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File: 15 KB, 206x320, TheOdeLessTravelledStephenFry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2747994 No.2747994 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone have this book in PDF?

Thank you in advance

>> No.2748007

Jesus, that title is horrible.

>> No.2748015
File: 10 KB, 240x200, 1225653366981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2748020
File: 194 KB, 1115x1040, disgonbegood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2748022


Nice, but I need a PDF
Thanks anyway

>> No.2748025
File: 25 KB, 300x375, 300pxStephenfry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stephen St. Margaret Anthony Cicely Hogmanay Sebastian Reginald Jeeves Fry (1957-) is a celebrated English androgyne, male impersonator, female impersonator, quasi-comic actor, quasi-serious actor, and universal genius and polymath, who is best known for his roles in such historical epics as Blackadder (in which he effortlessly incarnated the insane General Melchett) and any other role that requires a patrician, superior and invariably unsympathetic character with a lah-di-dah enunciation of English together with a crooked physiognomy. Fry is the prototypical English man/woman and the highly uncommon clay from which he is made is believed to consist virtually entirely of extremely condensed Englishness (it has been established that Wilde, thought by some to be Fry's biological grandfather, had no Irish blood in him whatsoever). It is stated in DeBrett's that his scientifically measured English content is an unheard of 378%, roughly twice the content of the average Boarding school pupil, four times the content of the average citizen of Great Britain and sixteen times that of Queen Elizabeth II. Born in the year 1957 AD, among Fry's many achievements is that of being a manic depressive from birth. In the opinion of many he is considered a national treasure who should be locked up for safe keeping or buried deep underground and also as the most sexually attractive living person (to male walruses). Moreover, why Stephen has not been made into a Dame of the British Empire is ranked as one of the seven greatest mysteries of the world. In a recent survey Stephen Fry was voted the crookedest straight man in Britain.

>> No.2748027

Note he does not mention how he fucks boys 30 years younger than him.

>> No.2748031

You just wish you could tap that barely legal ass when you're 50.

>> No.2748030


Stephen Fry is a dipshit.

Man calls himself a humanist. What kind of condescending prick actually does that?

>> No.2748029
File: 54 KB, 620x388, Stephen-Fry_1759789b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 2

Stephen Fry was born in Kazakhstan in 1957 to Mrs Stephanie Fry and Oscar Wilde IV, a clone of Oscar Wilde. His early life was spent traveling the country as part of his parents' goat herding business. When he was 10, he found a magic shrine to Sata.. God which give him the power so that when he made a statement, it automatically became true, and still uses this power to this day. God also gave him the power to be right about everything, and generally more omniscient and awesome than Himself. He attended the London School of Oscar Wilde studies until he was expelled for persistent over-use of paradox. After this he attended Oxford, Cambridge, Yale, and Harvard simultaneously (the phenomenon of multilocation (the ability to be in several places at the same time) being just one of his multifarious talents) while also being Union president of all four as well as the leading light of the Cambrige footlights and Tony Blair's advisor on gayness, doublespeak, non-denial denial, inane-smiling, cherry-picking and never being wrong. Following his graduation with a septuple first (excelling even Wilde who could only manage a double), he began a career of crushing Alan Davies, and enslaving him to his will. Following the enslavement he plans to have him run for parliament and then become prime minister and later he will possess Alan and control the country. It is rumored Stephen's first act as God..umm.. Prime Minister will be to conquer India and then America in order to banish ignorance, together with all forms of normality and heterosexuality from the face of the Earth. He enjoys a very happy, unconsummated marriage to Mrs. Edna Fry who has to date borne him approximately 8 children; though neither of them are really sure or even care.

>> No.2748038
File: 65 KB, 467x700, aperfectlynormalrelationshipbetweenconsentingadults.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no thanks, too hipster for me

>> No.2748046
File: 47 KB, 504x314, HughStephen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Part 3

Stephen and House first met when Stephen, looking for work to pay for his University fees, became House's valet. They instantly fell in love and later went on to create several documentaries about their domestic life, most notably Jeeves and Wooster. However, Stephen's mad love affair with Apple products created a rift between the two, which culminated in the canceling of all their shows and the kidnapping of House by the Americans. Stephen has made several attempts to rescue House. However, all have been unsuccessful because Stephen is just too damned English. Evidence of Stephen's longing for House has, on occasion, leaked out into the public domain - it was recently revealed that Fry had been illegally downloading episodes of "House M.D". just so he could see House.

>> No.2748047

Stephen Fry is a fucking idiot.

>> No.2748053

I'm talking about barely legal ass in general. Not that atrocious pair of pants.

But, seriously. I don't understand why people use this against him.

>> No.2748056

This is fucking hilarious. Are you writing this or copying this from somewhere else?

>> No.2748063



They have a page on most things wikipedia has, but heavily rewritten for comedic effect and include most famous writers; Hunter S Thompsons page is hilarious, as is JK Rowlings.

>> No.2748760

I have the book in physical format, picked it up at my local thrift store. It's actually not a bad primer for writing poetry, not too stuffy.

I kinda wonder what Laurie thinks about Fry's jailbait-ish liaisons.

>> No.2748764

Why would you need a PDF?