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/lit/ - Literature

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2763721 No.2763721 [Reply] [Original]

Is there a character to whom you can entirely relate? As though his or her story were written in consideration of your personality?

I have yet to find an absolute literary match for myself, if there even is one; but I probably most relate to Camus' Mersault, or to Poe's self-inspired characters.

>> No.2763728

The narrator of Pessoa's 'The Tobacco Shop'.

>> No.2763733
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As the armchair detective I am, as well as inspiring psychologist, I did a little research on any, if any, shared psychologies between me and the others. Mersault, Poe, and myself are all INTPs in respect to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator of personality types.

Are any of you INTPs, or are you familiar with your MBTI?

>> No.2763735

>what is individuality?

>> No.2763734

Hal Incandenza

It's not a perfect match, but far too close for comfort in many ways.

>> No.2763739

>aspiring psychologist

Please excuse me, it is early and I do not drink coffee, eat food, or smoke cigarettes. Writing is my method of early morning brain stimulation, and this is the first thing today on which I have concentrated my mental attention. Good morning, Americans.

>> No.2763746

I wish I could compute the relation! I have yet to read any of DFW's work, but have been making notes of his name and literature for months now.

Do you have any recommendations for a first read?

>> No.2763752


I've only read Infinite Jest, but I recommend it highly if you haven't read it. I want to read his other novels/short stories and his journalism, but I haven't had the time yet.

I'm an INTP as well.

>> No.2763763

MBTI is retarded; people don't fit into 16 concise frameworks
I understand that people's sense of individuality is overstated, but I would rather cling to my identity than be another brick in the wall

>> No.2763786

I think the only people who find the MBTI intriguingly applicable are INTPs. ;)

After surveying every person with whom I regularly interact, I found myself to be one of 2 INTPs, of over 100 people I surveyed. After applying personal research, I found that the INTPs are the most uncommon, rarest of the applicable personality types.

Sure, no one's personality can be absolutely identifiable through such a system, but for those of us so interested in its shadowing psychologies, it is quite refreshing to find another of your type.

>> No.2763797

Patrick Bateman in a sense.
Bernard Marx in a sense.

>> No.2763825

While I'm sure you're every bit the special gem you think you are, according to the statistics you aren't.

>> No.2763828

OP: a 16 year-old child.

>> No.2763866

>What is age?

>> No.2763862

It is funny that you assume that I believe myself to be so special.

Mentally, I am superior to my immediate associates, without a doubt. I may have projected this acknowledgement, but I know that with my peers, things are different.

With my peers, I can share thoughts; I can ask for advice, and I can provide respectable criticism.

Here, where each individual assumes that he or she is mentally superior to each other individual, because he or she likely is with his or her immediate associates, there are unnecessary feats produced in order to acquire intellectual triumph over those who are actually the peers of such individuals.

You are my peer, here, and there is no need to try to make me feel any less special than you may think that I believe to be. I do understand statistics, and have before referenced your exact resource, but you must also realize that the research you referenced is limited. There are more people to be considered other than Americans, and even if each individual on Earth were surveyed, the research would never be entirely applicable, because MBTI fluctuates between moods.

I do, however experience limited emotions and feelings, experience fewer changes in my mood than most others, and will likely always test to be an INTP.

Nothing special about it, it just is what it is, and I find myself able to relate to others who fit the type; due to our lack of emotions and feelings, and to our intellectual ability.

Appy polly loggies, I do enjoy to debate.

>> No.2763880

>Your Meursalut dud dont relate to anyone, he a psyco, fukk man your edgy

>> No.2763882

No, that'd be retarded

>> No.2763893



Besides the whole murder thing, I think we're fairly alike.

>> No.2763894

So you are an insect who thinks himself a man?

Have you turned to religion yet?

>> No.2763903
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Emma Bovary

(I'm not a girl, btw)

>> No.2763907
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Dis nigga.

>> No.2763914
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Holden Caulfield - 100%. The world is my personal playground filled with 'phonies' whose only purpose seems to be my annoyance.

>> No.2763920
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nuff said

>> No.2763926

I most relate the character of Andrew from Tao Lin's Eeee eee eeeee.

>> No.2763930
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Jesus Christ

>> No.2763936

Esther Greenwood

But less so the depression and more the bits about distrusting the dogmas of domesticity and not really knowing what you want to do with your future (like that bit about the fig tree).

>> No.2763941

If there's one thing /mu/ can do that isn't entirely incompetent it's make damn funny comics.

>> No.2763949

that comic wasn't funny.

>> No.2764183

I was catergorised into INTP twice, but I am a moderately emotional person. Many of the people I know would also be INTPs. I do not understand what you're basing the supposed rarity on.

>> No.2764192

I could never get a consensus on whether I was INTP or INFP

Though I think the whole idea of such a strict self-classification is really masturbatory anyway,

>> No.2764193


The whole thing is pretty masturbatory, but fun.

