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2762665 No.2762665 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you find a spelling mistake in the novel you've been reading and have lost complete interest in finishing it.

>> No.2762672

>Spelling mistake

Do you mean bad grammar or just a human mistake?

>> No.2762678

Both, even novels with repeating words at the beginning of a sentence drove me crazy (Miss Chopsticks was classic for this).

>They they

>> No.2762693

>tfw you are well into the midst of a story and you find an error
>tfw that error is an incorrect name. The character named had actually died or was removed from the story by some explicable means. The author mistakenly used the name of the previous character but was, in fact, referencing another character entirely during that scene.
>tfw you realize the author fucked up

put that shit down and walk away

>> No.2762701


This is semi-related but I'm put off by "professional" authors who use "that that" in a sentence. For instance:

>Felix had a head cold and he said that that was reason he couldn't leave the house.

I know it's technically allowable but any decent writer could restructure the sentence to avoid such a terrible looking phrase.

>> No.2762703

I quite like that that that is allowable. There's a tiki-taka rhythm it triggers in my head.

>> No.2762704

>tfw you read a manga series over many years. Suddenly people and things have names that didn't have names before. Things are suddenly called something else. Every name has at least 2 different spellings.
>Style is different, story is different, plot falls apart, nothing makes sense anymore.
>Eventually give up.


>> No.2762719


The Game of Thrones set I'm reading is full of errors. Fuck it annoys me.


I enjoy it when words are repeated like that, but I guess it does seem a little amateur. So would you rather:

"Felix said he had a head cold and that was why he could not leave the house."

That seems like it's missing something though.

>> No.2762729

>tfw book references your country

>> No.2762732


In my example, you could just as easily leave out the second "that" but in other instances I've seen it used, it's better to rephrase the sentence as you have.

>> No.2762734

>>Reading American Psycho
>>Come to the "A Glimpse of a Thursday Afternoon" chapter
>>read this
"She just stares. "Extra thick!" I add. She walks away
to get the manager and when I see him approaching, a bald carbon
copy of the waitress, I get up and scream, "Fuck yourself you
retarded cocksucking kike," and I run out of the delicatessen and
onto the street where this"
>>Thats how the chapter ends

Anyone know if it's meant to be like this or if it was a type? Because either way it annoyed the fuck outta me.

>> No.2762746

FUCK. YES. I thought I had some wonky fucking edition where a picture was edited out or some shit. It still pisses me off.

>> No.2762750


Its odd because i checked my print copy and two other ebook copies and its all the same, just makes no damn sense to end a chapter like that.

>> No.2762752
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The world may never know.

>> No.2762753

does anyone else email authors over factual errors in their books?

like this one fantasy author claimed that glass flows slowly or something so it was useful for magic, and i had to email him to correct him..

i also called him a faggot liberal but thats another story.

>> No.2762757

You corrected someone over the technicalities of MAGIC? You liberal faggot.

>> No.2762760

The point is that he made a factual error saying that glass flows slowly. If he would have used some other kind of magical context for this, it would have been fine, but that is just bullshit.

>> No.2762763

Maybe it was visual or symbolic? It doesn't actually have to flow.

>> No.2762765

>glass flows slowly

What the hell did you email him to correct him about? Glass does flow slowly as it is an amorphous solid

>> No.2762767


The idea that glass after being formed is in a state of flux concerns the belief, held by many, that because glass is a "super cooled liquid" it actually has a degree of "flow" at temperatures you and I find comfortable. Those who believe this urban legend point to the fact that the windows in colonial homes and in old stained glass windows are thicker at the bottom than at the top.

>> No.2762775

Still, especially fantasy books like to take myths or urban legends and make them into "facts". So, the dude who emailed the author... was being a douche.

>> No.2762777

re-read >>2762765

amorphous solid
>super cooled liquid
amorphous solid
>super cooled liquid
amorphous solid
>super cooled liquid
amorphous solid
>super cooled liquid
amorphous solid
>super cooled liquid


>> No.2762779

I fucking hate when people say insure when they mean ensure. It really just kills the whole book for me.

