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/lit/ - Literature

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2757986 No.2757986 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw infinite jest is sitting on my bed and i'm on 4chan

>> No.2757993

You made the right call.

>> No.2757997

yeah i have a copy of gravitys rainbow somebody gave me sitting on my booktable but i have other shit i wanna read instead

>> No.2758002

Read 25 pages. Come back for an hour. Do it again.

>> No.2758003
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>tfw literature students sail the shallow straits of the western canon and feel pride in doing battle with minnows like Joyce and DFW, when they could be out whaling

>> No.2758009

>25 pages

Wut. He's not a child. Go for 100, OP.

>> No.2758013
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>mfw a finished/annotated copy of gravity's rainbow is sitting in my bed and a fresh infinite jest is ready to go

but I promised myself I would finish Beloved first

>> No.2758023

Well, he obviously has the attention span of one if he's struggling to draw himself away from a computer in order to read.

>> No.2758029

wut u mean by diss

>> No.2758031
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>tfw you're done all the classics and lit essentials and you're free to drift among the shit books

>> No.2758033

Ok, big guy...

>> No.2758035

but if you can read 4chan for 10 hours in a row how can you claim to have a poor attention span? or you can play world of warcraft for 12 hours can you claim to have adhd? no, you're just a lazy fuck who likes to be entertained by fluff. you don't have a "disorder".

>> No.2758039

Maybe you're not being honest with your tastes?

>> No.2758043

Don't respond to posts directed at me, you pleb.

True, but I've always believed that running the gauntlet is the best way to condition yourself to a challenge. It depends on the person. Too much can discourage somebody, while too little discourages progress.

>> No.2758045

Never said he had ADD. But 4chan isn't exactly single-focus. Multiple threads, multiple boards. Plus he's probably on other sites.

>> No.2758047

who tha fuck r u bitch

>> No.2759169

Its called internet addiction and its rewiring your brain.

>> No.2759176

Have you tried RSVP? I plowed through half of Walden last night in an hour and a bit, and breezing through the pages today, I recognise practically everything. I use FastReader, for what it's worth.

>> No.2759192
File: 37 KB, 460x276, Franz-Kafka-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2759211

>that feel when reading Portrait of the Artist for 7 months
>that feel when you will probably never get through Ulysses let alone FW

>> No.2759219

This is a very common misconception. Videogames are Heaven for ADHD. Bright colors, always movings screens, puzzles to solve, background noise. It is basically the worst fucking example for "LOL UR JUST LAZY" ever conceived.

I have severe ADHD, to the point that it's a learning impediment. I can read for hours on end without pause. I've spent entire weeks doing nothing but drawing.

Just because you have ADHD or ADD, doesn't mean you can't focus on things you like.

>> No.2760364

>that feel when read IJ in Jan-Feb of this year
>that feel when finished the greatest novel ever written

>> No.2760369
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iktf, brah

>> No.2760373

>tfw read infinite jest last week (monday and tuesday evening after work)
I sincerely hope this isn't the pinnacle of fiction. if it is, i'm going back to playing vidya

>> No.2760376

Calling serious bullshit on that one.