>> No.2764195

Malte Brigge in Rilke's Notebooks of ...

>> No.2764197

I'm INTP, btw.

>> No.2764199

I'd say Thomas Tudbury, which is one of George R. R. Martin's characters in the Wild Cards series.
Boring beta reporting in.

>> No.2764207

That is such a beta way to think.

>> No.2764205

You don't really think the beta/alpha dichotomy exists, do you? It's far more retarded than the Myers-Briggs stuff. Don't let /fit/ fool you into that way of thinking- I find it particularly abhorrent.

>> No.2764209

Can this be the new "I'm a girl, btw"?

>> No.2764210

(Same guy, just forgot my stupid trip)
Well, calling myself a "beta" is a lot simpler than mapping out my characteristics. It's a pretty straightforward thing that people read and say "Oh, I know what he is".
But, you are right. Humans can't be separated into two categories, or any for that matter.

>> No.2764213

I'm a girl INTP, btw

>> No.2764215

please marry me

>> No.2764217

Fair enough, I can appreciate that. I just feel sympathy for people who think they are stuck in some sort of detrimental personality caste from which the only escape is overtly aggressive and narcissistic behaviour. This isn't the direction society should be travelling in; modernity is horrifying enough as it is.

>> No.2764226

Then you're necessarily ugly, too. There's always a catch, and if you're a female INTP then there is no way you are physically attractive. The words "hot girl INTP" attempt unsuccessfully to describe something ineffable; much like God.

Fuck your accusation of hyperbole, I'm spitting the truth like a provoked cobra. Come hither, brethren.

>> No.2764230

Not any one specifically, but most of the narrators in 'Life After God' came pretty close.

>> No.2764235

You do know that the entire point of Catcher is that Holden is a fucking idiot?

>> No.2764237

What a dumb thing to say.

>> No.2764238


lol @ you projecting your jealousy about other men's sexual success onto their confidence, confusing their cultivated mannerisms with "overly aggressive and narcissistic behavior"

you aren't smarter or stockier than they are, buddy

>> No.2764241


You write pretty well (assuming this is the same person in these two posts)

no homo

>> No.2764248

Your post didn't make much sense to me. I wonder if it would be too much to ask that you re-word it? My apologies, I am quite tired.

>> No.2764251

Likewise, I suppose.

>> No.2764255


stop deluding yourself (or whatever faggot bloo-bloo'd about this supposed "narcissism" and "overt aggressiveness" he sees in an era where these behavioral patterns are slowly phasing out)

also improve yourself

>> No.2764272

I'm not sure why you're so upset, but these (and since you mis-used this word, I will steal it from you now) projecions are becoming more and more farfetched. Perhaps a little introspection on your part is what's required, as you seem very confused about what it is you're actually saying. Regardless, I hope you are able to find calm and that message boards do not bother as much in the future (I suppose we can count that as self-improvement, too).

>> No.2764273

Your post didn't make much sense to me. I wonder if it would be too much to ask that you re-word it? My apologies, I am quite tired.

>> No.2764306


10/10 star posts

you all make /lit/ a better place :)

also i did misuse project my b

>> No.2764307

accurate actually

I look like a frog

>> No.2764330

So you're dropping the discussion? But you held your position so vehemently! (even if I could not figure out exactly what that position was). I guess apathy is another "cultivated mannerism". Oh well, I am not particularly concerned.

>> No.2764331

>denounces apathy
>"oh well, I am not particularly concerned"


>> No.2764336

Haha, well played. I only meant, if he was not interested in continuing the discussion that would be ok- I maintain a vested interest in the eradication of negative personality traits being coveted.

>> No.2764342


there was no discussion doe, b/c you didn't address my points @ al

i'm not a conceited faget, i know when i fukk up da diskushun
why would you do some little sarcastic shit aftur da fakt? i maen unliz dis iz 4 ur eeeego or sumtin. den eet maekz cense.

>> No.2764365

Your points were never stated clearly enough to discuss, though. Your posts were more or less baseless ad hominems that didn't address what was originally stated, which was that the perception of 'alpha' as something desirable was not to be condoned, let alone encouraged.

Although I know it's your shtick or whatever, it becomes even more difficult for you to articulate your points when you talk like that- and since you were already having trouble it's not something that I would suggest you continue.

>> No.2764439
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>> No.2764587

Frederic muddafucking Henry, mah niggas

>> No.2764984

the Frankenstein monster

>> No.2764989

I'd say Shigekuni Honda, from Mishima's Sea of Fertility.

>> No.2764998

I really felt a connection with Rousseau in Confessions.

>> No.2765035
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Could someone who's interested in the merits of MBTI kindly review my posts in this thread?


I'd love a discussion on the matter and I feel these posts are somewhat related.