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2738874 No.2738874 [Reply] [Original]

I chose UC Berkeley over Brown, for undergrad. I feel like I made the wrong decision. Lit is generally well educated or at least halfway intelligent, any opinions on the matter?

>> No.2738875

you're on 4chan this early in your college career, you won't be graduating.

>> No.2738878

Ones as good as the other. Doesn't make a diff in the long run.

>> No.2738879
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That seems probable

>> No.2738882

Depending on the course, you've either made the right or wrong choice. I'm not American or rich enough to have looked into either but historically Berkley is more Physical Science focused and Brown is well.... Brown, standard Ivy league university pumping out law and med graduates.

>> No.2738884

This. In a hundred years we'll all be dead.

also, you never said what you're studying. we can't tell you what's bette runtil we know the department you're in

>> No.2738896

> In a hundred years we'll all be dead.
I think he meant a few years of experience in any field will trump any sort of school-name prestige.

>> No.2738899
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Thanks for the replies guys

I decided based on the plan of eventually going to medical school but now I think I want to study history or pre-law

I had a full ride to both places

>> No.2738902

yeah and I'm just adding to the futility of it all.

>> No.2738904
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At this point I think I will apply to transfer to Columbia or Yale but I feel like such a fuck

>> No.2738907

Now that people are quoting Keyns, Berkeley's Econ department is pretty funky.

>> No.2738915

compelling word choice for a prospective ivy league graduate.

obvious troll

>> No.2738921

Keynes is a moron and anyone who supports him is a freedom hating statist

>> No.2738922

why would I be trolling.

Who do you think gets into ivy league schools? Rich stereotypical new englanders? It's not 1876 anymore, plenty of the admitted students I met were poor, black, or Hispanic.

>> No.2738924

you need to be smart. you are not smart.

>> No.2738942

So in your opinion "smart" people can't curse? Smart people should realize that arbitrary constructs and limits on language based upon some vague idea of respectability are outdated. These limits are more of a way for the stupid masses to attemp to copy the "smart" rather than how the smart actually speak.

>> No.2738960

clever people can actually express their feelings.

i feel like a fuck is not a description of you. it's meaningless and frustrating to read.

so tell me, how do you feel?

>> No.2738989

Why are you even responding to that person? He's apparently very sheltered.

>> No.2739004

I feel like the road was forked and once I went upon one path, immeasurable other possibilities for my life closed up.

I feel like I want my peers and people all around me to respect me and think of me as accomplished and Brown is an ivy league university and though it was right in my hands, now the "ivy" title can never apply to me. And it kills me that people work their whole lives to achieve a certain social standing and I had a ticket to join the meritocratic American elite and I gave it up. It feels horrible to know that , in retrospect, Brown was the perfect school for me an I have it all up.

9% acceptance rate and I said no!

I feel like the process of choosing and knowing I chose wrong shed an ugly but violently bright light on who I am: weak, not confident, unsure. Basically exactly what I despise.

I feel like

>> No.2739025

Dude, I'm at the summer program right now and I hate it.

I know exactly how you feel.

>> No.2739058

i dont really care. i just wanted you to learned to express yourself