made in heaven. mutually respectful, interested in learning and creating, and playful within reason. /mu/ is way too immature for anything other than voyeurism and shower masturbation.

>if only the fucking anti-feminists would get the fuck out.

saging on principle

>> No.2765511
File: 69 KB, 382x245, wellhey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2765512

/mu/, I hope this is an audiobook mixtape that you're compiling. Whoever is reading Joyce better be Irish.

>> No.2765513

/ck/ is /sp/ 2.0.
/mu/ is /lit/ with adhd.

>> No.2765514

>tfw cultured taste in both music and literature
>able to confidently confirm most /mu/ and /lit/ posters as plebeians
>all it cost me was my social life

>> No.2765516

Benny, I'm dissapointed. Sufjan Stevens? For real? Contrary to what /mu/ thinks, indie is not the "patrician" genre

>> No.2765517

>most entry-level piece imaginable

Keep your snarling elitism out of this board or there is no chance of us putting out.

>> No.2765518

>confirm most /lit/ and /mu/ posters as plebeians
>implying that takes particularly long

>> No.2765521


Really? I thought it was the misandrists that were the problem.

>> No.2765523


I'm not genre-phobic. I dig it all. Modern country is an exception.

>> No.2765526
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>> No.2765527

>implying I'm not from /lit/

>> No.2765529
File: 27 KB, 488x400, 1334555521340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Everyone automatically assumes /lit/ is a girl.
>Tfw /lit/ probably does put out for a board as lame as "Animals and Nature".

>> No.2765530

Poster who likes both >meal AND fantasy shit detected.

>> No.2765531
File: 40 KB, 259x160, wowcrowsdicksarehuge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw they are going to hate this mixtape

>> No.2765532

killjoy. it's just harmless internet playground sexuality. like playing tag. like, come on.

>> No.2765534



>> No.2765536

well, /mu/ is better at disguising its pleb taste in music than /lit/ is at disguising its pleb taste in literature. It took me months to snap out the generally considered patrician musical taste of /mu/. I had a look at the mix-tape they're sending- it's fairly terrible, obviously aimed at an audience they presume listens to something like Swans at best and Top 40 at worst.

>> No.2765537

I'll just go for cgl instead

she has hygiene issues but meh

>> No.2765542
File: 499 KB, 1000x1000, 1332549557448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /lit/ probably hates hip hop despite it being one of the most cerebral genres of music

/lit/ I know you won't like the ignorant bangers and I can live with that but at least listen to Deltron.

please respond

>> No.2765543

>tfw someone on /mu/ starts arguing about philosophy with you.

>> No.2765544


I know you do, princess; Just because I have a cock. It's silly though babe, you should drop this feminist charade and work towards gender equality.

>> No.2765545

>implying the tracklist was actually chosen with serious consideration and not by dubs
>implying its not a miracle it even turn out slightly decent

>> No.2765547

Not excited about Sufjan but the simple expectations arised by that mixtape gave me an almost boner, /mu/. no homo

>> No.2765552

We have had several hip-hop threads in the last month. Deltron was mentioned. It generally starts with a "are lyrics literature" which is politely answered with "kind of, I guess" and it spirals from there.

>> No.2765554



But I have no problem bouncing between Satie, Skee-Lo and Lady Gaga

>> No.2765555

H-hey /lit/, w-we finished the tape if you w-want to hear it...


>> No.2765556

which is funny, because /mu/ despises it when people pay attention to lyrics in a song.

>> No.2765558

Wait for all the Classical music loving Euros get on tomorrow morning, shit will hit the fan.

>> No.2765562

prepare for abrasive shitty experimental hip hop instead

>> No.2765566

That doesn't really make sense. I suppose it's the same kind of reactionary attitude to plot that some people display here. Overemphasised by a lot of people but still important enough to be analysed.

>> No.2765572

hey /lit/ wanna listen to stockhausen and read naked lunch together?

>> No.2765579

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>> No.2765580
File: 8 KB, 184x184, 1340086153356.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>death grips


>> No.2765583

Kid rock is bad ass, nigga. not even trolling. Listen to this, it's fucking brilliant:


Its like hendrix doing hiphop

>> No.2765588

it's probably because most music appreciators absolutely hate it when people classify a song as "bad" just because of the lyrics.

>> No.2765589


what's wrong with burroughs? we can read cortazar if you like him better

>> No.2765593

ITT: all of /lit/ secretly expectating with their hopes up

>> No.2765598

they aren't, but /lit/ won't like them

>> No.2765607

Same goes for plot

>> No.2765617

Well, if a song uses lyric and they are bad lyrics then the song is no good. If you don't want people to judge a song by it's lyrics (as well as other aspects) then don't use some fucking lyrics

>> No.2765620

i wonder if /tv/ feels the same way with movie plots

>> No.2765634
File: 1.37 MB, 1244x2700, mu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there's any part of non-queer /mu/ worth paying attention to

>> No.2765642


>> No.2765657
File: 32 KB, 482x446, 1334547459139.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really? What a pleasant surprise.

In my experience, that's more of a reaction to the elitist attitude a lot of hip hop fans have outside of /mu/. The "real hip hop" spammers that flood youtube and were apart of /mu/ some years back tend to hate everything that isn't overly technical or their own perverse definition "meaningful".

That means no hedonism, no materialism and no allying yourself with anyone that they feel qualifies as "fake".

4chan in general is just a huge allergic reaction to whatever is accepted on the rest of the internet.

>> No.2765658

Anyone who discusses feminism here, regardless of their side, really needs to leave.

>> No.2765669


>> No.2765736

i just arrived to 4chan today, please tell me where t find that mixtape /mu/

>> No.2765751

that was a good thread

>> No.2765770


>> No.2766048

>implying there's been any point in history when penises weren't in vogue