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/lit/ - Literature

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2723927 No.2723927 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/, is The Time Traveler's Wife a good book? I'm in the middle of reading it. It's not a bad book, I quite like it, but I can't shake the feeling that I'm disappointed, that I was expecting it to be better.

Did /lit/ like it?

>> No.2724608

>Is this book good?
>In the middle of reading it.

Holy shit, OP, make your own fucking decisions. Do you really just crowdsource all your opinions on 4chan? You're HALFWAY THROUGH THE FUCKING BOOK and you can't decide for yourself if you like it or not?

And you finish with "Did /lite/ like it?"

As if that will affect your decisions. No forum or board is one hivemind. It's a collection of individual thoughts and voices, like the one you SHOULD have. Stop relying on others to tell you what to like. If you've already invested this much time in a book it's up to you whether to finish it or not.

When you're done with it and someone asks you what you think, are you going to google that question before answering them?

Jesus Christ.

>> No.2724614

Jesus Christ, you're an angry motherfucker.

>> No.2724622

And I came to be that way on my own. Not because someone told me to be.

>> No.2724625
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>> No.2724631
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>> No.2724648
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You're a stupid fucker who managed to misinterpret my entire post and you're proud of that?
I'm not asking for an opinion to latch onto, I genuinely wanted to know what the general consensus here on /lit/ has to offer on the book. Guess that's what I fucking get for coming to a literature board, huh?

Also, you're implying that the only reason to actually listen to someone's opinion is because you want to adopt it.

>> No.2724668
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>> No.2724681

OP here. This guy is just stirring shit up. Probably the same guy that yelled at me for no reason.

What the hell is wrong with this board?

>> No.2724682
File: 48 KB, 460x291, c15JB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished this book and half want to shank myself in the eyes for reading it.
I like time travel romance stories, but it all felt so contrived and the style of writing just set me right off. Along with the sex scenes every other frakking chapter.
I got into it a bit towards the end, but then it dragged on and did a complete shift in tone before finally ending and just ruined the whole almost-redeeming ending for me.
So, no I didn't really like it.
Steins;Gate did time travel romance a million times better, and that was animus.

>> No.2724690

OP here. Thanks for the opinion. Now I have something to tell people when they ask what I thought of this book.

>> No.2724695
File: 102 KB, 500x349, fathomfathom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, great job! You're so clever. I can't possibly measure up to your cunning.

>> No.2724696

Haven't read the book. I liked the movie. It was good, for what it was. Even had me tear up a bit.

>> No.2724705

I'm downvoting this thread.

>> No.2724709

OP stop arguing with yourself samefag. This entire thread is one guy.

>> No.2724713

So you're OP as well, and me?

>> No.2724720

Why the fuck did you expect it to be good? It's pulp.

>> No.2724728

I'm not entirely sure. I got it from one of those roll threads we have on here sometimes, and I went, what the hell. That and it was hot shit a while back.

>> No.2724729

How do you downvote a thread?

>> No.2724794

you don't, but bumping it the way y'all both just did has the opposite effect. a neutral reply by typing sage in the email field is the only provision available.