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2727084 No.2727084 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, I checked your sticky but couldn't find any collection of drug books. Could you be so kind as to recommend please - either fiction or non. Preferably psychedelics, but I'm open to anything really.

Thank you.

>> No.2727129

(The above three are non-fiction psychedelics)
Phil Strongman
Tom Wolfe and many others
There are also hundreds of authors who wrote while high like Wilde, King, Dick, Stevenson...

>> No.2727145

Big 3 would be Naked Lunch, Fear and Loathing and Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test, all of which are covered by >>2727129

>> No.2727150

Don't read Terrance McKenna. The guy is a hippy dipshit. Read Alexander Shulgin's PiKAL and THiKAL instead, if you want excellent non-fiction drug books.

>> No.2727159

Sorry, that's actually PiHKAL and TiHKAL.

>> No.2727163

Really? there are about 20 good pages in Pikal/tikal , the rest is like a chem textbook. McKenna is good for preparing a first-timer, has a wealth of knowledge of every psychedelic, and his bat-shit crazy musings are highly entertaining.

>> No.2727174

I don't find him entertaining, I find him obnoxious and pretentious. On the other hand, I think Shulgin has a brilliant clear mind. I liked reading about the chemistry of the drugs, and he does give a report on each substance he synthesized. It's probably the most comprehensive texts on psychedelics I'm aware of.

>> No.2727212

Don't get me wrong, I think Shulgin is a genius, and his work is very useful for people new to drugs as it includes three different dosages for everything. But I personally have always liked McKenna, especially Food of the Gods. He has introduced me to a lot of new theories (panspermia, stoned ape theory...) and led me off on some research tangents. Admittedly most of them go nowhere, but I have always found them interesting.

Fun fact: The UK government banned the entire roster of drugs presented in PiHKAL in a single act without conducting any studies, just because of Shulgins association with MDMA.

>> No.2727254

OK guys, generous anon here. I'm willing to compile a list of "drug books".

How do you think they should be listed:

-Ordered by the drug/s they feature?
-Split into fiction and non-fiction?
-Should I also include a section on books written while high on drugs? (although that might get a bit extensive.)

>> No.2727325
File: 22 KB, 301x400, Secrets-of-Methamphetamine-Manufacture-9781559502238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All three. Inc books like this too.

>> No.2727394

Stoned Ape theory is one of my least favorite "contributions" that McKenna made.

>> No.2727478

If you are just doing the "essentials" I'm not sure there are enough books that focus on individual drugs to categorise them like that.

>> No.2727550

What do you mean?
>Ordered by the drug/s they feature?

If that, then I think you're right, and fiction books that include drugs tend to include more than one anyway.

How much drug use should there be for it to be included? I know of hundreds of books that have a character smoking a joint or snorting the odd line, but i'm not sure if they should be considered.

>> No.2728533


>> No.2729127

Order the fiction by the volume of drugs consumed. Ie fear and loathing first.

>> No.2729253

Has anyone here tried DMT?

Does anyone know of a book like >>2727325 which tells you how to extract it? The various websites and drug forums I've been to all have hundreds of different ways of doing it.

>> No.2729318

Food of the Gods: The Search for the Original Tree of Knowledge A Radical History of Plants, Drugs, and Human Evolution byTerence McKenna is a fun read.

>> No.2729357
File: 71 KB, 250x396, osslg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

McKenna is a much more entertaining speaker than he is a writer.

Of all the books he's written, this was the most influential.

>> No.2729364

Yeah man, I've done dmt a few times and have quite a few friends who have as well. I haven't had fun experiences on it but they have all been great for introspection.

On my highest trip I felt really numb and began get really empathetic for people that use drugs to numb themselves from pain/life.

I started to imagine myself as a crack junky on the side of the free way. All of these business men were driving home from work and when they saw me they all looked really shocked but I could see the compassion in them.

I just found it to be a good trip because of that, I wanted to stop the trip though so I jumped up, started playing guitar and came down pretty quick. I haven't broken through yet.

>> No.2729368

That nigga voice is eery as fuck man. He's a machine elf himself.

>> No.2729382

Congratulations OP, you're now an official part of the literary scum subgroup.

>> No.2729397

Thanks, it feels great.

>> No.2729402
File: 338 KB, 932x700, nonfictiondrugs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have made a small non-fiction collection to get you started. Other than >>2727325 and >>2729357 they are books that I have read.
Does anyone have more non-fiction to contribute? I know there are hundreds, I just want to use the best ones.

>> No.2729418

>Congratulations OP, you're now an official part of the literary scum subgroup.

