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File: 380 KB, 568x335, rustle-jimmies-origin-594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2719460 No.2719460 [Reply] [Original]

crisis existencialis general

>> No.2719560

fuck you guys, I'm gonna make a leap to God


>> No.2719562

Let's try and refrain from the shitty /r9k/ memes, eh?

>> No.2719575
File: 12 KB, 623x552, evil_rand.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is from the vidya.

>> No.2719598

Is this another way of saying you're going to commit suicide? Because if so, I love it.

>> No.2719612

"lies in the recognition of absurdity. If the absurd experience is truly the realization that the universe is fundamentally devoid of absolutes, then we as individuals are truly free."

>true freedom

>being free from constraints
>being in the universe
>being constrained by the universe
>being free
>truly free


Any good book to delude myself to belive in some bullshit someone has made up so I stop thinking about this shit?

>> No.2719621


>> No.2719617

Yeah, everything is bullshit if It isn't existentialist or nihilist.
eat shit and die you fucking ass.

you're all wrong, unique, unoriginal, depressing, boring, bumptious fools.
your form of depression isn't even a passionate artistic kind, just a plain 'ole KILL YOURSELF

>> No.2719631


The only way to truly abnegate the constraints of the universe is to dissolve the ego and kill oneself. The reason it seems so unreasonable is because of the sociobiological imperative to propagate and the fear and unknowability of not existing.

Having said that, I intend to exist for as long as I can happily because I have all the time in the universe (maybe more thereafter) to not exist.

>> No.2719634

>dat wrongness
>dat arrogance

>> No.2719641


Lol he mad?

Cool defence mechanism bro. Keep it delusional

"In a world devoid of higher meaning or judicial afterlife, the human being becomes as close to absolutely free as is humanly possible." Ok that's better.

But really, I haven't read any of these existentialists, where should I start? Something hopeful and positively minded would be preffered

>> No.2719646

I'm glad I realized how wrong those beliefs are when I was 15.

stay wrong

>> No.2719650

>Lol he mad?
>cool, bro

reported, typical average 4channer with their same wrong and popular (which means wrong) absurdest beliefs.

>> No.2719661


Suicide = no more blowjobs for you

>> No.2719662
File: 44 KB, 755x1255, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Swell argument, chap.

>> No.2719667

As if you ever had one in the first place.

>> No.2719670


>stay wrong

9/10 would read again

>> No.2721070
File: 9 KB, 255x120, laughing_whoorse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saying someone else is wrong
>not saying why they're wrong

You're wrong.