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2754263 No.2754263 [Reply] [Original]

whos your favorite flash fiction writer(s) ?

Mine = Etgar Keret

>> No.2754278


>> No.2754285

Decided to drop trip? "Intredasting."

>> No.2754286

nobodys into flash fiction ?

>> No.2754289

I like Fielding Dawson.

>> No.2754290

We're a slow board. Give your thread a bump with an example of a work you like every half hour or so and you should get a few responses.

We have a flash fiction section on the wiki if you want to have a look. Might be a few works you haven't seen before.

>> No.2754293

I like Amelia Gray, Daniil Kharms, Istvan Orkeny, Robert Walser, Richard Brautigan, Peter Altenberg, Shinichi Hoshi, Inagaki Taruho and I am liking Kuzhali Manickavel.

Kharms may be my favorite.

>> No.2754320

For sale: Baby shoes, never worn.

Keep posting OP. I'm interested.

>> No.2754340

im an award winner flash fiction writer / poet and director but for the sake of my privacy unfortunately i cant write you guys any of my stuff so im sorry but things you posted were interesting . actually im more into micro-fiction rather than flash fiction im into extreme short stories . like >>2754320

>> No.2754344

go to bed tao

>> No.2754395
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The Pride of the Yankees by Fielding Dawson

I got a line single to center which scored Mantle and sent Maris to third yet Dickey was waving me to take second. I had come in from center a little too fast, the ball hit my glove wrong, it bounced off my wrist and over my shoulder and went into center yet I had come across from left and covered as I came at the ball seeing me go into second, I picked the ball up with my webbing but of all things dropped it, I picked it up again and furiously fired it to second, my throw was to the third base side of the bag, but I caught it and pivoting with a kind of leap not to get spiked I slapped the glove across as I came in hard, knowing I was safe I made the traditional umpire gesture of safe which irritated me as I knew I had made the tag. I was wild in the stands. Maris had scored and as I came to bat I looked down to Yogi for the signal.
"Boy," Mantle later teased me, "it's lucky you goofed in center, you never would have made second."