Relax. Close your eyes. You're in a safe environment. Breathe deeply. Now, to try to visualise the sheer immensity of the fuck that I don't give. Its alright, don't panic. Calm and peaceful, calm and peaceful. Breathe. This is going to take a while, it is enormous.

>> No.2729433

Aldous Huxley - The Doors of Perception
>how has this not been mentioned yet

>> No.2729436

>essential non fiction drug /lit/
>secrets of methamphetamine manufacture

Dude, WTF are you playing at? This guide is for people new to drugs too. You can't have that, it's fucking ridiculous.

>> No.2729539
File: 503 KB, 989x1153, Drugbooks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hows this looking so far? When I have enough books, i'll start making it look pretty.

I have put that in it's own list now, but might scrap it altogether.

C'mon guys. I need some more suggestions, esp fiction.

>> No.2729666

Psychedelic Information Theory - Shamanism in the Age of Reason

Terence Mckenna, dude was a fucking genius

The Spirit Molecule

the psychedelic explorer's guide

>> No.2729670

Nice. Get rid of some of the cocaine books from non-fiction. You have 3, but completely neglect a lot of other drugs. If you keep them you need to expand the collection five times.

>> No.2729833

A few more for your pathetically small fiction section:
Go Ask Alice - Beatrice Sparks
The Basketball Diaries - Jim Carroll
The Man With the Golden Arm - Nelson Algren
Diary of a Drug Fiend - Aleister Crowley
Brand New Cherry Flavour - Todd Grimson
Candy - Luke Davies

Seeing as you have an Escobar autobiography already, how about:
Scar Tissue - Anthony Keidis.

>> No.2730013

No goddamit, I said get rid of that methamphetmine manufacture book not give it it's own fucking category. Take out all of those cocaine books and that ecstasy one too; they're not essential reading. Everything else is fine thought. You might want to have biographies in their own category though, but I would get rid of them completely, almost all famous autobiographies are going to include drug use.

Can be included too, except Go ask Alice - I think it's YA. And there are still quite a few more that can be added. Use google.

>> No.2730027
File: 498 KB, 989x1153, No.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here. Take these books out, and either move bio's or take them out too. Whatever you do make sure to get rid of that fucking methamphetamine book.

>> No.2730034
File: 88 KB, 360x582, A-Scanner-Darkly-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Scanner Darkly is great.

>> No.2730042

I'd replace A Scanner Darkly with The Three Stigmata of Palmer Eldrich. Also, if it's not too much Huxley, add in Island as well. Whatever you do, don't add in Go Ask Alice.

>> No.2730043
File: 13 KB, 201x199, 1339429931416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god, get rid of Crank and Requiem for a Dream. What the fuck were you thinking?

>> No.2730049

Crank is shit. I'm glad he didn't add Glass, but Requiem for a dream is worthy of that list.

>> No.2730055
File: 33 KB, 499x321, 1327103871048.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Requiem for a Dream is bathetic as fuck -- it's blatant anti-drug propaganda for the IQ 140 crowd. Yeah, if you detest all mind altering substances in all forms and enjoy Dickens-style pathos/sentimentality, it's a good read, but it really doesn't belong on this list.

>> No.2730057

>Doing drugs
>the year two-thousand and twelve, common era

>> No.2730067
File: 74 KB, 547x467, meth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nigga, what's your problem with the meth book? Its not just a meth cookbook. Every book by uncle fester has a huge underground following. I just went to amazon and 1st editions are going for $2,000 (pic related). The LSD ones are so rare they can sell for over $6,000. He has achieved a status akin to the Jolly Roger with the anarchist cookbook. I think he should keep it in there, at least the LSD one.

>> No.2730072

Why is Acid Test under fiction?

>> No.2730075

>Not doing drugs
>the year two-thousand and twelve, common era

>> No.2730089

On the road should be non-fiction too.

>> No.2730114

Yeah, definitely put On The Road in non-fiction. There isn't a book store in the world that classifies Kerouac as fiction. He's renowned as one of the greatest biographers of the 20th century.

>> No.2730133

"On the road is an autobiographical work based on the spontaneous cross-country adventures of Kerouac and his friends during the middle of the 20th century."

>> No.2730382
File: 767 KB, 1046x1579, Updated.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the recommendations guys, they have been added. I got rid of that meth book... and the others, but kept the LSD one as the other guy who said about the 1st editions had a valid point. I shall sort out the layout tomorrow and probably add the individual book names, as well as adding some more.

Please point out all the ones I have missed, or ones you think should be included.

>> No.2730392

Put the meth book back, there was literally no reason to delete it. The other anon just needs to quit bitching because he doesn't like meth.