>> No.2762784

Glass is a solid, it doesn't flow, the idea that it flows slowly is a myth.


>> No.2762790

I have yet to read a novel where I did not find at least a few mistakes. When you type 100k plus words it tends to happen. As long as the writing on a whole is good, it does not bother me.

>> No.2762798

>lost complete interest in finishing it.
This doesn't happen to me if I'm enjoying the book until that point. I don't know why it would. What it does make me do is doublecheck who the publisher is. I was really disappointed when spotting multiple typos in How to Read a Book by Mortimer J. Adler and Charles van Doren to learn that the publisher was Simon & Schuster. Come on, S&S. I expect better from you.

>> No.2762808

glass in an amorphous solid as opposed to a crystalline solid. meaning that over time, it can change physical shape.

That's paraphrased from the link you posted earlier.

cocksucking idiot

>> No.2762818

An amorphous solid is a liquid that does not flow: its atomic structure is disordered like that of a liquid but it is rigid and holds its shape like a solid.

>> No.2762839

>pick up book
>cover says "foreword by thatoneauthor"
>open it up
>skip to foreword
>they spelt it "forward" inside the book
>throw book to the ground, kick the clerk, torch the whole place down

>> No.2762869
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Whats wrong sister? Did you just get a visit from aunt flow

>> No.2764549

I tend to laugh it off, spellcheck is a pain.

>> No.2764942

>character described as green-eyed
>later retconned to blue eyes

Fuck you GRRM

>> No.2764948

any sentence with double that could be written with one that. try it with your example.

>> No.2764980

>Bothering to read an introduction/foreward
Fuck that. Those assholes spoil shit like crazy.

>> No.2764992
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Haha so much this. Also

>Switching between 'apon' and 'upon'

>> No.2765005



>> No.2765029

I dont know that feel
ocd is highly treatable though

>> No.2765037

What sort of book kills protagonists? The only thing i've read that regularly does that is WH40k novels.

>> No.2765039

>tfw you find a spelling mistake in the thread you've been reading and have lost complete interest in finishing it.

That is how silly this thread is.

>> No.2765051


I know people who skipped Lolita's foreword, though, and that's stupid

>> No.2765276
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okay so wait...

op is a grammar nazi. and one mistake can make you drop youre book...your? yr? huh did i just use your right? i dunno i guess you should just dismiss this op cos YOURE a fag! who gives a shit about a bad grammar and spelling mistakes. its not about the words its about the story.
they have a word for you in finnish,

Pilkunnussija- A person who believes it is their destiny to stamp out all spelling and punctuation mistakes at the cost of popularity, self-esteem and mental well-being.

yeah my whole paragraph is terrible, but id rather be a writer making mistakes, then a pretentious obsessive-compulsive prick. get off /lit/ you nazi of the grammar variety

>> No.2765473

Yeah it does bother me a little when I see a mistake, but not enough to make me lose interest in the information presented within the book, that's just silly.

>> No.2765786
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>op is a grammar nazi. and one mistake can make you drop youre book...your? yr? huh did i just use your right? i dunno i guess you should just dismiss this op cos YOURE a fag!

so mad.

>> No.2765840

A friend of mine released a book of an article (and it was a big one) he wrote to end his studying at the university, and I told him: oh, I'm good with grammar (not really with the english grammar) and I'm able to find some mistakes that the reviewers haven't seen. He said it's ok and gave me the book to see it... The first page I saw, there's was a mention thanking god for allowing him to release the book and end his studying... It was like "I thank God"... with a backtick misspelled. It's hard to explain, but when I saw this I just didn't know if should warn him about it, or just try to act normal and "oh, no problem". I felt bad for him...

I hope it was understandable, it's quite hard to explain it on a differente language. Oh, and yea, I always see a lot of mistakes on SoIF and books with more than 500 pages.