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2759476 No.2759476 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw when I just read finished reading The Sun Also Rises
>tfw I didn't realize that jake was impotent until I read it on sparknotes/


>> No.2759503


Was this the crux of the novel or something? If it was just some random subplot, who gaves a damn?

>> No.2759524

This was the underpinning of the relationship between Jake and Brett, which caused much of the 'drama' in the novel. It's Hemingway; of course the issue is masculine impotence. I always imagined that Jake had his dick amputated due to injury in the war but retained his sex drive. And Brett needs to cavort about for her own satisfaction -- which is more important than Jake to her -- making much of the novel about the impossibility of happiness, consummation, and cohesion. As in the Lost Generation.

Shit's sad, bro.

>> No.2759535

Yes, it's the crux of the novel, it's about Jake's inability to truly love, tangibly and intangibly, compared with other character's inability to recognize their same inability to love or be loved in the intangible sense.

>> No.2759547


So, is it worth reading? I like depressing, modern novels.

>> No.2759560


It's Hemingway of course it's fucking worth reading

>> No.2759563
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Yeah, but it's my least favorite of his big four (incl. For Whom, A Farewell, Old Man). Still a very good read. All are the same kind of depressing and modern. There's a reason this guy's taught so much.

>> No.2759571

It's considered Hemingway's masterpiece, but then I don't really like Hemingway, so I didn't enjoy it all that much. I'd say it's worth the read, though, it's got many good points and I understand why other people love it.