>> No.2730413

I don't know of any books but I would like to make some suggestions about sorting them.
Instead of doing it with fiction/non-fiction, you should sort them by drug type, and just have a color-coded outline to say if they're non-fiction or not.

>> No.2730418

Don't read books about psychedelics, that's hippie crap, read books about boozing and sex.

Just kidding, but everyone is allowed to enjoy what they want. Don't tell OP to disregard Mckenna's whimsical surreal pseudo-sci-fi descriptions of the psychedelic kingdom in favor of the cold, objective and chemically-weighted descriptions of Shulgin.
I love them both.

>> No.2730423

You guys fucking suck and where it the classics?

Confessions of an English Opium Eater
Novel of Cocaine or something by some Russian dude.

>> No.2730479

Meth book will be reinstated.

I was debating sorting them like that, but most drug books seem to be about heroin and the others feature more than one drug. I could try to split them - depressants, stimulants, and psychedelics, then add subcategories where possible. Where does fear and loathing go?

>Confessions of an English Opium Eater
It's there, bottom left.
>Novel of Cocaine or something by some Russian dude.
Do you mean Generation "П"?

>> No.2730494

Maybe you could have a color coded outline based on what drug type is being consumed (for example, depressants=blue, stimulants=orange, psychedelics=green, and a variety=pink).

Also, should Confessions of a Mask be on there? Its focus is mostly on depersonalization, but it has a lot of alcohol/morphine use.

>> No.2730517
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 9780618465132.zoom.1[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"The Natural Mind" by Andrew Weil

He argues that our desire for altering our state of consciousness is as much of a drive as eating or sex.

>> No.2730528


>> No.2730543

there is a lot of non-fiction literature from the 50s and 60s appearing in botany journals, as well as a dedicated book, 'The Psychedelic Review'. some articles include 'Botanical Sources of the New World Narcotics' and 'The Unfolding Panorama of the New World Hallucinogens' (written by serious botany professors who couldn't believe what the fuck they were coming across in Oaxaca).

there's also an anthro text titled 'The Visionary Vine', which is almost completely about ayahuasca.

>> No.2730562
File: 36 KB, 690x349, WelcomeImg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats wrong with crank? it's all about crystal meth. OP you need to add all of these books.

>> No.2730660

I actually, unrelated to the thread, started reading Naked Lunch today. Halfway through and I can say that the book is rather intense.

I've watched
scanner darkly
fear and loathing

would recommend those as well

>> No.2730730



>> No.2730856

Make a key, with symbols for each drug. Then you can include the relevant symbols next to the books. You could take things like needles, pills, cannabis leaves... make silhouettes and put them in little circles, or something like that.

>> No.2731115

Depending on your definition of the word drug, not doing drugs is impossible unless you're dead and fuck knows what happens after that.

>> No.2731133

Op put up Wild:An Elemental Journey. It deals with ayahuasca usage for depression and many other topics dealing with missionaries fucking up native peoples etc. It's very well written.

>> No.2731204

cant belive nobodys mentioned it yet

read "Island" by Aldous Huxley

everyone brings up brave new world before discussing him but that was before he started using psychedelics

he only wrote island when he learned he had about 2 years left to live, all of his wisdom and hope and advice for humanity was put into it

as well as a perfect example of how to integrate hallucinogens perfectly into soceity

>> No.2731210


>> No.2731211

it was mentioned and it's on the sticky one of the guys has been making in this thread.

>> No.2731223

i've done dmt. it was overwhelming and great. from what i understand, dmt is a simple A/B (acid/base) extraction

>> No.2731227


Confirmed for somebody who has never done drugs before.

>> No.2731234


>> No.2731254

i would recommend two more books

Storming Heaven: LSD and the American Dream by Jay Stevens
is an excellent historical overview of the psychedelic movement

Orange Sunshine: The Brotherhood of Eternal Love and Its Quest to Spread Peace, Love, and Acid to the World by Nicholas Schou
is another history book. it focuses on the guys that were making most of the acid and importing tons of marijuana/hash

>> No.2731281

>Guy very, very likely eats junk food, willingly drinks fucking fluoride water, takes what ever drugs his doctors and shrink's tell him to take, probably drinks alcohol and smokes ciggerattes occasionally or all the time, probably drinks coffee or energy drinks.
>Makes fun of people for wanted to read about drugs/people doing a few "drugs' that happen to be illegal in some countries, legal in others.
>Thinks the word drug means the illegal stuff mummy and daddy said you aren't allowed to have.

It sucks when so many people are like this. Maybe this guy isn't but an overwhelming majority of people are.

