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/lit/ - Literature

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2755806 No.2755806[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

why is /lit/ so masculine?

Have you even read Fran Lebowitz or Toni Morrison?

>> No.2755818
File: 285 KB, 1280x1024, Photo_090910_001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you have such a useless photo saved to your computer?

I would be embarrassed to walk in on that amateur photo-shoot... "Can I get please get past you, to the psychology section?"

>> No.2755815

Because /lit/, like 4chan, is mostly men. Most people tend not to sway too far from the norm in terms of gender identity, so the average /lit/ poster is masculine.

>> No.2755827

>awful hair/piercings
>sublime shirt
>drinking a beverage in the bookstore
>cheap looking bag

>> No.2755832

Yes, I have.

>> No.2755836

I've got a Marilynne Robinson novel on queue, if it makes you feel any better.

>> No.2755839

You know, if this was /a/, Most of these men would be wishing they were little girls.

Also: Obligitory "There are no women on the internet" for your reading pleasure.

>> No.2755842

Does she even lift?

>> No.2755849

I know, it is already embarrassing enough to be mistaken for holding eye contact with such a girl, when you are really wondering from where the fuck that glare between her eyes is coming.

It is probably a pic of OP, hoping someone would ask "omg that lovely, unique woman in the book store, where can I find her?"

>> No.2755850

This stupid hipster slut says "femininity" to you? Ok...

>> No.2755851

>those knees
>straight legs no curves
>too much cleavage

3/10 would not bang.

>> No.2755863

Isn't that girl in the section of the library that deals with pregnancy and babies? The books on her upper right are legible.

>> No.2755861

What would you bang?

>> No.2755859

You know what's odd? I've been thought of being a woman several times based on nothing but the content of the things I put on the Internet. It's very interesting to me the things people infer based on nothing but text. It makes me think there is such as thing as a "feminine text", even though I've often thought that concept is rather too muddy to be useful.

>> No.2755865
File: 7 KB, 240x200, ICE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

toni morrison was aight nigga

beloved wasn't as complicated as the dumb shit nobel society made it out to be though, just immerse yourself in battle rap and the wordplay makes sense

also context things r cute but not too kosher in my book but w/e

ICE does morrison better than she did tbh or should i say morrison does ICE worse (but that's expected since ICE is the greatest contributor to the literary scene since the postmodernists)

>> No.2755867

>rope belt

What is she even thinking?

>> No.2755869

Reading this thread, I understand completely why there are no women on /lit/.

>> No.2755870

there's such a thing as a feminine voice

>> No.2755878


Yes, but what is it? I can't really properly define something like that.

>> No.2755887


I'd fuck her if she got some decent shoes. She's got nice tits.

>> No.2755885


>> No.2755884

>reads psychology
>embarrassed for others


>> No.2755881

Right, because all women are too fragile to withstand reading criticism of any female. Fucking misogynist scum.

>> No.2755879

Then you need to stop talking about mascara and sandwiches for your boyfriend.

Sorry. It was just there, and I couldn't help myself...

>> No.2755882


>> No.2755888

Do you even lift?

>> No.2755892


So it's difficult to actually use in a meaningful way (the term I mean, not the voice). It boils down to a gut feeling, and that's rather worthless in any sort of discourse.

>> No.2755894

I don't think that's a library, and I don't think she's in any section. I think that's a terribly arranged bookstore.

>> No.2755895
File: 274 KB, 639x356, WOLF LUV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


all those unnecessary adverbs for one

why don't you just say "i can't define something like that" instead of gushing in the fawny "really properly"? why the insecurity in ignorance?

it's aight to not be sure duko, we learn throughout our lives

wolf luv in da trap like snapjaws ova bear brothas

>> No.2755902

>referencing wolves
>referencing trap music

sure is typical white male internet culture fuckwad in here.

>> No.2755904

You may be right, but there are a load of motherhood related books on our right, her left.

>> No.2755907

what's your point?

>> No.2755914

I thought we were commenting on gender, literature and by extension the books nearest the girl?

>> No.2755918

>terribly arranged

It looks like a used book store. Most of them don't arrange very particularly beyond broad genres.

>> No.2755921

So it seems. I wonder if that's intentional.

>> No.2755922

okay... what did you think my point was?

>> No.2755925

Come on, she's pretty cute. She's just not doing any favors for herself with that outfit. I think that shirt just totally destroys her entire figure. It's like a burlap sack with a low neckline. Then contrast that with her little shorts and it's just unbalanced. She has a good bust that she's just wasting and showing off legs that need to be covered up. It's all just so wrong. I recommend going the opposite. Tighter tops and either dresses/skirts or jeans.

>> No.2755931

To be honest, she looks like she doesn't belong in the bookstore - she looks like a streetwalker just escaping the heat in an air-conditioned building....

>> No.2755935
File: 264 KB, 637x357, ICE...NIGGA!.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what does this even mean

how is head ice "internet culture"? nigga's battle rapped in harlem for 20+ years possibly furthest thing from internet shit ever in existence

why do you assume i'm referencing "trap music" at all? wtf did the post have to do with trap music? the intent was wolf/trap/snapjaw/bear connection, not trap music connection as that isn't I.C.E.'s shtick, trap referring to ghetto lifestyle

and why do wolves irk you so much? remind you of those hungry poor "plebs" who do more than you and speak more eloquently than you possibly could with half an "education", as you'd like to call that schlock college degree?

end your life today plz

>> No.2755936

That, being as she appears to be in a used bookshop and used bookshops don't have well-defined sections then she must not be near a defined section? Presented as though it invalidated the point that a girl standing near to some books on motherhood as the OP image in a thread on gender and literature could be seen as some sort of critique or comment on the question the OP asked. My reply was supposed to say no, that's not invalid as she's still standing next to some books on motherhood, library or no.
Or something like that.

>> No.2755938

/lit/ and 4chan aren't as masculine as you assume. It's not as if the women who regularly come here are going to disclose their gender each and every time they post.

I've read Toni Morrison and it was shit.

>> No.2755939

actually the picture is irrelevant other than the fact that there's a woman in it. i dont even understand the point you thought i was trying to make with the books.

>> No.2755941

Have you read Mary Shelley's Frankenstein, OP?