>> No.2731341


Lol dude, here's the thing: I'm not bothered that you...think...you're mocking me, but I do think it's funny that you're trying to tell me what drugs are and I think it's fairly obvious you've never done them and are not in a position to make a comment on drug use or users.

>> No.2731357





>> No.2731682


Babbys toy status:

[ ]Safely in pram
[x]Thrown from pram

>> No.2732092

Hows the chart coming along?

>> No.2732162

I think he probably has tried drugs. His hatred seems to focus on cannabis, so it's quite likely that he tried smoking a joint at a party, couldn't handle it, and threw up all over himself. This has forced him to conclude that the problem isn't him being a pussy, but the millions of other people who enjoy smoking it.

>> No.2732349
File: 297 KB, 914x747, Layout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got home about an hour ago, and have just been messing around with the layout. You guys wanted to have the drugs listed relevant to the books, so I drew a key with symbols, but i'm not sure if I like it or not. I really don't like having Meth in the same group as Ecstasy either and the whole thing will have to be made smaller as there are 70 books to fit in now.

Any feedback would be appreciated.

>> No.2732363

Naked Lunch has Heroin in it

>> No.2732369

Looks good.

>> No.2732370

Really. I thought it was just bug powder? Is that the bit where he goes to Morocco and ends up starfished in the docks?

Quite a lot of the other books in the list I haven't read, so may well include other drugs. I'll just post the list when I've done them all and let you guys point out the corrections.

Do you think that layouts ok?

>> No.2732379

The first reference is the opening line, and there's a very visceral bit where a needle gets stuck which I'm struggling to find as NL is a bitch to skim

>> No.2732384
File: 437 KB, 1166x800, 1332308122499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost Transparent Blue by Ryu Murakami has a great description of a mescaline trip in it. Very trippy, and scary when they realize where they've accidentally driven in real life as it starts to wear off (who goes for a drive on mescaline? Crazy people). Also near-heroin overdose, some weed, plenty of alcohol... if you're looking to read something that'll shock you, this'll probably do the trick.
pic tenuously related

>> No.2732410

>who goes for a drive on mescaline?

After reading some trip reports, I was so terrified that I would end up driving when I took ayahuasca that I hid my keys in the loft.

>> No.2732511


>Haven't broken through yet.

What do you mean by that?

>> No.2732536

Not that guy, but there is a threshold dose with DMT that you need to cross. As you get close to it reality gets a bit warped and twisted, then when you cross it feels like being catapulted into space sideways through a evaporating USB port.

>> No.2732553

drugs are lame
>not understanding that sexual exploration is thoroughly more exciting than anything drug related

unless your use of drugs is sexual, then I guess I can get it

>> No.2732575


Drugs are easier to procure than pussy.

>> No.2732580

And sometimes taste nicer too.

>> No.2732587


Are you going to add this guide to the Wiki?

>> No.2732592

>Drugs vs Sex

Pretty hard decision. But in the end I think I'd have to chose drugs. Every time you dose your whole consciousness is put on an entirely different level. Sex is just an extension of the level we're already on. Sex is pretty predictable and planar. Drug experiences are multi-faceted and suprising.

I don't know though. A hottie bent over a table or desk is quite the thrill, but no......definitely drugs.

>> No.2732602

Are you saying this after having experience sex with someone?

>> No.2732604

i don't know about drugs, but i definitely prefer ice cream over sex

>> No.2732620

I am saying this after having experienced sex with multiple people; form casual one night stands to long term relationships with light BDSM, and every drug listed in that picture >>2732349 except meth.

Sex releases the same chemicals in your brain every single time. With a variety of drugs you can release an orgy of different chemicals into your brain whenever you want and have a vastly wider range of experiences.

>> No.2732627

>except meth.
and soma, adrenochrome and bugpowder.

>> No.2733285

>it feels like being catapulted into space sideways through a evaporating USB port.
Jesus fucking christ, that sounds awesome.

>> No.2733350
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Artificial Paradises by Charles Baudelaire is an essential read.

>> No.2733358


>Not mentioning its brother-book, "Heaven & Hell".

That and "The Doors" are the only drug books I've read I think, besides "The Emperor Wears No Clothes".

>> No.2733434

>it feels like being catapulted into space sideways through a evaporating USB port.

I know that feel. I always describe dmt as like using the startrek teleporter. You exist in that split second where your body has been disassembled and flies through the air as a digital signal. It's just so different from anything you have felt before, it's Alice's rabbit hole. The emergency exit to the universe that your not really supposed to use, but sneak out for 10 mins for a crafty smoke.

>> No.2733436

I swear I see this thread every time I go on /lit/. UPDATE THE FUCKING STICKY ALREADY

>> No.2733467

Chill Winston, somebody is actually compiling a list.